[The heroine took the villain script] []

"Okay! Okay, I'll confirm the time here and then let you know!"

Director Feng was very satisfied when he heard He Tiantian's answer.

"Okay, Director Feng!"

He Tiandian nodded and said some polite words to congratulate the new year.

After exchanging pleasantries, he hung up the phone.

"What's going on? Are you busy during the New Year?"

Yuan Mei didn't really want to inquire about He Tiantian's whereabouts, but was simply curious.

"Director Feng Jing is planning to make a movie. I went to audition for it last year and passed it. Now that the script has been polished, I'm going to read it again!"

He Tiantian didn't hide anything, she said it clearly.

Yuan Mei is her "assistant". Recently, she will be with her 24 hours a day.

Therefore, even if He Tiantian didn't say anything, Yuan Mei would know.

Now that Yuan Mei asked, He Tiantian just said it smoothly, saving the trouble of guessing in the future.

"M-Make a movie?"

Yuan Mei was surprised. She thought that He Tiantian was a genius girl engaged in scientific research.

Yuan Mei would believe her if she said she would attend some activities at Beijing University.

But now?

Isn't it too big a span to make a movie or something?

However, when Yuan Mei's eyes fell on He Tiantian's delicate face, she couldn't help but feel a little surprised -

For such a beautiful young girl with such intelligent eyes, it is reasonable for her to want to marry and enter the entertainment industry.

She has been working as an assistant to He Tiantian for a few days. In the past, Yuan Mei paid more attention to He Tiantian's brain, but ignored her age and appearance.

At this moment, when she heard about filming a movie, Yuan Mei seemed to suddenly realize that He Tiantian was just a girl of seventeen or eighteen years old. She had outstanding appearance and dreamed of becoming a big star or something.


Alas, the gap between a genius girl engaged in scientific research and an ordinary girl chasing dreams in the entertainment industry is really too big!

Yuan Mei couldn't react for a while.

Moreover, although Yuan Mei is not sure what He Tiantian's specific research is, she knows that He Tiantian's role in the country must be very important because of the importance her superiors attach to her!

It’s not an exaggeration to say that the girl is a national treasure!

Such talents should not be hidden, but they should not be pushed into the spotlight.

In addition, the entertainment industry... ahem, it's not that Yuan Mei is biased, but the fact is that the situation is a bit confusing.

Apart from the so-called hidden rules, there is also intensive attention from the public and keyboard warriors.

Once too exposed to the media, He Tiantian will be easily attacked.

Those trolls don't care about Tiantian's secret contributions to the country. They go to any lengths to smear an innocent girl.

All kinds of filthy words and all kinds of unbearable slander make passers-by outside the circle find it unbearable.

However, He Tiantian's identity cannot be exposed, and the official cannot disclose her achievements, which will inevitably cause her to suffer some harm.

If possible, Yuan Mei still hopes that He Tiantian will not step into the right and wrong den of the entertainment industry, but quietly engage in scientific research and study in college under the protection of the country's father!

"Yes! It's quite interesting. When I was watching movies as a child, I thought, how great would it be if I could also appear on the big screen?"

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

He Tiantian didn't seem to notice Yuan Mei's shock and rejection. She followed her heart and said happily.

"It's really good to act in movies, be a star, and experience different lives!"

Seeing He Tiantian’s sparkling eyes,

Yuan Mei couldn't bear to pour cold water on her.

But she still couldn't hold back and said "but", "The entertainment industry seems to be a bit chaotic. I'm not a star chaser, so I know that the current fandom culture is very scary!"

"Not only are there trolls, but there are also crazy fans. They are tearing up the fans and killing the fans. They are so violent!"

Under the control of capital, the atmosphere in the entertainment industry has been ruined.

Especially some young fans, all kinds of crazy actions are frightening to watch!

Because Yuan Mei is a soldier, she rarely pays attention to gossip in the entertainment industry.

But living in the "short video era", Yuan Mei also scrolls through her mobile phone to learn some entertainment news in her spare time.

Seeing those reports in the news, Yuan Mei couldn't understand it, but she was also secretly frightened.

But at that time, the entertainment industry was far away from me.

Yuan Mei is just a passerby watching.

Now, the target she wanted to protect was going to make a movie, and Yuan Mei couldn't help but worry.

After getting along for a few days, Yuan Mei felt that He Tiantian was a very pure and kind girl.

She really couldn't imagine what kind of storm such a smart and beautiful child would go through if he entered the entertainment industry!

"Ah, Sister Mei, you still know the culture of the rice circle!"

He Tiantian was amused by Yuan Mei's words and couldn't help but look shocked.

Yuan Mei rolled her eyes ungracefully, "I just went to be a soldier, and I wasn't sent to a deserted island with limited information. Moreover, I am not old, and I can also pay attention to the entertainment gossip that young people will pay attention to." Take a look!"

Now is not the past. Soldiers and so on seem to be far away from entertainment and gossip!

Even though Yuan Mei is older, she was once a post-90s generation with a flamboyant personality, and she is not an old-fashioned person.

"Oh, I made a mistake. Our sister Mei is a young lady, not an old aunt who doesn't know anything!"

He Tiantian deliberately made a gesture of surrender and joked around.

When she said this, the atmosphere instantly became cheerful again.

Yuan Mei lost her previous resistance and asked softly, "Tiantian, do you really want to make a movie?"

After pausing for a moment, Yuan Mei still couldn't hold back and expressed her worries and concerns: "There are too many disputes in the entertainment industry, and the attention it receives is also high!"

"We are not RMB, and we cannot be liked by everyone. In the entertainment industry, people's shortcomings will be magnified by some people, and they will engage in online violence at every turn -"

Although there are relevant departments to protect Tiantian, Yuan Mei always feels that it would be better if such trouble could be avoided in advance.

Once it is too exposed and the public pays too much attention, even those who have made significant contributions to the country will be criticized.

On the Internet, everyone seems to be God and a moral role model. They can comment on others and help others make decisions.

Be generous to others and encourage others to do good... They can't do it themselves, but they can confidently ask others to do it.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

Especially for public figures, they are extremely harsh.

Regardless of whether they deserve it or not, they want to point fingers and make comments about others.

Yuan Mei really didn't want He Tiantian, a person who should enjoy honor, to be treated maliciously by a group of trolls and Internet mobs.

"The entertainment industry is indeed a bit chaotic, and public opinion online can easily be misled. However, acting in movies and TV series is indeed a dream of mine!"

Of course, He Tiantian knew that Yuan Mei's worries were not a trivial matter. She had traveled through so many worlds and had seen too many complex and sinister human natures.

He is also very familiar with the chaos in the entertainment industry and the craziness and extremeness of online keyboard warriors.

However, she can't give up on her dream just because a hot chicken cries.

Even if he is not a celebrity, He Tiantian has never heard less malicious comments.

Anyway, she sticks to her bottom line and doesn't do anything immoral. No matter how bad the gangsters are, they can't really hurt her.

Besides, she has the national daddy on top of her.

Even if the officials cannot support her directly, they will not just watch her being bullied.

It’s not like she wants to dominate the entertainment industry or makes excessive demands.

She just wanted to make a movie and experience a different life through the camera.

He Tiantian believes that the country’s father will definitely fulfill her and do her best to protect herself!

Hehe, she is a national treasure-level genius girl.

He Tiantian felt proud in her heart, but her face was full of determination, "No matter what, I want to give it a try!"

Seeing He Tiantian like this, Yuan Mei couldn't persuade her anymore.

After eating, when she returned to the courtyard, Yuan Mei took out her mobile phone and reported to the leader.


She is indeed old and can't keep up with the ideas of these children.

However, the leader thought about it and understood it very well——

In life, who doesn’t care about merit and fame?

The older generation of scientific researchers in the past kept their names anonymous and were willing to sacrifice. Some of them could not make their achievements public until their death;

Now, some areas still need to be kept secret.

However, it does not seem impossible to change the way and let people live in the spotlight and enjoy another kind of flowers and applause.

He Tiantian is still a child. People like them really can't be too harsh.

Furthermore, if you think about it from another perspective, being an actor or a big star is not all bad.

"Tiantian's identity does need to be kept secret, but the ancients also said that 'the great hermit is hidden in the city'!"

It is estimated that even with those five hundred thousand, it is impossible to imagine that a female star who is shining brightly in the entertainment industry is actually a scientist who developed artificial intelligence and genetic enhancement fluid.

Maybe, this kind of concealment of identity can hide He Tiantian even more perfectly and safely!

Yuan Mei: ...can you still think so?

However, Yuan Mei calmed down and thought about it carefully, and suddenly felt that the leader's words did make sense.

She echoed "drawing inferences from one instance" and said, "You should think carefully. For example, I am an 'assistant'. If Tiantian is just an ordinary high school student, oh no, she will be a college student soon -"

But even a college student from an ordinary family has a 24-hour "personal assistant" who comes and goes, which seems a bit abnormal.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

On the contrary, it will attract some people's attention.

However, if He Tiantian is a "big star", it would be reasonable for her to have an assistant, two bodyguards, and N staff by her side.

Such an identity makes it easier for relevant departments to arrange more manpower for He Tiantian to protect her!

Leader: ...Hey, that’s right. Ordinary people with assistants are too conspicuous, but no matter how ostentatious people like celebrities are, everyone will understand.

She had never thought of this level before.

"...Well, that's it!"

The leader said implicitly.

In fact, even if they disagree, they cannot interfere too much with He Tiantian's choice.

They are not dictators, how can they forcefully control the life of a genius girl? !

"Yes, understand!"

Yuan Mei agreed and hung up the phone.

The leader seemed to have thought of something, and hurriedly said to her, "By the way, there is one more thing. Please tell classmate He Tiantian!"

"A biological company is about to be established?"

The next day is the second day of the Lunar New Year, the day when a married daughter returns to her parents’ home.

He Tiantian is not married, and she has no "maternal family".

Therefore, she and Yuan Mei still walked around the scenic spots in the capital to kill time.

While driving out, Yuan Mei mentioned it casually.

He Tiantian was a little surprised: "So fast?"

What she meant by "fast" mainly refers to the response speed of relevant departments.

Because according to the agreement between He Tiantian and the leaders of relevant departments, He Tiantian handed over the Gene Enhancement Fluid 2.0 technology to the state.

The country will not treat the real heroes badly, but this technology cannot be made public, and it cannot reward He Tiantian openly.

Therefore, the leader proposed a way: the relevant departments will establish a biological company, which will use some of the technology of Gene Enhancement Solution 2.0.

He Tiantian, the developer, is a "technical investor" who holds 49% of the shares in this biological company and enjoys the company's profits.

However, the biological company should be established after all clinical trials of Gene Enhancement Solution 2.0 are completed and it is determined that there are no problems with this technology.

It has been less than a month since He Tiantian handed over the technology, and the relevant departments are preparing to prepare the company.

This can only show that the clinical trial was very successful and everything went according to plan!

"Yes, this biogenetic company has already established a project, and we can start all work just after the Spring Festival holiday!"

Yuan Mei explained carefully while driving.

"Very good!"

What makes He Tiantian happy is that he owns a company and is about to receive huge dividends.

But the clinical success of Gene Enhancement Solution 2.0 can save more people.

It’s true that she took out this technology and handed it over directly to the country.

So what, if she saves people with this technology, she should also be able to gain merit.

He Tiantian thought happily.

Facts have proved that the state cannot guarantee whether he can obtain meritorious deeds, but the superior leaders gave He Tiantian other rewards.

"Reward? Didn't you let me go to watch the Spring Festival Gala live?"

After listening to Yuan Mei's words, He Tiantian blurted out.

In addition, there is also a stake in a biological company, and the state has already shown its sincerity.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

He Tiantian originally wanted to donate it for free. She has so many skills that she can't afford the money.

Yuan Mei:......

Although I still don’t know exactly what kind of contribution He Tiantian made, it must be very important.

Otherwise, the leaders will not pay so much attention to it.

Such an important achievement cannot be dismissed by just "going to watch the Spring Festival Gala".

Letting He Tiantian watch the Spring Festival Gala was just a small extra benefit given by the leader because he felt sorry for this girl.

It's really not a formal reward.

"The leader said that the project is going very smoothly, and your reward should be implemented gradually!"

Yuan Mei suppressed the complaints in her heart and continued to say seriously, "Tiantian, the leader also said that you are welcome, just ask for whatever you want."

As long as there is no violation of law or discipline, the relevant departments will try their best to satisfy you.

"Can I have anything I want?"

He Tiantian's eyes lit up. She suddenly thought of something and whispered, "Then can I have an island? A private island just for me?"

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