The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 496: Palace fighting is worse than rebellion (33)

[The heroine took the villain script] []

The awkward birthday banquet came to an end in endless silence.

After leaving the palace, Wang Yuan and several other old foxes summoned their confidants overnight to discuss the situation.

Feng Shou directly closed the door and refused to see anyone on the pretext of recovering from illness.

The martial artists headed by Tao Yong continued to lead the troops and have fun as if nothing had happened.

As for Emperor Yongcheng's conferment of a "filial piety queen mother" and the promotion of Mrs. Hu as a "consecrated lady", no one in the court paid attention to it.

It seemed to them that the emperor was just playing house, and all his actions were just nonsense.

Because many forces, including the aristocratic family, are waiting for Queen Mother He to "break out".

Empress Dowager He was not someone to be bullied. She was so humiliated at the birthday banquet and the emperor was seeking death like crazy. Even the saint couldn't help it.

What's more, the already strong and fierce-tempered Queen Regent? !

However, what shocked everyone was that Queen Mother He seemed to have disappeared since the day of the Holy Birthday Banquet.

She moved directly from Taiji Palace and went to Daming Palace on the north side of the capital.

"Is the Queen Mother going to break with His Majesty? Or is she taking the initiative to give in?"

He actually gave up the imperial palace and retreated to the Daming Palace outside the city?

Wang Yuan and other old foxes studied and figured it out carefully.

"It doesn't matter whether she breaks up or gives in. Anyway, she has left the capital and looks like a lost dog!"

Concubine Xie Gui heard that "Queen Mother He" actually went to the Daming Palace, and she felt as if "the wind and water were changing".

Back then, the late emperor had just passed away, and she was forced by the He family to guard the imperial mausoleum.

Fortunately, Mr. He raised a good son, who always opposed her mother in everything.

And Concubine Xie Gui was accustomed to pretending to be weak, pitiful, and all kinds of kindness and beauty, and actually deceived Emperor Yongcheng into thinking that she was a good person.

After staying in the imperial mausoleum for several months, Concubine Xie Gui was taken back to the capital by Emperor Yongcheng's order and reunited with her son, Prince Liang.

Although she only suffered for a few months, Concubine Xie Gui remembered the grudge against Empress Dowager He fiercely.

Now, Queen Mother He was forced out of the palace by her own son and hid in a villa outside the city... Haha, just thinking about it makes Princess Xie want to laugh happily.

People in Beijing reacted differently to He Tiantian's departure.

Some people are worried, some are surprised, and some are secretly happy.

Emperor Yongcheng's mood was very complicated. He felt guilty, blamed himself, and felt inexplicably uneasy.

"Mother, is she really angry with me? She would rather go to the Daming Palace outside the city than live under the same roof with me?"

He Tiantian's departure had a greater impact on Emperor Yongcheng's heart than the last time he was canonized as a queen.

Although "Queen Mother He" kept saying "you can do whatever you want" last time, she still lived in the palace.

Emperor Yongcheng caused trouble in the previous dynasty, and "Queen Mother He" would also provide help at the most critical moment.

Now, they just moved out of the palace and made a show of breaking with the emperor. Although Emperor Yongcheng didn't want to admit it, he still felt helpless and terrified that his backing had collapsed.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

"Erlang, the Queen Mother is doing this for your own good!"

Zheng Nian'er was already smart and perceptive, and with the help of the Gongdou System, she was keenly aware of Emperor Yongcheng's uneasiness, and comforted him considerately.

Mrs. Hu also persuaded her, "Yes, with the matter of 'Queen Dowager Xiaozhen', it would be a bit awkward for the Queen Mother to stay in the palace any longer! It's better to avoid it for the time being and wait until the storm has passed before Erlang goes there again." Daming Palace will just welcome the Queen Mother back!"

"What you said,

Is it all true? "

Emperor Yongcheng was very confused and felt even more uncertain.

However, at this moment, after hearing the persuasion of Zheng Nian'er and his daughter, he seemed to be persuaded.

"Of course it's true. In fact, the mystery of your life experience and the truth are no longer important!"

"The most important thing now is that you take control of the government as soon as possible and get rid of the shackles of the Queen Mother and the three ministers!"

Zheng Nian'er knew Emperor Yongcheng too well.

This king looks willful on the surface, but in reality he is even more willful.

He is selfish and cold, he only cares about his own power.

Queen Mother He retreated again and again, and now she retreated directly to the Daming Palace, looking a little pitiful and downcast.

Emperor Yongcheng looked unbearable and regretful.

Like a naughty child who has done something wrong, he is full of guilt for his own mother.

In fact, once his rights are mentioned, he will turn back into an indifferent and willful emperor!

Sure enough, when he heard Zheng Nian'er say this, Emperor Yongcheng's eyes flickered.

After a while, he let out a long sigh and said, "Nian'er is right! I believe that my mother also hopes that I can become a real king as soon as possible, not a puppet in their hands!"


The government is still the most important.

After finally moving the "Queen Mother He" mountain away, Emperor Yongcheng had to seize the opportunity to quickly seize power and install his cronies.

"Fragile" lasted only three seconds. Emperor Yongcheng cheered up in the shortest possible time and continued to roll up his sleeves to show off his skills in the court.

Wang Yuan and other big bosses looked on with cold eyes.

Liang Wang Zhao Yao, Han Wang Zhao Shuo and other royal families were actively planning secretly.

Emperor Yongcheng continued to implement his official selection and restructuring in the court, while his "raptor" love general was "making trouble in the palace" in Nanzhou.

Meng Qin is really fierce, beyond everyone’s expectation!

After he arrived in Nanzhou, he first directly confronted the wealthy family who controlled the place on the grounds of registering salt wells.

Rampant, without any scruples, Meng Qin was like a wolf that had entered a pack of tigers, biting with all his might.

The powerful men of Nanzhou: ... you thief, is the man surnamed Meng a lunatic?

The soft ones are afraid of the hard ones, the hard ones are afraid of the horizontal ones, and the horizontal ones are afraid of death.

Meng Qin is the one who doesn't want his life.

The family was a little deceived at first and even gave in a little.

However, later, it was discovered that Meng Qin did not give up when things were good, but intensified his efforts.

The family is angry. My modesty is not to scare you, but to give face to the master behind you.

I didn't expect you to be so ignorant, so don't blame me for getting mad.

The aristocratic family soon had a counterattack - in several counties in Nanzhou, in one night, the county magistrate, chief registrar, county magistrate, county captain, magistrate, etc. all resigned from their posts.

Even the lowest level police officers, clerks, etc. also asked for leave and disappeared, leaving Meng Qin to go to one empty yamen after another.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

There is no way, the aristocratic family controls the official selection system, and most of the county officials are sons of the aristocratic family, or people recommended by the aristocratic family.

Meng Qin offended the family, so the family launched a "non-violent non-cooperation movement" for Meng Qin.

They did not have a direct conflict with Meng Qin, but they went on strike.

As a result, Nanzhou fell into chaos.

Normally, the presence of the county government does not seem to be strong, and ordinary people do not easily deal with the government.

But, suddenly, the county offices were all empty, and the police officers patrolling the streets also disappeared.

There are countless rumors circulating.

The people panicked and Nanzhou was in chaos.

As the vassal king guarding Nanzhou, King Nan naturally has to take responsibility.

He endured his disgust for Meng Qin and suppressed his dissatisfaction with the aristocratic family, mediating in the middle, persuading left and right. After a lot of effort, he finally persuaded both parties to take a step back.

Nanzhou is finally not in complete chaos!

But Meng Qin set his sights on King Nan.

This can't be blamed on Meng Qin for causing trouble for no reason, but before he left, Emperor Yongcheng specifically told him to pay close attention to the movements of King Nan and King Nanping!

But King Nan’s previous actions to comfort the families made Meng Qin suspicious——

The arrogance of the family is well known to everyone.

King Nan is a vassal king, but he can make the family regress. Does this mean that he has colluded with the family?

You see, there is definitely a reason why Meng Qin became a talent that Emperor Yongcheng reused.

Their monarchs and ministers all have the same strange brain circuits!

King Nan slapped himself hard several times: I made you troublesome! Let you mind your own business! You should just let the mad dog named Meng be beaten to death by the aristocratic family!

Meng Qin was not beaten to death by the family, but because of Meng Qin's entanglement, Prince Nan had to force one of his sons and two grandsons to commit suicide to save the entire Prince of Nan's palace!

Nan Wang:......

He really hated Meng Qin.

Like Nan Wang, there was also Nan Ping Wang who wanted to eat Meng Qin alive.

Compared to King Nan, King Nanping was even more unjust.

Meng Qin did catch the little braid of the Nanwang Mansion. As a vassal king with a high emperor and a distant emperor, no matter how low-key the Nanwang is, he will always have some sins of competing with the people for profit and taking advantage of them.

As for the King of Nanping, as a general guarding southern Xinjiang, he had strict military orders, clear rewards and punishments, and never harassed the local people.

However, Meng Qin still kept an eye on him, secretly suspecting that King Nanping was "raising bandits for self-respect".

King Nanping has 200,000 elite soldiers under his command. How come he can't even wipe out the rebel army in the vassal state? !

King Nanping: ... Where are the axes? Where are my two big axes? Come quickly and let me chop this thief Meng Qin to death!

Meng Qin was not hacked to death with an ax by King Nanping, but his head was cut off by the returning barbarian leader.

Speaking of this barbarian leader, he is definitely the biggest victim of Meng Qin's "chaos".

He is the leader of the largest barbarian tribe in Nanzhou and inherited several villages from his father.

Although he is a barbarian, he has accepted Han culture since he was a child and wants to lead his people to live a better and more prosperous life.

With the persuasion of the local government, he led the villagers out of the mountains. Register and become a citizen of the Celestial Dynasty.

He also allowed his tribe to do business with the Han people, and allowed young people to go to the county to study, or even become officials.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

After more than ten years of hard work, the barbarians did not cause chaos, but lived in harmony with the local Han people.

For this reason, the late emperor once issued a decree to commend and confer the title of barbarian leader as a general.

Such an enlightened barbarian leader who is close to the imperial court is still an uncivilized barbarian and a savage in the eyes of a man like Meng Qin who claims to be a high-ranking citizen of heaven!

Meng Qin was humiliated many times by his enemies, including being forced to hold a horse naked and being whipped in public for no reason.

The leader took the overall situation into consideration and did not want his tribesmen who had finally lived a good life to return to the mountains, so he endured all these humiliations.

However, Meng Qin intensified his efforts and actually targeted a copper mine and a salt well in the barbarian territory!

It is tolerable, but what is unbearable!

Seeing that Meng Qin was going to cut off the roots of their barbarian tribe, the leader chopped off Meng Qin's head and led the villagers to flee back to the mountains overnight.

The leader knew that he was in trouble, so he tried to find a way to resolve the crisis.

And some of his petty bosses who were already hostile to the Han court took the opportunity to incite people's hearts and tried to collude with the vassal states on the other side to bring chaos to the entire southern Xinjiang.

The leader couldn't control it for a moment and actually got into chaos.

As the general guarding southern Xinjiang, King Nanping did not send troops in time. Instead, he submitted a note to the court about recuperation.

... Meng Qin single-handedly turned Nanzhou upside down.

The vassal states invaded and wars broke out frequently in Nanzhou.

And the aristocratic family, martial arts, clan... were all offended by Meng Qin.

Meng Qin had his head cut off by the barbarian leader. Even if he died and his body was whipped, it would not help.

Meng Qin is dead, but the master behind him is still there.

News from Nanzhou spread back to the capital, and King Liang, King Han and others began to desperately communicate. Suddenly, someone in the court shouted the slogan "Depose the Hun Jun".

"Depose the Emperor? How dare they depose me?"

When he heard the news, Emperor Yongcheng was shocked, angry and afraid.

He was so anxious that he instinctively wanted to find his mother and husband for help.

However, his mother was turned into "the legitimate mother with the hatred of killing her mother" by him, and she was forced to retreat to the Daming Palace.

Mr. Feng Shou had long been recuperating from illness. Emperor Yongcheng summoned him several times, but Feng Shou refused to enter the palace.

And his cherished "crouching dragon and phoenix chick" Meng Qin has become a weak official who persecutes the family, frames loyal people, and forces rebellion against good people.

Emperor Yongcheng looked around and suddenly realized that except for Hu's mother and daughter, there was no one he could rely on.

When did I fall into the situation of being "alone"? !

Emperor Yongcheng didn't understand, and he was filled with grief, anger and fear.

He is afraid!

He was really scared!

The King of Liang was already eyeing him, and King Zhao Shuo of Han, who was once one of the three auxiliary ministers, was also ambitious.

They all focused on the dragon chair under their buttocks.

There are also aristocratic families who have long been dissatisfied with their suppression. For aristocratic families, deposing emperors and changing dynasties has long been a habit.

Now they are just complying with the wishes of King Liang, King Han and others and deposing a foolish and incompetent emperor. They have no psychological burden at all!


I can't sit still and wait for death!

"By the way, I have a mother. She did make me angry, but she didn't take revenge. Her retreat to the Daming Palace shows that she still has a motherly heart for me!"

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

"Moreover, I also have Tao Yong and other father-in-laws and relatives. Their daughters are still in the palace. If I are deposed, their daughters will not end well!"

In desperation, Emperor Yongcheng actually thought of a way.

Not caring about his pride and face, he wrote a letter in blood to He Tiantian, and went to find Empress Tao, Concubine De, Concubine Shu and others to express their opinions.

He Tiantian \u0026 Queen Tao: ...Deserve it! dream!

However, even though they were cursing in their hearts, they unanimously chose "yes".

Emperor Yongcheng received the assurance, and his anxious heart finally relaxed.

He knew that his mother would not give up on him, and Queen Tao and others would never give up the glory and wealth they had obtained.

Emperor Yongcheng was no longer afraid of the pressing steps of King Liang and others, and he even looked forward to that day coming.

Therefore, when his confidants reported that King Liang and others wanted to cause trouble at the first court meeting, and "Queen Mother He" had rushed back to the capital from Daming Palace, Emperor Yongcheng did not have the slightest scruple.

He Tiantian: ...It’s really unbearable to trick such an innocent and stupid kid.

Classmate Little D: Bah! You villain, you can't bear it?

Prince Liang and others are so unscrupulous, are you secretly adding fuel to the flames? !

There are also things about Nanzhou, thousands of miles away, but they can be transmitted back to the capital in the shortest possible time. If there is no handwriting from He Tiantian, even Little D will not believe it!

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