The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 506 I am the vicious nanny (8)

[The heroine took the villain script] []

S University, girls dormitory.

Zhao Yan came back from outside happily, holding a handbag in her hand.

In the bag was her new fruit phone, which cost several thousand dollars. It cost her all the money she earned from her summer job, as well as the 3,000 yuan her mother called her two days ago.

Although there was less than one hundred yuan left on the bank card, Zhao Yan was satisfied in her heart.

She, like her roommates, finally used a fruit mobile phone.

In other words, less than a month after arriving at S University, Zhao Yan felt a huge psychological gap.

In high school, she was a top student who studied well and had outstanding appearance. Both teachers and classmates liked her very much.

No matter where she went, she could hear compliments.

Many parents regard her as a role model in educating their children.

As for her, she doesn't need to care too much. As long as she studies hard, she will be the most beautiful girl in the class.

However, after being admitted to S University and coming to the provincial capital, Zhao Yan had a completely different experience from the past even if she just stayed on campus.

She, a top student, seemed to be nothing in S University, the best university in the provincial capital.

Not to mention the famous figures in the school, but the classmates in their class. In addition to being good at studies, they also have other specialties.

For example, in their dormitory, there are six people in total——

Xu Chunlei, a native of Jiangsu Province, is a typical Jiangnan beauty. She has studied ballet since she was a child. Her figure and temperament are amazing;

Fang Xiaohan, a native of Beijing, has a straightforward personality, has participated in international summer camps, speaks fluent English, and is absolutely professional;

Li Sangzi, who comes from a coastal city in this province, calls himself a "seafood seller", but is actually a second-generation rich man who owns a sea cucumber base;

Ma Mengxuan’s home is in a mountainous area under the provincial capital. Don’t think that just because you are a farmer means you are poor. Your home has a B\u0026B, a fishing center, orchards and farms;

Yan Yan may have the most ordinary conditions among the few. Her parents are ordinary workers, and they have been carrying mortgage and car loans for 20 to 30 years.

But Yan Yan herself is good enough. She studied painting in the Children's Palace when she was a child, and even won the championship in the youth group.

In addition to painting, she can also play the violin. At the New Year's Eve party, Yan Yan stood on the stage in a beautiful performance costume and played the violin elegantly...

He looked like a shining star.

Only Zhao Yan comes from a poor family, has no skills that she can use, and even her name is so "rustic".

Zhao Yan had low self-esteem, she even felt a little ashamed of herself.

However, deep down she has her own pride——


I can't be looked down upon!

I, I cannot be isolated by them.

Zhao Yan tried hard to fit into the small group in the dormitory, and tried not to feel so out of place.


Zhao Yan finally collected enough money and bought a fruit phone that she had always dreamed of owning.

Before she could show off "without leaving a trace" in front of her roommates, she heard several roommates discussing the problem.

"Sisters, the holiday is coming soon. It's seven days of National Day. Where do you want to go?"

The speaker was Ma Mengxuan. She was sitting at the writing table under the bunk. There was a tablet on the table, and a famous palace battle in the Qing Dynasty was being staged on the screen.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

Ma Mengxuan did not catch up on the drama, but listened to the voice, pulled up her phone, and chatted with her roommates.

"I think this sky city that has been popular on a certain music channel is good, but during the National Day, such an internet celebrity attraction will definitely be crowded!"

Ma Mengxuan's tone was filled with frustration.

Her family is engaged in farm entertainment, so they know the situation very well during holidays.

"There's nothing we can do about it. Unless it's winter or summer vacation, these attractions will be full during other holidays!"

The person who spoke was Xu Chunlei. She was sitting cross-legged on the bed, holding a makeup mirror in her hand and trying on the Yang Shulin lipstick she just bought.

When it comes to "Yang Shulin", Zhao Yan once made a joke.

She was worried that she would be looked down upon by her classmates and tried hard to fit in in the dormitory.

Therefore, when her roommates discussed cosmetics, she wanted to actively participate even if she didn't understand.

When a roommate mentioned major brands, he mentioned Yang Shulin.

Zhao Yan pretended to understand and agreed, saying that she didn't really like domestic products and preferred big international brands.

To this day, even though it has been more than half a month, Zhao Yan still clearly remembers the shocked looks of his roommates and the indescribable embarrassment of the entire dormitory.

Then Zhao Yan realized something was wrong and secretly searched with her mobile phone. Only then did she realize that "Yang Shulin" was not really called Yang Shulin.

It’s just a joke from netizens.

It is not a domestic product with a rustic name, but a famous French luxury brand.

Zhao Yan:......

She almost found a crack in the ground and crawled into it.

Yan Yan was still kind and generous, and took the initiative to help Zhao Yan out. She laughed deliberately: "Huan Zhu Ge Ge, you are so funny. I give you ten points for this irony."

"Speaking of which, some beauty bloggers are too arrogant nowadays, always calling them "the glory of domestic products." The same goes for some local brands. They have money for marketing but don't know how to make good products.

Yan Yan deliberately changed the topic, and everyone else in the dormitory also agreed.

For a moment, the awkward atmosphere in the room was broken, and everyone began to discuss the various bloggers they followed.

Things seemed to have just passed.

Afterwards, the roommates did not mention it intentionally, let alone laugh at Zhao Yan because of it.

But Zhao Yan herself kept this incident firmly in her heart and was deeply ashamed of it.

When her roommates discussed cosmetics again, she didn't dare to interrupt easily, but she didn't want to be excluded, so she had no choice but to learn relevant knowledge online.

However, there is still a gap between what you see online and whether you actually own it.

Looking at it online, it's just talking on paper, and it feels like it's just scratching the surface.

Only when you actually buy it and experience it personally can you truly understand it.

But for those big brands, a lipstick costs two to three hundred. This money is equivalent to one month's rent of her mother's house.

When it comes to her mother and rent, Zhao Yan feels even more deeply inferior.

Her reason told her that it was not easy for her mother to raise her alone.

My mother has never read a book and has no other skills. She can only be a cleaner and a construction site aunt.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

Her mother worked so hard to earn money just to support her education, and she was extremely grateful for her mother's efforts.

But, she still didn't want her classmates to know that her biological mother was a low-income worker, and her family's house in the provincial capital was just a rental house in an urban village that cost 200 yuan a month!


She is vain!

She is almost heartless!

But in life, everyone lives in society, who doesn’t like good things?

Parents hope that their children will be sensible, motivated, and have a good future, while children also hope that their parents will be capable and respected.

Zhao Yan felt that her psychology was very dangerous, but she couldn't help it.

When she sees her roommates casually wearing clothes bought in the mall, using Yang Shulin and Xiang Nai Nai, she will be envious.

And because of his low self-esteem, he can only wear street stalls and use big treasures.

That kind of contradictory psychology, that kind of painful struggle, tortured Zhao Yan day by day.

He Tiantian:......

His feelings are pitiable, but Zhao Yan is indeed too vain.

As the heroine being compared, Yan Yan, like Zhao Yan, does not have very good family conditions.

Yan Yan also doesn’t frequently wear brands or big brands.

Her skin care products are also the most common ones. You can buy them in online live broadcast rooms. A set costs 200 to 300 yuan and can be used for three months.

Clothes, shoes, and bags are all from Taobao. At most, Yan Yan’s mother will buy one or two pieces of good-quality clothes when there are discounts in shopping malls.

However, Yan Yan has never felt inferior.

She even said to her roommates very calmly: "Is this mine? Haha, I bought it on Taobao. It's actually cheaper to buy it from Xixi, but I'm afraid of buying fakes."

The roommates discussed some brands, or talked about interesting things such as eating big meals or traveling abroad, and she just chimed in casually.

When I encounter a blind spot in my knowledge, or something new that I have never heard of or seen before, I will also curiously ask questions.

She is not like Zhao Yan, who pretends to understand in order to blend in.

She also never hides her family's financial situation. For example, at this moment, she heard her roommates discussing the National Day trip.

Yan Yan put down the book in her hand and said excitedly, "I'm going to Disneyland. After I was admitted to college, my parents and grandparents all gave me red envelopes!"

"Of course, my mother has to leave some, but I still saved some. In addition, during the summer vacation, I worked as a promoter in a shopping mall for more than a month. I saved a total of 10,000 yuan. I am going to Disneyland. Have fun!"

"Ah? Yan Yan, isn't it? Are you going to the Magic City? And to Disneyland? You will be squeezed out."

Another roommate, Li Sangzi, deliberately said in an exaggerated tone.

"Really, Yan Yan, don't let your imagination run wild. Usually when you go to Disneyland in the Magic City, you will be crowded to death, let alone Golden Week. When you go there, you can only queue up and queue up, and you can't do anything!"

As Li Sangzi spoke, he also helped with ideas: "Actually, if you really want to go to Disneyland, you might as well go to Hong Kong City. Although the equipment there is not as new as the Magic City, there won't be too many people."

"Yes! The Disneyland in Hong Kong City is really good!"

Hearing this, Fang Xiaohan hurriedly agreed, "The Disneyland in Tokyo is pretty good too! Speaking of which, you can go for a walk around Neon and buy some cosmetics!"

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

"That's right! Although I don't really like this country where I, uh, have a good life, but I have to admit that some of their things are really good!"

The one who spoke was Xu Chunlei. This girl was definitely cute in contrast.

She obviously looks like a gentle Jiangnan woman, and her accent is a bit Wu Nong soft-spoken, but her personality is very straightforward.

"Yes, Yan Yan, since you have ten thousand yuan, you might as well go to Hong Kong City. Although the development of Hong Kong City is not as good as in the past, there are still many very good classics, and the food in Hong Kong City is also outstanding. !”

Ma Mengxuan also suggested this.

Her family is from a rural area, but starting from her father, the family started doing farmhouse entertainment.

For as long as she can remember, her family has been very wealthy.

Her parents are not misers either. Once they have money, they want to take their children out to see the world.

Ma Mengxuan has been traveling with her parents since she was a little girl. When she goes to middle school, she will go out and play by herself.

It is no exaggeration to say that she has played Disney all over the world.

I have been to Hong Kong City, Universe Country, Neon Country, etc. several times.

With experience, you can naturally make the most comprehensive suggestions.

"Going to Hong Kong City? I'm afraid it's too late! Do you need a Hong Kong and Macau pass to go to Hong Kong City?"

Yan Yan had never been to Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan, so she asked if she didn’t understand.

"Well, you do need a Hong Kong and Macau permit, but it should be easier if you go through a travel agency."

Ma Mengxuan and the other roommates thought about it carefully and answered helplessly.

There is no way, they often go out to play, and their parents have already issued passports, passes, etc., and they will not consider these issues themselves at all.

"Another way is to use your passport to go to a third country and use Hong Kong as a transit. You can stay in Hong Kong for no more than seven days!"

Li Sangzi simply searched online and found the answer.

Yan Yan's head was confused after listening to it for a long time. She shook her head: "Let's forget it. We only have seven days of vacation, so I won't mess around with it. There will be more people if there are more people. Maybe it will be a new kind of holiday." What an experience!”

"Haha! That's right! It's actually quite nice to feel the crowds that are unique to our country, Great China!"

"That's right, don't forget to take a video. It's the kind of scene where heads are everywhere!"

"There are also small gifts. Forget about the Disney figures, they are too expensive! Bring us some snacks from the Magic City."

"That scallion pancake, a popular Internet celebrity food, Yan Yan can also check in!"


The roommates were chatting happily.

He said he was asking for a gift, but in fact it was just a joke.

They didn't care about the unexpected, they were just joining in the fun.

Zhao Yan pursed her lips. She could find out what they were talking about online.

However, with the previous "Yang Shulin" joke, Zhao Yan really didn't dare to interrupt easily.

Zhao Yan didn't want to experience the embarrassment caused by not knowing how to pretend to understand again.

But just watching her roommates chatting enthusiastically while she could only listen like an outsider, she felt uncomfortable.

Yan Yan is worthy of being the heroine, kind and careful.

She noticed Zhao Yan's embarrassment and took the initiative to ask, "Little Yanzi, what little gift do you want?"

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

"No, no need! I've been to the Magic City!"

By some mistake, Zhao Yan actually told another lie.

After saying this, she regretted it.

If her roommates asked her about Magic City, she had never even been there and only relied on some information found on the Internet. How could she answer?

However, the words have already been spoken, and it is difficult to take them back.

She could only feel annoyed secretly while praying desperately: Don't ask me! Don’t ask me where to have fun in Magic City, or what foods you like to eat!

Not sure if she heard Zhao Yan's prayer, Yan Yan did not continue to ask questions.

The other roommates asked casually, "Xiao Yanzi, where are you going to play during the holidays?"

"..." All the money was used to buy a mobile phone. Even if she wanted to go to the magic city to gain experience, she would not have any money left.

Pursing her lips, Zhao Yan replied: "I, I still have things to do at home, so I will stay in the provincial capital!"

"Huh? Princess Huanzhu, your family is from a provincial capital?" Li Sangzi just asked casually.

But Zhao Yan's heart was pounding, and she couldn't hold it back for a moment, so she lied again: "Yes, my home is in the provincial capital. Well, it's the faculty dormitory of University A."

If she remembers correctly, her mother called her last time and mentioned that she was working as a nanny at the house of a professor at University A.

Food and housing were provided, and my mother lived in the staff dormitory.

Rounding things off, Zhao Yan’s statement that her home was in the staff dormitory wasn’t too outrageous, right? !

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