The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 497: Rebellion is worse than palace fighting (34)

[The heroine took the villain script] []

On the first day of the Lunar New Year, all forces are ready to move.

It's today!

The king of Liang, Zhao Yao, and the king of Han, Zhao Shuo, ostensibly worked together to incite the Zhao clan.

Secretly, they each have their own agenda, and they all feel that they have a better chance——

One of them is the emperor's biological uncle, and the other is the emperor's biological brother.

Remove the emperor, and they may all become the next successors.

Wang Yuan and other officials from aristocratic families seemed not as active as the clan, but they were also very handsy.

They all saw Emperor Yongcheng's rejection and suppression of the aristocratic family.

Unexpectedly, this little emperor has already stood on the opposite side of the family.

Before his wings were hardened, he began to think of ways to weaken the family.

If he waits until he has matured, won't these aristocratic families have to be slaughtered by the little emperor?

In addition, Wang Yuan and other big shots were fed up with Emperor Yongcheng's stupidity and willfulness.

Actually, as a minister, if he encounters a fool or a foolish king, it is not impossible for him to accept it.

After all, the stupider and more dim-witted the emperor is, the easier it is to be manipulated, and their family has more room to maneuver.

Emperor Yongcheng is different, he is not simply stupid, he is also smart and self-righteous.

This kind of stupidity and willfulness is what will cost your life.

His words and actions are completely irregular.

The aristocratic family, oh no, it is not very difficult for the courtiers to figure out the holy will and predict the emperor's prediction.

Just like this "mystery of life experience", no matter how good Wang Yuan, Feng Shou and others are at strategizing and calculating, they would never have imagined that Emperor Yongcheng would do such a cool thing!

"As expected of a 'saint'! It's really hard for mortals like you and me to pry into his thoughts!"

Privately, Wang Yuan sighed to his confidants and minions with full sarcasm.

The emperor at that time was not very shameless. In order to show his sage, he liked to have his courtiers call him "sage".

And this saint is not that saint. It does not mean that the emperor is really a saint like Confucius and Mencius, but it is just a flattering word for the emperor from the courtiers.

Wang Yuan rarely called the emperor a saint, but he suddenly said so at this time, which was enough to show his "amazing" at Emperor Yongcheng's magical brain circuit!

With such a "wonderful" emperor sitting on the dragon throne, it is not a good thing for the officials in the court or the common people.

He had only been in power for less than a year, but he had already stirred up chaos in the imperial court. Even Nanzhou was turned upside down and the people were filled with resentment.

If things continue like this and Emperor Yongcheng is allowed to continue his nonsense, the empire of Dayuan will really come to an end!

Although the family doesn't mind changing dynasties, if it can develop peacefully, who would want to live in war and turmoil all day long?

Although King Liang and King Han are not good, no matter how bad they are, they are not even more stupid than Emperor Yongcheng, right?

Furthermore, the Supreme Queen Mother has returned from the Daming Palace.

She must have made a decision in her mind.

Queen Mother He would basically not consider royal family members such as King Liang and King Han who had long since grown up.

They should adopt their children and grandchildren and support a little emperor.

Before the little emperor grew up and could take charge personally, the court would be jointly controlled by the Queen Mother, the Auxiliary Ministers, and the Political Affairs Hall.

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... In this way, it can be regarded as a delicate balance, and Dayuan Dynasty will not fall into turmoil.


The Empress Dowager He had a deep grudge with Prince Liang's mother and son, so she would not easily choose an heir from Prince Liang's palace.

And the King of Han was ambitious,

Once he is allowed to become the "Emperor", he will definitely use his status to stir up troubles.

Alas, the Zhao clan is still very thin, so it is so difficult to choose a young emperor who satisfies all parties.

Emperor Yongcheng: ...where are your manners? I am still sitting on the dragon throne, and you are starting to consider who will be the next emperor? !

In fact, not only the aristocratic families who are good at controlling the court and accustomed to deposing and establishing emperors will plan in advance, but also the martial artists also have their own plans.

On the surface, they are all vulgar warriors without any calculation. Their allegiance is only to the emperor.

But in fact, after more than ten years of development, they all have their own families and their own interests.

And in some ways, their interests and their allegiances do not seem to conflict.

They are very similar to one of Feng Shou's ideas——

They were indeed loyal to the late emperor, and they all swore an oath in front of the late emperor to protect the Zhao family.

However, the late Emperor had more than just one son, Emperor Yongcheng.

Pulling Zhao Gui down and pushing Zhao Yao up does not constitute a violation of the oath with the late emperor.

As for the natal families of the empress, concubine Shu, concubine Xian, concubine De, etc., it stands to reason that they should side with Emperor Yongcheng for the sake of their daughter's face.

After all, if Emperor Yongcheng was still the emperor, their family would be the "foreign relatives".

Once Emperor Yongcheng was deposed, they would naturally have no relationship with the royal family, and their daughters would be imprisoned and buried along with the deposed emperor.

They couldn't say they were giving up the interests of the entire family for a daughter, but they couldn't just watch their daughter wither away at a young age.

Therefore, their best approach is not to support or oppose it, but to let nature take its course and wait and see what happens.

However, this is not the case.

They actually wanted to kick Zhao Gui off the dragon throne more than the other warriors.

Not for anything else, but for his own daughter.

Yes, they are indeed from a humble family, not as noble as a noble family.

But their daughters also grew up with noble families, and were also famous noble daughters in the capital.

After entering the palace, he should have continued to enjoy the honor.

Even if there is no emperor's love, there should still be the respect of a "husband" and the dignity of a nobleman.

As a result, the good lord and noble lady was trampled under the feet of a guest girl and a cheap maid.

Emperor Yongcheng was ruthless and often said, "When there is something to do, there is no beauty, but when there is nothing, it is summer and spring."

After using a lot of martial arts, he showed some kindness to the queen and concubines.

After using him up and no longer needing help for the time being, he continued to ignore the Queen and others, and instead favored and favored that little bitch Zheng!

What did Emperor Yongcheng think of their daughter? What do you think they are? !

Such humiliation is truly unbearable.

Not to mention, their daughters had already sent them a message, telling them directly from the Queen Mother——

Well, I can’t say it yet, it’s kept secret!

Therefore, the warriors who should be the emperor's allies and should be on the side of Emperor Yongcheng are unshakable on the surface, but secretly they have already made their decision.

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As for the other courtiers, it was not their turn to intervene in such a major matter as deposing the emperor.

At most, they are just the background board in the court, the melon-eating people hiding in the corner.

They just waited for the show to begin and watched silently.

Up and down the court, there are hundreds of civil and military officials, all with different thoughts and plans.

As for Emperor Yongcheng, who was sitting high on the dragon throne, he was completely different from the panic and confusion of the previous two days. His childish face showed a bit of pride, as if everything was under his control.

Feng Shou, who is pretending to be sick: ...I can't even see it anymore.

He was so stupid, he didn't realize that he was about to die, and he was tricked to death by others. He was really not unjust!

No, it’s coming!

As soon as the court meeting started, King Liang's horse jumped out.

This is a censor who is known for criticizing people, oh no, admonishing them.

His face was full of justice, and his eyes were full of anger, and his target was pointed at the emperor Zhao Gui——

"...The faint-hearted king Zhao Gui disregarded etiquette and rules after taking office, acted arbitrarily, and favored traitors... The political agenda was unstable, and the people's resentment boiled... War broke out frequently in southern Xinjiang, and countless people were poisoned!"

"For the sake of the country and the country of Dayuan, and for the sake of the thousands of people, I propose to depose the faint king Zhao Gui and establish a new king of Ming!"

This man was impassioned and eloquent. In his words, Zhao Gui seemed to have become a stupid and cruel tyrant who brought harm to the country and the people.

If he is not deposed, the Zhao family will be completely ruined, and the Dayuan Dynasty will also fall into turmoil.

The censor spoke, and then people from all camps jumped out to "second the proposal."

They began to list all the foolish behaviors of Emperor Yongcheng after he came to power, from doting on traitorous concubines and promoting wet nurses, to doting on treacherous villains and rash reforms. One by one, they scolded Emperor Yongcheng thoroughly.

Emperor Yongcheng had already expected this scene. When he heard the officials, they jumped out one by one and pointed at his nose and cursed.

While he was angry, he also had a trace of doubt - am I really so unbearable?


I'm right!

I dote on the imperial concubine and canonize the wet nurse because I value love and righteousness.

I am determined to reform and suppress the aristocratic families in order to inherit the last wishes of the late emperor and for the sake of the country and the country of Dayuan.

I, that’s right!

Maybe Meng Qin was a little careless, but his intention was good.

And Meng Qin himself was not wrong, it was just that he acted a little too radically, which led to the disaster.

Those people couldn't see Meng Qin's achievements and only denounced his mistakes. Isn't it unfair? !

Emperor Yongcheng pursed his lips hard, his heart filled with dissatisfaction and a deep sense of offended shame.


Each and every one of you is either the confidant of King Liang or King Han, or the lackey of a noble family. You are all traitors and traitors... I have written them all down.

"The Queen Mother, Wang Zhongshu Ling, Feng Zhongshu Ling, and King Han, you have all been entrusted with important responsibilities by the late emperor. You will definitely not want to see the country that the late emperor worked so hard to build be ruined by the hands of the foolish emperor. Please depose Zhao Gui!"

"Depose Zhao Gui and install a new king!"

"Depose Zhao Gui!!"

I don’t know when it started, but a tsunami-like shouting sounded in the court hall.

There were only a few dozen people, but they created a terrifying momentum.

Even Emperor Yongcheng, who thought he had a backer and no need to worry, couldn't help but turn pale and his heart beat like a drum when he saw this kind of battle!

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[The heroine took the villain script] []


With the terrifying sound of this battle, the officials who were shouting all knelt down and showed their "death remonstrance" appearance.

It seemed that if the big bosses didn't agree, they would be splashed with blood in the court and killed on the spot!

They were mumbling the names of Queen Mother He, Wang Yuan, Feng Shou and others, but their eyes finally focused on He Tiantian.

Because everyone knows that this woman is the key to deposing the emperor.

If she agrees, things will go smoothly.

If she objects, deposing the emperor or something, it may just be a farce, and there will be troubles to come.

Not only these courtiers, but also Emperor Yongcheng lost his confidence at this moment and began to look at He Tiantian anxiously.

Mother, she is indeed angry with me, but she should be able to distinguish the serious from the serious.

After deposing me, are we going to let King Liang, the son of an enemy, take the throne?

Or the adopted descendants of King Han?

King Han is not easy to get along with. When he was an assistant minister, he acted arbitrarily and wished he could be a regent.

If his descendants become emperors, "Queen Mother He" will be dismissed sooner or later!

My mother is a smart person and knows how to weigh the pros and cons. She probably won’t do anything stupid!

He Tiantian: ...Haha, with your IQ, you still want to teach me how to behave?

The huge court gradually became quiet, and everyone's eyes were focused on He Tiantian.

He Tiantian's face was as sinking as water, and there was no sign of happiness or anger.

She scanned the entire audience without showing an overly exaggerated expression. With just one look, the courtiers could feel the majesty of the Queen Mother Regent.

Although "Queen Mother He" seemed to have been forced to retreat to the Daming Palace outside the city because of the "borrowed child" incident.

But no one in the civil and military officials looked down upon the Queen Mother.

No one would come to Queen Mother He with silly jokes like "You are not the emperor's biological mother" to make trouble or provoke her.

Everyone knows very well that there are indeed examples in history of "mother is more valuable than son", but Queen Mother He is different.

She is powerful in her own right, she is not an ordinary woman who relies on her appearance and belly to gain power.

The reason why Emperor Yongcheng became the emperor was not because he was the son of the late emperor, but because he was born in the belly of Queen Mother He.

If Emperor Yongcheng was really just a palace servant, he would have no advantage in terms of status.

As for Queen Mother He, even if she does not have a son, she is still the distinguished Queen Regent.

Therefore, everyone would find it incredible: How stupid was Emperor Yongcheng to abandon his biggest supporter and find a "palace-born mother"? !

"Even so, then depose Zhao Gui!"

Amid everyone's expectations, He Tiantian slowly spoke.


The courtiers were confused!

Although many of them had witnessed the farce on the Holy Birthday Festival and knew the so-called "mystery of life experience."

But anyone with a brain knows in their heart that there is no such thing as having a child through pregnancy.

Queen Mother He is the biological mother of Emperor Yongcheng!

There is no overnight feud between mother and son. Even if she encounters a rebellious and unfilial son, forgiveness seems to have become "nature" for a mother who is used to sacrifice.

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Moreover, besides blood, there are also interests between Queen Mother He and Emperor Yongcheng.

Everyone knew about the grudge between the Queen Mother He and the Concubine Xie Gui, and they were extremely convinced that the Queen Mother He would never let the children and grandchildren of the Concubine Xie Gui sit on the throne.

As for Han Wang's family, they are also in a lot of troubles.

From the perspective of Queen Mother He, it would be best to continue to let her own son be the emperor.

Even if his son is a bit of a bastard, he is still his biological son.

But everyone never expected that Queen Mother He would agree to depose Zhao Gui so easily.

Emperor Yongcheng's eyes widened in shock and he blurted out: "Mother, do you want Prince Liang to be the emperor?"

Prince Liang's eyes were red with excitement, and his whole body was extremely excited.

No, no, he, he is really going to be the emperor?

Well, for the sake of He being so sensible, when he becomes emperor, he will leave He the title of Queen Mother and let her continue to live her old life in the Daming Palace!

He Tiantian:......

Sure enough, it was the late emperor's "excellent genes", but none of the two sons had a clear mind!

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