The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 509 I am a vicious nanny (11)

[The heroine took the villain script] []

In rural areas, a person's reputation is really important;

The destructive power of those gossips of three aunts and six wives is really very powerful.

Zhao Yanhui studied hard for this reason——

She wanted to tell everyone that although she was the daughter of Zhao Yongfeng, an alcoholic who drank himself to death, she was different from Zhao Yongfeng.

She studies well, ranks among the top three in her grade all year round, and can be admitted to the best prestigious university in the provincial capital!

In addition to the bad impression of being incompetent, alcoholic and crazy, as well as the trouble with her reputation, her biological father also gave her a bad habit: favoring boys over girls.

As long as Zhao Yan can remember, she has always heard her father disdain her mother, saying that she was not good enough and could not even give him a son. This was to cut off the old Zhao family.

Zhao Yan just laughed!


How about continuing the family line?

What else can the Zhao family inherit?

How many shabby houses and more than ten acres of contracted land? !

Not to mention the throne, he doesn't even have billions of wealth.

However, my biological father still wanted a son and always wanted to have another child.

If he hadn't died early, with his stubbornness and persistence, maybe he would have achieved his wish.

Once she has a younger brother, it is not certain whether Zhao Yan can go to college.

There are too many examples around -

A girl has an older brother or younger brother, unless she is particularly outstanding and has top-notch grades.

Most ordinary girls go out to work after finishing middle school.

I earned money to study and build a house for my brother.

After working for a few years, when I reached the age where I could go on a blind date, I was called back by my family.

The marriage was arranged and the betrothal gift was received. She was known as a "materialistic girl who wanted a betrothal gift" but could not take anything with her.

The money is left to the elder brother or younger brother to build a house and marry a wife.

A kinder mother's family will give her some dowry.

To be mean... Tsk, tsk, my daughter really doesn't have the confidence to stand up straight even when she goes to her husband's house.

When I was bullied, beaten and scolded by my husband's family, I didn't dare to speak out, for fear of being said: They spent so much money to marry you, why are you a little angry? !

Of course, when Zhao Yongfeng died, Zhao Yan was still young and she could not imagine so much.

But to be honest, Zhao Yan really doesn't have deep feelings for her biological father.

After hearing the news that her biological father had died, her first reaction was not sadness or sadness, but secretly relieved——

Very good!

She no longer has to worry about her father being drunk and going crazy;

She no longer has to face her father’s disgusting gaze!

There was not so much grief back then. Now, nearly ten years later, Zhao Yan has read more books, understood more truths, and seen many examples around her with her own eyes.

For her biological father, it is really hypocritical to insist on saying how much she loves her and how reluctant she is to let him go!

Especially after going to college, when she heard her roommates show off their fathers in "disgusting" tones, Zhao Yan would not interrupt easily no matter how much she wanted to blend in.

what did she say?

Saying that his biological father is a drunkard who only knows how to be a troublemaker?

Said that her biological father has always disliked her as a girl and could not continue the family lineage of the Zhao family?

never mind!

It’s not embarrassing enough!

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

Zhao Yan would rather make a fool of herself by saying that her biological father had passed away long ago, rather than comment too much on her biological father.

"Yan'er, do you really not object to my remarriage?"

He Tiantian didn't seem to see the glint in Zhao Yan's eyes. She pretended to be excited.

asked eagerly.

"Mom, of course I don't object! When I was a child, I was ignorant and afraid that you would leave me!"

When Zhao Yan saw her mother like this, she couldn't help but feel a little guilty.

She held her mother's hand and said seriously, "Now that I have grown up, I know how difficult it is for my mother. I have always hoped that my mother can get her own happiness!"

"Oh, there's no such thing as happiness. I'm already so old, and in our hometown, I'd be an old woman with a grandchild!"

"...The main thing is for you. Professor Qiao said that he has connections in the provincial capital and will be able to help you in the future, whether you are taking the postgraduate entrance examination or working!"

"In the future, when you graduate from college, when it's time to talk about your in-laws' family, some people will also find fault with the so-called 'single-parent family'. Yan'er, Mom only has a daughter like you. As long as you live a good life, Mom can do anything!"

He Tiantian is not a Virgin who only cares about sacrifice and does not know how to "show merit".

She had made sacrifices for Zhao Yan, her daughter, and she wanted to let Zhao Yan know.

She is doing this not only to express her merits, but also to hope that Zhao Yan can understand: she is not really pitiful. Although she has no father and her family background is not very good, she has a mother who considers her wholeheartedly!

Zhao Yan's eyes brightened when He Tiantian talked about postgraduate entrance examinations, work and other matters.

Yes, Professor Qiao is a professor at University A. He not only has status and dignity, but also has connections and connections.

Having such a stepfather would definitely bring more advantages than disadvantages to Zhao Yan.

When I was a child, I was afraid that my mother would remarry because I was worried that I would be abandoned or become a bully.

And now, she is in college. If her stepfather turns against her in the future and treats her harshly, she will not be powerless to resist and have nowhere to dodge!

Besides, Professor Qiao is a dignified professor at University A, but he is willing to marry a rural woman like my mother.

Mainly because he wanted to find someone to serve him, and to make his life more comfortable, Professor Qiao would also treat their mother and daughter kindly.

As for their mother and daughter, after her mother married Professor Qiao, she was no longer an inferior nanny, but a respected professor's wife.

Zhao Yan can also have a decent stepfather, and she can live a better life in the provincial capital.

Win-win! Perfect!

"Mom, you have sacrificed so much for me!"

Zhao Yan threw herself into He Tiantian's arms and hugged her with both hands.

"Silly boy, you are my daughter, if I don't think about you, why?"

He Tiantian gently stroked Zhao Yan's back, and deep in the sea of ​​​​consciousness, she had already started to use her junior uncle's Wuji Jue.

The dark energy invisible to the naked eye was extracted from Zhao Yan's sea of ​​consciousness one by one.

Through Wuji Jue, it turns into strands of spiritual power, and then flows into He Tiantian's Dantian.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

With the experience of the palace fighting system last time, He Tiantian became more familiar with absorbing the energy of the wild system.

The wild leader who claimed to be a cannon fodder counterattack system didn't realize at all that his energy was being stolen bit by bit.

It is anxious at the moment——

Zhao Yan's biological mother is going to remarry, to a rich and prestigious university professor?

How does this work?

If Zhao Yan had such a stepfather, then the lies she told her roommates about "my family is in the staff dormitory of University A" would be straight away fulfilled.

Moreover, by truly coming into contact with the life of another class, the "deficiencies" in Zhao Yan's heart will slowly be filled.

When people lack something, they will try their best to show off, and they will try every means to lie about it.

But once the shortcomings are filled, her heart will gradually become satisfied. She has enough material enjoyment, and she will no longer be greedy for vanity!

If Zhao Yan was no longer vain, how could this cannon fodder counterattack system impress her and persuade her to bind her to him?

You know, when Zhao Yan fell into negative emotions of panic and regret because of lying, she was still able to maintain a certain degree of rationality and did not readily bind to it.

Now that Zhao Yan's troubles are solved and there will be a better life in the future, it is even less likely that she will be willing to bind to a system of unknown origin!

"Zhao Yan, you can't be so selfish!"

"That Professor Qiao, it's clear that he wants your mother to be a free nanny!"

"It's the same work, it's the same serving people. A real nanny gets paid every month. If the employer is not good, he can leave at any time!"

"But when you are a housewife, you can't leave easily without a salary. With the name of marriage, even violent injuries can be easily avoided."

"Zhao Yan, you have to rely on yourself as a person. Don't always think about changing your destiny by 'marrying'. You are even more awesome. You actually want to expect your mother to remarry——"

The cannon fodder counterattack system was anxious and tried its best to preach in Zhao Yan's mind.

It may be really urgent, and the words it says will be very unpleasant to the ears.

Zhao Yan:......

She tried her best to block the sound of the system, but she couldn't.

As for what the system said, Zhao Yan really felt uncomfortable listening to it.

But she won't be easily influenced either.

After enduring it again and again, Zhao Yan couldn't hold it back and used her consciousness to communicate with the system: "Why am I selfish? My mother married Professor Qiao, which is also good for her!"

Her identity has changed. Even if she lives in the staff dormitory of University A, others will no longer regard "He Xiutian" as a nanny who comes to work.

"Also, my mother is not a free nanny. Didn't you listen to what my mother said? Professor Qiao has already made it clear that after he gets married, he will give all his income to my mother!"

"It's 20,000 to 30,000 yuan a month. After deducting living expenses, my mother can still have half of the money left. This is much higher than the salary of a live-in nanny!"

"Also, Professor Qiao has a cerebral infarction and is older than my mother. As for my mother, she has been working in the fields and is very strong with her hands. If there is a conflict, who will domestically abuse whom? Not necessarily!”

Anyway, after Zhao Yan thought about it again and again, she and her daughter definitely did not suffer when their mother married Professor Qiao.

The two of them are not greedy and have never coveted the Qiao family's property.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

As for Professor Qiao, he didn't make a big deal out of his mother, so he spoke openly.

This marriage is a transaction in itself. Everyone gets what they need, and the transaction is fair and does not deceive each other!

Cannon Fodder Counterattack System: ...It makes so much sense, I’m speechless!

No, wait!

Even if the truth is this, it cannot allow things to develop in this direction!

It must bind Zhao Yan, and it must borrow Zhao Yan's hand to absorb the destiny of Yan Yan, the girl of destiny.

Otherwise, this system will perish due to lack of energy!

"Tiantian! I heard it, that wild leader is trying his best to persuade Zhao Yan!"

Perhaps it was because he had absorbed the black energy of the wild system, or maybe because he was close enough, little D could not only sense the energy fluctuations of the wild system.

It can also detect the conscious communication between the wild system and Zhao Yan.

It eagerly came over to share with He Tiantian, and praised highly: "Zhao Yan is indeed sober enough and vigilant enough!"

"She doesn't believe in the wild system at all, and she is even less willing to be bound to it. Now she just denounced the wild system until she had nothing to say!"

"However, wild animals don't have martial ethics, so it's probably going to be a rogue——"

As he spoke, Little D felt a new wave of energy surge.

"Tiantian, it's about to take action!"

In fact, Xiao D’s classmate didn’t need to remind him that at such a close distance, He Tiantian could feel the subtle energy changes even if he couldn’t hear the “conversation” between Ye Xiong and Zhao Yan.

Feeling that the wild system was gathering energy, He Tiantian was not polite and increased the intensity of running Wuji Jue, frantically absorbing the dark energy.


The Cannon Fodder Counterattack System was about to forcibly leave a mark on Zhao Yan's soul, but suddenly she felt that her energy was a little insufficient!

Is my energy disappearing again?

no! I need to bind quickly!

When Zhao Yan completes the "mission" and steals the heroine's luck, the system will be replenished with energy!

The cannon fodder counterattack system gritted its teeth and held on. Even though its own energy was running out, it still completed the forced binding.

"Ding! The system is successfully bound and the 'Novice Task' is released. The host——"

At this point, the energy of the cannon fodder counterattack system is not enough to support it to continue.

As if the power was cut off midway, the mechanical sound disappeared as he spoke.

Zhao Yan:......

She was panicked at first, why was the "binding successful"?

She obviously didn't agree.

Sure enough, she encountered a brutal rogue system. If they couldn't coax her, they would just forcibly bind her!

But, why did it suddenly disappear after being bound?

Zhao Yan used her consciousness to call out in her brain: "System? What kind of cannon fodder counterattack system?"

"Hello, are you still there? What is the 'novice mission' you are talking about?"

"Also, you said before that there would be some gift package for newbies, what is that?"

Of course, Zhao Yan didn't really care about the novice missions and novice gift packages. She just had nothing to say.

But in the face of her "provocation", there was silence in the depths of the sea of ​​consciousness.

If she hadn't heard an annoying mechanical sound in her head several times before, Zhao Yan couldn't help but wonder——

Did I have a ridiculous dream?

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

I actually dreamed about the system in my dream!

"Tiantian, you are so powerful, you directly caused the wild system to lose energy and fall into dormancy!"

Classmate Xiao D did some research and learned about the current situation of the wild system.

It couldn't help but give He Tiantian a thumbs up!

He Tiantian did not chat with classmate Little D, but continued to run Wuji Jue.

Convert all the energy drawn from the wild system into your own spiritual power.


Although I was only half full, I was still quite satisfied.

And He Tiantian clearly felt that her spirit had grown stronger again.

In this way, she can already compete with the consciousness of the world.

If she were to enter that kind of ancient literature with incorrect views and encounter a paranoid and distorted world consciousness, she would be able to easily fight against it.

Instead of being suppressed by world consciousness and having to plot slowly, like in the past.

"The wild system is only temporarily dormant. When the time comes, it will still emerge!"

After He Tiantian digested the dark energy, he slowly said to classmate Xiao D: "However, with this period of time, it is enough for me to slowly correct Zhao Yan's temperament!"

As long as Zhao Yan becomes stronger and stronger and is no longer vain in her heart, even if Ye Zong wakes up, there will be no opportunity to take advantage of him!

On the contrary, its "return" is just one more victim who delivers food to He Tiantian...

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