The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 510 I am a vicious nanny (12)

[The heroine took the villain script] []

"Professor Qiao, I discussed it with my daughter, and she didn't object too much!"

Back at the hospital, He Tiantian whispered to Qiao Zhenbang while massaging him.

Qiao Zhenbang's eyes lit up and a smile appeared on his face, "Okay, as long as the child doesn't object!"

"Then let's do this as soon as possible?"

It's National Day in a few days. Before the holiday, go to the Civil Affairs Bureau to get a certificate, and then use the Golden Week to tidy up your home.

His new life will be on track!

Qiao Zhenbang was thinking secretly.

In fact, his body has almost recovered and he can be discharged from the hospital.

However, because he had a plan in his heart, Qiao Zhenbang wanted to settle things before going home.

Now, "He Xiutian" finally agreed, and Qiao Zhenbang began to make plans step by step according to his own ideas.

"Not urgent!"

He Tiantian would not be led by Qiao Zhenbang.

She was not begging Qiao Zhenbang to give him a bowl of rice.

There is no superiority or inferiority between her and Qiao Zhenbang, but an equal partnership.

Before the "cooperation" officially begins, He Tiantian must clarify his attitude and position.

In this way, she will not be at a disadvantage after getting married.

Qiao Zhenbang was stunned for a moment, "No, not in a hurry?"


Is "He Xiutian" going to do something big?

It's their second marriage. They're not young, so there's no need to make such a big deal about it.

Even if you want a sense of ceremony, it is enough for the two families to sit down and have a meal together.

Qiao Zhenbang got sick and realized what he really needed.

He really wanted to find a "wife" who could take care of him, but he didn't want to be too showy.

Because everyone is not a fool, they saw that he suddenly remarried to a middle-aged rural woman who was obviously not a good match for him.

He could tell with his toes that Qiao Zhenbang was not looking for a wife, but a nanny.

Although this is indeed the case, for this kind of thing, you should see through it but don’t say it out loud.

As long as everyone knows each other well, once they talk about it, Qiao Zhenbang will feel embarrassed!

He didn't even want to be talked about secretly, saying that he was unkind and too calculating, tricking other women into not being a nanny that could make money, but stupidly becoming a free nanny for him.

This kind of thing is easy to say but not nice to hear.

Qiao Zhenbang is not a kind and perfect holy father, but he is not a real villain either.

It was a mutually beneficial transaction between him and "He Xiutian"!

When they live together, each other has their own agenda. He is really not the only one who is playing tricks.

"Yes! No rush!"

He Tiantian didn't seem to notice the change in Qiao Zhenbang's expression. She continued to massage and talk -

"There are some things I want to make clear in advance!"

Qiao Zhenbang remained calm, but his eyes were obviously wary.

He was worried that "He Xiutian" would take the opportunity to make a big deal out of him.

She thinks that he, Qiao Zhenbang, must be her, so he is not greedy enough. In addition to his monthly income, he also wants to be greedy for other properties.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

"First of all, Professor Qiao took the initiative to bring up the matter between the two of us. It's not me who insists on climbing a high tree!"

He Tiantian still pretended not to notice Qiao Zhenbang's eyes, but said calmly, "I'm not an old goblin who seduces you or a bad woman who destroys other people's families, right?"

Qiao Zhenbang was stunned for a moment. Hey, it was different from what he had guessed.

He nodded with some confusion,


The first person to propose marriage was indeed not "He Xiutian".

As for "He Xiutian", not only is she not a bad woman who wants to climb high, she is also Qiao Zhenbang's savior.

In fact, this is one of the reasons why Qiao Zhenbang chose "He Xiutian" - he did not marry his nanny directly, but married his savior.

Although there is not much difference between the two, when it comes to saying it, the latter always sounds better.

"Promise yourself for life-saving grace" and so on, not only have the traditional Chinese romance, but also show Qiao Zhenbang's affection and righteousness.

"So, Professor Qiao, if I marry you, even if I am not accepted and respected by your children, I should not suffer their rejection or even hatred! Right?"

He Tiantian raised her head and looked at Qiao Zhenbang intently.

Qiao Zhenbang:......

Something suddenly flashed in his mind, and his expression became a little unnatural.

"What's that, Xiao He, don't worry about it, that kid from Jianan was just too surprised and had a little misunderstanding of you, so--"

As a father, Qiao Zhenbang certainly knows the nature of his children.

Fortunately, the eldest son Qiao Jiamu is older and married, so he has a calm and mature temperament after all.

Regarding Qiao Zhenbang's remarriage, although it seemed sudden, he quickly understood it.

Because Qiao Jiamu knew very well that he had already married and settled abroad, and unless there were major changes, he would not return to China.

Taking care of and supporting his father is his unshirkable responsibility.

This time Qiao Zhenbang suffered a cerebral infarction and almost suffered a stroke. On the plane back home, Qiao Jiamu once thought:

If the father really has no ability to take care of himself, he will take him to the United States to take care of him.

Whether you hire a caregiver or send him to a nursing home, you are taking the person out of the country, rather than returning him to the country to take care of him.

Now, Qiao Jiamu no longer has to worry about his father's "future affairs", as his father has a solution for himself.

After the initial surprise when he heard the news, Qiao Jiamu quickly figured it out and agreed very much.

Anyway, his biological father had promised him that even if he remarried, the Qiao family's property would not be cheap to outsiders.

At most, you can spend ten or twenty thousand a month to hire a high-end live-in nanny!

His own interests were not harmed, and on the contrary, he helped solve a big problem. Qiao Jiamu really had no objection.

As the youngest daughter, Qiao Jianan is more willful.

In addition, she is not married yet, and she still has a certain sense of territory and belonging to her father and family.

Qiao Jianan's first reaction to the inexplicable addition of a "stepmother" was rejection.

She didn't want to blame her father, so she blamed "He Xiutian".

I think this middle-aged woman from the countryside is greedy for the Qiao family's money and status, and is trying every means to get a position!

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

Of course, Qiao Jianan is a highly educated person and retains a minimum of sanity.

Even if I complain in my heart, I won't really go and mess around with "He Xiutian".

When she saw He Tiantian that day, she gave him a black face and snorted coldly, which was her expression of dissatisfaction in her heart.

Qiao Zhenbang felt that although there was something wrong with his daughter, it was not too much.

However, He Tiantian was very concerned about it.

She interrupted Qiao Zhenbang directly, "Maybe she really misunderstood."

"However, there are some things that you still need to make clear. For example, the real estate and deposits you mentioned before, those are your properties!"

"What you want to leave to your children is reasonable. I also fully understand and agree!"

"Actually, you don't have to wait a hundred years, you can transfer the house to your two children now and give them a share of your savings!"

"Or when we get married, we can sign a prenuptial agreement stating that those properties are your pre-marital properties. No matter we get divorced or there is an accident in the future, the only heirs to those properties will be your children!"

He Tiantian first said "misunderstanding" and then talked about the property issue.

She made it clear that she thought Qiao Jianan would be angry with her, not that she cared about whether she became an old goblin, but that she was worried that her share of property would be taken away!

Well, Qiao Jianan will definitely have such worries.

Even Qiao Zhenbang knew it in his heart.

However, this kind of thing is also seen through but not revealed.

Once he said it, Qiao Zhenbang's face became very upset.

His daughter objected to his remarriage, not because she was worried that he would be deceived by a woman, or that her father would be snatched away.

And just for the property!

This... alas, reality is cruel.

Even though Qiao Zhenbang felt sorry for his daughter, he couldn't say much to defend her.

Even deep down in his heart, he felt a little awkward - did his daughter love him, or did she care more about his money?

Don't blame Qiao Zhenbang for thinking too much. He has actually experienced life and death, and personally experienced the pain and despair of dying.

Qiao Zhenbang's mentality has really changed dramatically.

You can say that he has become more selfish, or you can say that he has become "transparent".

In short, he no longer thinks about his children, work, students, etc. as he did in the past. He wants to live for himself even more!

In the final analysis, there is not much property or anything, at least not comparable to those of the real rich.

However, after being ill and experiencing the experience of being left without care, Qiao Zhenbang deeply realized what is most reliable - money!

If he has money, he can find a wife with ulterior motives like "He Xiutian" and lure her to take good care of him in the future.

If you have money, you can have a loving father and a filial son, and a harmonious relationship between father and daughter.

He will indeed leave his property to his two children, but not now, but after a hundred years.

If, as He Tiantian said, the property should be divided now... Haha, on the TV news, are there too many cases of old people transferring their houses to their children in advance, only to end up homeless?

"There is no need to owe a prenuptial agreement, and those properties do not need to be divided in advance!"

Qiao Zhenbang felt awkward, and his tone was a little harsh, "I want to marry you, and you are not after my money. This matter has nothing to do with my two children!"

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

"They understand and support the best. If they are not satisfied, just hold it in. Anyway, they will stay abroad in the future and will not be able to come back even once a year!"

"If you still lose your temper after you come back, I won't condone it! You are the one who lives with me and spends the rest of your life with me, not them! I can tell the difference!"

Qiao Zhenbang spoke decisively, even a little unhumanly.

He also wanted to express his attitude to He Tiantian: he would not let his children despise or humiliate her!

"In this case, I will explain it clearly when I see Jiamu and Jianan!"

Qiao Zhenbang made a serious statement!

"Professor Qiao, this is best! After all, I really haven't done anything wrong to others, and I don't want to bear a crime that doesn't belong to me!"

He Tiantian was quite satisfied and nodded.

However, before she finished, she made a second request: "We are getting married for the second time, and we are not young anymore. There is no need to make a fuss about the marriage!"

"However, there must be a minimum ceremony. At least your relatives, friends, colleagues, and students must know that I am your wife, not your nanny!"

What He Tiantian wants is not just a sense of ceremony, but also a real status and respect.

Her "professor's wife" must be worthy of her name, must be made public, and must be recognized by Qiao Zhenbang's circle!

He Tiantian did this not for herself, but for Zhao Yan.

Only in this way can He Tiantian enter Qiao's family legitimately, and Zhao Yan can slowly build up her confidence and pride.

Qiao Zhenbang:......

Well, although this request is a bit higher than his plan, it is not unacceptable.

Nodding, Qiao Zhenbang said it was okay.

He Tiantian made a third request, "Professor Qiao, you should also know that I have no intention of remarrying."

"I will agree to this marriage, mostly for the sake of my daughter——"

This time, before He Tiantian could finish her words, Qiao Zhenbang spoke actively: "Don't worry, after we get married, Yan'er will also be my daughter, and I will treat her well!"

"By the way, let's just renovate the small room at home and let Yan'er live in it!"

"Although she lives on campus now, our home is not far from S University. We can let Yan'er go home every weekend!"

Qiao Zhenbang is very shrewd. He accurately figured out the fate of "He Xiutian".

In order to get better care in the future, he decided that he would treat Zhao Yan's cheap daughter well.

As long as he shows enough kindness to Zhao Yan, "He Xiutian" will serve him wholeheartedly.

This is a win-win situation for everyone, and Qiao Zhenbang will not destroy it by himself.

He Tiantian smiled, Qiao Zhenbang was indeed on the right track.

It's so easy to deal with smart people, there's no need to talk too thoroughly.

With consensus and tacit understanding, the halfway couple Qiao Zhenbang and He Tiantian became extremely harmonious in the shortest time.

He Tiantian helped Qiao Zhenbang get discharged from the hospital, and Qiao Zhenbang called a few students and acquaintances to renovate the rooms at home.

Not only the guest room assigned to Zhao Yan, the master bedroom, living room, etc. were also simply decorated.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

At least, the old house should have a newlywed atmosphere.

At the same time, Qiao Zhenbang also called a pair of children, and the family of three closed the door and talked in detail.

Qiao Jiamu was okay and didn't have any obvious mood swings.

Qiao Jianan's eyes were obviously a little dissatisfied, but when he saw He Tiantian again, he didn't roll his eyes or make sarcastic remarks again.

Her attitude is still not very intimate, but she will not reject him directly. She treats "He Xiutian" as a stranger.

In addition, Qiao Zhenbang found a boss he had worked with and booked several banquet tables at a five-star hotel under his name.

He notified his familiar colleagues, neighbors and students with whom he was close, and solemnly stated: I am going to remarry, and my wife is my savior He Xiutian.

On the day when the wine was served, Qiao Zhenbang not only introduced "He Xiutian" to all his relatives and friends openly, but also kindly pushed Zhao Yan out.

"This is my little daughter, haha. She is seventeen years old this year and is studying international trade at S University. Please take good care of her in the future!"

Qiao Zhenbang's face was full of kindness, and he valued Zhao Yan's appearance as a cheap daughter.

Those teachers, professors, or entrepreneurs who hired Qiao Zhenbang as consultants just smiled politely and gave them gifts.

Many of Qiao Zhenbang's students, especially those who are studying as graduate students under him, are very enthusiastic.

They called each other "little junior sister" one after another, and their attitude was beyond attentive.

Zhao Yan had an inexplicable illusion. She seemed to be Yue Lingshan of the Huashan Sect, who was loved by all the stars...

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