The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 495: Rebellion is worse than palace fighting (32)

[The heroine took the villain script] []

"Tiantian, are you surprised? Are you surprised? Are you happy?"

Little D, who had been holding it in for several days, finally waited for the day of "unveiling", laughing like a little villain.

He Tiantian: ...It is indeed a bit unexpected and quite surprising.

I knew that the little emperor was a heartless barbecued pork bun, but I still didn't expect that he would have such a magical operation.

Haha, it’s simply a stroke of genius!

Classmate Little D: ...Hey, that’s not right. Tiantian doesn’t seem to be talking angry, but she is really happy.

This this--

Just when classmate Little D was secretly wondering, Grandma Song, who was standing next to He Tiantian, couldn't help it anymore.

"You bitch, how dare you?!"

Grandma Song's eyes were cracked. She really wished she could rush in front of the old woman and eat this bitch alive who told lies and slandered her master for no reason.

As the most trusted person of Queen Mother He, he was also her confidant who accompanied her from outside the palace to the palace and stayed with her in the palace for more than ten years.

Aunt Song knew Empress Dowager He very well.

Whether the little emperor is the biological child of Queen Mother He, Nanny Song knows better than anyone else.

Grandma Song has a good memory, so she certainly remembers that more than ten years ago, her master did have a palace maid who died of illness.

However, that person was just a little palace maid, and it had been so many years, and Nanny Song could no longer remember her name.

I vaguely remember that the little palace maid contracted the epidemic, and the Queen Mother was afraid that the epidemic would spread, so she moved her outside the palace.

Although she sent the person away, she did not ignore him. The Queen Mother arranged for doctors and medicinal materials.

After the death of the little palace maid, the Queen Mother took pity on her and rewarded her family with funeral money.

He is just an ordinary palace servant and a most kind master.

How could he fall into the mouth of this bitch and become a poor person who was forced by the Queen Mother to bear a child?

Even the Queen Mother's benevolent heart has become "hush money" for guilt and guilt?

Ridiculous, ridiculous...even more outrageous!

She was slandering the Queen Mother and telling a huge lie in front of the ministers and the world!

Didn’t you see that the Queen Mother was so angry that she was speechless?

And the courtiers and the female relatives all looked at each other in confusion? stunned? !

"What are your intentions? Who instructed you? How dare you slander the Queen Mother like this?"

Aunt Song was indeed the confidant of Empress Dowager He. She was angry and angry, but she did not completely lose her mind.

After she calmed down her anger for a moment, she realized that the scene in front of her was most likely a conspiracy against her master.

She pinched her palms hard, and the slight pain reminded her to stay calm.

She scolded fiercely, wanting to use questioning to remind the people around her: This person is framing the Queen Mother, everyone must not be deceived by her!

"..." The old woman who called herself Abi instinctively shrank when faced with Nanny Song who kept asking questions.

Her eyes were wandering around in the crowd. Soon, she seemed to have seen something and got a certain hint, and she calmed down again.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

"Mother Song, just ask, did the Queen Mother have a palace maid named A Yuan by her side back then? Did she 'die' of illness fifteen years ago?"

The old woman took a "confrontation" stance, but what she said was a bit rogue.

Grandma Song was furious again.

Damn, what would happen if there was a Yuan beside the Queen Mother? So what if this palace man dies of illness unexpectedly?

Such a big palace, and such a noble person as their Queen Mother,

Isn't it normal to have some palace attendants around you?

And so many palace people, eating whole grains, doing heavy work, having headaches and fever, and occasionally dying, are all extremely ordinary.

Let's talk about the noble Queen Mother. Even in the backyards of ordinary officials, there are always one or two slaves who died of illness.

This bitch actually seizes on some ordinary things to slander the Queen Mother!

Her tongue is also very clever, and she can talk about it regardless of whether it is relevant or not.

Amid all her nonsense, it was a little unreasonable to actually step on her mother--

The Queen Mother had lost several children in the early years, and her health was really damaged, so much so that she had not given birth for several years.

The relationship between the Queen Mother and the late Emperor as husband and wife has long been indifferent, and they only have sex one or two days a month.

Under such circumstances, the Queen Mother was definitely "lucky" to give birth to a son like the little emperor.

But what is that old cunning woman talking about?

Are you actually using this as evidence that the Queen Mother "borrowed her womb to give birth to a child"?


He Tiantian, who had been sitting quietly at the top, finally moved, and she softly uttered a sentence: "Okay, Ah Wu, stop talking!"

Grandma Song's heart was in her throat when she heard that her master's tone was wrong.

She hurried to see the Queen Mother and comforted her in a low voice: "Mother, what is false cannot be true, what is true cannot be false! No one knows the truth better than the old slave. The old slave, the old slave will definitely interrogate this wretched maid!"

He Tiantian slowly shook her head.

Nanny Song opened her mouth and wanted to say something. In the end, she succumbed to her duty and had no intention of disobeying her master.

He Tiantian stopped Nanny Song, and her eyes passed over the courtiers and female relatives present, turned around in a wide circle, and finally landed on Emperor Yongcheng.

"Emperor, what do you think?"

He Tiantian's meaning was very clear. She didn't care what the nonsense that person named Abi was talking about or what other people thought of it.

Now she just wants to know what Emperor Yongcheng means.

Wang Yuan and other old foxes lowered their eyelids to hide the gleams in their eyes.

Feng Shou was so worried that he was really afraid that Emperor Yongcheng would kill him alive.

He kept in mind the late emperor's instructions before his death, and sincerely cherished the friendship between teachers and students for more than ten years. He sincerely did not want to see the mother-son relationship between Emperor Yongcheng and Queen Mother He break up.

"Ahem! Ahem!"

Feng Shou winked at Emperor Yongcheng crazily, but he just pretended not to see.

As a last resort, Feng Shou deliberately coughed.

As a result, Emperor Yongcheng simply ignored it.

Feng Shou: ...Ma Dan, if I hadn’t owed you and my son, I would have been so arrogant that I wouldn’t want to care about you.

He Tiantian did not look at Feng Shou's worried look, but stared at Emperor Yongcheng.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

Emperor Yongcheng felt guilty, but he was even more eager to get rid of the oppression of the "Queen Mother He".

He avoided He Tiantian's eyes and murmured: "There is no smoke without fire, and this Abi doesn't seem to be a hypocrite!"

In other words, he would rather trust a stranger who came out of nowhere than his own mother?

"Haha! Hahaha!"

He Tiantian was silent for a long time, then suddenly looked up to the sky and laughed.

Smiling, a series of tears rolled down from the corners of her eyes.

It was obviously laughter, but everyone present felt chills in their hearts.

The loyal servant Nanny Song couldn't help but feel distressed, and her eyes when she looked at the emperor were also full of accusations——

That’s all for others, how could you, a son, hurt your mother-in-law’s heart so much?

In these years, apart from not taking care of you personally, how could I have been sorry for you?

I will do my best to protect you, plan for you with all my heart, and bring the best in the world to you.

You disobeyed me many times, and the queen mother was so angry that she fainted, but she still didn't care about you.

She cursed, but her heart ached. No matter how absurd and willful your request was, the Queen Mother finally acquiesced!

...With such a mother, you still doubt that she is not your biological mother?


If you are not afraid of violating taboos, for a heartless little white-eyed wolf like you, if you were not your own mother, who would treat you like this?

Suddenly, Nanny Song understood Queen Mother He.

She even felt a deep sense of self-blame and guilt——

Wow, she is confused!

In the past, I saw the empress suddenly "letting go" of the little emperor. Grandma Song also advised the empress to relax and not argue with the child!

Now, having witnessed the little emperor's heartlessness with her own eyes, Nanny Song finally realized her master's despair and sadness!

This child was completely raised crookedly.

Instead of being filial to the Queen Mother, his own mother, he regarded the Queen Mother as a roadblock and an enemy.

Nanny Song is not an ordinary servant. She has been with Queen Mother He for many years. She has seen many conspiracies and calculations in the palace and experienced too many storms.

When the late Emperor and the Queen Mother He were duel, Grandma Song was the one who witnessed it at the forefront.

Therefore, she also developed a pair of vicious eyes.

In the past, he couldn't see through the little emperor's true face because he was in the middle of the game and didn't want to think too badly of his little master.

Now, Grandma Song is on the opposite side and can actually see many facts clearly.

Abi is an old woman, but she can come and beat the drum, and she can also let the emperor "trial the case" regardless of the occasion.

If there was no handwriting from the emperor, Aunt Song would not believe it even to death.

Facing the Queen Mother He's questioning, the emperor's eyes dodge, and his whole person showed a guilty conscience, and Aunt Song could see it very clearly.

...The farce in front of us not only has something to do with the emperor, but is clearly directed by the emperor!

With this guess, Nanny Song simply couldn't understand the little emperor's magical operation.

However, she could indeed understand why her queen mother would suddenly laugh and shed tears.

Because even her dull old slave guessed the "truth", how could the extremely intelligent and wise Queen Mother not guess it.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

The empress was heartbroken by the little emperor!

Grandma Song has no children, but she can save others with herself. She just replaced herself with Queen Mother He. When she thought about it for a moment, her heart hurt as if it were being stabbed by a needle!

"It turns out that the little emperor is not the biological son of the Ai family!"

He Tiantian finished laughing sadly, raised her hand to gently wipe away the tears on her cheeks, and said this softly.

Then, without any explanation, she stood up directly and left the hall regardless of everyone's looks of surprise, confusion, or gloating.

Emperor Yongcheng was also extremely surprised. He opened his mouth and wanted to call someone back, but he didn't know what to say.

According to the plan, he should denounce "Queen Mother He" for using her mother's belly to give birth to a child, removing the mother and keeping the child, and other cruel methods, and avenge his "biological mother".

He was even prepared for how he would "trial" the matter clearly if Queen Mother He refuted it.

But... after anticipating various possibilities and making many preparations, Abi even had the "blood letter" left by Ayuan in her hand to prove the identity of Emperor Yongcheng.

As a result, Queen Mother He didn't even say a word of rebuttal, and she seemed to have "acquiesced"!

This this--

After punching the cotton, Emperor Yongcheng, Zheng Nian'er, Hu and others not only felt an inexplicable emptiness, but also a faint fear.

On the surface, they seemed to have achieved their goal.

But why are they not as excited and happy as expected?

Wang Yuan slowly raised his eyelids, glanced at the emotionally exposed Emperor Yongcheng, and secretly shook his head.

Feng Shou: dead. If you have anything to do, please burn the paper!

Concubine Xie Gui and Prince Liang’s mother and son were extremely excited.

If there wasn't a hint of reason to remind them, they would have danced on the spot and ordered people to set off firecrackers for three days and nights to celebrate!

"Haha! I've seen stupid people before, but I've never seen such a stupid person as Zhao Gui! He demeaned himself and cut off his arms. He is afraid that his position as emperor is not dangerous enough!"

King Liang simply couldn't wait for the banquet to end and wanted to run to join forces.

Without the support of Queen Mother He, Zhao Gui repeatedly got into trouble. Is there still a long way to depose the emperor?

The late emperor only had two sons, and Zhao Gui was deposed. Wouldn't it be his turn to be the king of Liang?

"...He, you have been strong and calculated all your life, but in the end, you will be defeated at the hands of your own flesh and blood?"

Compared with Prince Liang's excitement, Concubine Xie Gui felt happy that her great revenge had been avenged.

"Haha, my son would rather recognize a humble palace servant as his mother than the queen mother like you. You must be miserable! Haha, there is no way. Who told you to fail as a human being!"

"A wife is not good at being a wife, and a mother is not competent at her job! Now she is about to become a grandmother, but she still has a knife stabbed in her heart by her own son... Haha! Hahaha, retribution, really retribution!"

Concubine Xie Gui almost burst into tears from laughter.

She really wished she could run to the imperial mausoleum and tell the late emperor everything that happened today.

Concubine Xie Gui gritted her teeth and thought, He suddenly became the "childless queen mother". How will she show off her power in the future? !

"Erlang, now that the matter is over, let's settle the matter of the title as soon as possible!"

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

"Queen Mother He" suddenly left the table, and the atmosphere at the scene became extremely strange.

Zheng Nian'er, who was sitting on his knees near Emperor Yongcheng, quietly said to Emperor Yongcheng.

Emperor Yongcheng suppressed the uneasiness and fear in his heart. He looked at Zheng Nian'er and then at everyone present. After a long time, he said in a slightly hoarse voice:

"The truth is revealed, I am actually the biological son of the palace maid A Yuan!"

"Ah, my mother-in-law has passed away. I will not pursue any further investigation into what happened back then. I will postulate that my mother-in-law will be named the Xiaozhen Empress Dowager——"

Having said this, Emperor Yongcheng deliberately paused for a moment.

He feared that the courtiers would object.

After all, being crowned Queen Mother is no small matter, and the mystery of his so-called life experience is full of loopholes.

Not to mention others, Feng Shou alone would not be able to let him run wild.

However, what surprised Emperor Yongcheng was that after he said so much, no one among the ministers, nobles, and clan members present objected.

As for Feng Shou——

He's dead, don't disturb him!

"Late Emperor, it's really not that I didn't keep my promise back then. It's really your son who I can't do anything about!"

Fortunately, Feng Shou's promise to the late emperor at that time was that he would never let the Dayuan Dynasty change hands during his lifetime.

If Zhao Gui can't do it, then there's Zhao Yao.

Moreover, Feng Shou is already old, and he himself cannot guarantee how long he can live!

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