The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 490: Palace fighting is worse than rebellion (27)

[The heroine took the villain script] []

Zheng Nian'er was somewhat frustrated after being lectured by the Gong Dou system twice in a day!

There was no way, what the Gongdou system said made sense, even if Zheng Nianer felt uncomfortable, she had to admit it.

However, she was still a little unwilling to give in, and carefully explained the benefits and details of selecting officials through the imperial examination to Emperor Yongcheng again.

Emperor Yongcheng's eyes flickered.

It was also an examination to select officials, but the late emperor's method was only on a small scale and did not have a complete set of rules.

As for the imperial examination and official selection mentioned by Zheng Nian'er, both the overall rules and the implementation details are very detailed, as if they have been accumulated and evolved over hundreds of thousands of years.

It is very mature and effective!

If it can be implemented smoothly, it will definitely break the monopoly of the aristocratic families and allow the imperial power to be concentrated to the greatest extent.

After all, the person who asked the examination questions was the emperor, and all Jinshi were "disciples of the emperor."

Those young officials who have entered the officialdom will not only know that there are aristocratic families, but they will not see that there is an imperial emperor sitting on the dragon throne!

What a great imperial examination system!

It is indeed a good strategy to fight against the aristocratic family!

Emperor Yongcheng's heart was moved and he was eager to try it!

On the surface, his first decree seems to have been successful and will be implemented smoothly.

But in fact, Emperor Yongcheng was not stupid.

He knew that after this incident, his little prestige became even more pitiable.

The more successful the salt administration reform is, the more people will praise Queen Mother He!

This was also the real reason why Emperor Yongcheng had so much resentment towards Empress Dowager He and couldn't help but curse her secretly.

He did not feel any help from his mother, and he only felt a sense of sadness, anger and humiliation in his heart.


He must make political achievements, let the civil and military officials of the dynasty, and let the people of the world know that he is the real master of the Dayuan Dynasty!

Okay, the second fire starts with the imperial examination and official selection!

Emperor Yongcheng clenched his fist vigorously, rekindling the flames of war, and endless pride arose in his heart.

Feng Shou had an informant in the palace, and he received the news before Emperor Yongcheng really made a fuss.

Feng Shou: ...I feel so tired, why can’t the little emperor just rest for two days?

The Yan Zheng incident hasn't passed yet, and he, he actually started to challenge the entire family again without fear of death.

Feng Shou was not speaking for the aristocratic family, nor did he think it was right for the aristocratic family to control the appointment of court officials.

In fact, it was Feng Shou's suggestion that the late emperor implemented the examination to select officials.

However, this kind of thing cannot be done too hastily.

Governing a big country is like cooking small dishes. We cannot make reforms at every turn!

Although the Yanzheng matter has touched the interests of the family, it will not destroy the foundation of the family.

However, the aristocratic family still made a big fuss. If the Queen Mother He hadn't taken action in time, the young emperor who had only been in power for less than half a year would probably have issued a "sinful edict".

Now, Emperor Yongcheng is even more powerful, and he actually wants to "drain fuel from the bottom of the cauldron" of the aristocratic family.

Haha, salt, iron, etc. are at most the money bag of aristocratic families, and recommendation to be an official is the unique privilege of aristocratic families, which is the basis for their control of the world.

With the prestige and power of the founding emperor, the late emperor did not dare to easily conduct any nationwide imperial examination to select officials.

At most, you can take an exam in a certain yamen or a few official positions with very strict professional requirements.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

For example, Dali Temple and the Ministry of Punishment must be familiar with "Dayuan Law" and be proficient in criminal investigation and case resolution.

Some braggadocios from aristocratic families, or nerds recommended by aristocratic families, are not suitable.

Another example is the Ministry of Industry, which requires basic knowledge of manufacturing.

In these official positions, the late emperor put forward the requirement to take exams first and then become officials.

Although the aristocratic families were a little dissatisfied, they didn't care too much.

Originally, according to the plan formulated by Feng Shou for the late emperor, it was first implemented slowly in a small area.

Then, it will radiate to three provinces and six ministries, and then be implemented nationwide.

This process is very long and requires the efforts of twenty to thirty years, or even two generations.

After all, the family has been in existence for thousands of years. Such a huge power has too many intricate connections to be achieved overnight.

If one doesn't do it right, the family will backlash.

Although the royal family of the Dayuan Dynasty had hundreds of thousands of soldiers and horses, the aristocratic families did not dare to change emperors and dynasties at every turn like in the past.

However, that did not completely anger the family.

Once someone is pushed into a hurry, this group of people might do something crazy.

Emperor Yongcheng was originally a young emperor. After taking charge of the throne, he had no dazzling political achievements.

The court was in turmoil. Let's not talk about the aristocratic families who provoked the trouble. Even some martial arts and upstarts would probably complain about Emperor Yongcheng.

Until then--

Even Queen Mother He would find it difficult to clean up such a mess.

Emperor Yongcheng's move was not simply stupid, but he directly put the rope around his neck.

Feng Shou couldn't sit still. He couldn't let Emperor Yongcheng continue to mess around.

Without thinking too much, Feng Shou entered the palace.

"Sir, are you here?"

With the decision made in his heart, Emperor Yongcheng was a little uneasy after all.

Seeing Master Feng, whom he trusted most, Emperor Yongcheng temporarily forgot the unhappiness between teacher and student.

He came up to him cordially and talked to Feng Shou with joy on his face.

Feng Shou suppressed the anxiety in his heart and chatted with the emperor without leaving a trace.

In fact, the moment he entered the palace, Feng Shou regretted it again.

He shouldn't have been so rash.

The young emperor was no better than the late emperor. Although the late emperor was suspicious, he still had a bottom line - Feng Shou was trustworthy.

As for the little emperor, he is sensitive, has low self-esteem and is willful and arrogant.

If Feng Shou came rashly and asked him directly if he wanted to implement some kind of imperial examination to select officials, the little emperor would definitely be dissatisfied——

Okay, Feng Shou, how dare you put eyes and ears around me!

In fact, as the late emperor's biggest adviser, Feng Shou was able to strategize and calculate every strategy.

In addition to his high IQ and good strategy, he should also have enough sources of information.

Everyone, including the late emperor and all the martial artists, were guessing that Feng Shou must have a team of people who were good at inquiring about information.

To say that he is the biggest spy leader in the Dayuan Dynasty is a bit excessive.

But he has placed people in the palace and in the backyards of major martial arts families, which is also a fact that many people acquiesce to.

That is to say, Feng Shou had no intention of pursuing an official career. After the establishment of the Dayuan Dynasty, he simply "returned to seclusion".

Otherwise, the late emperor would have been unable to tolerate Feng Shou long ago.

Due to some reasons, the late emperor not only failed to "hide all the birds but bows" against Feng Shou, he also failed to excessively clean up the spies in the palace.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

He just cleared himself up, but there were still Feng Shou's informants in other palaces, such as around Queen Mother He.

Emperor Yongcheng was not as good as the late Emperor. The people around him were originally arranged by the Empress Dowager He, the three ministers and other big shots.

Among them was Feng Shou.

Feng Shou did not want to monitor the little emperor, but worried about him and protected him secretly.

However, after Emperor Yongcheng knew the "truth", he might not appreciate it. He might even be wary of Feng Shou and feel that he was disloyal.

Feng Shou had already experienced Emperor Yongcheng's unreasonableness and ingratitude, so he did not dare to test him further.

Alas, the little emperor is not broad-minded enough and does not have that much trust in him. It is better to hide these things if possible.

Feng Shou regretted that he should not have entered the palace rashly, but he had already come and could not retreat halfway.

So, he concealed his emotions and began to consciously guide Emperor Yongcheng.

An old fox like Feng Shou can achieve his goal quickly if he deliberately tricks him.

As for Emperor Yongcheng, he was already worried and excited, and wanted to find someone to "share" with him.

After hearing Feng Shousan's "chatting", he said excitedly, "Sir, now that the Salt Administration Department is about to be established, I want to follow my father's method and hold an exam to select officials!"

Feng Shou's eyes lit up, hey, you're not that stupid!

Taking the Salt Administration Department as an opportunity to conduct an experiment on a small scale under the banner of the late emperor is not out of the ordinary.

"In addition, I also want to conduct a major assessment, involving officials from three provinces and six ministries, as well as counties and counties!"

"Those who pass the exam will continue to be officials; those who fail the exam will be eliminated!"

Feng Shou: ...Sure enough, wisdom only lasts three seconds.

I just praised you for "not being stupid", and you immediately hit me hard.

National official assessment?

It's such a huge momentum, it's such a massive effort, and if you don't get it right, it could overturn the situation.

Moreover, this kind of assessment is not very meaningful.

Because from top to bottom, from "examiner" to "candidate", everyone is from aristocratic family or official.

It cannot be said that officials protect each other, but there are too many unspoken rules in the officialdom, and it is really not something that a little emperor can play around with.

If one thing is not done well and the whole process is messed up, the little emperor will not only not get the results he wants, but will also waste people and money, making the whole court full of complaints.

What is the difference between this and directly promoting the imperial examination nationwide?

Not only will they not be able to select the talents they really want, but they will be plotted and deceived by powerful people from aristocratic families.

In the end, the little emperor's prestige will drop again and again, and he may even be quietly killed by the aristocratic family, and he will be directly replaced by King Liang!

"Your Majesty, as a rule, the imperial examination is held every three years. The examination was just held the year before last. If you want the next one, you have to wait until the end of this year!"

Feng Shou tried hard to adjust his breathing, not wanting to come up and reprimand Emperor Yongcheng for being "inappropriate".

He tried to reason with Emperor Yongcheng in a nice voice.

However, as soon as he started, Emperor Yongcheng smiled coldly, "Sir, during the last major exam, I was not in charge!"

The implication of his words is that I have taken charge of the government, and I want to have a big exam to "celebrate", isn't it possible?

A businessman who normally does business and is the head of a new owner has to check the accounts again and test the shop assistants.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

As an emperor, am I inferior to those merchants?

Feng Shou: ...This fallacy is really choking.

"Your Majesty, the big exam is no child's play, and the old rules of the imperial court are not to be broken arbitrarily!"

As an emperor, you must also pay attention to "not changing like your father for three years."

This is not only to show filial piety, but also for the stability of the court.

Although the late emperor passed away several years ago, the three-year period has already passed.

However, as a young emperor, Emperor Yongcheng had just taken office this year, so it was difficult for him to make too many changes.

Firstly, he is young and does not have much experience. He still needs to learn about government affairs.

Secondly, he has no authority and even if there are changes, he cannot really implement them.

The salt policy reform just now is an example.

Now, Emperor Yongcheng is even better, and he directly causes a big earthquake in the court.

Tsk tsk, let’s talk about the aristocratic family, even those officials with martial arts and poor backgrounds can’t stand the willfulness of Emperor Yongcheng and don’t want him to mess around!

"Old routine? Old routine? Old routine again!"

Emperor Yongcheng was annoyed and no longer controlled his emotions. He shouted angrily: "When my father was here, there were no museums and salt administration departments!"

There are no women to serve as officials or to go to court!

Haven't these new tricks been figured out by Queen Mother He now?

Oh, it's also "breaking the old rules", and Queen Mother He can do it as a woman.

But as the most supreme emperor of the Dayuan Empire, he can't?

What's the point? !

Emperor Yongcheng was secretly angry, and his anger was on the verge of exploding.

Feng Shou felt that he could no longer be tired. The little emperor in front of him really disappointed him.

Moreover, Feng Shou could tell today that the emperor did not reform for the sake of reform, he simply wanted to compete with the Queen Mother He and vent his anger!

Conflicts of temper and willful behavior are really not what a qualified king should be like.

A person who is an emperor must know how to be forbearing and how to weigh the pros and cons.

Even if it is the person he hates the most, as long as he is valuable to the country and his rule, the emperor will tolerate him and even give him a heavy responsibility.

It was the late emperor who was so afraid of the He family and hated the Queen Mother He so much that the couple almost broke up.

However, when it came to public occasions, the late emperor was still able to show respect for the queen and never embarrassed the queen in public.

There are also a few veterans who stayed from the previous dynasty. They claim to be loyal, but in fact they are just trying to gain fame.

He always resorted to scolding, taking it as an honor to scold the late emperor all day long, even spitting in the late emperor's face.

The late emperor wanted to kill these old thieves more than once, but he endured them all and praised them as loyal ministers and virtuous ministers.

He is not angry or resentful, but he values ​​his reputation and the stability of his country more!

Therefore, as an emperor, you cannot do whatever you want.

Don't even act like Emperor Yongcheng!

"Your Majesty, these are not the same thing!"

Although Feng Shou was disappointed, he did not give up completely. He continued to persuade him with good words.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

However, Emperor Yongcheng didn't listen at all.

In the end, he called himself "I" again and again, asking Feng Shou to "stand down."

Feng Shou: ...This is the second time!

His face was as dark as water, and he left the palace without saying anything.

A few days later, Emperor Yongcheng announced two things at the court meeting:

First, officials of the Salt Administration Department need to pass an examination.

Second, officials of the Dayuan Dynasty must undergo a top-down assessment.

The courtiers were talking a lot, but Wang Yuan and other old foxes from aristocratic families remained calm.

"The second bomb to kill you!"

He Tiantian already knew the whole story when Feng Shou entered the palace that day.

She gave an accurate assessment.

However, she had long expected that Emperor Yongcheng would continue to commit suicide, so she was not too surprised.

Instead of having time to pay attention to the Barbecue Emperor's nonsense, it would be better to continue to extract the energy of the wild system.

According to palace rules, on the first and fifteenth day of every month, the concubines would come back to pay their respects to the Queen Mother.

He Tiantian will use this time to practice the Wuji Art at close range using the energy of the wild tradition.

And the consequence of constantly shedding wool is that the "sheep" finally realizes it.

Ye Tong did not notice anything unusual about He Tiantian, but felt an inexplicable danger in this person.

"Ding! Issue a mission to overthrow the Queen Mother He. Once the mission is completed, you will be rewarded with a Marrow Cleansing Pill, which can cleanse your hair, remove your marrow, and rejuvenate you!"

Zheng Nian'er:? ? ? ! ! !

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