The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 489: Palace fighting is worse than rebellion (26)

Emperor Yongcheng rashly promoted reforms without careful consideration.

Sure enough, trouble broke out, and they were forced to interrupt the reform and "apologise."

At such a critical moment, Queen Mother He suddenly ordered someone to appear, breaking the crisis of Emperor Yongcheng, and supporting him to continue his reforms!

As expected of a mother, no matter how estranged the mother and son are, she will still come out to help her son at critical moments!

Let's not talk about the officials up and down the court. Even Emperor Yongcheng himself felt that Queen Mother He was a good mother who came to help him deal with the aftermath.

Only a few old foxes represented by Wang Yuan and Feng Shou secretly sneered: Ha! You are so naive!

It is true that Queen Mother He cleaned up the mess for Emperor Yongcheng, but "helping" or something like that is not necessarily true.

Of course, since they are old foxes, they are very cunning and always see through things without telling them.

In the envious eyes of the courtiers, Emperor Yongcheng agreed with Wang Shijiu's memorial with complicated emotions.

Then came the compromise and cooperation between the aristocratic family and the court.

Whether it was the establishment of the Salt Administration Department or the policies on salt fields and salt taxes, Emperor Yongcheng only needed to grasp a general direction, and the relevant courtiers were responsible for the specific details.

The first decree seemed to be implemented smoothly, and the noble families were forced to cut their flesh and blood.

However, Emperor Yongcheng was not happy at all!

"It happens again, always!"

Emperor Yongcheng began to act like a donkey in his palace again, circling in circles and mumbling——

"She does this every time, ostensibly for my own good, so that everyone can say she is a loving mother!"

"But in fact, she just wants to control me and want me to act according to her rules."

"Otherwise, she clearly had a new method for making salt, but why didn't she tell me in advance, but just watched me fly around like a headless fly?"

"...She will never show up until there is a critical moment. She, she just wants to see me suffer and learn a lesson, and then she will show up like a Bodhisattva who saves the suffering!"


Even if the court has been launched,

But she still wants to control him, Emperor Yongcheng!

As the most beloved woman of Emperor Yongcheng, she was also recognized as a "virtuous wife".

Of course Zheng Nian'er stayed in front of Emperor Yongcheng.

At this moment, after hearing these words from Emperor Yongcheng, Zheng Nian'er almost cursed "barbecued pork"!

He’s not a barbecued pork son!

No matter what the reason was for Queen Mother He, she did help Emperor Yongcheng at a critical moment.

Even if Emperor Yongcheng is not grateful, he cannot be resentful.

Moreover, Zheng Nian'er didn't think Queen Mother He would have so many calculations!

How long did it take for Emperor Yongcheng to propose salt policy reform?

Queen Mother He wanted to help her son, but even if she had a new method of making salt, it would still take time to operate.

Fortunately, it is spring now, with frequent sea breezes and fine weather, creating a good natural environment for drying salt.

Otherwise, Queen Mother He would never be able to get the one hundred thousand stones of sea salt.

Unless the Empress Dowager He had the ability to predict the future, she could predict in advance that Emperor Yongcheng would "be stupid", so she made preparations in advance.

But the problem is that Queen Mother He does not have super powers.

Furthermore, as for Emperor Yongcheng's temperament, it is really difficult for outsiders to capture his behavior except himself.

How to make predictions in advance? !

Instead of wondering whether the Queen Mother He had "premeditated it", it is better to think about how the Queen Mother He obtained the salt-drying method.

Is it possible that the Queen Mother He also had an "adventure"?

However, Zheng Nian'er didn't smell the "same kind" in Queen Mother He.

Even that rogue system also said that Queen Mother He was a native.

At most, she is more knowledgeable, more resolute, and more decisive in her actions!

Zheng Nian'er feels guilty and is always worried about meeting people with the same background as herself.

Therefore, she always cared about why the Queen Mother He knew the new method of making salt, and she even led Emperor Yongcheng to doubt it, both overtly and covertly.

Emperor Yongcheng: ...Is there anything doubtful about this?

My mother must have read the secret recipe from ancient books.

What's more, it may be an heirloom from a certain family.

Compared to the newly wealthy Zheng family, the collection in the hands of Queen Mother He has definitely reached a staggering level.

You know, during the war in the last years of the previous dynasty, the He family was also a powerful place.

The wealth they plundered during the war was not much.

After the marriage between the He family and the Zhao family, the Queen Mother He followed the late emperor in the southern and northern wars. During this period, she made an unknown amount of wealth.

Not to mention anything else, just the private treasury of Queen Mother He——

Tsk tsk, piles of gold, silver and jewelry;

Boxes after boxes are filled with antiques, calligraphy and paintings, and precious medicinal materials;

There were also some aristocratic families that were exterminated during the war, or wealthy families that were rescued by the "rebels". Their collections and ancient books basically fell into the hands of Queen Mother He.

Rows of bamboo slips, rolls of brocade books, and many orphan and rare books that were said to have been burned in the war were actually treasured by Queen Mother He.

It is said that Wang Liulang was willing to agree to the invitation of Queen Mother He to serve as the director of a museum as a famous scholar. There is an interesting story in the public -

Wang Liulang longed for a rare volume from the Pre-Qin Dynasty, but he had not been able to find it after traveling around for many years.

Empress Dowager He ordered someone to deliver a box of bamboo slips to Wang Liulang's monastery. After Wang Liulang read it, he immediately accepted Empress Dowager He's offer!

He was not only interested in this rare book from the pre-Qin period, but also wanted to see more ancient books in the hands of Queen Mother He.

And the sons of those aristocratic families came to the Bowen Hall to compete for positions. In addition to the official "establishment" of officials in the Bowen Hall, it was also because of those books!

Even aristocratic families covet it so much, which proves the rich collection of Queen Mother He and the high value of those ancient books.

Therefore, Emperor Yongcheng did not find it surprising at all that some new methods of making salt were discovered in so many ancient books!

Zheng Nian'er: ...Dear, ancient books and so on are just an excuse I made casually.

There is something really unusual about Queen Mother He.

"Host, you don't have to worry too much!"

The Gongdou System sensed Zheng Nian'er's entanglement and worry, and jumped out without issuing a mission.

It used a standard mechanical voice and said word by word, "Don't underestimate the skills of the ancients. The method of drying salt itself was also acquired by the ancients through their accumulated work experience."

"Perhaps, the method of drying salt was already known among the people before it was recorded in history books. However, the ancients paid attention to secret recipes and were best at 'preserving their own brooms'."

In this era, wars were frequent, and some new technologies were "lost" in the war before they could be popularized.

Maybe it was just recorded in a notebook or diary by someone, and these notebooks and other personal notes might also be kept privately by someone, or burned in the flames of war.

"Huh? It seems to make sense!"

Zheng Nian'er savored Gong Dou System's words carefully, and suddenly felt that this rogue system was not just a rogue, but was quite capable of analyzing things.

Gongdou System: ...This system can hear your voice, you don’t know, right? !

So, are you deliberately scolding this system?

"No, I didn't scold you, I really think you are great!"

Zheng Nian'er sensed the "dissatisfaction" of the Gong Dou system, and hurriedly accompanied Be careful, explaining in a good voice.

Wow, she didn't want to anger the Gongdou System and then be given a difficult task to rectify herself.

"No! I can't admit defeat! I will never become her puppet and be controlled by her forever!"

Just when Zheng Nian'er was secretly arguing with the Gongdou system, Emperor Yongcheng suddenly thought of something, and a look of determination appeared on his childish face!

Zheng Nian'er's heart skipped a beat. She was really worried that Emperor Yongcheng would be irritated and act recklessly again!

The matter of the salt policy reform is not over yet, so he must not cause any trouble again.

"Erlang, maybe you misunderstood the Queen Mother——"

Zheng Nian'er's words were not all to comfort Emperor Yongcheng, but he really believed that Queen Mother He was not as calculating and cold-blooded as Emperor Yongcheng imagined!

However, Emperor Yongcheng's prejudice against his own mother was too deep and could not be resolved with just a few words of persuasion.

"Nian'er, I know you are kind and soft-hearted, but there has never been any misunderstanding between my mother and I!"

Although Emperor Yongcheng was a little dissatisfied that his lover actually helped Queen Mother He speak, he still felt the other party's concern and kindness.

Alas, his Nian’er is so kind and beautiful.

In her world, there are not so many conspiracies, evil spirits and monsters.

Little did she know what kind of plans and cruelty a strong mother would have for the sake of power.

Zheng Nian'er: ...Dear, you have gone too far. Wouldn't your conscience hurt if you demonize your own mother like this? !

Of course Emperor Yongcheng would not feel pain. When he faced his mother, Queen Mother He, he seemed to have no "conscience" at all.

"Look at what she has been doing these days, she is clearly reluctant to let go!"

"What kind of female maid, female chancellor, and a museum, and now she has to intervene in the salt administration..."

Emperor Yongcheng continued to complain.

However, as he was talking, a word woke him up, and he suddenly realized——

"No! Something's wrong! Does she really want to form an alliance with the noble family?"

Zheng Nian'er had a question mark on her face, why did she change the topic while talking?

Why did Queen Mother He form an alliance with the aristocratic family?

As if he heard Zheng Nian'er's question, and as if he was speaking to himself, Emperor Yongcheng said slowly:

"Wang Shijiu and other female officials are all daughters of aristocratic families!"

Zheng Nian'er wriggled her lips, wanting to tell Emperor Yongcheng: Dear, in this era, only girls from aristocratic families get the best education.

Their abilities and knowledge are also the highest among many women.

If Queen Mother He wanted to choose a female official, she would naturally choose someone with outstanding abilities.

And girls from aristocratic families have the greatest advantage.

In fact, this is also the embarrassment of the current official selection system.

Everyone knows that the family is powerful and has seriously threatened the rule of the imperial power.

During the reign of the late emperor, in order to break the monopoly of aristocratic families, he carefully implemented the system of selecting officials through examinations in a small area.

His original intention was to select from poor families and bring fresh blood into the officialdom.

However, the sad thing is that among the young people who come to apply, although there are scum from aristocratic families who are unconventional and think that horses are tigers, the ones with the best grades are often the sons of aristocratic families.

There is no way, the aristocratic family has a monopoly on the world, and educational resources are also occupied by them.

It is extremely difficult for people from poor families to study.

As for the son of a wealthy family, he had access to the best educational resources from the moment he landed. He had countless books at home, and any slave born in the family could casually recite a few allusions and poems.

With such unique resources, the aristocratic family's success rate is also very high.

Therefore, even if the late emperor rejected the aristocratic family, he still had to use the children of the aristocratic family.

The same is true for the current Queen Mother He.

Of course, it is not ruled out that Queen Mother He is wooing the aristocratic family. After all, she is a woman who wants to intervene in government affairs and needs the "tacit approval" of the aristocratic family!

"The owner of the Bowen Museum is the son of Wang Langya, and those bachelors and other officials also come from aristocratic families!"

Emperor Yongcheng couldn't hear Zheng Nian'er's thoughts and was still analyzing it to himself.

The more he spoke, the more surprised he became, "What on earth is she going to do? Doesn't she know my father's last wish? For the sake of power and to continue to control me, she wants to seek the skin of a tiger?"

Emperor Yongcheng didn't seem to be close to his father or mother.

But between the two, Emperor Yongcheng admired the former more.

First, it was the long-term lack of love that made him want that nihilistic "father's love" even more.

Secondly, my father was the founder of the country and a truly strong man. Men, on the other hand, all have a strong-willed mentality.

And his throne itself was inherited from his father, and he has a sense of responsibility and mission as a "successor".

He wants to inherit his father's legacy and continue to implement the policy of weakening the family so that the Zhao family can be passed down steadily and for a long time.

As for Queen Mother He, as the most noble woman in Dayuan and the first wife of the late emperor, she not only carried out the last wish of the late emperor, but also colluded with the aristocratic family.

When Emperor Yongcheng thought of this possibility, he felt inexplicably sad and angry!

He felt even more betrayed.

"She is indeed a selfish and cold-blooded person. Her father passed away just a few years ago, and she has completely forgotten all his long-cherished wishes!"

"No! She can forget! But I can't forget!"

"I want to continue the great cause that my father has not completed, and I want to completely take back the power from the family!"

"I will never be a puppet of the family and my mother——"

As he shouted, the flames of war ignited in Emperor Yongcheng's eyes.

Zheng Nian'er had a bad premonition, always having the illusion that the emperor was going to cause trouble again.

However, as an emperor, Emperor Yongcheng is indeed not easy to be ignored by aristocratic families.

Although the aristocratic family these days is a bit more "low-key" than in previous years, they will not change emperors at every turn.

However, the aristocratic family is still a huge force and has seriously restricted the concentration of imperial power.

If you want to break the monopoly of aristocratic families, you must reform the court's official selection system.


An idea flashed in Zheng Nian'er's mind, "Imperial examination system!"

Yes, it’s the imperial examination system!

Historically, the imperial examination system was implemented in the Sui and Tang Dynasties in order to break the monopoly of aristocratic families on the appointment and dismissal of court personnel.

And it was this relatively fair official selection system that knocked the family off the altar.

"What imperial examination system?"

Emperor Yongcheng vented his anger and his mood recovered a lot.

Just at this moment, he heard Xiao Qingmei's mumble.

"Oh, it's just..."

Zheng Nian'er roughly described the system and process of selecting officials through the imperial examination.

Emperor Yongcheng did not feel the surprise in Zheng Nian'er's tone. Instead, he said casually, "Oh, it's just an examination to select officials. My father has done it before!"

Zheng Nian'er: ...Huh?

Gongdou System: ...Dear, I told you, don’t use the wisdom of the ancients!

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