The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 498: Rebellion is worse than palace fighting (End)

[The heroine took the villain script] []

He Tiantian didn't seem to hear Emperor Yongcheng's accusation, nor did he seem to see the ridiculous look of Prince Liang who was so excited that he almost fainted.

She suddenly changed the subject, "Speaking of which, the Ai family also has something to tell everyone!"

Wang Yuan, Feng Shou and other old foxes raised their eyelids one after another. They knew that the "show meat" was coming!

Other officials were confused.

Isn't it time to discuss the important matter of "deposing the emperor"? Why did the Queen Mother He suddenly interfere with other matters?

Could it be that what Queen Mother He was going to say had something to do with deposing Zhao Gui?

Under everyone's doubtful gazes, He Tiantian continued, "Everyone should know that the Ai family is not the late emperor's first wife!"

"Thirty years ago, before the late emperor launched his army, he had married a wife and had several concubines..."


In the court, some elders of the two dynasties, especially the veterans and nobles who followed the late emperor, were all awakened by the words of Queen Mother He.

Wang Yuan narrowed his eyes, he thought of it!

Okay, what a powerful Queen Mother He!

He knew that Queen Mother He would never be controlled or coerced by others.

Even if that person is her own flesh and blood.

Feng Shou pursed his lips.

As a fellow rebel with the late emperor, Feng Shou was not the first to follow the late emperor, but he was the one who understood the late emperor's various situations best.

For example, his origin, his previous marriage and his wife and children who were separated during the war.

Yes, lost!

Although the late emperor claimed to the outside world that his first wife and many children died in the war.

However, the fact is that the late emperor did not have definite news.

At most, there is no news from those relatives.

At first, the late emperor ordered people to search everywhere. Later, Feng Shou suggested that the late emperor marry the He family.

In order to ensure that he can marry the He family's daughter and successfully take over the He family's troops and territory.

The late emperor no longer looked for his separated wife and children, but directly stated that they had all been killed by the rebels.

The late emperor became a widower and had no one to drag him down, so he successfully married the He family.

After the establishment of the new dynasty, the late emperor occasionally thought of his former wives, concubines, and children, but he also searched for them secretly.

However, so many years have passed, and the traces of those people have long been nowhere to be found.

The news of He's wedding to the late emperor has long been known to the world.

Even if the late emperor's wife and children were alive, they probably would not dare to recognize their relatives easily.

Former relatives are slowly forgotten.

Until the late emperor's death, he never mentioned it.

Therefore, even a "veteran" like Feng Shou would not easily think of those people without He Tiantian's reminder.

"Before the late emperor passed away, he recalled the past and mentioned that he was unworthy of his first wife and many children!"

"The Ai family and the late emperor are one husband and wife, so naturally they have to make up for the shortcomings of the late emperor!"

"Over the years, the Ai family has been ordering people to search everywhere. God has paid off. After all these years of searching, the Ai family finally found the bloodline of the late emperor who was among the people!"

He Tiantian pretended to be nostalgic, and even squeezed out a few tears when mentioning the late emperor.

She pressed the handkerchief to the corners of her eyes, then raised her voice and shouted, "Come here, call Qing'er!"

Speaking of "Qing'er", He Tiantian also specially explained, "This child is the eldest son of the late emperor's eldest son. He is six years old this year. The Ai family named him Zhao Qing."

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

The eldest son of his original wife is simply the most orthodox and legitimate heir.

A light flashed in Wang Yuan's eyes.

Feng Shou couldn't help but admire him secretly.

As for the kings of Liang and Han,

As well as Emperor Yongcheng on the dragon throne, he was already stunned.

Some of the Zhao family members and the group of warriors who were extremely loyal to the late emperor were looking forward to it very much.

"Oh my God, this kid looks exactly like the cat!"

Tao Yong shouted excitedly after seeing Zhao Qing.

He was one of the late emperor's most trusted veterans. Not only did he know that the late emperor did have a first wife, he had also met the woman who came from an ordinary official family, and her two sons and one daughter.

Mao'er is the nickname of the first wife's eldest son.

"That's right. I've also met Da Lang, who was only five or six years old at the time!"

An Guogong, Ding Guogong and other military honors gathered around him and stared at Zhao Qing desperately.

They were shouting, they were inexplicably excited.

It seems that they have never forgotten the late emperor’s wife and children who were lost among the people;

And Dalang and so on have always existed very vividly in the depths of their memories.

Even Feng Shou was stunned for a moment when he saw Zhao Qing.

He didn't think that Zhao Qing looked like a cat, but he found that the child's features looked very much like the late emperor's.

This child has the unique red phoenix eyes of the Zhao family. The eyes are slender and the ends of the eyes are raised, which is particularly interesting.

Moreover, according to Queen Mother He's meticulous behavior, since she pushed Zhao Qing to the front of the stage, she was fully prepared.

There must be no flaw in "identity".

Perhaps, the Zhao Qing in front of him is very likely to be the blood of the late emperor.

However, it is not certain whether he is the legitimate eldest son or not.

Feng Shou looked at Zhao Qing, and then at Zhao Gui and Zhao Yao, who were already dumbfounded.

He closed his eyes hard and let it go. Anyway, the emperor of Dayuan was still "surnamed Zhao", and he did not violate the covenant with the late emperor.

And he, an old man, really doesn't have a few years to live.

I just ask Queen Mother He to wait a few more years, wait until he closes his eyes, and cares whether she continues to attend the court or establishes a new king, and just ignores his Feng Shou matter!

Feng Shou gave up completely.

The aristocratic families represented by Wang Yuan are also very satisfied with having a young emperor.

The clan and warriors all seemed very happy to be able to recover the late emperor's blood among the people with Queen Mother He.

Other courtiers: ...Wow, so many melons!

The only ones who were unhappy were probably the kings of Liang and Han who were "making wedding clothes for others"!

Damn it, if I had known that the He family was so prepared, why would they have been jumping up and down to connect with each other before?

They tried their best to oust Zhao Gui from the throne. As a result, they did not get any benefits, but they watched Queen Mother He easily get some of his first wife's eldest grandson to sit on the throne.

It's ridiculous that King Liang was still dreaming just now, thinking that the Queen Mother had lost to the mother and son.

Of course, the most disappointed and disbelieving person was Emperor Yongcheng.

He didn't wake up until he was dragged off the dragon chair, took off his dragon robe, and locked up in a side hall.

"My mother really doesn't want me anymore?"

"She, she would rather let a wild kid found from nowhere be the emperor than let me do it?"

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

"There are also some men like Tao Yong. Not only did they not help me, but they also helped that little bastard? Aren't they worried about their daughters?"

Locked up in a side hall, with layers of guards at the door, Emperor Yongcheng became a deposed emperor and a prisoner.

He finally reacted and realized his situation. He was spinning around in crazy circles and kept mumbling.

"...The Queen Mother has appointed Zhao Qing as emperor, with the reign title Pingkang."

"He thought that the Queen Mother would call her old, so she changed the name of the Queen Mother to the Queen of Heaven, and the Queen Mother He became the Queen of Heaven!"

"The deposed Emperor Zhao Gui was granted the title of Prince Shun and will soon move to the Daming Palace! Queen He was kind and took pity on the deposed Emperor's Empress Tao, Concubine Han and other young and innocent people, and allowed them to return home and remarry..."

One piece of news passed through the mouth of the guard and reached the ears of Emperor Yongcheng.

"Haha! Hahaha! That's it. It turns out that she has already negotiated terms with Tao, Han and others!"

Therefore, Tao Yong and others did not stop everyone from deposing Emperor Yongcheng, but secretly helped - without the certification of these veterans, Zhao Qing would not be able to sit on that chair.

"Queen of Heaven? Queen of Heaven?"

Compared to Emperor Yongcheng's madness, Zheng Nian'er, who was sent by He Tiantian to accompany Emperor Yongcheng, keenly grasped the key points.

As a time-traveling woman from later generations, she is very aware of the only female emperor in history.

Wu made a lot of preparations before proclaiming himself emperor.

And her titles often change, and Queen of Heaven is one of them!

"She wants to be the empress! She, she -" How dare?

As a woman, even though Zheng Nian'er has a modern soul, she prides herself on being independent and strong.

But after she came to this ancient time, she was bound to the palace fighting system, and she just wanted to fight with women and become the so-called palace fighting champion.

On the other hand, Queen Mother He, oh no, now I want to call her Queen Mother He, she is just a native and has never thought about any palace fight.

They first directly killed the late emperor and directly solved the problem of women fighting at the root.

Later, he found that his son was too unreliable, so he simply prepared to become the emperor himself.

The key is that people are smart enough to know how to add fuel to the flames and take advantage of the trend.

She is even better than Wu. She did not snatch the throne from her own son, but "had to" achieve the path of becoming queen.

Just when Emperor Yongcheng seemed to have fallen into madness and Zheng Nian'er was shocked and admired, He Tiantian, who had made arrangements in the previous court, quietly came to the side hall.

"Mother, you are so cruel!"

"I was wrong, mother, I know I was wrong!"

"Uuuu, please forgive me, okay? I don't want to be imprisoned in the Daming Palace for the rest of my life. I, I -"

Emperor Yongcheng threw himself at He Tiantian's feet and cried like a child.

"I'll give you two choices. First, take Zheng Nian'er, Hu and the others to the Daming Palace and be your succubus. I will ensure that you have no worries about food and clothing for the rest of your life."

"Secondly, King Shun died of illness, and the common man Zhao Gui left Dayuan with three thousand troops. No matter whether he went to the southern border, the north, the western region, or the endless sea in the east, any place, as long as he was in Dayuan Dynasty Zhao Gui can stay anywhere outside the scope of his territory!"

"The late Emperor was able to establish the Zhao family in troubled times. You claim to be the best successor to the late Emperor, so you should also have the courage to create a new world and create your own business!"

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

He Tiantian looked down at Emperor Yongcheng and said lightly, "Two choices, you choose yourself!"

He is a submissive king who is imprisoned, has no worries about food and drink, and is safe for the rest of his life;

Or should you go out with your troops to overcome obstacles and create a foundation? It is hard and dangerous, but you can achieve something and become a "founding king"?

Two choices and one problem, Emperor Yongcheng stopped crying and begged, slowly wiped away his tears, and thought to himself.

"I'll give you three days to think about it!"

After He Tiantian said this, he looked at Zheng Nian'er again.

Oh no, to be precise, He Tiantian was using his spiritual consciousness to check the biological system.

Emperor Yongcheng was deposed, and the dragon energy in him almost disappeared.

Without energy replenishment, wild animals are at their weakest.

As for Zheng Nian'er, I don't know if she was hit by the deposed Emperor Yongcheng or was stimulated by He's attempt to become the queen. There is a faint tendency to "awaken".

Her soul is extremely repulsive to the palace fighting system!

Well, this is the time!

He Tiantian's consciousness turned into an invisible big hand, which directly penetrated into the depths of Zheng Nian'er's consciousness. She squeezed hard and grabbed the wild system.

Then, He Tiantian carefully peeled it off and separated Zheng Nian'er's soul from the wild system.

Finally, He Tiantian quickly used her junior uncle's Wuji Jue to directly absorb the black energy mass.


He Tiantian's soul burped with satisfaction.

Although the energy of wild food is black and the taste is not very delicious, it is filling in large quantities.

He Tiantian felt that her consciousness had improved again.

Zheng Nian'er, on the other side, suddenly felt a sense of relief deep in his soul.

It was as if the shackles that tightly bound her disappeared, and she finally gained the "freedom" she wanted.

"System? System dad?! Dog than system!!"

Zheng Nian'er carefully called out with her consciousness, calling several times in succession, but received no response.

She tried to sense the existence of Gongdou System again, but found nothing!

The system disappeared?

Haha, this dogecoin system, it’s finally gone!

Woohoo, I will never be struck by lightning again. I, I will no longer have to be forced to fight in the palace and compete with a group of women for a rotten cucumber!

Zheng Nian'er almost cried with joy.

Three days later, Zhao Gui made his choice.

A month later, the deposed emperor Zhao Gui, who was named King Shun, died of illness. Hundreds of miles away on the seaside, a fleet loaded with three thousand soldiers and horses and sufficient supplies sailed through the waves and headed for a wider sea.

"It's a pity that Nian'er is sick and can't come with us!"

Zhao Gui looked at the distant Yuan with nostalgia, and spoke with great reluctance to Mr. Hu who was vomiting all kinds of meat.

Mrs. Hu: ...I also wanted to pretend to be sick, but the Queen Mother was too cruel and insisted on forcing me to go to sea with Zhao Gui!

Woo hoo, if you don't do good things as a good citizen of the Celestial Empire, you have to go overseas to become a barbarian. Hu only feels that all her planning for half a life has become a joke.


Mr. Hu never knew that he was seasick.

She had just started her journey and she was already vomiting bile.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

She couldn't believe that in the days to come, she would be at sea all the time. Would she still have the fate to go to an island and become the "Queen Mother"?

That damn girl Nian'er was so cunning, she even pretended to be sick and stayed here by herself.

I watched helplessly as my mother and brothers and sisters-in-law were escorted onto the ship by Queen Mother He's people.

Woo hoo, where is the promised family?

What about sharing the joys and sorrows as promised?


Mrs. Hu lay weakly on the side of the boat, vomiting in front of the swaying and deep sea.

Zhao Gui: ...Nurse, you, you are so disgusting!

Finally, without his powerful biological mother, Zhao Gui and Hu became "relatives" who shared hardships, and he no longer had the maternal filter towards this wet nurse.

After all, Mrs. Hu is just a servant, an older slave.

But he broke his mother's heart for such a person... Alas, he deserves to be crippled, and he deserves to be exiled overseas by his mother!

After experiencing so much, Zhao Gui finally grew up and his mind became more mature.

However, the price of this growth is too high!

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