The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 484: Palace fighting is worse than rebellion (21)

[The heroine took the villain script] []


How stupid!

As soon as the news of Emperor Yongcheng's "draft" spread, all the courtiers had such thoughts in their hearts.

Feng Shou felt a deep sense of powerlessness.

He really wanted to run to the imperial mausoleum and cry to the late emperor: Dear, it's not that I don't want to help your son, it's just that he is too willful and I can't help him!

However, Feng Shou still felt grateful for the late emperor's kindness in knowing him and the friendship between the two of them seeking to conquer the world together.

Knowing clearly that trying to dissuade him would arouse the emperor's dissatisfaction and even resentment, Feng Shou still bit the bullet and entered the palace.

This time, Feng Shou did not say any official articles, but explained all the dangers of choosing a concubine.

He almost broke these truths apart and crushed them, and told Emperor Yongcheng bit by bit.

He showed the utmost patience and said good and bad things to one car after another.

As a result...the gloominess on Emperor Yongcheng's face became more and more serious, and his whole person was on the verge of breaking out.

Seeing the little emperor sitting high on the throne and feeling the cold aura emanating from him from the inside out, Feng Shou suddenly felt relieved.

A big stone in his heart seemed to be moved away bit by bit.

Before Emperor Yongcheng broke out completely, Feng Shou stopped talking.

"Your Majesty, I hope you will think twice!"

Not only the reform of the salt administration, but also the "draft" should not be rushed.

"Feng Zhongshu ordered, I know, you can go down!"

Emperor Yongcheng bit his back molars and squeezed out these words from between his teeth.

Feng Shou: ...Well, I don’t even want to call him “Master Feng” anymore.

If you still tell him to "go down", you are treating him as a slave.

Although Feng Shou kept in mind the late emperor's final instructions, he also cherished the teacher-student friendship with the young emperor.

However, he is proud at heart.

Back then, he even dared to rebel against his family, and even some of his nominal relatives died in front of him, and he was not moved at all.

... ... ?

His heart is as hard as iron, he has clear grudges, and he is by no means the kind of pedantic and stubborn fool.

Emperor Yongcheng had disappointed Feng Shou after all.

"Here! I obey the order!"

Feng Shou solemnly bowed to Emperor Yongcheng, and then slowly exited the hall.

Although he is thin and old, his posture is upright and his every move reflects the style of a noble family.

The crimson court uniform made him look like a celebrity wearing a wide-sleeved robe.

Looking at Feng Shou's back, Emperor Yongcheng suddenly felt inexplicably uneasy.

It seemed as if something was leaving him little by little.

Let's talk about Feng Shou. He walked out of the Manlu Palace and slowly walked out of the palace along the palace road.

When passing by a certain palace, he couldn't help but stop and look at it.

This is the residence of Queen Mother He. I heard that after she retired from the former court, she worked with several female maids and female ministers to create a "Bowen Museum".

It was said that the royal collection of books was to be sorted out, and a large reward was offered to collect private collections of books.

In addition, Queen Mother He also recruited some children from aristocratic and noble families who were good at reading to join the museum.

Reading, copying and collecting books, learning and summarizing the etiquette of past dynasties seems to be very busy.

The big shots in the court were worried that Queen Mother He would not be willing to delegate power and would compete with the emperor or powerful officials for power.

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At this time, I saw that Queen Mother He did not continue to interfere in the government affairs, but established a "new government office".

Although the Museum and the like seem to have some rights, they are newly developed.

It does not conflict with the inherent sphere of influence of the courtiers.

Moreover, to be overly utilitarian, there is one more "yamen", and nobles and aristocratic families also have one more official position for their children to "shadow".

Yes, official position!

The Bowen Museum also has a formal official office!

There are museum owners, bachelors, school clerks, and historians... Their grades may not be high, but they are better than noble ones.

The subordinate officials of the museum have a strong appetite for aristocratic families...?


Even some martial arts families want to send their children who can only wield swords and guns to the museum to be nurtured and nurtured. Maybe they can really get some literary talent.

Therefore, although the museum established by the Empress Dowager He was somewhat criticized by the court and the central government, the three ministers and the leaders of the political affairs hall did not stop it too much.

The first head of the museum selected by Queen Mother He was none other than Wang Shijiu's sixth uncle, Wang Yuan's youngest son.

This Wang Liulang can be regarded as a famous person in Beijing.

Born into a top-notch family, he was knowledgeable and talented, but he had no intention of pursuing an official career.

When he was young, he traveled around the world with one person and one sword. It was called "study tour", but in fact he traveled all over the world.

And his talent and fame also followed his footsteps, spreading from north to south, and from east to west.

When he passed his thirties and returned to the capital, he was already a well-known celebrity in the country.

His own talent and reputation have overshadowed his status as a son of an aristocratic family.

He seems to be the target pursued by scholars and the idol of Qingliu literati.

The Empress Dowager He was able to invite him to serve as the owner of the museum, which was a great effort.

Of course, Wang Shijiu also played a very important role.

Wang Da Mingshi was not married and had no children. He loved his niece Jiu Niang the most.

Therefore, when Wang Shijiu ran up to him, told him about his political ambitions, and explained the significance of the museum, Wang Liulang agreed.

Wang Liulang was so famous that people in the world only remembered him as a famous scholar and almost forgot that he was the son of Wang Langya.

However, the old foxes in the court will not forget it.

Wang Liulang became the owner of the museum. Does this mean that the aristocratic families represented by the Wang family are very supportive of the museum.

Going one step further, can they speculate: Queen Mother He formed an alliance with the aristocratic family? !

Not only the courtiers had such speculations, Emperor Yongcheng, who became suspicious and jealous, also felt a threat.

Okay, I knew that, as a good mother, I took the initiative to withdraw... ?

Let, in fact, people are retreating in order to advance.

One thing on the surface but another behind the scenes. Could it be that back then my father would——

Emperor Yongcheng clenched his teeth hard to suppress the speculation that he was "treasonous and unethical".

But the anger in his chest could not be suppressed no matter what.


Queen Mother He! !

Both of these were hated by the late emperor. As a filial son who admired his father wholeheartedly, Emperor Yongcheng naturally had to uphold his father's legacy.

He will burn the first fire on Yanzheng, and he is also declaring war on the aristocratic family.

Oh no, he is not an impulsive young man who only knows how to fight with each other. He is "taking the heat out of the cauldron".

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Why can aristocratic families attract customers and win people's hearts? Isn't it because they are rich enough?

Those who have money are like aristocratic people, and those who don't have money, tsk tsk, are poor and elegant.

The reason why the aristocratic family is so rich is because they occupy too many resources.

Salt fields, mines, fertile fields... these should have belonged to the imperial court.

Even if it is owned by an individual, adequate taxes should be paid.

However, what the aristocratic family is best at is hiding their fields and households, and wantonly encroaching on the government's interests.

During the reign of the late Emperor, he severely rectified the problem of hidden fields. At the beginning of the founding of the People's Republic of China, he re-registered and sorted out the fields in the world.

However, there are still too many loopholes in local implementation of government orders.

For example, those aristocratic families and powerful people were considered local emperors, and even officials appointed by the court did not dare to provoke them too much.

The late emperor's New Deal took several years to implement and achieved little results.

The late emperor finally realized the root of the problem - the aristocratic family!

As long as this huge interest class exists, it is impossible for the emperor to truly control the entire world.

So the late emperor began to intensify divisions and suppress aristocratic families, and also introduced a policy of selecting officials through examinations.

It's a pity that he died too early, and these plans were just the beginning and were not implemented at all.

Emperor Yongcheng thought of this and shook his hand... ?

Fist, secretly swore in his heart: "Father, don't worry, your unfinished business will be completed by me!"

Not only the salt policy, but also the official selection system must be reformed!

Emperor Yongcheng was full of ambition and high morale.

Although the issue of salt administration reform was raised for the first time, it was opposed by both civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty.

However, Emperor Yongcheng was very insistent and showed the "dominance" that an emperor should have. He said forcefully: "Change! It must be changed!"


The eyes they looked at Emperor Yongcheng showed no awe for the monarch, but a touch of helplessness and sadness - where did this naughty kid come from?

I really thought that the court was just playing house.

You are the emperor, and what you say will be carried out by the courtiers?

Hey, let's just dream, after all, there is everything in dreams.

They secretly cursed in their hearts, but the courtiers could not say it out loud. They lowered their heads, as if they were shocked by Emperor Yongcheng's "powerful spirit".

In fact, they were afraid that they would laugh out loud if they couldn't help it.

It was Wang Yuan and other big bosses who were more able to hold on. Not only were they not suspected of being rude, but they looked serious and nodded from time to time, as if they had really listened to Emperor Yongcheng's decrees.

Just at this moment, An Guogong jumped out and said: "I propose to re-register the salt fields and formulate salt water standards!"

Tao Yong, the Duke of Dingguo, has a sinister look in his eyes. He is very good. What a great fool. You have worked hard to become the head of the country.

Yes, this Duke An Guo was one of the "Yue Family" selected by Emperor Yongcheng.

Just two days ago, Emperor Yongcheng consecrated An Guogong's second daughter as a virtuous concubine, ranking among the fourth concubines, second only to the queen.

Emperor Yongcheng also transferred some rights in charge of the harem from Queen Tao and handed it over to Concubine Han Xian.

With the title of concubine and a certain degree of real power, Emperor Yongcheng showed enough sincerity to the Duke Anguo.

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Anguo Gong was also quick and went directly to the staff in the government and wrote a memorial proposing reform of the salt policy in accordance with the emperor's wishes.

... ... ?

In the court hall, Duke An Guo, a rough old man who was not well versed in writing, stumbled and finished reading the memorial. Everyone in the court was silent except for peeking at Tao Yong's face.

Tao Yong: ... Damn, I know you bastards are watching my joke.

Lao Tzu, Lao Tzu——

Damn it, I was really blind, I thought the little emperor was a good thing.

However, even though his daughter was married, she was still his favorite daughter, and Tao Yong couldn't really break up with the emperor.

Now all he can do is to disagree or disagree and just be a clay sculpture.

Finally, Wang Yuan took the lead to express his position, "Your Majesty is wise, and I second my opinion."

Wang Yuan spoke, and the courtiers who followed him, although they were murmuring in their hearts, they all followed him and shouted "I second my opinion."

Although some people hesitated and did not express their opinions, most people agreed.

Emperor Yongcheng, who was aloof, saw that most of the courtiers were kneeling in agreement, and he suddenly felt like he was in control of everything.

"Father! Did you see that my son did it!"

Emperor Yongcheng felt his heart surge, and endless pride suddenly arose in his chest.

He Tiantian: ...You silly boy, do you really think that people agree with your decree?

Everyone is just waiting to see you cause trouble.

Of course, as a villain who was also waiting to "watch the show", He Tiantian saw through the situation without revealing it, and did not even think about reminding him.

Besides, even if she ran to remind Emperor Yongcheng, Emperor Yongcheng would mistakenly think that she, the Queen Mother, was unwilling to delegate power and wanted to control him!

He Tiantian would never do such a thankless and stupid thing!

Instead of wasting time with the Barbecued Pork Emperor, it would be better to continue busy with her career.

He Tiantian is very busy, very busy.

In addition to continuing to make secret arrangements, she also has to look after the museum.

This was her first step towards reaching the court.

Not as a regent in charge of the government, but as a woman trapped in the harem.

One day, she... ?

He walked to the court in an upright manner, and it was definitely not because of any edict or other reasons.

Emperor Yongcheng breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that Queen Mother He did not "make trouble".

He implemented his decrees vigorously, and while he was busy, he also admitted several women from the Wuxun family into the palace.

The two concubine positions of Shu and De were also taken.

Among the four concubines, only one "noble concubine" is left.

It's not that Emperor Yongcheng forgot, but that he left this concubine position to his favorite little childhood sweetheart Zheng Nian'er.

After nearly half a year, Emperor Yongcheng finally brought Zheng Nian'er back and "strongly" made her a noble concubine.

Several Wu Xuns who sent their daughters to the palace said: ...The dog emperor who steps on his mother, you are playing with me!

Tao Yong was so angry that this time the little emperor didn't just slap him in the face, but stabbed the Tao family in the chest.

That’s all for others, but it’s Zheng’s daughter!

This little bitch had deliberately spread rumors and made their young Wei lose face.

Originally, according to Tao Yong's violent temper, the entire Zheng family was tortured to death.

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However, Mrs. Hu was still smart and sent her children away in time. As for the old couple, they also stayed at home and acted like bastards.

Seeing that the Zheng family was quite sensible, but Tao Yong didn't want to completely anger the little emperor, he didn't kill them all.

As a result, less than half a year later, Zheng Nian'er came back and became a concubine second only to the queen.

The moment Tao Yong heard the news, he almost went to the palace with a sword in hand.

If Tao Yong is like this, let alone Queen Tao.

She directly smashed all the porcelain in the room. The originally exquisite and gorgeous palace was as miserable as a typhoon passing through.

Queen Tao felt that she was not angry enough, so she sat on the ruins and rested for a while.

When she regained her strength, she directly drew out her soft whip and attacked Zheng Nian'er's palace with great force.

However, Queen Tao missed the point——

"What? That bitch was summoned by the Queen Mother?"

... ... ?

# Empress Tao was stunned for a moment, then showed a proud smile.

Looking at the entire palace, she, Tao Youwei, is definitely not the person who hates Zheng Nian'er the most.

There is also Queen Mother He. This ancestor simply hates that despicable and shameless mother and daughter...


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