The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 486: Palace fighting is worse than rebellion (23)

[The heroine took the villain script] []

"Tiantian! Tiantian, this drama is simply, simply——"

He Tiantian returned to the side hall and continued to handle official duties.

Little D quickly rolled back. He was so excited that he couldn't even speak clearly.

He was stumbling and hesitating to speak, which was just too much.

He Tiantian originally didn't care about these nonsense, but seeing how hard her classmates, Little D, performed, she decided to give them some face.

"Oh? Who won? Has Zheng Nian'er completed the mission?"

Listening to this, he seemed to be very interested in some palace battle drama.

However, it would be more convincing if He Tiantian put down the cinnabar pen and stopped reviewing official documents.

Classmate Little D: ...Humph, I knew you were perfunctory with me!

With his lips pursed, Little D swore angrily to himself.

However, it did not really care about He Tiantian, but followed her question and began to relay the drama that happened in another corner of the palace——

"Zheng Nian'er had a wild tip, so she knew that Queen Tao was blocking her in her palace."

"Although Zheng Nian'er wanted to slap Empress Tao in the face, she was not stupid. She did not rush back to die!"

"She first ordered people to run to find the emperor, and then deliberately walked around and around the imperial garden."

"After calculating the time, Zheng Nian'er slowly returned to his palace. By this time, Queen Tao was already impatient!"

"I heard that Zheng Nian'er did not receive any punishment from 'Queen Mother He' and came back unscathed. Queen Tao was almost furious."

"So, the moment Zheng Nian'er stepped into the palace door, a soft whip was whipped towards her face——"

At this point, Little D paused deliberately.

This is the best way to break a chapter. People who really want to know the follow-up of the story can't help but ask: What happened next?

He Tiantian: ...Okay, seeing as how hard Little D is working, let’s cooperate a little bit.

So, He Tiantian continued to reply to the official document and asked casually: "Then what?"

Not serious!

Not sincere!

Bad review!

Classmate Little D complained again deep in the core.

However, the attitude of the audience was not good, and Xiao D, who loves gossip, still wanted to take the initiative to share.

After a small complaint, Classmate D dismissed He Tiantian's attitude problem and continued: "Zheng Nian'er turned over on the spot and hid directly!"

After finishing speaking, Little D still paused for a moment without giving up.

According to common sense, the audience will not be able to help but ask a question when they hear this.

After all, Zheng Nian'er had been beaten to pieces by Empress Tao before.

It had only been a few months, but Zheng Nian'er could easily dodge the same whipping!

This in itself is problematic!

He Tiantian did not speak, and kept writing with the cinnabar pen in her hand.

However, He Tiantian was preoccupied with two things. Hearing Classmate D pause again, she said without thinking, "Well, Zheng Nian'er is a systematic person!"

Although he is a wild beast, the rewards are also very good.

For example, giving her a martial arts skill or lighting up her dancing talent can make Zheng Nian'er's limbs very flexible.

With the "skills", there is no problem in avoiding sneak attacks.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

Therefore, He Tiantian was not surprised at all.

Student D:...

Ahhhh, Tiantian, can you stop being so smart.

You make the Lun family tell stories without passion!

Little classmate D is a little crazy.

What’s more sad is that Tiantian is too smart, or is Tong too dull?

What it thought was a problem was nothing to Tiantian.

Alas, it is such a blow to "unification".

"..." After a long silence, Little D finally got the idea to continue telling the story.

"Yes, Zheng Nian'er obtained a skill called 'Gongsun Auntie's Sword Dance' through completing tasks."

"She may not be a master of swordsmanship, but she is flexible and has sharp reflexes. When faced with Queen Tao, who is good at using whips, she will not fall behind at all!"

"When Empress Tao saw that Zheng Nian'er could not be hurt, she became even more irritable and whipped her soft whip with a crackling sound."

"At this moment, Emperor Yongcheng came. When he entered, he saw Queen Tao chasing Zheng Nian'er and beating her like a crazy shrew."

"As for Zheng Nian'er, she dodged hastily. She was clearly not injured at all, but she still deliberately looked embarrassed."

Hearing this, He Tiantian's lowered eyes flickered.

Well, Emperor Yongcheng was originally a sensitive person.

He is also very vindictive!

Seeing the scene of Queen Tao "whipping" Zheng Nian'er will definitely remind Emperor Yongcheng of his past "humiliation".

Last time, Tao Youwei, who was not yet the queen, whipped Zheng Nian'er in public, leaving injuries all over her body.

It happened that at that time, Emperor Yongcheng wanted to marry the Tao family. He hated it to death, but he still pretended not to care.

Not only could he not avenge his beloved Xiaoqingmei, he couldn't even visit or comfort her in person.

He even endured his anger and rewarded Tao Youwei and even the entire Tao family.

As for the Tao family, not only did they not feel any shame or uneasiness, they accepted his reward without hesitation.

At that moment, Emperor Yongcheng felt that his dignity as an emperor had been trampled on by the Tao family.

He simply hated the Tao family.

If, after marrying with the Tao family, the Tao family really helped him, the emperor would not be so resentful at the moment.

The fact is that even the Tao family refused to help Emperor Yongcheng's first decree.

He was forced to find another "help".

Not worth it!

His sacrifice and forbearance seemed to have become a joke.

This made Emperor Yongcheng, who was already resentful of the Tao family, make several extra notes about the Tao family in his notebook.

Tao Yong felt that investing in Emperor Yongcheng was his worst common sense failure. Did Emperor Yongcheng not regret "bowing down" to the Tao family?

Both of them were regretting it, and Queen Tao, who was in the middle of the confrontation, made a farce of whipping the imperial concubine——


The fire in Emperor Yongcheng's chest will be completely ignited.

He had long felt that Tao Youwei's position as queen was a waste and that this woman was too annoying.

He hadn't taken any action yet, but Tao Youwei didn't know how to restrain herself, and actually still...

"The emperor angrily rebuked Empress Tao for being jealous, vicious, and unworthy of her mother. He almost shouted deposed on the spot."

"Zheng Nian'er dissuaded the emperor in time. She was in a panic and looked pitiful, but she still helped the 'perpetrator' to plead for mercy."

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

"Emperor Yongcheng only felt that his little Qingmei was indeed as kind as ever. Looking at her face, of course he was worried about the Tao family. Emperor Yongcheng did not abolish the empress, but punished Empress Tao with a three-month grounding!"

"In addition, the Phoenix Seal was also taken back by Emperor Yongcheng. Tiantian, do you think Emperor Yongcheng gave the Phoenix Seal to Zheng Nian'er?"

According to ranking, Zheng Nian'er is a noble concubine, ranking first among the four concubines and second only to the queen.

Queen Tao was banned and could not take charge of palace affairs for the time being, so the phoenix seal, which symbolized the queen's power, should be temporarily managed by a noble concubine.

He Tiantian raised her eyebrows and said, "Hey, little D, why don't you give up?"

She put down one official document, took out another one, continued to review, and said casually: "Zhao Gui didn't give the Phoenix Seal to Zheng Nian'er!"

"Ah? Why?" Little D didn't get He Tiantian's question. Instead, he asked first.

"What a rare place to live!"

He Tiantian said leisurely, "Concubine Han Xian's father helped Zhao Gui in the court, which made Zhao Gui feel the importance of 'help'!"

"And in his harem, in addition to Concubine Han Xian, there are also two daughters of martial arts, Concubine Shu and Concubine De. They will definitely be anxious when they see Concubine Han Xian being 'favored'."

"Why is Concubine Han Xian able to cooperate with the queen in managing the harem? Isn't it because of her mother's family's strength?"

"Now, Queen Tao is grounded, and the Phoenix Seal has been taken back by Zhao Gui. If Concubine Shu and Concubine De want to outdo Concubine Han Xian, they will fight for the Phoenix Seal, and their natal families will have to actively show off in front of Zhao Gui!"

"In addition, even the Tao family probably has to think carefully! If you want your daughter to live a better and more dignified life in the harem, you can't continue to pretend to be dead. Otherwise, you can be grounded for three months or three. Year!"

What is the difference between being a queen who is always grounded and being deposed? !

Tao Yong loved Queen Tao the most, and Queen Tao was Mrs. Tao's only biological child.

Even if Tao Yong has concerns, his wife will try her best to persuade him.

Finally, He Tiantian concluded: "I have to say that our Barbecued Pork Emperor is quite smart when it comes to using women!"

Classmate Little D: ...Dear, are you praising people or trying to bully them? !

"Our little emperor has grown up and begun to understand the art of checks and balances!"

He Tiantian seemed to think it was not enough, so she added accurately.

Student D:...

How is the art of checks and balances used?

Tsk, making checks and balances in the harem, fighting, using and scheming against women all day long, is this, is this what the hell is still a man's job? !

Not to mention the big bosses in the court, even classmate Little D is a mentally retarded person, oh no, even the smart assistant looks down on him.

"By the way, little classmate D, you haven't said yet whether Zheng Nian'er has completed the task."

Seeing classmate Little D suddenly wilting, He Tiantian couldn't bear it, so she deliberately looked curious and asked.

Little D’s classmate puffed up his cheeks: Tiantian, you are bullying Tong!

Huh, you have already guessed everything, but you still ask questions deliberately.

However, He Tiantian took the initiative to ask, which finally satisfied Little D's desire to show off.

It coughed lightly and replied: "Of course it's done! The emperor personally came to help her fight in the palace, and even made Queen Tao so angry that she fainted on the spot. Zheng Nian'er won this battle!"

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

A big win?

not necessarily!

He Tiantian's eyes flickered, and she felt that Zheng Nian'er had deviated from the normal track under the coercion of the wild system.

She may become some sort of palace champion, but she won't be able to become a truly strong person.

She is just a vassal of men and has gradually lost herself.

Of course, Zheng Nian'er is the heroine after all, and she has a lot of knowledge about future generations.

For example, the salt administration reform initiated by Zhao Gui this time was approved unanimously by the court on the surface, but it was extremely difficult to implement it.

Not to mention Zhao Gyu's decree reaching the most basic counties, even the Gyeonggi region was opposed.

Zhao Guihui dealt with Queen Tao like that not just for Zheng Nian'er. He was really passive in the court and needed more help.

He Tiantian guessed right. In addition to using the phoenix seal to fish, Zhao Gui also wanted to force Tao Yong.

He wanted to use the soldiers and horses under Tao Yong's command to form a salt army specifically to register salt fields and collect salt taxes.

However, Tao Yong, an old man, looked simple-minded, reckless and straightforward, but he refused to let go easily.

Zhao Gui made explicit hints several times and used the Han family to stimulate him, but in the end the man didn't respond.

Zhao Gui simply locked up Queen Tao and told Tao Yong directly: Dear, you still have your daughter in my hands. Are you sure you don't want to care about your daughter's life or death? !

Tao Yong:......

Damn it, I'm really blind to choose such a shameless person as my son-in-law!

A special investment?

For such low-minded white-eyed wolves, if the Tao family holds the power alone in the future, it will be a good thing if the Tao family is not the first to be liquidated.

Despite the scolding, Tao Yong couldn't really ignore his daughter.

Once it came, he couldn't bear it.

Secondly, my wife didn’t agree.

Tao Yong really likes his wife who comes from an aristocratic family, and also values ​​her surname and status as a woman from an aristocratic family.


Don't you just give me some soldiers and horses? I'll give it to you!

Let’s see what flowers you can come up with, you idiot!

Tao Yong gave Zhao Gui a thousand Buqu, and the natal families of Concubine Shu and Concubine De also "supported" three to five hundred private soldiers.

Zhao Gui thought of another way to get together, and got a salt army of 2,000 men. With the capital as the center, it radiated to several surrounding counties and counties, and began a vigorous salt policy reform.

But, soon, Zhao Gui received the news——

"Those wealthy families are so brave and dare to resist taxes!"

Two thousand salt soldiers sounds like a lot.

But for some wealthy families who are entrenched in the local area, sincerity is nothing.

Think about it, families that can survive in troubled times are basically strong.

For any medium-sized wealthy family, the total number of subordinates and slaves in the family could easily be two to three thousand.

The wealthy family also has Wubao, which is easy to attack and difficult to defend. If they want to use force to intimidate them, they will have to send at least five to six thousand people.

Zhao Gui:......

He didn't!

Even these two thousand salt soldiers were the old, weak, sick and disabled "carefully selected" by Tao Yong and others.

It's okay to scare ordinary people, but if you want to deal with the real powerful people, tsk tsk, those salt soldiers didn't flee on the spot, it's all a favor to Zhao Gui.

Zhao Gui was so anxious that he walked in circles in the hall again.

Zheng Nian'er saw his appearance and understood his predicament.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

She had already had a countermeasure, and she just wanted to wait until the critical moment to come up with it.

"Erlang, are you still worried about the salt affairs?"

The character of the original owner was that of a considerate Jie Yuhua. After Zheng Nian'er came in, although she was not suitable for being a little white lotus, she never thought about destroying her character.

After being forced to bind to the Gongdou system, she had to maintain her personality in order to complete tasks.

Therefore, she became more gentle and considerate than the original owner.

Although the original owner can act, she is just a fourteen-year-old aboriginal girl.

As for Zheng Nian'er, after all, he has lived two lives, and he has read a large number of online articles for reference, so he is very handy when pretending to be a white lotus.

She came to Zhao Gui and asked softly.

"...It's true that something went wrong, but Nian'er, don't worry, I will take care of it!"

Zhao Gui responded lightly. He had a strong, regent mother, and he didn't want his wife to get too involved in government affairs.

Zheng Nian'er didn't seem to understand Zhao Gui's refusal. She pretended to be embarrassed and said: "I have an idea. I don't know if I can help Erlang!"

Zhao Gui raised his eyebrows, "What method?"

He didn't believe that Zheng Nian'er, a woman, could come up with any good way to break the situation.

I just asked casually out of consideration for the relationship between the two of them.

Zheng Nian'er's face lit up and she said, "Take the fuel out of the cauldron!"

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