The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 517 I am the vicious nanny (End)

[The heroine took the villain script] []

Zhou Rujin feels that the whole society seems to PUA women.

If you don’t breastfeed your child and don’t feed your child until he is three years old, it seems that you are not a competent mother who loves her children!

Is it true maternal love if trivial matters such as breast milk drive the mother to physical and mental exhaustion, almost collapse, and cause the mother to suffer from depression and directly take her child to seek death? !

Is breast milk really everything?

Is milk powder really that bad?

It is not a poison, but it can liberate the mother, let her sleep well, make her no longer anxious, and allow her to have more energy to take care of her children.

Isn't this good?

And Zhou Rujin is not an ordinary woman, she is the eldest princess of a wealthy family.

It's not that rich people are superior to others, but that with money, she can make more choices.

She can buy the best milk powder and hire a professional nanny.

Instead of caring too much about the money for milk powder and diapers like ordinary families, putting all the pressure on a woman with a hormonal disorder.

When Zhou Rujin was pregnant, gave birth, and was in confinement, she listened to too much nagging from her mother-in-law.

Sometimes, she couldn't help but wonder: Are those people who brag about vaginal birth, breast milk, and diapers all day long really doing it for the good of the mother and child, or are they doing it to save money? !

If things like cesarean section, milk powder, and diapers were free of charge, would those people still brainwash women and advocate them?

Well, Zhou Rujin admitted that being stuck at home all day long with an annoying mother-in-law who had inconsistent views made her whole person become negative.

These ideas of hers are too extreme.

However, Zhou Rujin still believes that a mother's love for her children should not be rigidly "standardized"!

"Forget it, let's just feed him milk powder!"

Zhou Rujin is somewhat "used" to being chased by her mother-in-law about milk problems every day.

At this moment, Zhou Rujin was not too shy in front of He Tiantian, an outsider.

At best, don't say anything embarrassing or too private.

She ignored Mother Feng's dark face and shouted directly: "Aunt Chen, go get the milk powder I put in the storage room on the second floor. It's the box of milk powder my friend specially sent back from Australia!"

"No! You can't feed milk powder! How can our baby be fed milk powder?"

Feng's mother screamed, not showing much respect for Zhou Rujin, the daughter-in-law of a wealthy family.

She looked like her mother-in-law had taught her a lesson in the early years, preparing to scold Zhou Rujin from above as usual.

Zhou Rujin did not give Feng's mother a chance to have a seizure. She raised her head and looked at her mother-in-law coldly.

The aura of a wealthy and noble princess and the domineering aura of the heir to the Zhou family were instantly released.

Her eyes showed nobility, alienation, and the fierceness and determination of a truly superior person.

This was the first time that she showed off her wealth in front of the Feng family.

In the past, she had cared about Feng Mingtang's face. She didn't want to be known as a bully or disrespectful to her parents-in-law...

In the past, she was a horse-riding person, and her brain was simply muddled.

Then he did many incredible things.

Love is not one-sided, nor is it humble!

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

At this moment, Zhou Rujin became clear-headed again. Looking back on what she had done in the past, she really wished she could slap herself twice!

She must be possessed!

Being raped! !

Only then would he disobey his parents for the sake of so-called "love" and make himself so humble, constantly giving in!

Even an old lady from the countryside can deceive her like a fool...

She in the past,

It's so ridiculous and absurd.

Even her parents and family members have become the laughing stock in wealthy circles.

What happened in the past was a humiliation to the elite education she had received since childhood and to her overall abilities.

However, now is not the time for regrets!

Although it's a little late, it's still late.

Zhou Rujin secretly made up her mind and showed even more domineering attitude towards Feng's mother.

Feng's mother is an old rural lady who has never seen the world.

In the past, Zhou Rujin made many concessions to Feng's mother because of Feng Mingtang, for the so-called reputation, or simply because she was demoted.

Now that they didn't give up, they also took out the money from a wealthy family and a noble princess, and Feng's mother was immediately frightened.

She subconsciously took two steps back, all the admonitions in her stomach were stuck in her throat, and she couldn't say a word.

"Okay! I'll go right away!"

Seeing that Feng's mother was not making a fuss and that Zhou Rujin was so strong, Aunt Chen, the nanny sent by the Zhou family, hurriedly responded and ran to the second floor to get something.

Looking at Aunt Chen's back, He Tiantian narrowed her eyes.

She also used her spiritual sense to investigate just now, and sure enough, she found a trace of black energy in Aunt Chen's soul!

Therefore, this person was also affected by Feng Mingtang's "dark aura".

And so, in the two versions of the plot, He Xiutian would do such crazy things. In addition to his own reasons, he was also controlled by supernatural powers!

After confirming this, He Tiantian let out a breath - the original owner was not really guilty or guilty.

She does have shortcomings, but she's really not a bad person.

"Mrs. He, I made you laugh!"

While waiting for Aunt Chen to pick up things and make milk powder, Zhou Rujin smiled sheepishly at He Tiantian.

He Tiantian already knew the information she wanted, so she didn't stay any longer.

She took advantage of the situation and drew a magic talisman on Aunt Chen to wipe away the black energy from her soul, and then stood up to leave.

She has settled the cause and effect of the original owner!

A month later, when He Tiantian went to Foyuan Hall for normal social interaction, she listened to a few ladies chatting——

"Hey, have you heard that the eldest princess of the Zhou family is divorced!"

"No, she just gave birth to a baby not long ago. I heard that the relationship between the young couple has always been pretty good!"

"What's so good about that? The Zhou family's consort is just a Phoenix man. He just wants to eat soft food, but he actually wants to eat soft food."

"Also, I heard that Feng Mingtang has a sweetheart in his hometown. The child is two years old and is being raised at Feng Mingtang's grandfather's house."

"No, no, why did I hear that Feng Mingtang used witchcraft on Zhou Rujin, which made Zhou Rujin so confused? He even treated the parents-in-law who came from Shangougou as ancestors!"

"...Yes, I've also heard that. A few days ago, old Chairman Jay Chou went to Hong Kong City to invite a master to come back. He said he was going to do Feng Shui for the newly opened properties. In fact, he was just to exorcise Zhou Rujin from evil spirits."

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

"What? The news I got is that Zhou Rujin already has a son, so he doesn't care about men anymore. He directly placed his son in the name of the Zhou family, and he naturally became the heir of the Zhou family!"

He Tiantian was holding a cup of wild mountain tea that was said to be roasted by the monks in the temple, sipping it gently while listening to the ladies' gossip.

What they talked about were all folklore, some were true and some were false, but most of them were false and compiled.

Among them, there are not only speculations and criticisms from outsiders, but also probably the work of the Zhou family themselves.

They deliberately made things ridiculous and had different opinions in order to cover up the real facts——

Feng Mingtang did plot against Zhou Rujin, but it was not a sorcery or a poison, but a dilapidated puppet he picked up in the Po Tao Temple in his hometown in the mountains.

This puppet is tainted with some evil spirit of puppet.

After recognizing the owner, it can help the owner (that is, Feng Mingtang) influence the target person.

Of course, the evil spirit of the puppet is not much, and it is not enough to control someone.

However, it can amplify certain emotions of the target person.

Those who love will love more;

People who are full of negative energy will have more negative emotions and even go to despair.

Zhou Rujin belongs to the first situation, while the original owner in the original plot and Aunt Chen this time belong to the latter.

As for why Feng Mingtang killed Zhou Rujin in the second version of the plot, it was also because under the control of the puppet, Zhou Rujin became less and less like a qualified heir.

Zhou's father was disappointed several times and finally decided to start training Zhou Rujin's younger siblings.

No longer the princess, and without the Zhou family's huge business, Zhou Rujin foolishly canceled the prenuptial agreement.

All property in her name became joint property of the couple.

Once she dies, Feng Mingtang, as his spouse, will not only inherit the inheritance, but also legitimately receive half of it.

He Tiantian:......

Maybe some people still can't understand what Feng Mingtang did. After all, everyone is a normal person, and it is normal to be unable to understand the psychology of criminals!

However, the Zhou family's matter was completely settled.

Two months later, Zhou Rujin, who had completed the divorce procedures and completely separated from the Feng family, came to visit He Tiantian.

She may not know that He Tiantian secretly helped her solve her fatal trouble.

However, Zhou Rujin knew that she would suddenly "figure it out" after Mrs. He visited her.

Again, Zhou Rujin doesn't believe in ghosts and gods, but he also likes to have a "good luck".

And Mrs. He seems to be a blessed and lucky person.

She saved Qiao Zhenbang. After a serious illness, not only did he not grow old or weak, but he lived younger and younger. This was also because he married "He Xiutian".

There is also Foyuantang. After the boss made friends with "He Xiutian", he actually got a cookbook from an ancient temple, and his vegetarian food became more authentic and refined.

Zhou Rujin, on the other hand, immediately woke up, quickly found out the details of Feng Mingtang, and quickly got rid of the scumbag.

God knows, when he found out that Feng Mingtang was raising a distant cousin and illegitimate child in his hometown, Zhou Rujin didn't know whether to be angry or grateful!

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

Stop losses in time and make amends!

Although I feel sad, regretful, and deeply resentful, I am more grateful that I discovered it too early and did not let myself fall into an irreversible abyss.

Zhou Rujin is really grateful to Mrs. He for waking her up.

In addition, Mrs. He also gave the baby a peace charm.

I don’t know if it’s a psychological effect or if it’s really effective. It’s been two months since I put the safety charm on my baby, and my baby hasn’t even had a cold or fever.

During this period, when she and Feng Mingtang were engaged in a divorce battle, Feng's mother once rushed to the house frantically, trying to snatch the baby away.

Aunt Chen and the newly hired nanny hurriedly stopped her.

During the scramble, the child fell to the ground.

At that time, everyone was shocked. A child less than three months old would be injured even if he fell from a height of more than one meter.

However, after sending the child to the hospital, a checkup revealed that there was nothing wrong with the child, not even a shock.

It was just the peace charm in the embroidery bag that disappeared at some point, leaving only some powder.

Zhou Rujin was still dubious, but after listening to her explanation of the origin of the Peace Talisman, Zhou's father repeatedly exclaimed: "Master! This must be a real master!"

Even if the person he recognized as an expert was not Mrs. He herself, he still had a great connection with her.

Therefore, Zhou Rujin and even the entire Zhou family respect the professor's wife "He Xiutian" very much.

Of course, the Zhou family did not publicize it. After all, it was not a glorious thing to almost kill their own son because of a fight with her husband's family.

The Zhou family released a lot of news, whether true or false, just to muddy the waters and prevent Zhou Rujin from becoming a laughing stock in the circle.

After some operations, the results were very good. Zhou Rujin quickly got rid of the rumors, returned to the market with a tough attitude, and became the capable and shrewd heir to the Zhou family.

Some truths may as well be obliterated.

Besides, Mrs. He didn't publicize it, and Zhou Rujin and the Zhou family couldn't directly expose their secrets.

As long as they know each other well, the Zhou family will respect Mrs. He more in the future, that's all.

But there is no airtight wall in the world. Even if the Zhou family kept it secret, they valued "He Xiutian", a rural woman who rose to power through marriage, too highly.

He even respects Professor Qiao a little more than he does himself, which is weird in itself.

Outsiders would never expect He Tiantian to have magical skills, and they only thought that she had other abilities worthy of the Zhou family's attention.

Later, He Tiantian started to speculate in stocks and cooperated with Zhou Rujin in business... Slowly walking out from behind Qiao Zhenbang, everyone realized that this professor's wife was indeed extraordinary.

What makes everyone even more admirable is that He Tiantian has her own career, but she never gives up taking care of Qiao Zhenbang.

She may not be as considerate as she used to be, and she also hires additional nannies, caregivers, etc.

But because of her presence, Qiao Zhenbang still received the best and most comprehensive care.

Whether it was three meals a day or hospitalization for recuperation, Qiao Zhenbang lived a very comfortable life.

Without family and health worries, Qiao Zhenbang's career has taken on a new lease of life. He has written several professional books one after another, and has also become a specially appointed consultant to relevant national financial departments.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

His status was further enhanced, and he and his wife "He Xiutian" complemented each other and became a couple praised and envied by everyone.

Qiao Zhenbang was grateful for He Tiantian's dedication and help, and he became closer and more loving to his stepdaughter Zhao Yan.

And people’s emotions are born out of nowhere.

Zhao Yan didn't come to Qiao's house until she was seventeen or eighteen years old, but in the days that followed, she often accompanied Qiao Zhenbang.

Qiao Zhenbang was hospitalized, and He Tiantian, Zhao Yan and her daughter were also busy.

However, Qiao Zhenbang's biological children were always unable to take care of him at his hospital bed due to various reasons.

After comparing the two times, Qiao Zhenbang's heart naturally gradually turned towards Zhao Yan.

Of course, Qiao Zhenbang still values ​​​​blood and family ties, but to him, Zhao Yan is no longer a cheap daughter who only cares about face.

He really regarded Zhao Yan as his own child, helping her pave the way and considering everything for her.

After graduating from college, Zhao Yan went to the United States to study for graduate school with Qiao Zhenbang's recommendation letter.

On Wall Street, under the guidance of her senior brother (Qiao Zhenbang's student), Zhao Yan began to try her best.

With money, a professor stepfather who truly loves her, and an increasingly outstanding biological mother, Zhao Yan herself has become better and better. She no longer has low self-esteem, let alone any vanity.

Therefore, when the cannon fodder counterattack system finally accumulated energy and woke up, it was discovered that Zhao Yan did not meet the conditions for its binding at all——

Zhao Yan is no longer a cannon fodder, but an all-around female supporting character who is close to the heroine.

"...Woo, we have to change the host."

The cannon fodder counterattack system cried, but before it could choose its next host, it was swallowed up by He Tiantian who came after hearing the news...

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