The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 522 Another rescue mission (1)

[The heroine took the villain script] []

When Duan Yong received the call from He Tiantian, he felt dreamy.

Because of a play among children, Duan Yong met He Tiantian, a high school girl who was similar in age to his cheap cousin.

After being captured on the spot by Brother Bing and walked around the police station, Duan Yong knew that He Tiantian, a seemingly ordinary girl, was anything but ordinary.

His intuition told him that this person was extraordinary. He not only had outstanding personal abilities, but also had a certain background.

Later, when his partner in the provincial capital wanted to open a branch, he gave up the more suitable coastal city and opened the extreme sports club in a small county town.

His idea is very simple, that is, to get in close contact with He Tiantian and look for opportunities for "cooperation".

Soon, the opportunity came. He successfully "turned enemies into friends" with He Tiantian and pulled this recognized "big boss" onto his ship.

Duan Yong invested in advance and firmly believed that He Tiantian would achieve something in the future.

But, but——

This "future" comes too fast!

Also, He Tiantian's "achievements" far exceeded Duan Yong's expectations.

Duan Yong originally thought that He Tiantian could use her relationship with the military to help him develop official connections.

In fact, when Duan Yong pulled He Tiantian to invest in his extreme sports club, this goal had already been achieved.

Many extreme sports enthusiasts from the capital have abandoned well-known clubs in provincial capitals and first- and second-tier cities, and specifically went to Duan Yong’s club in a small remote county.

Business has improved a lot, and Duan Yong's connections have successfully reached out to the government and the military.

Duan Yong suddenly felt that his vision was correct and continued to be very respectful to He Tiantian. He also took good care of his classmate Chen Nan, who was recommended by He Tiantian to work.

But Duan Yong still didn't expect that these were just the most basic, and He Tiantian brought him an unexpected surprise.

"Privately owned island? Total area reaches 29 hectares?"

Oh my God, this, is this something ordinary people can do?

Oh, no, that's not the point.

The point is that He Tiantian is not yet eighteen years old this year, and it has been less than a year since Duan Yong met her!

In just a few months, he had achieved such an "achievement" just by going to the capital.

Duan Yong still had an unreal feeling until he got on the plane to Beijing.

Incredible, really incredible!

It was simply more magical and exciting than the online novels he read.

He Tiantian owns a private island and is planning to build a lot of infrastructure!

As for Duan Yong, as the first Ma Zai who joined Mr. He, he was immediately entrusted with important tasks.

Duan Yong was surprised, but then slowly became excited and happy——

It's really not in vain that he was so active before. Why is Tiantian so busy? No, it's only been a few months, and the rewards are coming.

He heard that He Tiantian needed help, and without even thinking about it, he transferred the club to a junior fellow student when he was studying martial arts.

He simply packed his luggage and hurried to the capital before the New Year holiday was over.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

Before leaving, Duan Yong did not forget to tell his junior brother: "I will leave this club to you, and I will also transfer the information of those VIP customers to you."

"How you want to run the business is up to you. The only thing is, Chen Nan, who works part-time in the club, don't treat me badly!"

Duan Yong couldn't mention He Tiantian directly, but he was afraid that his junior brother would wrongly treat the boss's friend because of his ignorance, so he patiently emphasized it again and again.

Junior brother saw Duan Yong speaking so solemnly,

Although I didn’t quite understand it, I still took it to heart.

It's not a big deal anyway, just treat Chen Nan as a relative.

To put it bluntly, this girl works very hard. Even if she does nothing, he can still afford to support such an idle person.

It's only about two thousand yuan a month, which junior brother can still afford.

Not for a certain VIP customer behind Chen Nan, just for the face of senior brother Duan Yong, it is worth this money!

"Okay! I understand, don't worry."

The junior brother nodded vigorously and readily agreed.

After arranging this matter, Duan Yong had no worries in the small county town. He neatly took his luggage and happily ran to join his boss.

Of course, Duan Yong was still a little uneasy before he actually came to the island.

He Tiantian is indeed awesome, but after all, she is just a high school girl of seventeen or eighteen years old.

What kind of personal island can she really get?

With just a phone call, without even a picture or proof, Duan Yong abandoned his career in the county and rushed over.

just in case--

Facts tell Duan Yong that there is nothing wrong with Boss He!

The island is real, and so are individual property rights.

The most important thing is that He Tiantian really has an official background.

On the fifteenth day of the first lunar month, the island infrastructure project officially began.

He Tiantian and Duan Yong came to the East China Sea together, and the speedboat they took was actually owned by the Southeast Navy.

And that Yuan Mei, Duan Yongyong bets on his more than ten years of experience as a mercenary that this one is definitely a good soldier.

Not a special force, nor an ordinary female soldier.

Moreover, she is not the type to retire.

A female special forces soldier who is suspected to be on active duty is working as an "assistant" for a high school girl, providing her with close protection almost 24 hours a day.

Haha, if there is no inside story here, Duan Yong will twist off his head and kick it as a ball!

Yuan Mei's identity is mysterious. She called several "comrades" to help her.

And the construction company that took the initiative to help was directly affiliated with a well-known central enterprise.

Such industry bosses who can go abroad to do large-scale infrastructure projects come to help He Tiantian develop an island. Tut, tsk, saying that they are doing it for money is an insult to Duan Yong's intelligence.

In addition to the construction company, there are also various building materials used in the construction, which seem to have been arranged in advance.

Duan Yong made a phone call and everything went smoothly, everything went smoothly, it was so easy.

Sometimes, Duan Yong even has an illusion——

For an "agent" like this, there would probably be no problem just keeping a dog on the island.

Because there is no need for Duan Yong to show off his abilities, everything seems to have been prepared secretly, just waiting to be carried out step by step.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []


He Tiantian is indeed a real boss.

Not only does she have some connections in the capital, she is also the official "group favorite".

With this understanding, Duan Yong became more respectful to He Tiantian.

And he was further certain about his identity as the number one Ma Chai under Boss He.

Since you are the number one Ma Chai, you must have at least some "consciousness".

However, he doesn't seem to play a big role in matters on the island. He is more like a decoration.

This is not possible!

If Ma Zai cannot show his value, he is likely to be abandoned by the boss.

While Duan Yong was busy supervising the construction of the island and coordinating all aspects of affairs, he was thinking hard: How to show his importance to Boss He? !

"Yes! Oops, how could I forget this!"

Duan Yong slapped his forehead and remembered something He Tiantian had asked him to do.

So, without asking He Tiantian for instructions, Duan Yong quietly made some more.

"Boss, look, this is a new type of field equipment that I got from my former comrades!"

Duan Yong piled the things in front of He Tiantian and tried to look indifferent.

He Tiantian was a little curious. In her personal space, there were also military cans, drinking water, first aid kits and other items that Duan Yong had gotten for her before.

However, these things were not used in the past few novel worlds.

It has been stored ever since.

Now, Duan Yong has obtained new supplies and equipment.

In addition to cans, medicines, etc., there are also new tents that can be worn as raincoats and cleverly designed field cooking utensils for individual soldiers.

There are also salt, sugar and other items, and these are not just seasonings, they can be used as "medicines" at critical times.

Salt can sterilize and disinfect, and sugar can replenish physical strength.

In addition, there are some other supplies.

I don’t know whether Duan Yong was well prepared or whether his comrades who helped him search for items accidentally got some other items. He Tiantian actually found a few seeds of grains and vegetables among a pile of supplies!

He Tiantian:......

This is no longer a necessary material for survival in the wild, it can be used directly for a trip to the apocalypse!

"good, very good!"

He Tiantian vomited a little in her heart, but didn't show anything on her face.

She thanked her reservedly, and expressed her satisfaction to her subordinate Duan Yong appropriately: "You have thought carefully, I can use all these things!"

He Tiantian didn't say much, but Duan Yong felt particularly relieved after hearing it.

As long as the boss is satisfied!

After sending Duan Yong to continue to focus on the island's construction, He Tiantian began to selectively stuff these items into her personal space.

Be prepared!

Although He Tiantian can choose the novel channel, there are various risks and possibilities in the mission world.

With more preparation, He Tiantian will be more calm when entering the world of novels.

"Tiantian, there is a script. The writer failed and is in urgent need of rescue. Do you want to give it a try?"

After the New Year holiday, He Tiantian was not in a hurry to return to the county.

She continued to take leave from school.

For one thing, the biogene company promised by the government has officially entered preparation mode.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

As the second largest shareholder, He Tiantian is not responsible for specific management matters, but he still has to pay attention to it.

Secondly, He Tiantian's island is under construction in full swing, and in the early stages of infrastructure construction, some things still require He Tiantian's coordination.

Duan Yong, the helper, is indeed very capable, but in some cases, personal ability is not very important, and personal connections are more important.

Third, when He Tiantian visited the island, he released a homemade drone.

He Tiantian didn’t deliberately “show off” her skills, she just inadvertently used some of the high technologies she learned in Star Live Script.

And just such a "little bit" of technology is far beyond the actual level of technology.

Yuan Mei is not an expert, but she has basic common sense.

She has also played with drones, which are military drones with higher standards.

But this little gadget that He Tiantian took out at random was really powerful.

Not only is it small in size, only one-fifth of a conventional drone, the key is its powerful power, impressive endurance, and the ability to be invisible when needed.

Yuan Mei didn't understand the technical value of this, but she just felt that if this gadget was used in military industry, it would definitely play a greater role.

Seeing how interested Yuan Mei was, He Tiantian realized that she had accidentally created another "black technology".

She didn't hesitate and called the leaders of the Chinese Academy of Sciences directly.

Therefore, after He Tiantian's drone completed island inspection and photography, it was directly sent to the Chinese Academy of Sciences for research.

As a developer, He Tiantian had no choice but to leave the capital directly before the Chinese Academy of Sciences had a thorough understanding of this technology.

It didn't matter if she stayed in the capital. Anyway, she had obtained the qualification for admission to Beijing University without taking the exam, and she no longer had to fight like her classmates for the college entrance examination that would come in a few months.

In addition, the capital's resources and various equipment are also suitable for He Tiantian's needs when he wants to conduct an experiment at any time.

Oh, by the way, there are also director Feng’s movies.

She has read the script, and her role has indeed increased.

In the past, it was just a vase embellishment in a man's play, but now it has really become a female pig's foot.

Of course, the focus of this movie is still a few male characters, but He Tiantian is no longer a foil or a beautiful scenery board, but a character with flesh and blood and soul.

As long as He Tiantian passes her birthday in March, she can sign the contract and join the group for filming.

But now that March is less than a month away, He Tiantian can't run around anymore.

have to!

There are too many reasons, so she should continue to stay in the courtyard in the capital.

However, even if he is "staying at home", He Tiantian is not really idle.

She borrowed some precious academic notes from several professors and academicians of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and read them eagerly.

In addition to paving the way for another "scientific research result" in the future, it is also more about actually learning new knowledge.

He Tiantian has always believed in the principle of "having too many skills does not overwhelm the body".

It never hurts to learn more!

There were no conditions in the past, but now that there are sufficient conditions, He Tiantian will certainly not let it go easily.

Just when He Tiantian was immersed in studying, little classmate D jumped out, with a bit of confusion in the mechanical voice: "Tiantian, for such a remedial task, the points can be doubled!"

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

"Your current points are already 189. If you add 12 more points, you can break through the 200-point mark!"

And 200 points can be regarded as a watershed.

He Tiantian can enter the VIP channel, purchase more mysterious props, and redeem higher-level black technology.

"In addition, there are no special requirements for the rescue mission, just stabilize the small world!"

Classmate Little D came up with this theory again.

He Tiantian rolled her eyes directly, not bothering to argue with it: There are no special requirements, but the novel world must be stable!

However, once the character is destroyed or the main plot is destroyed, it will still cause the collapse of the small world.

I believed your evil deeds!

The same routine did not succeed the first time, but Little D actually had the nerve to do it for the Nth time.

"Oh, Tiantian, don't think so. Although I am suspected of cheating, this rescue mission is really good!"

Classmate Little D chuckled and continued to confuse He Tiantian.

Suddenly, a flash of light flashed deep in its core, and it hurriedly said: "This task is also very challenging. Tiantian, aren't you curious about what kind of anti-virus task an experienced writer actually failed? The halberd sinks into the sand?"

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