The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 523 Another rescue mission (2)

[The heroine took the villain script] []

He Tiantian:......

She was really curious.

She had completed dozens of missions in Dianniang's library, but she encountered one rescue mission in which she needed to be rescued because the writer failed.

This is the second time!

For the last rescue mission, the writer can't be blamed entirely, but she was unlucky enough to encounter the awakening of the plot character.

What happens this time?

Could it be that the characters in the plot have awakened, causing the world of the novel to become unstable, and that other writers need to rescue it?

However, classmate Xiao D also mentioned that this time it was still an "anti-virus mission."

Could it be that the virus was too overbearing and the previous writer failed to completely kill it, thus screwing up the task?

Various speculations flooded into He Tiantian's mind instantly. She was a little excited and eager to try.

"What kind of online novel is this?"

He Tiantian suppressed the movement in her heart and asked casually.

"Let me see!"

Little classmate D pretended to go to check the script, and after a moment, he came back and said, "The original script is a male-video about urban supernatural beings!"

He Tiantian frowned slightly, "Original script? Did the channel even change after the novel world was poisoned?"

Is the key point of this mission really still a "virus"?

It's so awesome that even the channel of the script was changed.

He Tiantian has done so many anti-virus missions, the main plot may have been changed, with female supporting characters, cannon fodder and other counterattacks becoming the protagonists.

However, the script category has not changed.

The Ancient Chinese Channel is still within the framework of the ancient background;

Nowadays channels are still set in a modern setting.

The original script this time is a male-channeled urban supernatural novel, belonging to an urban channel. If it is infected by a virus, could it become a fairy tale or a historical novel?

"Yes, this mission is indeed a bit tricky. The key is that neither the failed writer nor the main system knows why the channel was changed!"

Classmate Xiao D shook Xiao Yuan's body and said with some confusion.

"Can you show me the script?"

The more classmate Little D said this, the more curious He Tiantian became.

After doing several anti-virus tasks, He Tiantian felt a little bit tired.

After the last mission, she chose to return to reality, not only because of settling or awakening, but also because of "aesthetic fatigue".

Always doing the same type of tasks, the only thing that changed was the different characters, which made He Tiantian a little tired.

As for this rescue mission, whether it was Little D's trickery or the mission itself was truly innovative, He Tiantian was really interested!

"Tiantian, this is against the rules. You can only accept the task before I can transfer the script to you. Otherwise, if you think the task is too difficult and refuse directly, then, then -"

Little D said awkwardly, shaking his hair, and rejected He Tiantian's request.

After saying this, Little D was worried that his half-step villain would be unhappy, so he hurriedly said in an explanation: "I'm not targeting you, but this is the system's regulations!"

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

"It is also stated in our contract that the script can only be unlocked after accepting the task. Of course, as a friend, I can help you transfer the script to you in advance before entering the world of the novel!"

Little D, the other requirements, really can’t do it!

Unfortunately, there are no hands or a neck. Little D is a hairy dumpling and really can’t make an expression of spreading his hands and shaking his head.

He Tiantian:......


Little D's classmate actually learned to "do business business" with her.

However, the more Little D behaves like this, the more curious He Tiantian becomes.

"Okay, I'll take this mission!"

Pretending to be thinking, after a moment, He Tiantian said in a deep voice.

"Okay! The mission world is open, Tiantian, do you need me to give you the script in advance?"

Classmate Little D said cheerfully, with a bit of "feeling proud" in his tone.

"……give it to me!"

He Tiantian didn't want to argue with classmate Xiao D and gave the order directly.

"Okay! The script is being transmitted——"

Little D’s classmate continued to act pretentious.

He Tiantian: ...I really can't bear to see this scene of "a villain succeeding in his ambition".

He Tiantian rolled her eyes and began to receive the script.

Hmm, just like what little D said, the original novel is a typical male-popular urban supernatural novel.

The male protagonist Shen Aotian is an ordinary college graduate. His hometown is in the countryside, and his parents are ordinary farmers.

Shen Aotian is the first famous college student in their small mountain village, and he is the hope of the whole village.

All along, Shen Aotian thought that he was the proud son of heaven until he came to the capital.

When he actually entered the university campus, he realized what "there is heaven outside the world and there are people outside the world".

He studies well, and his classmates also study well. The key is that they all have other specialties and skills.

Playing basketball, singing, painting... just a freshman orientation party made Shen Aotian feel the gap in reality.

However, Shen Aotian is the male protagonist after all. He has an online perspective and a strong psychology. Although he has had low self-esteem, he has not indulged such negative emotions.

He is independent and strong. He is not as rich or talented as his roommates. He does not have excessive inferiority, let alone envy and hatred.

He recognizes the excellence of others and is also able to recognize his own shortcomings.

He has a cheerful personality and candid actions. He may not be as popular a figure in college as he was in middle school, but he has not degenerated into a lonely and sensitive person.

He had a good relationship with his classmates and roommates. He worked hard and studied hard. After graduation, he tried his best to stay in the capital.

But as a poor boy who came from a remote mountainous area with no money and no connections, it was extremely difficult to stay in the capital.

Even though Shen Aotian found a good job as a graduate of a prestigious university, with his salary, he may not be able to afford a toilet in the capital even if he has not eaten or drank for several years.

For Chinese people, without a house, they have no roots, and they cannot really settle down in the capital.

But Shen Aotian was unwilling to leave the capital or simply return to his hometown.

He is the hope of the whole village and the pride of the whole family.

Even if he lives in a shared house outside the Fifth Ring Road in Beijing, he can't even have one or two thousand yuan left after all kinds of expenses every month, and buying a house is even out of reach. In the eyes of his relatives back home, he is still theirs. The most promising person in the village.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

Shen Aotian is like many ordinary Beipiao people who endure the hardships of life but cherish the dream of staying in the capital.

However, Shen Aotian is not an ordinary person after all, he is the male protagonist.

While wandering around Panjiayuan by chance, Shen Aotian took a fancy to an "antique" that looked fake at a stall.

According to the stall owner, it is a bronze from the Shang and Zhou dynasties.

In Shen Aotian's view, the bullshit Shang and Zhou were basically "last week".

But that bronze ornament that looked a bit exotic gave Shen Aotian an inexplicable feeling.

It seemed that the bronze vessel that the stall owner had hyped so much that the price was as high as 30,000 yuan was his destined treasure.

Suppressing the throbbing in his heart, Shen Aotian directly exposed the stall owner's lies, "Shang Zhou? Boss, are you sure there are English letters for Shang Zhou?"

Shen Aotian turned over the bronze tree ornament to reveal the base, pointed to a letter-like mark on it, and said coldly.

Stall owner:......

Damn it, these fake guys are too reckless and unprofessional.

Even if you want to make a mark, it would be better to get an oracle.

As a result, just use English letters. You are afraid that the guests will not be able to tell whether it is true or false.

MMP in his heart, the stall owner still maintained the look of a profiteer, "Oh, this may be a kind of writing from the Shang and Zhou dynasties. After all, the records about the Shang and Zhou dynasties in history books are not very clear and detailed."

Some historians have questioned whether the Shang and Zhou dynasties actually existed.

After all, the stall owner is a person who tinkers with antiques. He has a basic knowledge of history, and he is very good at telling unofficial history or short stories.

Shen Aotian was so angry that he laughed and said directly, "Boss, you really know how to talk nonsense. Why don't you say this is an alien civilization?"

"Oh! Boy, it's possible!"

But the stall owner seemed to have been inspired. He grabbed his thigh and said exaggeratedly: "Have you heard of Sanxingdui? That weird bronze mask, tsk tsk, it looks like an alien."

"Perhaps, this treasure of mine is something left by aliens from the Shang and Zhou dynasties!"

Shen Aotian: ...Ma Dan, you really dare to talk nonsense. You even dare to touch Sanxingdui.

However, the stall owner was talking nonsense, but Shen Aotian really liked this bronze tree.

So he continued to be picky and decided that the bronze tree was not an antique from the Shang and Zhou dynasties, but a fake that had been made just last week.

The stall owner also understands in his heart, but as a businessman, even if his goods are worthless, he still has to boast about them.

The two of them went back and forth, bargaining for a long time, and finally Shen Aotian bought the bronze ornament with a price of 300,000 yuan for 300 yuan.

When Shen Aotian returned to the rented cabin with this bronze tree over a foot high, he felt a little regretful——

Three hundred yuan, if you save some money, it is enough for his living expenses for a week.

As a result, I bought such a crappy thing.

But no matter how much he regretted it, he had already bought the item and Panjiayuan had no reason to return or exchange it within seven days. Shen Aotian could only grit his teeth and endure it.

The rented room is relatively small, and apart from a bed, a desk and a fabric wardrobe, there is no room for anything else.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

There were many books and notebooks piled on the desk. Shen Aotian walked around the room and finally placed the bronze tree in the corner beside the desk.

Feeling thirsty in the middle of the night, Shen Aotian got angry and went to the desk to drink some water.

As a result, he temporarily forgot that there was a bronze tree at the foot of the desk, and Shen Aotian kicked it up.

The bronze tree fell, and its branch had a sharp corner, which pricked Shen Aotian's toe, causing blood to flow out.

Seeing this, He Tiantian couldn't help but curl her lips, "It's really an old routine and an old taste."

A drop of blood to identify one's master, etc., the writing on urban supernatural beings is almost ruined.

However, if you write more, it shows that this meme is classic enough.

Although the plot of this urban supernatural novel is a bit cliche, the author's writing style is very good and the language is interesting. The novel itself has a very good reading score in Diianniang Library.

Otherwise, it will not be able to derive an independent novel world and form a certain world consciousness!

He Tiantian complained while continuing to study the script.

Stained with Shen Aotian's blood, the bronze tree was "activated".

Then, Shen Aotian was surprised to find that this bronze tree was indeed a treasure.

It's not that it is an antique from the Shang and Zhou dynasties, but that this bronze is actually an artifact that can connect various planes.

What ancient plane, what science fiction plane, what fairy world, what doomsday world...

Shen Aotian can do transactions with the "plane merchants" in that plane.

Of course, according to the routine of male videos, at the beginning, Shen Aotian could only link to one plane, which was an ancient dynasty.

Salt in that plane was in short supply. Shen Aotian went to the farmer's market and spent dozens of dollars to buy a bunch of coarse salt.

Putting the thing on the branch of the bronze tree, the thing was instantly teleported to the merchant in the ancient plane who also had the plane trading artifact.

As for Shen Aotian, he received one hundred taels of silver.

Shen Aotian was overjoyed and ran to the gold store to cash out the money.

According to the current price of silver, deducting losses and discounts from gold stores, Shen Aotian received more than 9,000 yuan.

The "cost" is less than 100 yuan, but the income is less than 10,000 yuan. It can't be said to be a huge profit, but it is also a hundred times return!

Shen Aotian suddenly felt like "I want to show off! I am indeed the son of destiny!"

If there is one, there are two. In addition to salt, Shen Aotian also sold some ironware, potatoes, corn and other grains to the ancient plane through the bronze tree.

In just one or two months, Shen Aotian made millions.

He quit his job, moved, bought a car, and opened a trading company——

So what, the little fight at the beginning was nothing.

With Shen Aotian's efforts, he successfully opened up science fiction, martial arts and other dimensions.

There are more and more "businesses", and the amount of materials traded is gradually increasing.

At first, Shen Aotian just rented a warehouse.

However, the warehouse and the like will soon be unable to meet Shen Aotian's business needs.

So, he opened a trading company and hired several young tribesmen from his hometown as helpers.

Shen Aotian made a lot of money by relying on the plane trading platform. He also obtained some high technologies through plane trading.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

He turned these high technologies into reality one by one.

He established his own business empire and became the richest man in China.

Of course, according to the routine of male videos, while the male protagonist is pursuing a career, he will also have various romantic encounters.

However, this author's conduct is better, or more reserved. The character Shen Aotian in his novel is just flirting, but does not have a real harem.

In the end, he only had one wife.

It was precisely the author's original "conservatism" that allowed this book to escape repeated purges and not be harmonized.

Otherwise, this mission is probably not about killing viruses, but about fixing the plot and correcting the three views!

This novel escaped the army of river crabs, but not the virus.


"What about the second version of the plot? Why only the script of the original novel?"

After He Tiantian finished reading the original script, she wanted to continue reading the second version of the story after it was infected by the virus, and deduce from it how the previous writer failed.

However, no!

There is no second version plot at all!

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