The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 511 I am a vicious nanny (13)

[The heroine took the villain script] []

"Yan'er, this is your senior brother Xu, he is also a teacher at S University!"

Qiao Zhenbang was very happy and introduced Zhao Yan.

Zhao Yan felt a little dizzy, as if she was in the clouds.

"Teacher Xu?"

Zhao Yan had actually met the "Senior Brother Xu" in Qiao Zhenbang's mouth in school.

He is a teacher at their School of Management at S University, who specializes in teaching securities investment. I heard he is also an expert in stock trading.

He works as an analyst in the securities column of the TV station's financial channel. He also has his own blog and audio accounts, and is an internet celebrity expert.

At the beginning of school, this teacher Xu also held an open class.

Out of curiosity and admiration for celebrities and talented people, the friends in dormitory 309 secretly went to take classes.

Mr. Xu is in his thirties, and his height and appearance are both above the passing mark. The key is his temperament, which makes him look like an elite in the shopping mall.

And he is indeed very good at securities investment.

It is said that when the stock market was in the dark last year, several stocks he selected were all in the red.

That record, not to mention ordinary students, even some stock market experts couldn't help but give a thumbs up.

Mr. Xu has a high professional level and strong personal investment ability.

Although he is an ordinary university teacher, he is recognized as a young rich man.

In addition to the income brought by investing in stocks, he also serves as a consultant to some business people.

I bought a house and a car in the provincial capital at a young age. Even if I didn't show it off deliberately, I still looked like a successful person.

Rich second-generation Li Sangzi once discussed in the dormitory what brand of Teacher Xu's clothes were, what kind of Swiss mechanical watch his watch was, and even a small cufflink was very elegant.

Zhao Yan didn't understand it at all and didn't know what to say if she wanted to join in.

I can only look at Li Sangzi, Fang Xiaohan and other people who have seen the world with envy, talking about Teacher Xu's clothes, cars, etc.

At that time, Zhao Yan deeply understood what the gap was, and it really seemed like there was a chasm between the poor and the rich!

But, that was the past!


"Haha, what's your name, teacher? Didn't you hear Teacher Qiao say, call me senior brother!"

When Teacher Xu saw Zhao Yan, a flash of surprise flashed in his eyes.

It's not that he has met this girl, but he has heard Qiao Zhenbang introduce her to her, saying that she is also a student of S University. Still a freshman in the School of Management.

However, Zhao Yan should not be his student. Teacher Xu never called such a name during class.

However, teachers and students of the School of Management, even if they are not directly affiliated with each other, can still call out "Teacher X" or "Classmate XX" when they meet outside.

Now we met at the wedding banquet. The other person was the stepdaughter of my teacher when I was a graduate student. The relationship seemed to be closer.

Therefore, Teacher Xu was very friendly and corrected Zhao Yan's title with a smile.

"Yes, let's call him Senior Brother Xu!" Qiao Zhenbang was very satisfied when he saw Teacher Xu being so close to him.

He has many students and teaches several graduate students every year.

However, there are not so many students who can achieve good results.

Xiao Xu is one of the many students who has achieved pretty good results.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

The students are promising, and the teacher's face is shining.

Especially since Xiao Xu went to the same school as his cheap daughter, Qiao Zhenbang would feel more at ease if he took more care of Zhao Yan.

"Junior sister is still in her freshman year, right? Have you joined any clubs?"

Teacher Xu saw that Qiao Zhenbang seemed to value Zhao Yan as his stepdaughter,

There was a plan in mind.

He has long stopped studying for graduate school under Qiao Zhenbang, and it seems that he doesn't need to be as careful as he used to provide for him.

But Qiao Zhenbang has some authority in the education and financial fields in the provincial capital, and Teacher Xu was able to teach at S University because of Qiao Zhenbang's help.

Whether it is for the past teacher-student friendship or future development, seven or eight years after graduation, Teacher Xu still has great respect for Qiao Zhenbang.

Since Zhao Yan is someone Qiao Zhenbang values, Teacher Xu is happy to give her some intimacy.

"Not yet! My roommate would like to join the Foreign Language Association or the Management Enthusiasts Association, but I prefer the Student Union!"

Zhao Yan saw that Teacher Xu had a friendly attitude, and Qiao Zhenbang also looked like "I'm not an outsider, just take it easy."

She knew that this "Senior Brother Xu" was not just a polite person, but that he really had a good relationship with her stepfather.

Since you are "one of our own", there is no need to be polite.

Zhao Yan controlled her inner excitement and spoke her thoughts softly.

"The student union is not bad. I have a student who is the vice president of the student union. She majors in international finance. I will send you her V-letter later. If you have anything, you can ask her for help!"

"In addition, we also have an international economic seminar, and the participants are basically junior and senior students. We occasionally go back to the stock exchange for internships. If you have time, you can come and take a look!"

Teacher Xu added Zhao Yan’s V letter as he spoke!

"Okay, thank you, Senior Brother Xu! I, I'm very interested!"

Securities, stock trading!

This is the fastest way to make money.

In the days when Zhao Yan was worried about money, she once fantasized about "getting rich overnight."

When buying lottery tickets, the probability is too low, and the possibility of winning is no less than a daydream.

And stock trading seems to be easier to achieve.

However, Zhao Yan has not really come into contact with this field, and all she knows is the gossip of her roommates or classmates——

A certain classmate actually knew how to trade stocks and made thousands in a few days;

Our biological teacher X made a lot of money from stock trading a few years ago...

After hearing more, Zhao Yan became moved.

If her biological mother had not married Professor Qiao, and if Zhao Yan still needed money to decorate her "identity", she might have gone into stock trading in order to make money.

However, stock trading really requires professional knowledge when it is not a bull market.

A novice who doesn't know anything, rushes in rashly, and that's one word - death!

Although Zhao Yan was very eager for money and wanted to take shortcuts at that time, she still retained at least her sanity.

Things are different now. Not only does she no longer need money so urgently, but she also has a more professional "senior brother" to provide guidance.

Zhao Yan hurriedly added Teacher Xu's V letter, thinking to herself that when she returned to school after the vacation, she would go to that international economic seminar.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

All the money she saved before was used to buy fruit mobile phones.

However, this time her mother married Professor Qiao, and Professor Qiao and his children all gave her gifts.

The Qiao family did not come in vain and directly sent a red envelope to Zhao Yan.

The three people added up to a total of fifteen thousand.

And at today's wedding banquet, Qiao Zhenbang took some of the uncles, uncles, senior brothers and sisters she specially introduced and gave her red envelopes.

The amount was not too exaggerated, but it added up. Zhao Yan took advantage of the time to go to the toilet and secretly counted it, and found that there were ten or twenty thousand yuan.

...Zhao Yan actually has more than 30,000 yuan in her small treasury.

This is a lot of money.

Money is not the most important thing!

The most "dreamy" thing for Zhao Yan is that she has met so many people.

Leaving aside those professors, experts or big bosses who are obviously very powerful at first glance, those senior brothers and sisters who are particularly kind to her are the people she usually needs to look up to.

And these people all added her V-letter and said they would contact her often in the future.

Especially the students who are studying for Professor Qiao's graduate school are so attentive to her.

This change in identity is particularly important for the impression of Zhao Yan's mentality.

For a moment, Zhao Yan felt that she was no longer the sewer girl who came from a rural area and whose mother was a nanny.

Rather, it is a small public event that attracts many stars and attracts much attention!

The scale of the wedding banquet was not large, only thirty or fifty guests, and three or four tables of banquets were set up.

However, everyone is not an ordinary person, and they are also very polite and close to Zhao Yan and her daughter.

Zhao Yan felt "respect" that she had never experienced before, and also saw the real world——

It’s not that he deliberately wears branded clothes or dazzling jewelry and watches, but that everything he says and does shows the confidence and pride of a “superior”.

Not rhetorical, but meaningful.

Living in such an environment, Zhao Yan finally realized what class differences and cognitive disparities are.

She finally realized how ridiculous it was for her to pretend to understand and have to fit into other people's circles.

That was just on campus, and there weren't too many interests involved.

The relationship between classmates and roommates is also relatively simple. There is no need to care too much about family background, and there is no need to overly fawn over or please. We are all young and bright college students.

Zhao Yan was so positive, but she fell behind.

The ignorant are fearless, and the deficient will be extra vain... Zhao Yan experienced a wedding banquet and suddenly understood a lot!

It’s not over yet!

After the wedding banquet, Zhao Yan moved with her biological mother to the staff dormitory of University A.

"This is Grandma Feng on the first floor. She is a retired teacher from University A and a biology expert!"

He Tiantian pointed to a rich old lady holding a golden retriever and introduced in a low voice.

The mother and daughter walked closer while talking.

He Tiantian greeted the old lady politely, "Teacher Feng, take Huanhuan for a walk!"

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

When the old lady saw He Tiantian and her daughter, she tightened the leash and responded with a smile, "Yes, Huanhuan likes to go to the small park to play with the children.

After saying this, the old lady looked at He Tiantian, and the smile on her face deepened, "This is your daughter, oh, the little girl looks so good!"

She was not just being polite, but Zhao Yan was really good-looking.

The little girl is seventeen or eighteen years old, her face is full of collagen, and her whole body is full of youthful vitality and youthful brightness.

He has exquisite facial features, a well-proportioned figure, and a little baby fat on his face.

She seems to be a little fatter than those little girls who blindly pursue white and thin, but she is also more popular with the elderly - she is lucky!

"Hello, Teacher Feng!"

Zhao Yan felt the kindness of the old lady and hurriedly said hello with a smile.

"Hey, good! The little girl is so polite!"

The old lady exchanged a few pleasantries and then took the golden retriever dog for a walk in the yard.

Looking at the old lady's back, He Tiantian suddenly said, "This Teacher Feng seems to be no different from an ordinary retired old lady, right?"

Zhao Yan was stunned for a moment, then looked at the old lady who was coaxing a fat golden retriever like a child, and nodded slowly.

It does look quite ordinary, just like many retired old ladies in the city.

He Tiantian said, "Then you know, she is such an ordinary old lady. After retirement, the old lady was hired as a consultant by a biological research center in the province, with an annual salary of millions a year!"

Zhao Yan suddenly opened her mouth.

No, just such an inconspicuous little old lady has an annual salary of millions.

This, this is still a "consultant fee". He is a retired teacher from University A and has a lot of pension and so on.

"The old lady is old and has a little less energy. And her children don't want her to work too hard. Otherwise, if the old lady lets go and does 'part-time work', she will earn even more!"

Zhao Yan:......

"And that old man, did you see that one with a bag of steamed buns in his hand?"

He Tiantian quietly pointed at a white-haired old man standing under the shade of a tree in a small park, watching two old men playing chess.

Zhao Yan followed her mother's fingers and looked over, and she saw a skinny old man.

Wearing an old man's shirt, black pants, and holding a plastic bag in his hand.

He had his hands behind his back and his waist slightly bent. Whether it was his clothes or his demeanor, he looked just like the boring old men you see everywhere on the street.

"He is Professor Wu, a retired teacher from the Department of Chemistry. He has several patents in his hands, and the annual patent licensing fees alone are two to three million."

He Tiantian said lightly, "I heard that before retirement, the old man had tens of millions of assets and bought several houses."

"But the old man still lives in an old faculty dormitory. He goes to the cafeteria every day to buy big steamed buns that cost one yuan or two, and eats cafeteria food that costs three or four yuan a portion!"

I don’t wear big-name clothes, I don’t live in a villa, and I don’t pay attention to food and drink.

It’s not that there is no money, but that people have already transcended the constraints of money.

Maybe you can't say "money is just a number" like those rich people, but for some old professors and experts in family hospitals, money is really not the most important thing.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

Zhao Yan was silent, and her heart suffered a huge impact.

And her outlook on life is also being reshaped.

Of course, if this was left in the past, Zhao Yan would not listen even if he heard it.

Because the class is different and the environment is different.

If something like that were the case, it would just be shouting slogans, which would have no effect on her at all.

Everyone understands the truth, but not everyone can become a "wise man".

Now Zhao Yan is no longer the nanny's daughter, but has a professor stepfather, and the Qiao family circle has also accepted Zhao Yan.

Zhao Yan entered a higher level, and her state of mind changed accordingly.

You may still have low self-esteem, but it won't be as powerful as in the past.

Her confidence and her heart became stronger little by little.

Zhao Yan's transformation, in addition to the leap of class, also has the factor of her biological mother——

After marrying Professor Qiao, my mother seems to be no longer the timid, uninformed middle-aged rural woman she used to be.

She began to learn cooking and obtained qualifications such as nutritionist certification.

And her appearance and temperament are also changing day by day.

It has only been less than two months, and the rustic charm of my biological mother "He Xiutian" has disappeared, replaced by a unique temperament that radiates from the inside out...

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