[The heroine took the villain script] []


Yuan Mei was stunned for a moment.

She was not surprised that He Tiantian actually made the request, but was a little surprised by He Tiantian's specific request.

How could He Tiantian, a seventeen or eighteen-year-old girl, want a private island?

In other words, in their country of China, all land and resources are state-owned, and individuals only have the right to use them.

Even if it is a place like an uninhabited desert island, if individuals want to use it, they can only contract or lease it.

"Yes, I want a small island, preferably an uninhabited desert island. I can develop and build it according to my own wishes!"

He Tiantian didn't do it on a whim.

In the last "Evil Nanny" script that just ended, Yan Yan and Zhou Zhou held their wedding on a private island.

The island is not very large, but has a beautiful environment and pleasant scenery.

The key is to be secretive enough.

He Tiantian does not want to establish a state of China, or wants to create some kind of private separatist power.

She just wants a place of her own.

Here, she can freely carry out infrastructure construction, whether it is building a laboratory or a holiday villa, giving herself a space to release herself in reality!

In addition, He Tiantian also wanted to leave a way out for herself.

She believes in the country and believes that her efforts will not be let down.

However, there are always shadows under the sun, and He Tiantian always has to be prepared "just in case."

The cunning rabbit still has three caves. As a writer who can travel through thousands of novel worlds, He Tiantian cannot be said to be a powerful big shot, but she is not an ordinary girl either.

She builds her own "base" for herself!

The island wedding in the previous script reminded He Tiantian that the sea world is vaster, and I can definitely create a few small islands.

Domestic islands can only be rented, but He Tiantian can also buy them abroad.

She herself is currently in "top secret" status and cannot easily go abroad, so she needs an agent.

Well, yes, there is also Duan Yong.

This man is a retired mercenary and should have a good understanding of the situation abroad.

He should have some comrades and so on. When the time comes, he won’t even have to worry about manpower!

As for the subsequent infrastructure construction, He Tiantian said that she can go to the novel world to acquire skills, and these are not difficult.

All the troubles that ordinary people are likely to face when running an island are nothing to He Tiantian!

"...Private island?"

Yuan Mei misunderstood. She thought He Tiantian did not simply want to contract an island, but wanted to obtain personal property rights.

Not only her, but also the leaders who heard the report couldn't help but speculate like this.

The reason is very simple. If He Tiantian just wants to build an island according to normal procedures, she does not need to use this "reward" at all.

The rewards at the national level are basically "special cases" and cannot be obtained under normal circumstances.

"I'm going to apply. He Tiantian is a special talent, and her affairs can also be handled specially!"

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

The leader pondered for a moment and said slowly.

When Yuan Mei saw this, she knew that this matter was indeed difficult.

She suddenly thought of something and quickly added, "Tiantian said that she doesn't have many requirements for the island's hardware conditions, even if there is no fresh water!"

The greatest value of an island is not how big it is or how rich its products are, but whether it has fresh water.

Without fresh water, life cannot survive on the islands.

Many people own the island,

In the end, it must not be abandoned. There are issues such as fresh water, transportation, and energy.

He Tiantian has no requirements for any of these hardware conditions. As long as she is given an island, she doesn't care about the distance or the availability of fresh water.

After hearing this, the leader's expression softened.

However, it is still a bit troublesome to obtain private property rights.

Of course, the matter is not hopeless. We can change the situation in a roundabout way.

The leader was thinking of ways to "save the country through curves", such as building a scientific research base and setting it up on an uninhabited island. He Tiantian was the only person in charge.

However, the big boss still gave her a surprise. Just like what the boss said to Yuan Mei before, "special talents receive special treatment."

He Tiantian's achievements cannot be said to be great, but the technology of genetically enhanced fluid will bring extremely huge effects to the country.

Not only can it cure some diseases, but more importantly, it can strengthen the body of Chinese people.

Soldiers can become more powerful. If we study in depth, it is not impossible to create some kind of genetic warrior!

China has never wanted to dominate the world, but it has enough force value to deter powerful countries.

Gene enhancement solution is a good medicine to improve the physical fitness of all people, and He Tiantian, who developed this technology, is a hero of the country.

When heroes have needs, they must find ways to satisfy them.

Besides, my requirements are not very high. I just want an uninhabited island with no fresh water or resources, and it can be very far from the mainland...

The big boss even thought that maybe giving He Tiantian such a desert island would allow her to develop more black technologies.

And this child has a very strong sense of belonging to the country.

With technology, the first reaction is not to make a fortune in silence, or to negotiate terms with the authorities for "rare things to live in".

Whether it was the previous artificial intelligence or this time's genetically enhanced fluid, everyone handed it over to the country neatly.

As for rewards, relevant leaders and experts take the initiative to propose them.

The little girl herself doesn't have many requirements.

This is the first time I have spoken about a private island, so I should be satisfied no matter what!


He Tiantian looked at the property rights certificate handed to her by the leader and couldn't help but open her mouth.

What, she, she originally just wanted to contract an island. If the leader could get her more contract years, she would be very satisfied.

Unexpectedly, the leader was so helpful that he directly gave her "personal property rights."

This this--

While He Tiantian was surprised, she couldn't help but feel happy and moved.

Woohoo, he is indeed the father of the country, he is always so awesome.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

Seeing He Tiantian's surprised look, the leader couldn't help but raise his lips, "The big boss said, you are a special case and you are not allowed to publicize it!"

"Yeah! Yeah!!" He Tiantian nodded vigorously.

Don’t publicize it!

She certainly won't spread the word.

"Being low-key and doing things high-key" has always been her principle.

"Also, the conditions of this island are not very good. It is located in the East China Sea and consists of three adjacent small islands!"

"It's a bit far from the mainland. There is no fresh water on the island, the vegetation is not very lush, and there are relatively few organisms!"

Deserted island!

A perfect uninhabited desert island!

Even if you go to do infrastructure construction, all kinds of difficulties are like mountains, which are really difficult for ordinary people to overcome.

Basically no development value!

The only advantage is probably——

"The area is relatively large. The three small islands add up to about 29 hectares."

Moreover, this area belongs to the deep sea, the environment is relatively good, and there is basically not much pollution.

However, because there is no fresh water, fishermen usually do not stop at this island when they go fishing.

He Tiantian’s eyes sparkled: Okay! That's great!

Being far inland means it's quiet enough.

The area is large, allowing her to use her hands freely.

Of course, the most important thing is legal personal property rights.

These three islands belong entirely to her, He Tiantian, and her personal property is protected by law!

When He Tiantian thought that she had such a base, she felt so excited that her whole heart was about to fly.

"Thank you! Thank you so much!"

Although he was happy, He Tiantian did not forget the "special care" from the leaders and relevant departments.

She thanked her again and again, looking so happy and excited that she couldn't help but smile wider when looking at the leader.

"You're welcome! You deserve this!"

The leader really likes this girl He Tiantian more and more.

When she handed over her technology, she never thought of negotiating terms with the country.

She really has a pure heart.

For such a good boy who is dedicated to the country, the country will naturally not treat him badly.

"Thank you anyway!"

He Tiantian is not really a "simple" student. She knows how difficult it is to make a "special case" outside of the regulations.

The leader must have put a lot of thought and energy into helping her.


The leader looked at He Tiantian with a smile and said no more polite words, but the look in his eyes became gentler.

After He Tiantian got the property rights certificate, he made a special trip to the East China Sea.

Chartered a yacht and went to the island for a field trip.

Looking from a distance, the three small islands are not surrounded by finished words, but are on a line.

But it's not a straight line, but a somewhat curved arc.

The island in the middle is the largest, and the ones on both sides are slightly smaller.

He Tiantian looked at the aerial photos transmitted back from the drone and felt that the three islands looked a bit like a crescent moon.

"It does look a bit like a crescent moon. Otherwise, let's call it Crescent Island?"

Little D has a God's perspective. It doesn't need to borrow any drones. It can clearly see this small sea area with a condescending glance.

It danced in the depths of He Tiantian's sea of ​​consciousness, and it didn't forget to make suggestions.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

"Crescent Island? It doesn't sound very poetic or picturesque!"

He Tiantian was slightly disdainful of Little D's naming ability.

Classmate Little D: ...Are you still laughing at me? How good is your name?

Just like Bentong, you are a good smart assistant, but you gave it a strange name like "Little D's Classmate".

He Tiantian didn't seem to feel the complaints from classmate Little D, and said thoughtfully: "How about calling it Crescent Island?"

"Huh? Crescent Island? I still have Crescent Princess."

Little D's classmate is really bad at learning, and he is so courageous that he dares to be sarcastic and sarcastic towards He Tiantian.

He Tiantian: ...Well, it’s really easy for people to make random associations with things like the new moon.

"I'm not here to destroy this family, I'm here to join this family!"

Such lines really ruin the outlook.

He Tiantian really didn't want her first base to be associated with the best person who said such words.

"Well, there are three small islands here. How about calling it Sanxing Island?" He Tiantian continued to think of names hard.

Little D was too lazy to roll his eyes. He said coolly: "Aren't you afraid of being sued for infringement by the Universe State?"

He Tiantian: ...Okay, okay, I am indeed a bad namer!

"Forget it, let's go to the first island."

This was her first base and her first attempt.

Simply name it with "first".

"Tiantian, you, you——" You don't want to use FACE too much, you actually dare to advertise your personal island as the "No. 1 island".

Why don’t you just come to the “No. 1 Island in the World”?

Little D’s classmate made crazy complaints deep in his heart.

He Tiantian felt good about it personally, "Yes! It's called the First Island!"

"Little classmate D, please carefully explore my first island and get a 3D map!"

He Tiantian ordered directly and politely.

Little classmate D shook his fur. Although he still couldn't help but want to complain, he still responded obediently: "Okay! Got it!"

With the accurate map provided by Little D, He Tiantian can understand all the conditions on the island without going to the island.

Well, the leader didn't lie to her. The congenital conditions of the three small islands were really poor.

Deserted and remote, with no fresh water and not many valuable flora and fauna.

There are cliffs, valleys, and large stretches of wasteland.

He Tiantian secretly made plans in front of the 3D real-life map floating in her mind.

The small island in the middle is suitable as the "main island" in terms of area and geographical location.

There is a flat sloping land on the main island that can be used to build a house.

The small island on the west side is semi-elliptical in shape, closer to the mainland, and a pier can be built on one side.

The small island on the east side is somewhat triangular in shape and is surrounded by dense reefs. However, the vegetation on the island is quite lush and can be used to develop a farm or vegetable garden.

"Tiantian, the situation on this island seems not suitable for human habitation!"

Unlike He Tiantian's excitement and joy, Yuan Mei is actually a little pessimistic.

What about personal ownership?

It can be seen or used, it is properly furnished!

Even if the power of technology is used for development, too much manpower, material resources and financial resources will be invested during the process.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

He Tiantian was alone, without even a family member, and there didn't seem to be many helpers.

How could she develop such a deserted island?

"It's not bad! I'll find someone to build a dock first, otherwise, when the ship comes, there won't even be a place to dock!" He Tiantian said optimistically.

Yuan Mei sighed secretly, "Do you have a suitable candidate? I mean, someone who will help you supervise the construction of the dock!"

Workers are easy to find, but helpers are hard to find.

Yuan Mei couldn't help but think about it. She did have many retired comrades, and there were also navy friends she knew in the Southeast Theater.

Otherwise, please seek official help?

"Yes! I have a friend in my hometown who is a retired mercenary."

He Tiantian smiled and said, "I have already called him. He will handle the work at hand and will come to the capital in the next few days!"

"Retired mercenary?" Yuan Mei frowned.

Although such people are soldiers, they do not have the iron discipline and ethics of Chinese soldiers.

They are people who are greedy for money and will do anything for money.

It’s too uncontrollable and too dangerous!

"Yes, Major Yuan Hao also knows him and conducted a detailed investigation on him!"

He Tiantian deliberately mentioned Yuan Hao, Yuan Mei's cousin.

However, despite being in the hands of Yuan Hao, he was not arrested, which shows that although Duan Yong is not a good person, he has not committed any crime.

At least, on the territory of China, he is very law-abiding!

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