The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 516 I am a vicious nanny (18)

[The heroine took the villain script] []

He Tiantian never believed in coincidences.

When receiving the two versions of the plot, her intuition told her that there seemed to be something wrong with Feng Mingtang.

In fact, not only Feng Mingtang, but also He Xiutian was a little weird.

She did have a motive - her daughter was too squandered and she needed money to fill the hole.

However, He Xiutian's behavior was obviously inconsistent with her temperament.

Especially in the second version of the plot, Zhao Yan was bound to the so-called cannon fodder counterattack system, and with the help of the system, she stole some of the heroine's luck.

Zhao Yan has been famous for a while, and she has achieved certain achievements, and she can barely be considered a successful person.

During that time, Zhao Yan was not short of money, and she was a face-saving and vain person, so she could have asked her mother to quit her job as a nanny.

But Zhao Yan did not. She continued to maintain her "white, rich and beautiful" persona, while her biological mother He Xiutian still worked as an inferior nanny in the Zhou family.

This is a bit weird.

It was as if there was an invisible force that forcibly controlled He Xiutian and his daughter.

Of course, you can say that this is a plot arrangement. After all, Zhao Yan's scenery is not real scenery, but just false prosperity controlled by the artificial system.

Zhao Yan is destined to become cannon fodder and have to pay the price for her former vanity and opposition to the heroine.

If He Xiutian left the Zhou family and did not continue to work as a nanny, she would not be able to harm the family and would not end up miserable together with her daughter.

...However, just forcing the plot to explain things cannot convince He Tiantian.

After He Tiantian came here, she did not follow the plot, but left the nanny profession and went to the staff dormitory of University A.

I don't know if it was a coincidence or He Tiantian's timing, but she actually saved Professor Qiao without letting him suffer any sequelae due to the delay in rescuing him in time.

It turns into the appearance of "can't take care of myself" in the plot.

Later, He Tiantian married Qiao Zhenbang smoothly.

She did this not only to complete the task, but also to test the consciousness of the world. In addition, she was also making up for the sins committed by the original owner.

Her actions really turned the plot around -

With the change of identity and the influence of the environment, Zhao Yan did not continue to sink deeper and deeper into the quagmire of greed and vanity.

Her outlook on life has been reshaped, and she and the heroine have no reason to oppose each other.

Even though she was forcibly bound by Ye Tong, Zhao Yan did not become his slave.

As for Qiao Zhenbang, he has no sequelae, so there is no need to retire early, leave the faculty dormitory of University A, and go to the flat floor to recuperate.

In this way, he would not be easily implicated in the affairs of Zhou Rujin's family.

Even if he is eventually affected, he should be able to escape.

Not to mention, He Tiantian is still by his side, so she won't just watch him be "killed by plot"!

There is also the couple Zhou Rujin and Feng Mingtang.

He Tiantian was not a nanny, but became the wife of a professor.

Through Qiao Zhenbang's social circle, she was still able to interact with him.

Once there is contact, He Tiantian will have the opportunity to explore their secrets!

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

"...Hmm, that's interesting!"

Less than three months after marrying Qiao Zhenbang, He Tiantian won Qiao Zhenbang's attention through her outstanding performance and successfully gained access to his network.

For example, at this moment, Feng Mingtang stood in front of He Tiantian, and for Qiao Zhenbang's sake, he shook hands with He Tiantian and exchanged polite greetings.

The moment He Tiantian and Feng Mingtang's palms came into contact, He Tiantian felt a dark aura that seemed not to be there.

It's not the black energy of the wild tradition, but something a bit like the evil spirit.

Oh haha!

Feng Mingtang really has a problem!

And this world seems not as simple as the script itself presents.

There are actually hidden supernatural elements!

I just don't know if Feng Mingtang himself has an "adventure" or if he has some "magic weapon" hidden in him.

Or, what kind of system does he have?

"It's not the system. I didn't feel any energy fluctuations in his soul!"

Classmate Little D jumped out in time and shouted, "I have carefully investigated and found that Feng Mingtang has a mysterious power, but he has no spiritual power himself!"

Therefore, Feng Mingtang was not a warlock, nor did he practice any martial arts.

The most likely possibility is that he may have obtained some "treasure", and under the influence of this thing, he can do certain things.

"..." In fact, He Tiantian can find out Feng Mingtang's own situation without the help of classmate Xiao D.

However, with the evidence from Little D's classmate, He Tiantian became more and more certain of his judgment.

"It seems that I want to investigate this Zhou family's consort!"

He Tiantian remained calm, but secretly had a plan.

Originally, Feng Mingtang, Zhou Rujin, etc. were not directly related to He Tiantian's mission.

However, in both versions of the plot, the original owner He Xiutian was tainted with sin because of this couple, and became a poisonous nanny that everyone wanted to beat up.

He Tiantian took over the body of the original owner and had to bear the corresponding consequences.

She not only has to do the task, but also takes on the identity of the original owner and settles all the grudges for her.

The sins owed need to be made up for and repaid.

And if she was "framed", He Tiantian would give her justice.

"...Speaking of which, although Rujin and I are not students of University A, we have attended Professor Qiao's classes during college, so we can be considered half of your students!"

Since it is a small talk, you should be as polite and approachable as possible.

Although Feng Mingtang looks gentle and bookish, in his heart, he is still a shrewd businessman.

Qiao Zhenbang is not an ordinary university professor, but a giant in the financial field.

Not only does he serve as a consultant to some companies, many of his students occupy certain positions in the financial industry.

Therefore, Feng Mingtang was still very enthusiastic about Qiao Zhenbang and tried his best to establish a relationship.

"Haha, Mr. Feng is so polite!"

Qiao Zhenbang said he was modest, but he felt very grateful in his heart.

Besides, Feng Mingtang is not all acquaintances. Qiao Zhenbang did give lessons to Feng Mingtang and Zhou Rujin.

Even Zhou Rujin, the princess of Zhou's family, would politely call him "teacher" when she saw him.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

He Tiantian's eyes lit up. She was thinking about how to get involved with Zhou Rujin. After all, according to the timeline, Zhou Rujin had just given birth and was in confinement.

She could not go out to socialize. Even if He Tiantian successfully entered the social circle of ladies through worshiping Buddhas, clubs, etc., she could not interact with a woman who was in confinement.

As a result, Qiao Zhenbang gave He Tiantian a chance: I didn't expect that there is such a connection between this couple and Qiao Zhenbang.

Since he is a "teacher and student" and he accidentally heard from Feng Mingtang that Zhou Rujin had given birth to a child, as a "teacher's wife", it is not too far-fetched for He Tiantian to go and visit!

So, the next day, He Tiantian came to Zhou Rujin's villa with gifts.

"He, Master He?"

Zhou Rujin was a little surprised, but still received He Tiantian politely and thoughtfully.

Speaking of which, this is not the first time Zhou Rujin and his wife have come into contact with He Tiantian.

As early as two or three months ago, when He Tiantian and Qiao Zhenbang got married, they did not hold a big banquet, but just invited relatives and friends to have a meal.

At that time, Zhou Rujin and his wife did not come, but they still asked someone to send congratulatory gifts.

The eldest princess Zhou Rujin is very considerate in her work, and even Zhao Yan, a dragster, is taken care of.

The brooch in Zhao Yan's jewelry box was a small gift from Zhou Rujin.

He Tiantian did not forget this. After meeting Zhou Rujin, she used this as a topic and successfully started a chat with Zhou Rujin.

"...Our Yaner likes that brooch very much. She has long said that she wanted to say thank you to you in person, but she never had the chance!"

"We met Mr. Feng yesterday, and we found out that you had given birth and were recuperating at home. It happened that when I went to Foyuan Hall to copy scriptures a few days ago, I asked for a peace charm and wanted to give it to the baby. Come!"

He Tiantian explained her sudden visit in a few words.

Then, he took out an exquisite embroidered bag from the bag, and inside the bag was a folded talisman.

The Foyuantang that He Tiantian talks about is a private vegetarian dish that worships Buddha in the circle of wives in the provincial capital.

Whether it is true faith or just to show off and show off, many respectable ladies in the provincial capital are VIP members of Foyuan Hall.

He Tiantian originally entered Foyuan Tang under the pretext of "cooking healthy meals for her husband" and on the pretext of learning to cook vegetarian dishes.

At Foyuan Hall, she talked about Buddhist scriptures with her boss, a senior Buddhist lay practitioner, and successfully won his respect.

Not only did I successfully learn the vegetarian dishes of Fo Yuan Tang, but I was also given a super VIP membership by the boss.

He Tiantian relied on her status as the professor's wife and Foyuan Hall as a platform to successfully meet several wives.

In turn, he helped Qiao Zhenbang expand his circle and successfully conducted wife diplomacy!

He Tiantian used her abilities to show her worth, and not only Qiao Zhenbang looked at her differently.

As time goes by, she will gradually lose her status as the "professor's wife", and will be valued by these noble people on her own!

Of course, these are all things for later.

For now, He Tiantian is still "Ms. He" in Zhou Rujin's mouth, relying on Qiao Zhenbang's relationship to have contacts with Zhou Rujin.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

"Thank you, Mrs. He!"

Zhou Rujin is an independent woman in the new era. Although she is also a VIP of Foyuan Hall, she only goes to socialize and eat some vegetarian food.

But she doesn't really believe in religion.

There is no such thing as atheism. She believes in the victory of man over nature.

However, as a businessman and with the influence of Zhou's father, Zhou Rujin would not be too repelled by the "Peace Talisman" or something like that.

She doesn't believe that the Peace Talisman can really keep her safe, but having such a thing can be regarded as a good wish!

Especially after having a child, Zhou Rujin's heart became extra soft.

For the sake of the child, let’s just say a peace charm. Even if she really believes in and worships Buddha, she will be willing to do it!

Taking the small embroidery bag with both hands, Zhou Rujin thanked her politely, and then stuffed the embroidery bag directly into her son's swaddling clothes.

Seeing Zhou Rujin like this, whether she believed it or not, as a gift giver, He Tiantian was satisfied.

As expected of the shrewd, capable, thoughtful and steady Princess Zhou, the way she behaves can be summed up in one word - steady!

But, if she is so capable, why can't she see through her husband's "Phoenix Man" nature?

Is it love that covers your eyes?

Or was he forcibly reduced to intelligence?

Have had too many experiences of being forcibly subdued by world consciousness or supernatural energy;

He Tiantian also witnessed with her own eyes that some girls who should be strong, independent, confident, and proud were imprisoned in the name of "love" and turned into people she didn't even recognize.

Seeing Zhou Rujin again, He Tiantian will not easily conclude that the other person is a love brain.

Perhaps, the "love" between Zhou Rujin and Feng Mingtang is not what it seems on the surface!

He Tiantian took advantage of the chat with Zhou Rujin to release her spiritual consciousness and investigate carefully.


This is--

A flash of "Sure enough" flashed in He Tiantian's eyes. She used her hand as a pen to draw a talisman in the void with a trace of spiritual power.


Zhou Rujin felt a thrill, and a layer of fog covering her soul seemed to be blown away.

Her whole body became extremely clear!

"Rujin, this is the pig's trotter soup that I stewed myself. It's especially milky!"

At this moment, an old woman who looked a little rustic and spoke with a distinct accent came over carrying a bowl of white, greasy soup.

She didn't take He Tiantian seriously at all. Instead, she said "I'm good to you" and persuaded Zhou Rujin to drink this so-called milk soup.

If it were before today, Zhou Rujin would still hold her nose and drink it, even though she was extremely repulsed in her heart.

There is nothing I can do, my mother-in-law is doing this for her own good, and even more so for her children.

As for her preferences and disgust, she has to give in to her children.

Just like what my mother-in-law said every day: "Rujin, you are now a mother, so you can't be as willful as before!"

"We must consider our children in everything!"

"Breast milk is nutritious, and children will be more resistant after drinking it..."

Zhou Rujin had just given birth to a child, and already had a sense of responsibility and mission as a mother.

With a mother-in-law who is always nagging in her ears, Zhou Rujin can't help but give in - yes, everything is for the sake of the children!

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

Therefore, you know that greasy pig's trotters soup will not produce milk, and it may be too greasy and block the milk ducts, causing mastitis.

But "for the sake of the child", Zhou Rujin still gritted her teeth and drank these tasteless and disgusting soups!

Of course, that was before today.

Now, at this moment, Zhou Rujin's mind suddenly became clear.

When she heard her mother-in-law's words again, she neither tolerated nor submitted, but said calmly and decisively: "Mom, pig's trotter soup does not produce milk at all. The doctor said that drinking water is more effective!"

Besides, milk is also a bit "lucky".

It is related to personal constitution, psychological condition and other factors. It does not mean that the amount of milk soup you drink will have the effect of qi.

People who should have breast milk can produce breast milk by drinking boiled water.

For people with insufficient milk, even if they feed three large pots of pig's trotter soup and crucian carp soup a day, it will not help!

And most importantly, why does it have to be breast milk?

Can’t their Zhou family afford the best milk powder?

Why must he make Zhou Rujin exhausted physically and mentally, sleepless at night, and almost on the verge of collapse for the sake of the child? !

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