The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 507 I am the vicious nanny (9)

[The heroine took the villain script] []

Is it right?

That’s right!

No one needed to criticize her, Zhao Yan knew that her own outlook on life was dangerous!


What the hell happened to me?

Why can't I always control my mouth?

Dare to say anything to others. These words are like water thrown out. Once said, it is difficult to take them back.

Also, a lie requires more lies to come true.

She said today that her home is in the staff dormitory of University A. If her roommate asks to go to her home to play in the future, what will she do? !

Where can she go to create a big A home?

You can't really take your classmates to someone else's house, right? !

Of course, the best solution is to rent an apartment in University A.

After all, you don’t have to be an owner to live in the staff dormitory of University A, you can also be a tenant.

But, the problem comes again——

Where's the money!

What about renting a house?

Although the staff dormitory of University A is not a luxury community, it is not an urban village either.

Even the smallest house costs more than a thousand yuan a month to rent.

Renting a house cannot be a daily rent, it must be at least three months.

As for her, she couldn't accurately predict her roommate's predictions - if they suddenly decided to go to her house to play, it would be too late for her to improvise!

You can only prepare in advance and deal with various emergencies at will!

However, this kind of "preparation in advance" costs so much money that Zhao Yan's scalp goes numb and her heart feels weak just thinking about it!

Let you talk nonsense!

Make you vain! !

Zhao Yan really wished she could slap herself in the face.

However, the words have been spoken, and the roommates have listened.

Second-generation rich people like Li Sangzi couldn't help but envy when they heard Zhao Yan say that they lived in the staff dormitory of University A, "The staff dormitory of University A is great for fried chicken."

"If it wasn't introduced by an acquaintance, I wouldn't be able to rent a house there even if I have money!"

"At first, my dad thought that I would stay in the provincial capital for four years and it would be inconvenient to live in a dormitory all the time. He also wanted to buy me a house near the school."

"University A is not far from our school. I once visited the staff dormitory there to see the house, and the result——"

Li Sangzi shook his head, his eyes full of regret.

Obviously, her father, a wealthy businessman who "sells overseas goods" and has always had an unfailing money-making ability, did not live up to his expectations in the staff dormitory of University A!

This is the kind of purity that money can’t buy in different circles!

University A is not as famous as University S as a whole, but its main campus and staff dormitories are in the best areas in the city.

As for S University, it is too top-notch in the provincial capital and has several campuses. The city simply approved a large piece of land in the suburban new area to build a university town.

The main campus of S University is in the university town, and only one branch campus remains in the city.

The faculty dormitories and other facilities are also over there in the university town.

Zhao Yan and Li Sangzi didn't know whether they were lucky or unlucky, but their majors belonged to the branch campus in the city.

I can enjoy the prosperity of the city, but I always feel that I am out of touch with the "big army".

On the main campus, both the dormitories and the cafeteria are both big and new.

There are other colleges and universities in the university town. Gee, it’s such a big area, and all the people coming and going are college students.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

Li Sangzi's family is rich. As the second generation of rich people, not only is she not a dandy or unmotivated, but she has been admitted to the best university in the provincial capital.

The Li family's parents were extremely happy.

After receiving the admission notice,

Father Li plans to buy his child a house in the provincial capital.

In addition to convenient accommodation for the children during college, it is also a consideration for the future - after my daughter graduates, if she stays in the provincial capital to work, it will be more convenient to have a house.

The Li family sells overseas goods. Although they are not billionaires, they are not short of the price of a house.

Even if it's not possible to buy it directly, renting a decent house is just a matter of words.

When school started in September, the family sent Li Sangzi to study at university. Li's parents came a few days in advance to look for a house near S University.

Because this area is an old city, it is basically full of old people and small people.

Among all the old houses, the staff dormitory of University A stands out - although the house is old, the community atmosphere is good.

The property management is strict, there are few tenants, and most of the owners are university teachers. It is a quiet place in the middle of the hustle and bustle. It looks more high-end, grand and classy than the surrounding old communities!

Unfortunately, Father Li's main connections are in their local city. He has a few acquaintances in the provincial capital, all of whom are businessmen.

It really doesn’t fit in with other people’s cultural circles.

Looking for a real estate agent?

Ha, the University A faculty and staff dormitory can keep the community "clean" without too many outsiders or idle people. It relies on strict control over tenants or owners.

The intermediaries are not easy to use, they are basically introduced by acquaintances.

After all, the consent of the owner who rents or sells the house does not count. It still needs the approval of the surrounding neighbors.

Otherwise, no matter how much money you pay, you won’t be able to get a house.

In the end, Father Li had no choice but to rent a house in a new building a few blocks away from S University.

The house looks better than the old house A, but the environment is just——

Father Li and Mother Li sighed a few words, but Li Sangzi listened and took it to heart.

When Zhao Yan mentioned that her family lived in the family home of University A, she couldn't help showing an envious look——

Even if the house is not bought, being able to rent a house there is enough to show that one has certain connections in University A.

In this aspect, they are better than the Li family!

Zhao Yan:......

She actually made Li Sangzi envious? !

This feeling is so exciting!

You must know that one month into the school year, among the six roommates in their dormitory 309, Li Sangzi is the real Bai Fumei.

She didn't show off deliberately, but whether her family had money or not could be seen in her daily food, clothing, speech and behavior.

And Li Sangzi gave the students the impression that he was very dignified and not short of money!

God knows, seeing Li Sangzi casually carrying a laptop bag, it is a luxury brand worth tens of thousands.

The skin care products placed in the wardrobe are either fairy water or wintersweet;

And a skirt that doesn’t look very eye-catching actually costs thousands of dollars...

Zhao Yan really felt the gap between the rich and the poor, starting from Li Sangzi.

And the inferiority complex, envy and even jealousy in her heart were also caused by Li Sangzi.

In the bottom of Zhao Yan's heart, Li Sangzi has become her target.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

She didn't even dare to imagine that she would become Li Sangzi.

Zhao Yan would be very satisfied as long as she could make Li Sangzi envious of her and make the other party envious of her in turn.

And now!

This wish actually came true.

Although it was because of a lie of his own, the feeling of being envied by Bai Fumei was really great.

Zhao Yan felt that her heart was about to float.

So, even if you panic, even if you don’t know how to smooth things over in the future, that’s all for the future!

For now, Zhao Yan is satisfied.

"Do you want to continue to be the focus of everyone's envy? Do you want to trample those who are above you?"

"Do you want to solve your own crisis and no longer feel guilty, uneasy, and anxious?"

"Dear, you deserve the cannon fodder counterattack system!"

It's a pity that the satisfaction is only for a moment.

When Zhao Yan was lying in bed in the dead of night, thinking about what happened during the day, her heart was again occupied by negative emotions such as fear and regret.

At this moment, a series of mechanical sounds suddenly sounded in my head!

"Who? Who's talking?"

Zhao Yan was unprepared and blurted out.

"Yan'er, what's wrong with you?!"

"Yeah, it scared me so much that I almost dropped the mask!"

"None of us are talking. Did you hear wrongly?"

"Well, I'm listening to music, but I'm wearing headphones, so even if there's some sound, it shouldn't be too loud!"

"Not big! Our heads were touching, and I didn't even hear it!"

The roommates were startled by Zhao Yan's shouts, complaining, explaining, and comforting.

"...I, I might be dreaming!"

From the tone of her roommates, Zhao Yan probably wasn't lying.

Moreover, the voice in my head was not the voice of my roommates, but a mechanical voice that was almost an intelligent voice. It sounds like a book-listening software.

So it's not the roommates talking.

But the sound was very close to me, and it didn't seem like it was coming from the bedroom next door or from the yard outside the window.

Who is it?

Who is speaking?

Or did I really have a dream and hear strange noises in my dream? !

Zhao Yan's mind was very confused, and all kinds of speculations came flooding in.

"I'm sorry, guys, for disturbing everyone!"

Zhao Yan felt uneasy, but she still apologized to her roommates first.

"It's okay! Yan'er, you must have had a nightmare. Do you want to drink a bag of yogurt to calm down the shock?"

"Haha, it's time to take off my facial mask, thanks to Xiao Yanzi for reminding me!"

"That's right, it's time to go to bed, the lights will be turned off soon!"

The roommates all said it didn't matter.

There are six people in their dormitory, and they all come from all over the country. Not to mention that all of them are members of the family, but most of them are only children.

Most of them are living this kind of collective life for the first time.

They are all pampered post-00s and have their own personalities and pride. It is inevitable that there will be some friction in daily life.

However, the roommates in dormitory 309 may have different personalities, but they all have good character.

Unlike other dormitories, there are always one or two top performers who make the whole dormitory restless.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

Occasionally, if there is a conflict, 309 girls will solve the problem well.

It’s time to apologize and be considerate.

Therefore, the atmosphere in the entire dormitory has always been harmonious.

He Tiantian: ...your dormitory also has a "top quality" one, and it is the largest among the girls' dormitories on the entire campus!

Zhao Yan didn't know what her "real mother" was complaining about, nor did she know that her life had already been set by the author's stepmother.

Hearing the considerate jokes of her roommates, she politely declined Yan Yan's kindness in bringing her yogurt, retreated back to the bed, and continued to lie down to prepare for sleep.

Soon, the dormitory became quiet.

Li Sangzi, who was taking off the facial mask, and Fang Xiaohan, who was listening to music, all tidily packed up, then carefully climbed into bed, getting ready for bed.

The lights in the dormitory went out, and in the darkness, the girl's gentle breathing began to be heard.

Zhao Yan couldn't sleep, because the voice in her head rang again, "Kiss, the cannon fodder counterattack system, after binding, will allow you to counterattack magnificently and become a winner in life that everyone envies!"

"System? You, you are the system?"

Zhao Yan was sure that only she could hear the mysterious mechanical sound.

As for the system, as a young girl who gradually came into contact with Internet literature after attending college, Zhao Yan also knew about time travel, systems and other Internet topics.

Sometimes, when reading online articles, Zhao Yan can't help but say: If only I had such a golden finger!

Regardless of the system, space or power, any plug-in can change her life of embarrassment and low self-esteem!

However, YY is still just YY.

When the "dream" really becomes a reality and the "golden finger" arrives, Zhao Yan's first feeling is not happiness, but fear!

There is no free lunch.

There is no free lunch in the world.

In many system articles, there are indeed systems that help people reach the peak of life, but there are also bad systems that wipe them out at every turn, or use the host to steal energy!

Zhao Yan was not sure whether she encountered a golden finger or an evil force.

If it's the latter and she binds him rashly and loses control of her own life, wouldn't it be a tragedy for her?

She really desires success and wants to see people around her show envy and jealousy towards her.

But she is not stupid. She does not want to be coerced by an unknown "system", nor does she want to be wiped out at a young age!

"Yes, I am the cannon fodder counterattack system! After being bound to this system, you can realize the counterattack in life..."

The mechanical voice sounded like a bad TV salesman, speaking brainwashing advertisements that made people laugh or cry.

Zhao Yan was speechless.

"...So, Zhao Yan, it's time for you to make a choice! Are you sure you want to bind to this system?"

"After binding, there will be a gift package for newbies. This system can help you solve all the problems you are currently encountering!"

"Money and house are nothing to worry about!"

The Cannon Fodder Counterattack System didn't feel Zhao Yan's movement, so it couldn't help but become a little anxious and began to throw out the bait.

"Gift package for newbies?"

"That's right! As long as you agree to bind this system, you can get a gift package for beginners! With the reward of the gift package, you can obtain a skill. With the skill, you can make money..."

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

With money, Zhao Yan's problems can be easily solved.

Zhao Yan was really moved when she heard these words about the cannon fodder counterattack system.

But soon, her reason took over again.

"System, if I agree to bind, will you issue me a task? I will be rewarded if the task is successful, and I will be punished if the task fails?"

What kind of electric shock or lightning strike? In severe cases, it will be wiped out!

These are all plots in some system texts.

Zhao Yan does not think she will encounter an "exceptional" system.

Cannon fodder counterattack system:...

After a moment of silence, it continued to speak in a mechanical voice: "Kiss, effort and reward are directly proportional."

Only when you complete the task will you be rewarded. This is a matter of course.

If the mission fails, it is reasonable for the system to impose a slight punishment.

After all, only in this way can the host complete the task more attentively.

"Then let me think about it!"

I knew it would be like this, huh, although Zhao Yan longed for success and wanted to satisfy her inner weakness, she would not do anything stupid.

In the hospital on the other side, He Tiantian was taking care of Qiao Zhenbang's intravenous drip, and the voice of classmate Little D came from the depths of the sea of ​​consciousness——

"Here he comes! Tiantian, the wild one is here!"

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