The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 488: Rebellion is worse than palace fighting (25)

[The heroine took the villain script] []

Women want to go to court?

This can stimulate the nerves of courtiers more than the Queen Mother attending court.

The Queen Mother Regent, although she was in court, was sitting beside the emperor. She was not representing herself, but the late emperor.

As a woman, Wang Shijiu submitted a memorial to the court, and the significance she represented was very important.

This this--

"Female Chicken Si Chen! Yin and Yang are subverted!"

"A woman actually dares to come to the court?"

"Why can't you come? Didn't you hear that Wang Shijiu is a bachelor of the Bowen Museum? He is a fifth-rank scholar, just qualified to go to court!"

"Fifth grade? Isn't it just a false position for fun? How can you really go to court to discuss politics?"

"The fifth grade is the fifth grade. Officials of the imperial court, when will you let you 'play around'?"

"What is Empress Dowager He doing? Does she want to be Empress Lu? Using some kind of museum to meddle in the government affairs at will?"

"That's right, I shouldn't have agreed to let the Queen Mother build a museum in the first place!"

The ministers were talking a lot, and they felt inexplicably ashamed and angry——

This is the court, the most noble and majestic place in Dayuan Dynasty, and a woman actually dares to touch it.

Some officials from aristocratic families were somewhat dissatisfied.

Wang Shijiu is indeed the daughter of the Langya Wang family, but she is a woman, how can she be so public?

She, she is going to risk the disapproval of the world.

"Wang Zhongshu Ling, what do you think of this matter?"

An official who came from an aristocratic family but didn't have much dealings with the Wang family approached Wang Yuan with ill intentions and asked in a sinister manner.

Wang Yuan...ask me what I think? Of course I knelt down and watched!

Wang Yuan was also a little shocked when his granddaughter suddenly appeared outside the hall.

But after the shock, Wang Yuan felt like "it's really here."

Yes, Wang Yuan guessed that the Queen Mother had a big plan when he learned that the Queen Mother had opened a museum and made his Liulang the owner.

Later, his granddaughter passed the "examination" of the museum, successfully defeated a group of sons from aristocratic families, and became a veritable bachelor of the museum.

Wang Yuan knew that his Nineteenth Mother would never be content with just being a "vacant".

One day, as long as there is a suitable opportunity, Nineteenth Mother will definitely ascend to the court!

No, the opportunity came, and Nineteenth Mother decisively grabbed it!

If another woman broke into the court, Wang Yuan would definitely reject her or even scold her.

However, Wang Shijiu is none other than the daughter of their Wang family.

Things can change.

Wang Yuan is not a pedantic person, and he will not treat his grandchildren simply based on their gender.

If he was really that stubborn and rotten, he would not have let his granddaughters study in the first place and learn the governance manuals of their ancestors.

Now that he has been taught, Wang Yuan hopes that the children of the Wang family, whether they are boys or girls, can become useful talents in the family.

Nowadays, Wang Shijiu does not rely on her family, but relies on her own ability to step into the court. Wang Yuan will never stop her.

As long as he is powerful to the family, as long as he is a "talent" in the family, Wang Yuan will not care about the other person's gender.

In just a few breaths, Wang Yuan sorted out these thoughts clearly.

He smiled slightly and replied lightly, "As ministers, we naturally have to see what the Queen Mother and Your Majesty want!"

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

What does he think?

He's happy to see it work.

The man was scolded in a mild way, and was secretly angry, but he didn't want to be too provocative.

Don’t look at Wang Yuan smiling all day long.

Like a good gentleman.

In fact, this is a sinister and vicious old fox who hides his knives in his smile.

Even if it was his "opponent", that person would not dare to provoke him in person.

"Discourteous! Presumptuous! Your Majesty, this, this is simply outrageous!"

Among the officials, a gray-haired old Dong Heng finally jumped out with a sad and angry expression on his face.

Emperor Yongcheng... is that ridiculous? Just hang the painting on the wall!

Silently complaining, he saw that the ministers below had finally changed the target of their crusade from himself to Wang Shijiu.

Emperor Yongcheng suddenly felt inexplicably relaxed.

This feeling is a little subtle.

It seemed that a second ago, he was still the criminal being interrogated by civil and military officials. Among those people, he was a majestic emperor, but he seemed to have committed some heinous crime.

In the first second, Emperor Yongcheng, the "defendant", became the "referee" who upheld justice.

And those officials who criticized him were clamoring to let him be the judge!


It’s so cool!

Originally, Emperor Yongcheng had no good impressions of Queen Mother He or Wang Shijiu.

If at another time and on another occasion he heard that Wang Shijiu came to him on the orders of Queen Mother He, he would definitely be very repulsed.

Maybe they don't want to meet him.

But at this moment, Emperor Yongcheng only felt that Wang Shijiu's arrival was too good.

Not only did it resolve the predicament Emperor Yongcheng had just faced, but it also changed his identity.

Emperor Yongcheng liked this feeling of being high and sought after by everyone.

He prefers to be the "arbitrary judge of the universe".

Amidst the buzzing discussion among the ministers, Emperor Yongcheng raised his hands and slowly pressed them down.

The sound gradually subsided, and finally, the original tranquility returned to the hall.

"Since Wang Shijiu is following the Queen Mother's decree, let her come in!" Emperor Yongcheng acted like a filial son.

"Your Majesty! No! No!"

"Yes, Your Majesty, this is against the rules and regulations!"

"Your Majesty, Si Chen, this is a sign of chaos for the country!"

"His Majesty--"

Several old ministers knelt down and cried, looking as sad as if their mother had died!

Seeing them crying bitterly, Emperor Yongcheng was filled with joy.

He deliberately kept a straight face, "No? Do you want me to be a rebellious son who disobeys my mother?"

Several veterans...

In ancient times when filial piety was respected, "filial piety" was indeed the best excuse.

Even in history, the reason why the emperor did not dare to resist those queen mothers who occupied power was because they were suppressed by the word "filial piety".

Now the Empress Dowager He did not want to monopolize power, but just asked a "female official" to come to the court to submit a memorial... It seemed, as if, it was not something treasonous or unreasonable.

The emperor is a filial son and wants to show his filial piety to the Queen Mother He.

And if the courtiers were too obstructive, they would force the emperor to become a traitor.

Oppose the emperor to be a dutiful son? !

Is it against the ancient "filial piety"?

Tsk, this crime is too big, those old Dong Heng really can’t afford it.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

Hearing what the emperor said, several people did not dare to say anything more. They wiped their tears and quietly stood aside.

Seeing that these people were honest, Emperor Yongcheng suddenly felt like he was in control of everything.

Right, this is the normal way for emperors and courtiers to get along!

He raised his chin slightly and said reservedly, "Xuan!"

The little eunuch hurriedly followed the announcement, "Your Majesty has a decree to announce Wang Shijiu, a bachelor of literature and art museum!"

Not long after, a slender figure slowly walked in from the palace door.

She seemed to step out of a light curtain, with a halo behind her.

Everyone's eyes couldn't help but follow her and watch her.

That scorching gaze might have frightened an ordinary woman.

Gu\u003c/span\u003e Wang Shijiu, with her back straight and graceful posture, without squinting her eyes, slowly walked through the crowd and came to the front of His Majesty.

Her expression is calm, her posture is calm, and her movements are full of the nobility unique to the aristocratic family.

She has thousands of years of accumulation of Langya Wang family in her body, and she has enough pride and noble capital.

Looking at Wang Shijiu like this, even if some officials are still secretly cursing "the chicken Si Chen, the world is upside down", they have to admit that she is worthy of being a daughter of aristocratic family, her manners are noble and her behavior is extraordinary!

"Your Majesty, Wang Shijiu, bachelor of the Bowen Museum, pays homage to your majesty!"

Wang Shijiu tried her best to stay calm.

Outsiders only think that she behaves calmly and has a calm appearance.

In fact, her heart was beating very fast.

She, a woman, could actually enter the hall openly and come to the court of men!

What a rare and cherished opportunity this is.

She has studied hard for more than ten years for this day.

For this day, the Queen Mother has been planning hard for a long time!

At this moment, standing in the court is not only Wang’s Nineteenth Mother, but also thousands of women with dreams and ambitions!

Wang Shijiu's heart was surging and she was inexplicably excited.

This cannot be said to be a historic moment, but it is a breakthrough for her and the several female officials around Queen Mother He.

The woman finally stepped into the court, not as someone's appendage, not as a representative of xx, but just herself!

"Wang, Bachelor Wang, no courtesy! Get a flat body!"

Emperor Yongcheng was somewhat uncomfortable seeing a woman wearing court clothes and holding a wat board in her hand.

However, in order to get himself out of the "predicament", Emperor Yongcheng still smiled at Wang Shijiu.

"Your Majesty, in accordance with the decree of the Queen Mother, I would like to offer you some brief suggestions on the reform of the salt policy!"

After Wang Shijiu stood up, he knelt down again, took out a memorial, and held it above his head with both hands.

"What are the opinions on salt policy reform?"

It’s salt policy again!

Return, return Te Niang’s “reform”.

Because of this incident just now, Emperor Yongcheng was chased and scolded by a group of people in the city.

Finally, someone came to interrupt, and Emperor Yongcheng thought he could escape.

Unexpectedly, Wang Shijiu, the person he thought was his "savior", actually mentioned this matter again.

Damn it, what kind of pot is this?

Emperor Yongcheng's happy mood suddenly became unpleasant.

However, Wang Shijiu was summoned by him. He had "memorials" and as an emperor, he had to listen to them.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

Otherwise, it is stupid!

Emperor Yongcheng...

"What's the point? Just say it!"

Closing his eyes, Emperor Yongcheng felt a little desperate.

It seems that he cannot escape this disaster today!

He didn't even bother to read the memorial in advance, and just let Wang Shijiu read the memorial by himself.

Live or die, good or bad, just leave it to fate!

"I obey!"

Wang Shijiu responded respectfully, and then began to read her memorial aloud.

Wang Shijiu's proposal is basically similar to Emperor Yongcheng's reforms.

Re-register salt fields, set salt water standards, collect and repay taxes owed by "salt merchants".


Before Wang Shijiu finished reading the memorial, someone among the officials laughed.

"Scholar Wang, could it be that you people in the museum only know how to study behind closed doors? You don't know anything about what happens outside the door?"

The man said angrily, pointing directly at Wang Shijiu's nose and scolding her for "working behind closed doors."

"That's right, there have been frequent conflicts in Beijing and central China because of the salt issue, which almost triggered civil commotion and mutiny. Academician Wang didn't talk about relieving His Majesty's worries, but he actually talked about restructuring!"

"Isn't that right? Tsk tsk, she is indeed a woman. She has long hair but short knowledge!"

"That's right, Academician Wang! Since you are His Majesty's minister, you should live on the King's salary and bear the King's worries! Instead of boasting here!"

"Haha, bachelor? Full fifth grade? Bah!"

Some people in the crowd kept booing, and some even laughed outright.

They deliberately emphasized the pronunciation of words such as "big" and "bachelor" to avoid making the irony too obvious.

Wang Shijiu's father, Wang Zheng, was also in the court.

Seeing my daughter being ridiculed and criticized by so many bad men, I felt very distressed.

He straightened his back and wanted to stand up to save his daughter.

Wang Yuan, who was kneeling in the front row, seemed to notice his son's little movements.

He turned his head slightly and gave his son a "take it easy" look from the corner of his eye.

Wang Zheng...Okay, listen to your father!

He believed that his father would never let Nineteenth Mother be wronged.

Her ears were filled with sarcasm and laughter, and Wang Shijiu's pretty face turned red for a moment.

But soon, she controlled herself.

She ignored everyone's disturbance and continued to read her memorial——

"...the Salt Administration Department was established to take charge of salt administration throughout the world. The Salt Administration Department has introduced a new method of making salt, and now has 100,000 stones of exquisite sea salt, which will be shipped to the capital soon!"


Originally, everyone was still laughing at Wang Shijiu.

However, in the chaos, they all froze when they seemed to hear the words "new method of making salt" and "one hundred thousand stones of refined sea salt will be transported to the capital soon".


When did Queen Mother He establish a salt administration department and develop a new method for making salt?

Nowadays, people even directly obtain finished products worth 100,000 stones.

One hundred thousand stones may sound like a lot, but when distributed to the capital and a dozen surrounding counties, it is nothing at all.

But the problem is, the important thing is not these 100,000 stones, but Queen Mother He, oh no, the imperial court actually mastered a new method of making salt.

If you can get 100,000 stones today, you can get more salt continuously in the future.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

Officials from aristocratic families suddenly felt a sense of crisis.

What worried them even more was what was happening later. They heard Wang Shijiu still reciting, "The official salt of the Salt Administration Department must not be sold for more than a hundred coins."


One hundred coins per fight?

There was a roar in the court.

You know, the price of salt on the market now is basically three to four hundred cents per bucket.

Queen Mother He was so powerful that a Salt Administration Department and a new salt production method directly reduced the price of salt by three or four times.

Even Emperor Yongcheng was so shocked that he opened his mouth wide.

Zheng Nian'er once told him that if salt is made according to the method of drying salt, the price of salt can be controlled to less than one hundred yuan per bucket.

Could it be that the new method of making salt that Queen Mother He came up with was also sun-dried salt?

Is that why the cost is so low?

Emperor Yongcheng was shocked and doubtful, and the officials who came from aristocratic families, including Wang Yuan, had already stirred up turmoil in their hearts.

A change comparable to an earthquake is coming.

The salt policy is really going to be restructured. Having such low-price salt, Queen Mother He is equivalent to holding a trump card. She can regulate the salt policy how she wants!

As for the aristocratic family, they could only be forced to cooperate.

What a good Queen Mother He, what a good mother who loves her son...


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