The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 512 I am a vicious nanny (14)

[The heroine took the villain script] []

"Hello, classmate, can you call Zhao Yan in dormitory 309 for me?"

He Tiantian stood downstairs in the girls' dormitory apartment, stopped Yan Yan coming back from outside, and asked softly.

Yan Yan was stunned for a moment, looking at He Tiantian up and down, "...who are you?"

Judging from his age, he seems to be less than forty years old;

Judging by his appearance, well, he looks somewhat similar to Zhao Yan.

Could it be that this is a relative of Zhao Yan?

Yan Yan didn't think of He Tiantian as "Zhao Yan's biological mother" at all, because He Tiantian looked more like Zhao Yan's sister-in-law, aunt, or even sister, rather than her biological mother.

It's not that mother and daughter don't look alike, but the age difference between them is not as big as that of mother and daughter.

"I am Zhao Yan's mother!"

He Tiantian's gentle smile, that temperament is far more refreshing than the delicate facial features.

Oh my god, this, this sister, oh no, it’s the aunt who has such a good temperament.

What it means to be gentle and virtuous, and what it means to have a strong Eastern traditional charm are all vividly displayed in her.

The villain in Yan Yan couldn't help but howl, and her eyes couldn't help but shine brightly!

"Okay, ah, auntie, please wait a moment!"

Faced with such a graceful beauty, Yan Yan almost couldn't call her "auntie", which was a title that obviously meant calling someone old.

She stuttered, then blushed a little, agreed, and hurried into the girls' apartment.

"Yan'er! Little Yanzi! Princess Huanzhu, your empress is looking for you!"

As soon as she opened the door of dormitory 309, Yan Yan shouted excitedly.

Zhao Yan:...(⊙_⊙)?

What stimulated Yan Yan?

Why are you so excited?

Also, what's going on with her little fangirl-like eyes?

"Yan'er, what are you doing standing still? Didn't you hear what Yan Yan said? Your mother is here to find you!"

Xu Chunlei on the other side saw that Zhao Yan did not respond, so she quickly reminded her with a smile.


Zhao Yan finally came to her senses, picked up her phone, plugged it in, and muttered, "It just shut down automatically after a short period of time when the battery ran out, and my mom just——"

Zhao Yan jumped out of the bed neatly, grabbed a coat and put it on her home clothes, stepped on her shoes and ran out.

As soon as I walked out of the dormitory, I heard Yan Yan excitedly sharing with other roommates: "The Queen Mother of our Yan'er family, tsk tsk, I really don't know how to describe it!"

Zhao Yan couldn't help but stopped, took a few steps back, pretended to tidy up her shoes, and took the opportunity to eavesdrop.

Well, recently, because she has a professor stepfather, she herself is adapting well to the family home of University A.

Her inner inferiority and deficiencies in certain aspects seemed to have been filled to the greatest extent.

However, this kind of character flaw cannot be cured in a short time.

Deep down in her heart, Zhao Yan still cares about other people's opinions.

Hearing Yan Yan mention her biological mother, Zhao Yan wanted to know how they would discuss it behind her back.

Yan Yan probably wouldn’t speak ill of her mother, but——

Zhao Yan endured the anxiety, pricked up her ears, and listened desperately.

I heard Yan Yan continue to say enthusiastically like a little fan: "That temperament is really amazing!"

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[The heroine took the villain script] []


I heard that Yan Yan did not say anything bad about her mother, but mentioned her mother's temperament in a praising tone.

Zhao Yan's hanging heart was slightly relieved.

In other words,

Mom has really changed a lot in the past few months.

Perhaps because she is no longer exposed to the wind and sun, no longer performs heavy physical labor, but can eat well, drink well and take good care of herself, her whole body has become whiter and her skin has improved.

The exquisite facial features are highlighted, and the whole person looks several years younger.

The key is that kind of temperament, gentle, demure, without any aggression, as warm as water, as soft as moonlight, making everyone who comes in contact with her feel like a spring breeze, comfortable and comfortable.

Even Qiao Jianan, who was somewhat repelled by "He Xiutian", slowly accepted her and showed kindness to her.

So what, Qiao Jianan would "reject" He Tiantian. In addition to worrying that she had other agendas, she also felt that such a rural woman who had not even finished elementary school was not worthy of her biological father, a professor.

He has no academic qualifications, looks rough, and has a petty attitude... Such a person would be embarrassed to be followed by Qiao Zhenbang, a dignified professor at University A.

Qiao Jianan was a proud woman, and she had an inexplicable sense of superiority and endless pride in her Gaozhi family.

The appearance of "He Xiutian" has really lowered the standard of their family and will make Qiao Zhenbang and the entire Qiao family the subject of conversation and even the laughingstock of the people around them.

Fortunately, "He Xiutian" still knows how to make progress.

She worked hard to learn cooking and baking, participated in some etiquette training courses, and also went to worship Buddha with an old vegetarian lady in the family home...

In just a few months, "He Xiutian" has transformed from the inside out.

Moreover, her transformation was not that of a fierce and strong woman, nor did she go from one extreme to another, but that she became gentle and virtuous, just like the famous Shuyuan in the ancient Chinese lady paintings.

Maybe she still doesn't have a diploma, but with this kind of temperament, standing next to Qiao Zhenbang again, she is indeed extremely harmonious and compatible!

She no longer became the Qiao family's shortcoming, nor did she give Qiao Zhenbang any chance to be laughed at.

Through video calls, Qiao Jianan witnessed the changes in "He Xiutian" bit by bit. He didn't say anything, but he was still satisfied in his heart.

Qiao Jianan was even more embarrassed about his rudeness - no matter what, "He Xiutian" saved his father.

There is no way to repay the kindness of saving a life too much.

The marriage itself was also her biological father Qiao Zhenbang's intention. Instead of persuading him, she angered "He Xiutian".

Qiao Jianan always feels remorseful when he thinks back to the stupid things he has done.

She falsely claimed to be a well-educated and well-educated woman, but in the end, she still acted like a willful naughty child and shamed Aunt He!

Especially recently, my father has been taken care of very well by Aunt He.

Seeing his father's increasingly rosy appearance in the video, Qiao Jianan, who was thousands of miles away, could finally relax.

At this time, Qiao Jianan felt ashamed again when she thought of her rudeness to Aunt He.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

"...Don't worry, your Aunt He no longer cares about this!"

When calling his father, Qiao Jianan accidentally revealed his thoughts, and Qiao Zhenbang comforted him with a smile.

However, it is also a good thing that the daughter is willing to reflect and want to make amends, which is conducive to family harmony.

After thinking for a while, Qiao Zhenbang said, "If you feel really sorry, then make it up to me. Oh, by the way, your Aunt He values ​​Yan'er the most."

As for Zhao Yan, she is a college student aged 17 or 18 who is a bit vain and a bit competitive.

Qiao Jianan understood instantly. After putting down the phone, he bought some cosmetics, chocolates and other gifts and sent them directly back from the United States.

Zhao Yan received a package from abroad, which was full of young girls' favorite things.

In front of her roommates, she took out one exquisite foreign product after another, and heard the "Wow" sounds from her roommates one after another, which greatly satisfied Zhao Yan's vanity.

This is simply a scene that only occurs in dreams.

What's more important is that with this kind of gift sent from abroad, the embarrassing situation that Zhao Yan once caused because of his greed for vanity has been saved to the greatest extent.

It is also a kind of irony.

In the past, Zhao Yan would not hesitate to lie to embellish herself in order not to be laughed at. If she made a joke, others would laugh at her in their hearts without saying anything.

But we know that Zhao Yan is not really poor. Her "father" is a professor, her mother is a full-time housewife, her brothers and sisters are all studying abroad, and now she has received a gift from her sister who traveled thousands of miles away...

What was once a joke is no longer a joke, but Zhao Yan is humorous enough to deliberately make jokes and exaggerate the atmosphere!

Of course, the friends of 309, even in the past, have never really laughed at Zhao Yan. At most, they think this roommate is a bit sensitive.

This made them afraid to talk about "dangerous" topics, for fear that they would not know what they said was right and would inadvertently hurt their roommate's heart.

The friends at 309 are kind and will not criticize behind my back.

But there were a few people in the surrounding dormitories or in the class who couldn't stand Zhao Yan's behavior.

Huh, she is obviously a poor girl from the countryside, what are you pretending to be?

Even if she is wearing clothes bought at the mall and holding a fruit mobile phone in her hand, she can't hide her earthy smell and smugness!

Those who don’t understand pretend to understand, the poor pretend to be rich... All kinds of speculations that are close to the truth but sound cruel are often circulated in the class or in the girls’ apartment.

If He Tiantian hadn't come through, if He Tiantian hadn't taken shortcuts to help Zhao Yan break away from her class and strengthen her heart, Zhao Yan would have been like in the original plot, unable to stand the rumors and people surging behind the scenes. He went astray due to his strange vision.

The more you don’t have it, the more you try to find ways to prove that you have it.

He squandered his mother's hard-earned money, worked hard to create his own "white, rich and beautiful" persona, and even took on loan sharks, stepping into the abyss step by step!

"What kind of temperament? A strong woman? An intellectual and elegant middle-aged beauty?"

Li Sangzi heard Yan Yan's words and echoed them casually.

"No! None!"

Yan Yan didn't know that Zhao Yan was hiding outside the door and eavesdropping, so she whispered excitedly: "Oh, how should I put it? It's a very traditional, very oriental temperament!"

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

As she spoke, there was a hint of envy in Yan Yan's tone, "We really didn't give Yan'er the wrong nickname. I have such a gentle and virtuous biological mother who is full of classical charm. Isn't she a noble person?" It’s my little public lift!”

Zhao Yan:……o(╯□╰)o

Ahem, she really couldn't stand listening anymore.

Yan Yan has always made her feel like a cheerful, sunny, kind and beautiful urban girl.

She seems to be the kind of heroine in a classic campus novel, with no flaws in her body that make people criticize her.

From the first time she saw Yan Yan, Zhao Yan secretly envied her, was jealous of her, and wished she could be her!

If such complicated feelings are not channeled in a positive way, Zhao Yan will probably escalate from simple jealousy to jealousy towards Yan Yan, and then become her opposite, just like in the original plot!

Fortunately, this time, He Tiantian came and gave Zhao Yan timely correction.

Zhao Yan will still envy Yan Yan's good temperament and noble qualities, but she will not be full of malice.

In Zhao Yan's mind, Yan Yan is still the female pig trotter who came out of campus literature and is her idol.

But at this moment, hearing Yan Yan praise "He Xiutian" like this, she did not hide her envy for Zhao Yan at all.

While Zhao Yan was ashamed, she felt as if her idol filter was shattered.

We can no longer eavesdrop. If we stay here any longer, Zhao Yan will dig out a Disneyland with her toes!

"Mom, why are you here?"

Da Da Da ran outside the apartment building and saw her biological mother swaying like a lotus. Zhao Yan hurriedly called out.

"I just finished a baking class. I made some snacks in the class and they tasted pretty good. I'll give them to you to try."

He Tiantian smiled softly. After several months of "preparation", she finally no longer needed to maintain the character of the original owner, but could play it to her fullest.

As he spoke, He Tiantian handed Zhao Yan a delicate handbag, "I made a lot, you can eat it with your classmates!"

Moreover, this kind of homemade snack has a short shelf life because there are no additives or preservatives.

It will only last for two or three days at most.

Rather than putting good things away, it is better to share them with classmates.

Furthermore, according to Zhao Yan's personality that likes to show off, she would rather not eat it herself, but also give things to others. She just hopes to see those classmates show envy and get closer to her and praise her!

"Tiantian, are you indulging Zhao Yan?"

For example, those parents who pamper their children?

Little classmate D couldn't hold it back and came out and muttered something.

"How can this be considered conniving? Everyone has vanity and likes to show off. Otherwise, why would everyone like to post on Moments? After posting, they will actively check how many likes and comments they can get this time. Comment?"

He Tiantian didn't take it seriously.

Just like selfishness, laziness, etc., they may sound like shortcomings, but they are actually human nature.

No one is born willing to contribute or good at diligence, it is more acquired or forced by reality.

The same goes for greed for vanity and so on.

Otherwise, the ancients would not have said, "Wealth and honor do not return home, just like walking at night in brocade clothes."

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

Successful bosses all want to show off their achievements, let alone young girls like Zhao Yan who are not mentally mature enough.

Student D: ...Well, it seems to make sense.

Zhao Yan didn't know that her own mother was chatting with Tongzi. She quickly took the handbag and responded cheerfully, "Well, mom, don't worry, I understand all this!"

"That's good!"

He Tiantian still had a gentle smile on her face and asked casually, "By the way, do you still have enough money to spend? The season is changing again, do you want to buy you some clothes?"

"It's enough money! I just stay at school for five days and go home every weekend. I bring a lot of snacks and fruits with me when I go back to school. It doesn't cost much at all..."

Zhao Yan waved her hands and said that she was not short of money at all.

Her appearance looks nothing like "Zhao Yan" in the two versions of the plot!

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