The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 491: Palace fighting is worse than rebellion (28)

[The heroine took the villain script] []

W·H·F? !

To bring down the Queen Mother?

Is this Dogecoin system crazy?

Who does it think the Queen Mother is? Is she an ordinary "mother-in-law"? She actually lets her be the "daughter-in-law" to overthrow the other party?

The Empress Dowager He is the regent empress dowager. It cannot be said that she has all the power in the court, but she is definitely the number one figure in the court.

And she, Zheng Nian'er, is just a concubine in the harem, not even a queen!

Although he is favored, no matter how favored he is, he still cannot leave the harem, let alone confront the Empress Dowager He!

Haha, she really wanted to ask the system: I have no enmity with you, why would you harm me like this?

This is not asking her to do a task, it is clearly asking her to commit suicide.

"This system has no intention of harming you——"

Gongdou System sensed Zheng Nian'er's strong emotional fluctuations, and there was a trace of unnaturalness in the stereotypical mechanical voice.

"Dear! Aren't you trying to harm me? Are you asking me, a person who is below me in terms of status and seniority, to go and 'bring down' the superior?"

Zheng Nian'er really couldn't bear it.

This rogue system asked her to flirt with the emperor, slap the queen in the face, and plot against the concubines. Although she was reluctant, she was coerced and had to do it.

Moreover, although these tasks are disgusting and awkward, they are not impossible!

Now, the Gongdou System has directly set up a "seeking death" mission. It would be foolish for Zheng Nian'er to do it obediently.

"Dear! I'm not asking you to do this mission in vain. After you succeed, you can get the Marrow Cleansing Pill as a reward. You know, this is a reward that only the palace fighting champion will have!"

"Kiss! As long as you defeat Queen Mother He, you can win such an ultimate prize!"

The Gong Dou system changed from its previous arrogance and coldness and began to act cute towards Zheng Nian'er.

It also came up with what it called the "ultimate jackpot."

As everyone knows, the more active it becomes, the more worried Zheng Nian'er becomes - the system is either messing with something, or it's messing with me! Danger! Danger!

Zheng Nian'er was full of resistance in her heart, but she also knew that she couldn't really refuse the Gongdou system.

She breathed deeply several times, calmed down her excitement, and tried to reason with the Gongdou system——

"System! System Dad! It's not that I don't want to do the task, but this task is too difficult!"

"Talk about me as a favored concubine. Even Emperor Yongcheng, who is the emperor, would not dare to say 'bring down the Queen Mother He'!"

"Leave aside the fact that Queen Mother He is the regent of the dynasty, just because she is the emperor's biological mother, looking at the entire Dayuan Dynasty, no one dares to 'disobey' her!"

The emperor didn't dare, let alone Zheng Nian'er, a beloved concubine!

"...Really, System, this mission is so ridiculous. Do you think Queen Mother He is Queen Mother Liu?"

"Well, even the Empress Dowager Liu, although she is not the emperor's biological mother, the emperor once suspected that she had treated his biological mother harshly, but she did not dare to disobey her, let alone say anything like 'bringing her down'."

Zheng Nian'er shook her head desperately. She didn't dare to confront Queen Mother He directly!

He even dared not take a big shot like Queen Mother He as the target of a mission.

"..." Gongdou System was silent for a moment, and suddenly turned into a cold mechanical voice, "If you fail the mission, you will be punished by lightning strikes, once a day!"

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

Damn it!

Gongdou System, you are really crazy!

Lightning strike punishment, once a day!

This is to chop her Zheng Nian'er to death.

"Host, this system has never wanted to kill you.

But Queen Mother He poses a serious threat to this system. If she is not brought down, this system will be severely damaged, and you, who are bound to this system, will also end up in a state of despair! "

The Gongdou System was really anxious, and it directly "showed off" its cards to Zheng Nian'er.

Zheng Nian'er:...

Damn, what is this?

Doing tasks is tantamount to directly seeking death.

If you don't complete the task or fail the task, you will be chopped to death by lightning!

This bastard system didn't even leave her a way to survive.

"It's not like there's no hope!"

The Gongdou System did not want to really push Zheng Nian'er to a dead end, so it softened its tone and persuaded softly: "Host, you are so smart, think about it carefully, and you will always come up with good strategies!"

"The Empress Dowager He is indeed powerful, but she is a woman after all, and her relationship with Emperor Yongcheng is indifferent. As for you, you still have an advantage."

"Just like the Empress Dowager Liu you just mentioned, didn't she and her adopted son Emperor Renzong almost become enemies?"

Zheng Nian'er squinted her eyes. Although she still resisted in her heart, she had begun to carefully consider the system's words.

Yes, Queen Mother He is indeed difficult to deal with.

As the beloved concubine of the harem, she, Zheng Nian'er, rashly plotted against her, was like a fly shaking a tree.

However, this mission does not have even the slightest chance of success.

Wait, Queen Mother Liu?

In the official history, she was praised as "having Lu Wu's talents but not Lu Wu's evil".

Among the people, she also has a more widely circulated story - the civet cat exchanged for the prince!

"The civet cat changes to the prince! Wear the dragon robe!"

In later generations, Zheng Nianer grew up with his grandparents.

The two old people have no other hobbies, they just like to sing Peking Opera and are considered amateur fans.

Therefore, Zheng Nian'er has heard many famous Peking Opera jokes since she was a child.

Influenced by these operas, she actually regarded operas as official history for a long time.

It wasn't until I went to school and learned the real history that I realized how outrageous those folk jokes were.


Although these opera stories deviate from history, they are not useless at all.

Zheng Nian'er tried hard to recall the contents of those classic Peking Opera arias, and had a vague idea in her mind.

However, she needed help and time to prepare.

"Tiantian, Mrs. Hu has entered the palace again!"

As a universal camera who loves gossip, classmate Little D will rush to tell He Tiantian every time he captures "news".

He Tiantian raised her eyebrows, "Oh. She must have been summoned to the palace by Zheng Nian'er."

Mrs. Hu was the wet nurse of Emperor Yongcheng and was favored by the emperor.

In the past, Mrs. Hu was left directly in the palace, like "half a master".

Emperor Yongcheng even used Hu to stimulate Queen Mother He. For a while, Hu's popularity in the palace seemed to have overshadowed Queen Mother He!

As an "old man" in the palace, although Hu was later sent away by Emperor Yongcheng, now he only enters the palace occasionally, which is really not news.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

Moreover, He Tiantian speculated that it was definitely not the Emperor Yongcheng who summoned Hu into the palace, but someone else.

Think about it, Hu's biological daughter is a concubine in the palace, and according to palace rules, concubines who reach a certain level can summon their relatives from their natal family.

That's why He Tiantian said, "She should have been summoned to the palace by Zheng Nian'er."

Classmate Little D, who had long given up trying to show off in front of He Tiantian, still couldn't hold it back and asked, "Tiantian, why don't you think it was the emperor who summoned the Hu family to the palace?"

"Because the emperor already knows that I no longer care about the so-called 'deep love between mother and son'!"

The reason why the barbecued pork son of Emperor Yongcheng always praised the Hu family was not only because he had feelings for the Hu family, but also because he wanted to "resist" the Queen Mother He!

It was as if he had the upper hand in front of his mother by promoting his wet nurse and suppressing his mother's family.

The original owner really cared about his son, so he would naturally be stimulated and react violently.

After He Tiantian came here, he didn't take Emperor Yongcheng seriously at all.

Therefore, the Hu family was floating in front of his eyes. Even if Emperor Yongcheng dared to consecrate her as a "holy lady", He Tiantian just smiled coldly.

Queen Mother He could not be stimulated, and what he did might be impeached and dissatisfied by the courtiers.

Emperor Yongcheng is not stupid enough to let himself fall into such a passive situation!

Furthermore, Emperor Yongcheng was busy with the salt administration and the college entrance examination, so he had no time to "cause trouble" for He Tiantian.

...After listening to He Tiantian's analysis, Little D had no other reaction except a thumbs up and a like.

"The Queen Mother, the Queen is here to pay her respects to you!"

While He Tiantian was chatting with classmate Little D, Grandma Song heard the report from the little palace maid, leaned into He Tiantian's ear, and whispered a reminder.

"Let her in!"

He Tiantian put away the memorial in her hand and didn't deliberately adjust her appearance. She just sat cross-legged leisurely.

"Concubine, please greet the Queen Mother!" Queen Tao saluted respectfully.

"Get up, we are all a family, there is no need to be so polite!"

He Tiantian looked at Queen Tao lovingly and her tone was very kind.

"Speaking of which, you and I are not outsiders. A few years ago, when you were just born, I hugged you."

He Tiantian deliberately mentioned the "past", with memories and wistfulness in her words, "At that time, you were a small ball, white and clean, with round eyes, and your little hands and feet were particularly strong!"

"At that time, I just said, you are a good boy, you look lucky!"


Queen Tao, who was sitting on her knees, had a flash of bitterness in her eyes.

How is she lucky?

Yes, she is now the queen, the mother of the Dayuan Dynasty, a mother who is respected in the world and extremely noble.

However, this is only the surface.

It had been less than a year since she entered the palace, but she felt as if she had been suffering in this palace for a lifetime.

Before entering the palace, Queen Tao knew that there would be no love between her and Emperor Yongcheng.

Empress Tao and the entire Tao family didn't care about this. They felt that it was enough as long as Emperor Yongcheng gave her the honor of being a legitimate wife and allowed her to be a queen worthy of the name.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

As for how many women the young emperor had and which concubine he favored, it was all a trivial matter.

But when she actually entered the palace and became a queen, some things went beyond her expectations.

Emperor Yongcheng did not love her, but he also refused to give her the respect and dignity that his wife deserved.

Not even three months after the wedding, Emperor Yongcheng began to elect the harem.

The fourth concubine quickly made up for it, and the bastard emperor even used his right to be in charge of palace affairs as bait, causing the fourth concubine to fight with the queen.

Queen Tao's face as the head of the harem was completely ruined by Emperor Yongcheng.

Later, Queen Tao was even banned.

Before she left the cabinet, Tao Youwei had such a flamboyant and overbearing temper.

As a result, she was worn down by the palace all her life.

She had been in solitary confinement for several months. If the Queen Mother had not asked her to come out to host the birthday banquet when her 10,000th birthday was approaching, she, the Queen, would probably have been "grounded".

After walking out of the courtyard where she had been imprisoned for half a year, and seeing the familiar and unfamiliar palaces, Empress Tao felt as if she was in another world.

Her heart seems to be getting old!

"...Don't frown!"

Queen Tao was lost in thought when suddenly a gentle voice sounded in her ears.

She raised her head suddenly and met a pair of concerned eyes.

"How old are you? You're fifteen or sixteen years old. You're a flower-like person. You shouldn't frown like a resentful woman in a palace!"

"I still remember that you liked to wear crimson dresses, ride horses, and play wantonly!"

He Tiantian still said with reminiscence.

But her words made Queen Tao's eyes sore and her tears rolled down.


She also misses her bright and flamboyant self!

"At that time, you played polo with a group of young men and young ladies, and went on an outing in the lake. It was really a 'horse in bright clothes', so fun!"

"When you enter the palace and get married, although you have to be more restrained, you can't lose your nature!"

"The emperor did do something wrong, but you can't use other people's mistakes to punish yourself!"

"Youwei, your father is the founding father of the country. During the war, he also obeyed my orders."

"After all, we can be considered family friends. Now, you and I have become mother-in-law and daughter-in-law. We have so many feelings for each other. I really don't want to see you become like this!"

"Cheer up and be a proud and confident little lady like in the past, and don't let others laugh at you!"

He Tiantian's eyes were full of encouragement.

Queen Tao felt the kindness and listened to her words.

Yes, the emperor is a bastard, but she, Tao Youwei, is a noble person.

Why would she become self-pitying and blaming for such a bad man?

She doesn't want to be a resentful woman in the palace.

And what if Zheng's humble maid became a concubine? What if she had the emperor's favor?

A bitch is a bitch!

No matter how much you lift me up, you can't wash away the lowliness all over you.

In the past, Empress Dowager He never expressed her stance. Now, Empress Dowager He is reminiscing with her about the past and has a relationship with her. Empress Tao is just coquettish and willful, she is not stupid!

Her eyes flickered, no matter what the Empress Dowager He had planned, but in this deep palace, the Empress Dowager He was her "backer", she was not even afraid of Emperor Yongcheng!

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

Straightening her back, Queen Tao slowly raised her head, becoming the eldest lady of the Tao family with her head held high again!

After chatting with He Tiantian for a few words, Queen Tao said goodbye and left.

However, when she stepped out of the side hall, she happened to meet Wang Shijiu, who was holding a stack of documents.

"My lord, pay homage to the Queen!"

Although Wang Shijiu was holding something and it was difficult to move, she still saluted gracefully.

"..." Seeing Wang Shijiu in official uniform, Queen Tao was in a trance for a moment.

This is the nineteenth mother of the Wang family, the original candidate for queen.

However, the Wang family saw through Emperor Yongcheng's true face of being heartless and heartless, and did not want to send Wang Shijiu to suffer.

It was Tao Youwei's turn to take the position of Queen of Dayuan.

In the past, Queen Tao was a bit repulsive and even hated Wang Shijiu. She always felt that she was offended by picking up unwanted things.

But now, after half a year, she saw Wang Shijiu again, and her heart was very complicated...

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