The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 494: Palace fighting is worse than rebellion (31)

[The heroine took the villain script] []

Yes, it's possible!

When Emperor Yongcheng heard the story "Dragon Robe", he did have doubts and felt that Zheng Nian'er was mirroring him.

But when he calmed down and returned to his senses, he realized: Impossible! Absolutely impossible!

He must be the Queen Mother's biological son, otherwise, with Queen Mother He's strength and intelligence, she would never be able to do the stupid thing of "making wedding clothes for others".

For the sake of power, Queen Mother He could indeed promote a bastard as a puppet emperor.

But in this process, she will never give up her heart and soul, let alone consider the emperor with all her heart.

It's not that Emperor Yongcheng didn't know how good Empress Dowager He was to him, he just pretended that these good things were imposed on him and controlled by him.

He Tiantian: ...What the hell kind of barbecued pork comment is this? !

Emperor Yongcheng indeed rejected and even hated his own mother, but since he was a child, he had never doubted his own life experience.

Because except for her direct mother, no one would give as much as Queen Mother He.

Not to mention all the things she did when she was a child, what Empress Dowager He did in terms of Emperor Yongcheng's personal rule can be called a "loving mother"!

She was even more motherly than Empress Lu and Empress Dou, and was not obsessed with power.

Emperor Yongcheng did not want to admit it, but he would not completely reject it.

However, Zheng Nian'er's story is too "tempting".

Once it was "confirmed" that she had another biological mother, Queen Mother He would be just a legitimate mother, a mother in name only.

If there were any more grudges about "killing his mother"... he would be able to get rid of Queen Mother He's control justifiably.

In terms of status, he owed Queen Mother He, but, but he could make up for it secretly.

As long as Empress Dowager He no longer poses a threat to him, Emperor Yongcheng will sincerely treat her as his own mother and be filial to her, allowing her to live a long life.

...Everything is just to enable him to take charge of the government more smoothly.

"Parents who love their children have far-reaching plans!"

If the Queen Mother He really loved his son, she should fulfill him, right?

Emperor Yongcheng had already made up his mind, but he still deliberately acted "surprised" and excitedly asked Hu about the truth back then.

As for Mrs. Hu, she understood very well, but she also pretended to be in trouble.

Finally, he was "forced to have no choice" and revealed the truth.

She also said, "Although the nobleman is no longer here, the maid who served her is still alive. My old man has found her and placed her properly in the village on the outskirts of the city!"

Any witnesses? !

Emperor Yongcheng's eyes flickered, and a certain thought in his heart grew like a weed.

He looked at Mrs. Hu intently for a long time, and then said quietly, "Nanny, it's so hard for you to hide this from me!"

Hearing what Emperor Yongcheng said, Mrs. Hu, mother and daughter Zheng Nian'er breathed a sigh of relief: It's done!

"Tiantian! Something big is going to happen! Something big is really going to happen!"

Little D’s classmate secretly peeped at this scene, and he was very excited.

It jumped up to He Tiantian and shouted loudly.

He Tiantian still held the cinnabar in her hand and continued to annotate documents, unaffected by the harassment from Little D's classmate.

"Oh my god, the emperor is so stupid. He easily believed such lies!"

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

Seeing that He Tiantian didn't respond, Little D continued to jump up and down while shouting exaggeratedly——

"Oh, no, no, he's not stupid, he's a barbecued bastard! He, he's confident! He's got you right, oh no, he's got the original owner right!"

"Using yourself is the only one,

He plotted against his own mother in every possible way, and he indeed inherited the bad genes from his scumbag father! "

"Tiantian! Tiantian, listen to me, they are going to cause trouble on the Holy Birthday Day!"

Hearing that Little D was about to spoil the most exciting episode of the series, He Tiantian finally stopped being silent: "Stop! Stop talking!"

Classmate Little D: ...The "secret" that was about to burst onto my lips was just, just, held back!

"No, Tiantian, you, you are really not curious?" Please, just let me say it.

Otherwise, the Lun family would really be suffocated to death.

He Tiantian: ...You have a system, why are you gossiping like this?

Although there is little D classmate here, He Tiantian will not be too lonely even in ancient times.

But the problem is, this mentally retarded person is too noisy.

"Little D, after renewing the contract, I have unlocked a new system function. Do you want to give it a try?"

He Tiantian put down the cinnabar pen and pretended to massage her temples, but in fact she was arguing leisurely with classmate Little D.

"New features of the system?"

Little D was stunned for a moment. The topic of Tiantian changed too quickly.

It was a mentally retarded person, oh no, it was an intelligent assistant, and it didn’t react for a moment.

After a long while, Little D finally understood what He Tiantian meant, "S-small dark room? Tiantian, no, you, you want to lock me in a small dark room?"

No, it and Tiantian are the closest friends.

How could she shut herself into a small dark room?

This is too heartless, shameless and unreasonable!

Little classmate D is so wronged and wants to cry.

He Tiantian's cold face meant, "If you dare to cry, I will throw you into the dark room immediately."

Classmate Little D: ...Woo, Tiantian, you don’t even belong to the Ellen family anymore!

He Tiantian: ...Ma De, I am really addicted to acting.

Classmate Little D felt He Tiantian's displeasure and did not dare to play tricks anymore, so he huddled in the corner.


Bullying the Lun family again!

The Lun family won't tell you the conspiracy of the Hu family, so that you will be caught off guard at the birthday banquet!

Seeing that classmate Little D finally calmed down, He Tiantian nodded with satisfaction.

But a light flashed in her eyes——


And Emperor Yongcheng, they are going to cause trouble together on the Holy Shou Festival!

Obviously, this is a conspiracy against "Queen Mother He".

But, what kind of trouble can they make?

The time soon came to the Holy Birthday Festival, and He Tiantian's doubts in her heart soon got the answer.

In the Tai Chi Palace, all the officials were present. The female family members were dressed in fragrant clothes, smiling and cheering. It was very lively.

He Tiantian was dressed in festive costumes, sitting high on the main seat, watching everything with a smile.

Just when everyone started to formally pay their birthdays, a young eunuch came running back and shouted loudly to report——

"Your Majesty, someone is beating a drum outside the palace!"


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[The heroine took the villain script] []

Someone wants to file a complaint?

No, that's not the point!

The Great Yuan Dynasty was so big that there were tens of millions of people in Ming Dynasty.

There are so many people who have been wronged.

Although not everyone who has been wronged will come to beat the drum, but within a few months, or a year or two, there will always be one or two poor people who complain.

The key point of today's matter is that someone knocked on the Dengwen drum, but was stabbed at the holy birthday banquet. very worth pondering.

Wang Yuan and the other old foxes' expressions remained as usual, only the hands holding the wine cup tightened slightly - Little Emperor, something is going to happen again!

Feng Shou had a bad premonition. He looked at "Queen Mother He" worriedly and reminded the little emperor with his eyes.

Your Majesty, don't be stupid!

Don't go crazy testing the Queen Mother's bottom line just because you are her only son.

Although "Queen Mother He" has a loving heart towards her son, she is really not a saint who repays evil with kindness.

Thinking about the late emperor back then, tsk tsk, the two of them were still husband and wife. They were different...

Feng Shou's heart was beating wildly, but he kept sending glances to Emperor Yongcheng, but Emperor Yongcheng deliberately pretended not to notice.

Feng Shou:......

His heart almost fell to the bottom. It seemed that the little emperor was really going to do something stupid.

"Mother, if someone beats the Dengwen drum, there must be a great injustice -"

When Emperor Yongcheng saw that He Tiantian was silent, he seemed not to hear the little eunuch's yelling, nor to see the eyes of the ministers and the female family members flying around.

He was anxious, worried that "Queen Mother He" would get away with it, so he tried to make things difficult to remind her.

"Oh? Then according to the emperor's wish, the case will be heard at the Ai family's birthday banquet?"

He Tiantian didn't show any kindness to Emperor Yongcheng and wanted to tear off his hypocritical mask.

All the courtiers looked at Emperor Yongcheng with strange eyes.

Yes, even if someone beats the drum, even if that person has suffered a great injustice, things should have priorities.

What's more, it's not the eight hundred miles urgent battle report. Delaying it for a day and a half will cause huge losses.

He's just a complainer, so if he waits for a day or two, even if he waits for ten days and a half before trying the case, it won't mean anything.

Today is the Queen Mother’s birthday.

On a good day, someone suddenly appears with a complaint, and the matter can be brought to the birthday banquet...

Gee, no matter how you look at it, this matter has something to do with the emperor.

As a son, the emperor was able to do such a terrible thing at his mother's birthday banquet, which shows his "pure filial piety"!

Emperor Yongcheng:...

He is not blind, nor is he stupid. Naturally, he feels doubts and even disdain from everyone.

He originally felt a little guilty towards Queen Mother He, his own mother, and felt that he had wronged her.

But at this moment, seeing He Tiantian being so ruthless and everyone reacting like this, the little conscience that Emperor Yongcheng had left disappeared.

"I don't dare! Today is my mother's birthday, a happy day that should be celebrated by the whole world!"

"It's just that the Dengwen Drum was set up by the late emperor to give the people of Liming a way to redress their grievances!"

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

"The drum is sounding. As an emperor, although I shouldn't ruin my mother's longevity, I can't pretend not to know!"

Emperor Yongcheng spoke in an official tone and even pulled out the late emperor to use as a banner.

Ruining my mother's birthday party is indeed suspected of being unfilial.

But he did this to obey his father's will. The father is more noble than the mother.

Therefore, he is not really unfilial.

"Emperor, you have said this. If the Ai family does not agree, she will become an unreasonable and stupid woman who does not respect the late emperor!"

Judging from the posture of the little emperor, he is ready to tear himself apart.

Even so, He Tiantian was even more ruthless.

The ministers began to talk among themselves, and there was a buzzing sound in the hall.

Especially some older people looked at Emperor Yongcheng with great disapproval.

No matter how high-sounding Emperor Yongcheng's words were, he could not hide the fact that he was disrespectful to his mother!

Alas, it's pitiful that Queen Mother He has been strong for half her life and only has such a son under her knees, but...

But soon, everyone became a little confused.

"What's going on? I-did I hear correctly just now?"

"You heard that right! I heard it too. It turns out that Your Majesty is not the Queen Mother's biological son, but the son of a palace servant named A Yuan who was close to the Queen Mother!"

"Impossible? How could the Queen Mother do something like giving birth to a child through the rebirth of someone else, leaving the mother alone to keep the child?"

"How is it impossible that I didn't see that good sister from the palace and came directly to play the drum?"

The courtiers were stunned at first, and then whispered.

The main hall was filled with chattering sounds.

The old fox, like Wang Yuanzhe, was definitely well-informed, and his mouth was wide open in shock at the scene in front of him.

Feng Shou closed his eyes in despair.

He knew that the little emperor was stupid, but he still didn't expect that this little ancestor could be so stupid.

What on earth was he going to do when he did this?

At the beginning, the veterans and nobles represented by Feng Shou supported Zhao Gui and proposed making him the prince because he was the empress.

He is the legitimate son, a symbol of orthodoxy.

Otherwise, Prince Liang was both the eldest son and deeply favored by the emperor. Without the etiquette of a legitimate concubine, he would have become a prince long ago.

Fortunately for the little emperor, King Liang did not accuse him of having issues with his identity, so he himself found a "palace-born mother".

What is he going to do?

Are you slandering yourself, devaluing yourself, and deliberately giving political opponents a reason to criticize you?

Yes, the little emperor has indeed sat on the dragon throne. Even if he changes from legitimate son to concubine, he cannot be deposed.

But the problem is that Emperor Yongcheng's position as emperor is not stable.

The turmoil caused by the salt policy reform has not completely subsided, and the official examination has caused complaints from all over the court.

And Meng Qin, who was favored by Emperor Yongcheng, was stirring up trouble in Nanzhou.

In the past, Queen Mother He, her own mother, supported him. Even if the little emperor made mistakes and caused trouble, there would be someone to clean up the mess for him.

He will not be besieged or even deposed!

As a result, the little emperor cut off his arm before his wings were full.

The person involved knew clearly whether the little emperor was the Queen Mother's biological son or not.

But he caused such a farce today because he wanted to force Queen Mother He to alienate her from him.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

Queen Mother He is really not a good-tempered person. If she is really pushed into a hurry, she, she may not do anything.

Deposing the emperor may not be enough.

However, from now on, Queen Mother He will definitely not help Emperor Yongcheng like in the past.

Without Queen Mother He, the little emperor became a "concubine" again... Oh, Feng Shou simply didn't dare to continue thinking about it.

If there hadn't been a hint of reason to remind him, Feng Shouzhen would have rushed forward, grabbed Emperor Yongcheng's shoulders and shook him desperately, trying to shake all the water out of his head!

"You old woman, is everything you said true?"

Not to mention the astonishment of the courtiers, nor the speechlessness of Feng Shou and other old foxes, just one Liang Wang almost jumped up with excitement.

He pointed at an old woman kneeling in the middle. It was said that this person was the good sister of palace maid A Yuan, and the retired palace maid Abi who came to plead grievance for A Yuan, and asked loudly.

"Everything the old woman said is true! If you don't believe me, you can ask the Queen Mother if there was a palace maid named A Yuan beside her back then, but she died of illness fifteen years ago for no reason!"

"In addition, there should be records in the palace. A-Yuan and I are both palace attendants of the Queen Mother..."

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