
Classmate Xiao D was stunned when he heard what He Tiantian said.

Back to reality?

Tiantian is really unpredictable.

We have just unlocked a new reward, shouldn't we continue to work hard and pursue the victory?

Why do you have to return to reality so suddenly?

"Didn't you hear me? I want to return to reality!"

He Tiantian seemed not to notice the stupidity of classmate Xiao D, and said coldly.

Little D was stunned for another moment, and then suddenly came back to his senses, "Okay, let's return to the real world!"

Although he said yes, he still couldn't help but murmur deep in his core: Why should we go back? How good would it be to continue doing the mission?

He Tiantian: ...It’s not impossible to do the task, but I can’t let you predict my prediction!

Whether she is willful or suffering from a secondary disease, He Tiantian just doesn't want to act according to other people's intentions.

Besides, after completing two anti-virus tasks in succession, He Tiantian suddenly unlocked a new type of reward. He Tiantian felt a little enlightened for no reason.

She needs time to settle.

In addition, He Tiantian also wants to consciously reduce her obsession with the novel world.

The world of the novel is indeed very exciting, and she can truly experience all kinds of different lives.

Moreover, in a sense, the novel world allows her to experience "immortality."

Yes, eternal life!

She keeps traveling through time and experience completely different lives. In all, she is a kind of immortality.

But... reason reminds He Tiantian that such "eternal life" is false.

If she is too obsessed with the novel world and ignores her real life, there will definitely be backlash in the future.

The world of novels is a bit like an online game. If you are too addicted, you will lose yourself, which will eventually affect yourself in reality.

Although Dian Niang Bookstore has always been very positive and positive, it is not as dangerous and scary as the wild tradition.

He Tiantian didn't dare to completely let down her guard.

In other words, being able to drag her into the world of novels and allow her to acquire various magical skills is bizarre enough in itself.

He Tiantian never believed that pie in the sky would fall from the sky. Dianniang Library had given her so much. Of course she also completed the task, but she still couldn't help but be afraid.

Now she has not figured out the true appearance of Dian Niang's library, let alone what impact it will have on her real life.

She should not sink too much, but should stay at least awake.

At least, when Dianniang's library suddenly disappears, or many of her skills are taken away, He Tiantian will not collapse and ultimately ruin her life.

Just like Zhao Yan before.

In the second version of the plot, Zhao Yan was forcibly bound by the wild system.

After the initial dissatisfaction, and then experiencing the many benefits of the "system", Zhao Yan became addicted to it.

She relies so much on the system that she unknowingly becomes its slave.

And when the wild system stole enough energy and secretly escaped from this novel world, Zhao Yan, who lost the "system", fell directly from heaven to hell!

She collapsed, she went crazy, and she ended up destroying herself.

Although Zhao Yan's tragedy had her own reasons, it was also inseparable from the bewitchment and connivance of the human system.

He Tiantian doesn't want to become the second Zhao Yan one day.

Of course, He Tiantian knew that she was not Zhao Yan. She was sober enough and at least vigilant.

However, things like the human heart really cannot stand the test.

Subtly, like boiling frogs in warm water, one is born in sorrow and dies in happiness... Throughout the ages, many great figures have not been able to escape this curse.

He Tiantian doesn't think she is a special case. She has human flaws, and she can't guarantee that she can always stay awake.

Therefore, it is very necessary for her to return to the real world from time to time, whether it is to settle or to remind herself.

There was a distortion of space in front of me. When I opened my eyes, I found myself lying in a familiar yet unfamiliar room.

He Tiantian's brain was confused for a moment.

It's like a lifetime ago.

Although she had only completed two missions and less than a hundred years had passed in the mission world, she was still in a daze.

Blinking his eyes, He Tiantian relaxes his nerves and clears his mind.

After a few minutes, she slowly regained her composure——

This is her "home" in the capital, and it is the country's reward for handing in Gene Enhancement Solution 2.0.

And she had just returned from the Spring Festival Gala live broadcast on Chaoting Terrace. It was early in the morning and it was already the first day of the new year.

There was a slight breathing sound in the next room, hmm, that was Yuan Mei, the bodyguard assigned to her by the leader, a heroic soldier sister!

Recalling these and looking at the furnishings in the room, He Tiantian gradually gained a sense of reality.

She's back, back to reality.

I picked up my phone and looked at the time, 03:16 in the morning.

The circle of friends has become quiet, and the latest news is still the many New Year greeting messages from two hours ago.

Several of He Tiantian's V message groups have also gone silent. Everyone should have finished watching the Spring Festival Gala, watched the New Year's Eve, and then went to bed!

It was very quiet everywhere, and He Tiantian felt at ease inexplicably.

Put down your phone, put down all the things in the mission world, close your eyes, and He Tiantian slowly fell into sleep!

"Tiantian, happy New Year!"

He slept until three o'clock in the morning when He Tiantian slowly woke up.

Get up, open the bed curtain, open the door, and see Yuan Mei who has already gotten up.

She changed into new clothes and greeted He Tiantian with a smile.

"Sister Mei, happy New Year!"

He Tiantian gave Yuan Mei a bright smile.

I added in my heart: Sister Mei, long time no see! happy New Year.

Yuan Mei couldn't hear He Tiantian's thoughts, but suddenly felt that the little girl's eyes were a little strange.

She wanted to take a closer look, but found that the other person still had a slight smile on his face.

Huh? Did I see it wrong?

Yuan Mei was secretly confused, but she didn't care too much.

After all, no matter how keen and able Yuan Mei is, she never would have imagined that this "genius girl" in front of her could travel through multiple novel worlds, with a rich and powerful heart that could rival a thousand-year-old fox!

"Do you have any plans today? Do you want to go to Yonghe Temple to burn incense?"

Yuan Mei knew that although He Tiantian had relatives, she was like an orphan.

Being alone in the capital, with no known relatives, friends or neighbors around me, it was really a bit desolate during the Chinese New Year.

Yuan Mei didn't want to see He Tiantian staying at home alone in a daze. Going out for a walk to experience the crowded culture of the capital would also be a way to instill the atmosphere and prevent herself from being too lonely.

"Going to Yonghe Temple now?"

He Tiantian glanced at the watch hanging on the wall. The pointer was already pointing to 10:25!

Tsk tsk, it’s almost noon.

He Tiantian is not from the capital, nor has she spent the New Year in the capital.

But according to common sense, He Tiantian can also guess that a place like Yonghe Temple, where people burn incense and pray for blessings, must be very crowded on New Year's Day.

Some people may queue up on New Year’s Eve just to get the first incense stick in the new year.

If He Tiantian and the others went there this time, they would probably only see a mass of heads.

Let alone burning incense, you probably won’t even be able to see the face of the Bodhisattva!

"How about going to the Forbidden City?"

Yuan Mei made suggestions again.

He Tiantian thought for a while and said, "Let's go to Badaling. Climb the Great Wall and see our great rivers and mountains!"

They are also famous attractions in Beijing, but the Great Wall seems to be more empty.

Even if there are many people, it won’t be too crowded!

"Okay, I'll get ready right now!"

In addition to preparing the car, Yuan Mei also thoughtfully prepared drinks, snacks and other items.

Half an hour later, the car slowly drove out of the alley and headed towards Badaling.

The Great Wall on New Year's Day was really cold.

When the breeze blew, my face and ears turned red from the cold.

He Tiantian seemed not to feel this. She held her mobile phone excitedly and climbed forward along with the flow of people.

The simple city bricks, the rolling hills, the dry branches and green pines and cypresses all around gave He Tiantian an inexplicable feeling.

Human beings are really insignificant in front of nature.

The Great Wall under your feet is a miracle created by mankind.

He Tiantian lay on the city wall and shouted a few times to the empty world, as if his whole mind was broadened.

The depression and turbidity in my chest also completely dissipated.

Like a competent tourist, I foolishly took a lot of photos, and my trip to the Great Wall was complete.

In the evening, Yuan Mei and He Tiantian returned to the city, found a good restaurant, and had a delicious New Year's dinner.

While eating, He Tiantian's cell phone rang.

Um? Director Feng Jingfeng?

By the way, Feng Jing has not called He Tiantian since he came to the capital to audition for the show a few years ago.

At most, they just send a message or like each other on Moments.

For example, last night and this morning, He Tiantian received New Year greeting messages from Director Feng.

Although the content of the message does not look like a group message, it is not particularly eager.

He Tiantian raised her eyebrows. She had already sent a message in the morning, why did she still need to call at night?

Did something happen to that movie?

Director Feng finally didn't want to wait for her and wanted to change her actor?

In fact, even if it is a change of roles, with Director Feng's status and He Tiantian's status as an "amateur", there is no need for special notification at all.

To put it bluntly, they didn't sign the contract in the first place. Even if they signed the contract, they just asked the people below to send a message.

Rather than Director Feng coming forward in person.

In just a few seconds, many guesses popped up in He Tiantian's mind.

However, she didn't waste any time. After a brief pause, she answered the phone.

"Director Feng, have a great New Year!"

As soon as he pressed the answer button, He Tiantian said hello politely.

"Haha! Happy New Year!"

Director Feng laughed and responded, then quickly got to the point, "I heard from Manager Xu that you came to the capital? Are you still in the capital now?"

Director Feng deliberately asked questions knowingly.

"Yes. Director Feng, is there something wrong with you? Is it a movie--"

He Tiantian asked tentatively.

"You're in the capital, haha, that's great!"

Director Feng seemed to be really happy and continued to smile, "That's right. The screenwriter and I re-polished the script, and there are some changes to your character."

"If it's convenient for you, we can make an appointment to discuss the script!"

He Tiantian was slightly startled, Director Feng seemed to suddenly become very polite.

Oh no, it can no longer be said to be polite, but rather to please.

what happened to him?

Did you hear something?

It shouldn't be.

Although Director Feng is famous, he only works in the entertainment industry.

The only ones who know the value of He Tiantian are the Chinese Academy of Sciences and a few important departments.

Especially since He Tiantian handed over the technology of Gene Enhancement Liquid 2.0, her identity has been classified as top secret.

Even if Director Feng had some connections in the capital, he would not be able to detect these situations.

Director Feng on the other end of the phone felt He Tiantian's pause.

He seemed to joke unintentionally, "I just said that you were in the capital. Yesterday, you went to the Imperial Palace to watch the Spring Festival Gala. I saw a person whose back looked very much like you. Tiantian, is it you?!"

In the last few words, Director Feng obviously sounded tentative.

I see!

What a good old fox.

No wonder Director Feng is able to thrive in the capital and in the entertainment industry.

In addition to his talent, what's more important is that this person is smart enough.

Just a "back view" made Director Feng realize that He Tiantian should have a background.

Later, he called Xu Junru, Zhou Zixuan's mother, and found out that He Tiantian had participated in Beijing University's winter camp.

Watch the Spring Festival Gala live + Beijing University Winter Camp.

Even if He Tiantian is not a big shot, he must have enough connections.

Nowadays, there are too many celebrities who have fallen over in the entertainment industry. Not only the public's standards for them have been lowered again and again, but also directors, management, etc. are frightened when choosing actors.

Signing a contract and raising the terms of breach of contract cannot prevent trouble. When the film studio is selecting actors, they really wish they could use a magnifying glass and a lie detector to screen the candidates.

Legal coffee is the scariest thing, but if it is misused by people with moral flaws, it will also lead to disaster——

The works that everyone invested money and energy in photographing cannot pass the review, or are removed from the shelves after being reviewed because of one person.

Gee, the losses involved cannot be offset by the bad artists paying liquidated damages.

However, if the selected actors are positive enough and have a certain "relationship", it will also be helpful to their works.

Director Feng probably thought that He Tiantian might have an official background and wanted to make a bet, so he paid special attention to her.

Maybe, in order to get He Tiantian to sign the contract, the script will be changed and additional scenes will be added!

Oh, by the way, as I said just now, he and the screenwriter re-polished the script and invited He Tiantian to discuss it together.

He Tiantian's mood is a little complicated. She doesn't know whether to be happy that she can realize her dream of being in the film and television industry, or whether she should be concerned about Director Feng's utilitarianism.

After struggling for a moment, He Tiantian suddenly smiled.

Why do you care so much?

It would be a good thing if she could fulfill her little wish.

"I don't know if the person you saw is me, but I did go to the Spring Festival Gala yesterday!"

He Tiantian admitted in disguise, and then said, "I will be in the capital for a while, and I basically have free time."

"If you set a time there, I can go there at any time!"

Director Feng lowered his attitude, and He Tiantian would not be too arrogant.

People are all mutual.

When someone gives you face, you have to give them respect, otherwise you are just causing hatred.

He Tiantian would never do such a stupid thing.

Besides, Director Feng may be more utilitarian, but he is still within the appropriate range.

He Tiantian is a god, she cannot require everyone to be a moral model...

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