The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 485: Palace fighting is worse than rebellion (22)

[The heroine took the villain script] []

"Tiantian, this is the wild traitor!"

There was obvious disappointment in the mechanical voice of Little D’s classmate.

"Yeah!" He Tiantian responded perfunctorily and continued to use his spiritual sense to explore.

After practicing in recent months, He Tiantian's consciousness can now cover the entire palace.

As early as the moment Zheng Nian'er entered the palace, she detected the existence of the energy fluctuation.

Well, how to describe it.

It's also an energy group. Little D makes people feel very comfortable and has such a positive presence.

As for that wild creature, it gives people a gloomy and cold feeling.

If we use color to distinguish, Xiao D’s classmate has a warm light tone, and Ye Tong has a sinister dark tone.

Now, He Tiantian called Zheng Nian'er closer and observed carefully. She could detect the existence of the wild system more clearly——

Deep in Zheng Nian'er's sea of ​​consciousness, there was a mass of black gas tightly entrenched.


He Tiantian sighed slightly in her heart.

Originally, she wanted to separate the wild system from the depths of Zheng Nian'er's sea of ​​consciousness.

Through the plots of the first and second versions, He Tiantian knew that Zheng Nianer did not want to be bound to this so-called "Palace Fighting System".

It's a wild system playing hooligans, and it's a forcible binding.

Moreover, looking at the original plot of the first version, the character of Zheng Nian'er, a time-traveling woman, is still very good.

Maybe a little selfish, maybe a little double standards, but he is definitely not a treacherous or evil person.

She is just an ordinary person, with a bottom line and three views. She also uses her knowledge beyond this era to benefit the entire Dayuan Dynasty.

Although such a heroine is not perfect, she still has positive energy and is fully worthy of the heroine's aura blessed by world consciousness.

He Tiantian couldn't bear to let her be kidnapped by the rogue system. Under the coercion of the "mission", she gradually turned into an unrecognizable villain.

He Tiantian is not the Virgin, but she always feels that Zheng Nian'er is also a person persecuted by the "virus".

She came to kill the virus, not only to eliminate the virus, but also to save the innocent heroine who was harmed by the virus.


Although the level of this wild system is not high, the black air mass looks very ugly.

But it was nailed to the depths of Zheng Nian'er's consciousness and closely connected with her soul.

If He Tiantian forcibly peels it off, it is very likely that Zheng Nian'er's soul will be damaged.

If he doesn't do it right, Zheng Nian'er will lose his mind. Not to mention that he will burp for the rest of his life. He will not even have the chance to be reincarnated or travel back to modern times!

He Tiantian didn't want her to end up in such a miserable end.

He Tiantian thought about it for a moment, and then quietly started running the Wuji Art of his junior uncle in his body.

However, this time she did not absorb the spiritual energy around her, but aimed at the black gas deep in Zheng Nian'er's sea of ​​consciousness.

Dian Niang Library gave her a gift package for renewing her contract, which means she can absorb the energy of the virus.

Now, the "virus" has evolved into the so-called "Palace Fighting System."

He Tiantian can also be absorbed.

She was worried about Zheng Nian'er and didn't want to peel it off directly, so she would absorb it bit by bit.

As Wuji Jue operated, wisps of black gas were drawn out from the depths of Zheng Nian'er's sea of ​​consciousness.

He Tiantian is very cautious, and the Wuji Jue of Junior Master Uncle is higher than the cultivation method of immortality in this novel world, so even the palace fighting system is not aware of it.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

The wisps of energy were absorbed by He Tiantian. Not only did the Gongdou System not notice anything, it also continued to assign tasks to Zheng Nian'er——

"Ding! Counterattack Queen Mother He,

If you succeed in getting slapped in the face once, you will be rewarded with 'Yan Fei Feng Wu'; if you fail the task, you will gain ten kilograms in weight! "

He Tiantian: ...What kind of rewards and punishments are these? !

Classmate Little D was also a little speechless. The wild system is the wild system, and the tasks released are so difficult to explain in words.

Alas, it is simply a shame to "unify" the world.

He Tiantian and Xiao D are united by one person, and their current levels are much higher than those in the Gongdou system.

Now they are standing face to face again, so they can clearly "hear" the tasks issued by the Gongdou System.

It’s the task itself—

Tsk tsk!

He Tiantian didn't want to comment too much.

Moreover, she suddenly felt that although Ye Tong was a bit rogue, he also understood women's thoughts very well.

Even a normal woman with upright views and bottom line will have a hard time resisting the temptation to become beautiful, thin and versatile!

Perhaps, in the end, the wild system relied on playing rogue to forcefully bind Zheng Nian'er.

But during the so-called mission process, Zheng Nian'er should also have enjoyed the convenience of mission rewards, and then gradually became a slave of the system.

He Tiantian is not saying that Zheng Nian'er is wrong. People are greedy and will sit back and enjoy their gains. This is just human nature.

Zheng Nian'er may have resisted, but in the end he gave in. At best, he was not firm enough.

...Forget it, He Tiantian won't judge how Zheng Nian'er is.

She is just a writer, not the judge of everyone. As long as she has a clear conscience, that's all!

He Tiantian continued to absorb energy without leaving a trace. She almost absorbed all the energy belonging to the novel world that Ye Xiong had stolen through his "mission" and after coming into contact with Emperor Yongcheng.


The amount of this energy was not too much, but it made He Tiantian's consciousness change.

She found that she seemed to have her "eyes in the sky" opened, and she could clearly capture the color of the air masses flowing in the air.

It's not that He Tiantian couldn't feel it in the past.

She practiced the Wuji Jue of her junior uncle, and her spiritual consciousness gradually became stronger.

He Tiantian can clearly feel the spiritual energy, yin energy, evil spirit and other different energy gases around her.

However, she cannot "see" the colors and shapes of those gases like comics or film and television special effects.

Because the gas itself is colorless and invisible.

The so-called aura, evil spirit, etc. are just the feelings given to people.

But now, because He Tiantian has absorbed the energy of the wild system, He Tiantian seems to have been blessed with film and television special effects BUFF, and can clearly see the colors of all air masses.

White, yellow, red and bling gold.

Ordinary people's Qi is basically white, or mixed with a hint of yellow.

People who have done wrong things and committed greed are colored yellow, and those who have made more serious mistakes are also mixed with a little red.

The madmen who have killed people, committed crimes, and committed heinous crimes are all scarlet.

As for the shining one, there is no one else except Zhao Gui, the hero of this small world.

This is probably also the so-called "dragon energy".

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

Zhao Gui is both the male protagonist and the emperor, and he has golden light to protect his body.

This kind of golden light may be accumulated by the so-called good deeds and virtues in previous lives, or it may be the halo of the male protagonist directly blessed by world consciousness.

But no matter what the situation is, it is a very energetic existence.

Ye Tong's goal should also be to steal dragon energy.

And Zhao Gui is the male protagonist of the emperor, and his destiny is closely connected with the world of Dayuan Dynasty.

Once a large amount of his dragon energy is stolen, Dayuan Dynasty will become turbulent.

The novel world will also become chaotic.

Finally, maybe there will be a collapse!

Therefore, even if it is not for the mission, but for the thousands of people in this novel world, He Tiantian must kill this wild system!

He Tiantian was still running Wuji Jue, and the strands of black energy were slowly extracted by her, and she used the technique to transform it into her own spiritual power.

Not only were the wild leaders unaware of this process, but even Zheng Nian'er, who was focused on his mission, didn't notice it either.

"Retaliate against Queen Mother He? Successfully slapped her in the face?" Zheng Nian'er found that since she returned to the capital, her tasks have become increasingly difficult.

In the past, she could easily complete the task with just a little cooperation.

But now... fight back against Queen Mother He? What a success in getting slapped in the face?

Are you sure the system is not joking?

Who is Queen Mother He?

She was a ruthless person who killed the late emperor and took charge of the government.

Zheng Nian'er is not the original owner. She will not think arrogantly that the Hu family has defeated the Queen Mother He, and the Queen Mother He is easy to bully.

Haha, if the emperor really favored the Hu family, would the Hu family really defeat the Queen Mother He?

Zheng Nian'er was very sober. Faced with the fact that the young emperor was close to Hu and alienated from her, Queen Mother He chose to give in.

They are not really giving in, they are just trying to avoid it.

Or, people don't care at all and just regard Mr. Hu as a clown.

The Queen Mother He is definitely not a poor old woman whose son was robbed by a bad wet nurse. She is the Queen Mother Regent. She holds great power and has the world in mind.

Although now Empress Dowager He has returned power to the emperor and launched the previous dynasty.

However, Queen Mother He did not disappear completely. She built a museum and used the museum as an opportunity to infiltrate the court bit by bit.

When Zheng Nian'er was at Zhuangzi, he had been paying close attention to the movements in Beijing.

She may not have much political sensitivity, but she has read too many online time-travel novels.

Some high-quality palace fighting novels also contain wonderful power struggles.

Even if Zheng Nian'er didn't fully understand the essence, he could still gain some insights.

And the feeling that Queen Mother He gave her was that she was very powerful and strategizing.

She is not a vicious female supporting role, let alone a dispensable NPC. Slap her in the face?

Ha, what is this if not seeking death?

But...the weight has increased by ten pounds, wuwu, don’t do it!

She doesn't need the "Yan Fei Feng Wu" thing, anyway, she never wanted to be Zhao Feiyan.

But she doesn’t want to gain ten pounds directly.

Her current body shape is very perfect and has reached the standard described in the novel of "if you gain one point, you are too fat, if you lose one point, you are too thin".

Ten pounds fatter?

Zheng Nian'er feels painful just thinking about it.

How about, just, give it a try?

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

The villain in Zheng Nian'er couldn't help but come out and cautiously made suggestions.

Zheng Nian'er gritted her teeth: Just give it a try. It's just a small test. Could it be that Queen Mother He can really beat me to death?

However, at this moment, a female voice suddenly sounded in Zheng Nian'er's ears:

"Okay, Concubine Zheng, please step aside!"



Her counterattack hadn't even started yet, and there wasn't any slap in the face. Just, let her "kneel down"?

Zheng Nian'er was a little confused, and felt inexplicably uneasy in her heart.

However, Zheng Nian'er is the heroine after all, and her brain reacts very quickly - the Queen Mother asked her to step down, but she refused. Should this be considered a "counterattack"?

As for whether it counts as a slap in the face, well, as long as it makes Queen Mother He unhappy, the system will probably be accommodating!


That's it!

Zheng Nian'er's eyes lit up, and she was ready to "counterattack" like a domineering concubine.

As a result, before the COS could act arrogantly about Concubine Hua, Queen Mother He stood up directly, held the hand of the nanny beside her, and returned directly to the dormitory.

She, she just left, left!

He didn't even look at Zheng Nian'er.

Zheng Nian'er was stunned, wishing she could reach out Erkang's hand: Dear, don't leave! At least let me refuse!

He Tiantian: ...I will give you a chance to "slap you in the face" only if you are stupid.

Classmate Little D: ...Dare to play "Palace Fight" with a half-step villain, even if you are the heroine!

That is to say, Tiantian still has some pity for Zheng Nian'er at the moment, and Tiantian's consistent goal is to try not to have anything to do with the male protagonist and the female protagonist.

Even if she has to deal with the male protagonist, Tiantian only operates secretly and never embarrasses the male protagonist head-on.

As for Zheng Nian'er, He Tiantian would not deliberately target her.

Otherwise, He Tiantian doesn't have to deliberately come up with excuses, just a palace rule can make Zheng Nian'er unable to even tell her the pain!

"Ding! Mission failed——"

The mechanical sound sounded coldly.

He Tiantian, who had already walked more than ten steps away, heard it clearly.

In addition, she also heard Zheng Nian'er using her consciousness to beg the system crazily: "System dad, give me a chance, don't let me gain ten pounds!"

"Oh, by the way, isn't there a remedial mission? Please, system! Otherwise, please issue a remedial mission for me!"

The voice was very pitiful, as if he was about to cry.

Obviously, Zheng Nian'er cares very much about the punishment of "gaining ten pounds of weight".

He Tiantian paused. It had only been a while since Zheng Nian'er became accustomed to relying on the system.

For the so-called "remedy", she even cried to the system.

Isn’t Zheng Nian’er an independent and strong modern woman?

Why did it happen so quickly—

He Tiantian shook her head slightly, sighing in her heart.

"Ding! Issue a remedial mission: Slap Queen Tao in the face. No reward if the mission is successful. If the mission fails, you will gain ten kilograms in weight!"

The mechanical voice seemed to be moved by Zheng Nian'er. He paused briefly and issued a "remedial mission."

He Tiantian hadn't completely stayed away yet, so she naturally heard these words.

She shook her head more and more. The so-called "Palace Fighting System" seemed very "humane" and did not treat the heroine so rigidly and harshly.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

But in fact, it is still guiding and seducing the heroine step by step, making her completely dependent on the system and becoming the most loyal slave of the system.

This no longer the confident, independent modern woman she was originally.

Perhaps, the rogue tyrant had forcibly succumbed to her insanity.

Or maybe, the Gongdou system uses a lot of temptations to lure out the truest nature in the heroine's heart!

However, no matter what the situation is, it has nothing to do with He Tiantian.

She has already taken care of the heroine once, and He Tiantian has nothing to do with what happens to the heroine in the future.

"Tiantian, let me go and take a look!"

He Tiantian was not interested in such bloody plots as "slapping Queen Tao in the face", but classmate Little D was very interested.

The palace fight drama!

It’s not a TV show, it’s happening in real life before your eyes!

Hehe, it must be very enjoyable.

Little D’s classmate has become a little gossip...

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