[The heroine took the villain script] []

"Little Yanzi, when is your flight? I'll pick you up!"

Yan Yan's gentle voice with a smile came from the phone.

"No! Yan Yan, you should just be a bride-to-be and wait for your grand wedding!"

Zhao Yan held her mobile phone in one hand and found her suitcase from the luggage conveyor track with the other. She said carelessly: "I'm already here and I'm picking up my luggage!"

"What? You're back already? Oops, wait a moment, I'll pick you up at the airport!"

Yan Yan was a little surprised and said hurriedly.

"Oh, no need! It's not like I don't know the way. Besides, my mother is here to pick me up too!"

Zhao Yan said nonchalantly, "You, don't rush over here in a hurry."

Hearing what Zhao Yan said, Yan Yan didn't insist too much, "Okay, then you and your aunt should pay attention to safety on the road!"

"Don't worry, I won't delay your grand wedding!"

Zhao Yan replied with a smile, joked with Yan Yan a few more times, and then hung up the phone.

After picking up my luggage and walking out of the airport, I saw He Tiantian who had been waiting for me at the exit.

"Yan'er! Here!"

He Tiantian waved her arms vigorously.

"Mom!" When Zhao Yan just called Yan Yan, she spoke very casually, as if returning to the country was not an important matter.

However, when she stepped into the familiar airport and saw her dearest mother, she still felt inexplicably excited.

Rushing forward, she threw herself directly into her mother's arms. Feeling the familiar breath, Zhao Yan felt at ease and at ease.

came back!

She has been abroad for four years and is finally back!

This time, she not only came back to attend the wedding of her friend Yan Yan, but also returned to China to start a business.

After studying abroad for three years and staying on Wall Street for a year, she is no longer the young and naive person she once was.

She enriched her studies and completed the primitive accumulation of capital. She was full of hesitation and wanted to create her own business empire.

Stepping back onto the land of the provincial capital, she looked at the rapid changes outside the car window, which were both familiar and unfamiliar to her.

But more importantly, there is a sudden sense of pride - this will be my stage!

In addition to her career, her family and attachments are all in the provincial capital.

My stepfather, Professor Qiao, has retired, but he has not taken a break. Instead, he continues to work as a consultant in some large companies.

His biological mother "He Xiutian" also has her own career and is a well-known strong woman and good wife and mother in the provincial capital.

As for Zhao Yan herself, she has long lost her original vanity and low self-esteem.

She is confident and flamboyant, she is proud and bright.

Even without the halo of her stepfather and biological mother, she is still very good——

A top student from an Ivy League business school, a young rookie on Wall Street, and a rising star in the business community of the provincial capital in the future!

With her beautiful appearance and outstanding temperament, she is like a goddess.

A group of old college friends couldn't help but exclaimed when they saw her, "Oh my God, Yan'er is becoming more and more powerful, just like Xiaoyan, she is the heroine of online novels!"

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

"That's right! That's right! Yan'er is the female boss, and Xiaoyan is a strong woman who is soft on the outside but strong on the inside!"

"...Haha, I feel like Yan'er and Xiaoyan are so similar. I can't help but write up an 8,000-word essay in my head!"

"Actually, it's nothing. The two of them had the best friendship when they were in college——"

Friends from 309 reunited for Yan Yan’s wedding.

They stayed in the presidential suite of the star hotel,

Talking and laughing, discussing and reminiscing.

"Yes, when we were in our sophomore year, Xiao Yanzi started to follow her senior brothers and sisters to invest in the securities market, and Yan Yan joined Xiao Yanzi!"

Looking back on the past, Li Sangzi's tone was very emotional.

She is a rich second generation and has no shortage of money.

However, she did not dare to touch stocks, investments and other fields easily.

Because her father is engaged in industry, one thing he often says is, "The stock market is risky, so you need to be cautious when investing."

Stocks, investments, etc. are too nihilistic. There are no tangible products, just groups of invisible and intangible data.

Without enough expertise and luck, it is really difficult to make money.

If you are not careful, you may be trapped, and such a huge amount of money will be directly reduced!

Li Sangzi kept his father's advice in mind. Although he knew that Zhao Yan had experts in his family and had brothers and sisters around him to "fly with him", he did not dare to try it easily.

On the contrary, Yan Yan comes from an ordinary family. Xu's relationship with her boyfriend Zhou Zhou was not going well, and she received some stimulation from the Zhou family;

Maybe she really trusted Zhao Yan. When she heard that she was going to practice in the stock market, she gave all the money she earned from working and the scholarship she received to Zhao Yan.

Zhao Yan has lived up to Yan Yan's trust, or in other words, she really has the talent for investing.

In just a few months, I made a lot of money.

Since her sophomore year, Zhao Yan has become a famous female stock goddess and little rich woman in their S university.

As for Yan Yan, she also made her first pot of gold through Zhao Yan.

Later, Yan Yan also invested in Zhao Yan's mother's project. The investment capital was not large, but she still occupied a few percent of the shares.

After Zhao Yan's mother's business became bigger, Yan Yan actually became a millionaire by relying on her small shares.

Of course, in provincial capitals, millionaires are nothing.

After all, a decent house can easily cost tens of millions.

But for a girl who has not yet graduated from college, it is very rare to be able to earn millions of dollars by relying on her own abilities.

It's a pity that Yan Yan's net worth is still dwarfed by that of the truly wealthy Zhou family.

The Zhou family's parents still disapprove of Zhou Zhou's relationship with Yan Yan.

This time, there is no "vicious female supporting character" Zhao Yan to hinder her, but there are other "tests".

In the end, the two broke up when they were about to graduate from college.

Zhou Zhou studied abroad as arranged by his parents;

Yan Yan successfully passed the master's degree at Beijing University and went to Beijing.

Three years later, Yan Yan graduated from graduate school and was successfully admitted to the civil service program.

And she has always had investments and side businesses with Zhao Yan and her daughter. In addition to her iron rice bowl, she also has sufficient personal funds.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

While working, I met Zhou Zhou who had returned to China to inherit the family business.

The two male and female protagonists, who were destined to be together, rekindled their old love and rekindled their old relationship.

In the past three years, not only Yan Yan has become more mature, but Zhou Zhou has become stronger because of starting a business abroad.

Even if he does not inherit the family's property, he still has his own career and does not have to worry about life.

On the contrary, Zhou's father and Zhou's mother were reluctant to part with such an outstanding heir and began to give in.

Of course, Yan Yan's own excellence and her relationship with some famous families such as the Qiao family also made Zhou's mother change her view of her——

He may have an ordinary background, but this child's personal abilities are outstanding enough, and he is worthy of their Zhou family!

Zhou's father and Zhou's mother no longer stood in the way. Although there were still some male and female partners who disrupted the situation, the lovers Yan Yan and Zhou Zhou finally achieved success.

The Zhou and Yan families agreed on a wedding date, and the two young men began sending out invitations to their classmates and friends.

The friends of 309 reunited because of this.

Four years have passed, and everyone has their own lives——

Some people got married after graduating from college, such as Xu Chunlei. When the roommates met again, they found that she had become a mother.

There are those who have returned home to inherit the family business, such as Li Sangzi and Ma Mengxuan. After years of hard work, they have become as powerful as female bosses.

There are also those who continue to take the postgraduate entrance examination, such as Fang Xiaohan, Zhao Yan and Yan Yan.

Although everyone's development is different, when they meet again, they mostly reminisce about the past and talk about the future.

The relationship between the six friends has not deteriorated due to the passage of time and the differences in their lives.

There is no "classmate reunion" kind of comparison, and there is no intrigue.

Even if it's gossip, it's really for each other's good.

"Xiao Yanzi, Yan Yan is getting married, Xiaohan also has a senior lover, Sang Zi and I also have boyfriends, but you are the only one who is single!"

Ma Mengxuan inherited her family’s farmhouse and turned the scenic spots in her hometown into internet celebrity spots.

She really has the aura of a rural female boss.

She spoke directly and asked with a smile, "By the way, you have been in the United States for several years, but you haven't found a handsome boyfriend?"

"No! Wai Guoren does look tall and handsome, but the national conditions and views are inconsistent. I still prefer our local handsome guys!"

When Zhao Yan was asked about personal relationship issues, she didn't feel like her privacy was being violated. Instead, she spoke like a joke.

"Oh, our Yan'er is the new queen of Wall Street. We have money, good looks and a family background. What kind of handsome guy can't be chosen by Ke Ke?"

Yan Yan doesn't have the shyness and shyness of the bride-to-be, nor the reserve and aloofness of the heroine. Instead, she hooks up with Zhao Yan like a female gangster.

Although her words were a bit frivolous, they were not rough.

Now Zhao Yan is no longer an ordinary young girl, she has enough capital.

For her, marriage is no longer a shortcut to change her destiny and achieve class leap, but a non-necessity that she can choose.

Zhao Yan was holding a glass of red wine, laughing and playing with her roommates, feeling inexplicably sad at the same time.

It seems that her original fate should not be like this.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

However, she still stood high and had absolute freedom of choice!

"Ding! The anti-virus task is completed, and the reward points are 6 points!"

"Ding! Reward 1,000 achievement points."

"Ding! I received a reward of 20,000 points from readers."

"Ding! Get 'He Xiutian's Gratitude' and be rewarded with 1 soul fragment*."

After attending Wan Yanyan's wedding of the century and personally seeing off Zhao Yan in marriage, He Tiantian did not spend the rest of her life in the novel world, but chose to leave midway.

According to the system's convention, a ray of consciousness was separated from her soul to continue to maintain the persona of "He Xiutian", and a "clone" stayed in the mission world to live out her life.

The moment He Tiantian's soul returned to the library space, a familiar mechanical sound sounded from the depths of the sea of ​​consciousness.

However, after several "dings", He Tiantian heard a different reward——

"He Xiutian's gratitude? What is this? And that soul fragment, what kind of reward is it?"

He Tiantian asked curiously.

Little classmate D twisted his furry little round body and said with some shame, "I'm sorry, Tiantian, I don't know either!"

He Tiantian:......

Ha, you don’t even know about the smart assistant named Little D?

This reward seems very mysterious.

"If you don't know, just ask. Little D, you don't need me to teach you about this kind of thing!"

Taking a deep breath, He Tiantian reminded him "gently".

Classmate Little D: ...Uh, what a scary woman!

All the fur on his body was trembling with fear.

Little D didn’t dare to delay. The man in front of him was a half-step villain.

It hurriedly went to the main system for help.

After a while, Little D came back lazily.

It said weakly, "Dear, I asked, and the main system said that your authority is not enough——"

He Tiantian raised her eyebrows, "Is it because I don't have enough authority, or is your level too low?"

Classmate Little D: ...It’s so heartbreaking, Tiantian, we were promised to be a close friend.

As "each other" who has been dependent on each other for thousands of years in the mission world, you are hurting your friends like this? !

He Tiantian remained unmoved, crossed her arms and looked at Little D with cold eyes.

Classmate D flinched and felt a little guilty, but in the end he still held back his neck and pretended to be strong and said: "It's all there! My level is low, but your authority is indeed not enough!"

"However, this reward should be very powerful. Otherwise, no permissions would be set!"

Classmate Little D analyzed it carefully.

He Tiantian gave it a blank look: Isn't this nonsense!

However, looking at the appearance of Little D, He Tiantian knew that she would not be able to get the answer from its mouth.

He Xiutian’s gratitude?

Soul fragment*1?

Although I don’t know what the purpose of such a reward is, it must be important.

As for where the reward came from, He Tiantian had some guesses in her mind.

It was probably her active search for the reason for He Xiutian's "madness" in the world of novels, which somewhat cleared her of some charges.

In addition, He Tiantian did not do tasks for the sake of tasks. She achieved real salvation for Zhao Yan and made her a confident, proud, strong and independent person.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

Zhao Yan did not become cannon fodder and a vicious female supporting character. Instead, she became good partners with the heroine and the hero, and lived a happy life.

Although He Xiutian is just a character in the novel, she has an independent and complete personal consciousness in the world derived from the novel.

Seeing He Tiantian's perfect performance, He Xiutian was very satisfied and even felt "grateful".

Well, this is a different reward than in the past.

In the past, if He Tiantian performed well and was recognized by the original owner or the character in the novel, her achievement points would be increased.

As for He Tiantian helping He Xiutian in the novel world, in addition to the cause and effect with the original owner, he also had the intention of earning some achievement points.

He Tiantian did not expect that the reward this time would be so great, and a "new reward" was directly unlocked for her.

Although I don’t know what the specific function is, seeing how cautious the main system is, it should be a very high reward, and it may play a vital role in He Tiantian’s future.

Feeling He Tiantian's "complaints", Little D laughed twice, and then quickly changed the subject, "Tiantian, continue to do the task, or return to reality?"

I should probably continue doing the mission, after all, I just unlocked a new reward.

He Tiantian always exceeded Little D's expectations. After thinking for a moment, he said, "Let's return to reality!"

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