The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 524 Another rescue mission (3)

[The heroine took the villain script] []

"Uh, this, hehe-"

Classmate Little D sneered with a guilty look on his face.

"Classmate Little D?"

He Tiantian said almost word for word.

Little D felt a pressure from the villain, and there was a huge tremor deep in his core.

After shaking off the fur on his body, little classmate D hurriedly said: "What about that, Tiantian, I definitely didn't hide this on purpose!"

"It's like this. This novel world was directly forced to go into storage because of the failure of the mission. Generally, there is a certain process for dealing with this kind of novels that have no problems -

Block it first so readers can't see it, but you can probe inside the system.

After investigation, determine what problems the novel has and then ask the writer to fix them.

If the repair is successful, then it will be banned and readers will continue to read.

But if the repair fails, or there is really no value in repairing it, it will be removed from the shelves and placed in the recycle bin.

In this way, not only are readers unable to see it, but the system itself cannot be further explored.

Now, the novel mission that needs to be saved has directly skipped the "blocking" step and been removed from the shelves on its own.

It is not impossible for the system to forcefully conduct an investigation, but it may lead to further collapse of the novel world.

"...So why the last writer failed? What has become of the novel world? The main system doesn't even know!"

Classmate Xiao D said softly, with a hint of grievance in his tone.

It’s really not that it deliberately conceals or deceives, it’s that it doesn’t know.

"Oh, I see!"

He Tiantian said with a look of realization, but she secretly muttered in her heart: There is still such a situation!

Does the main system not know, or is it too lazy to investigate?

Or is this remediation task really troublesome?

He Tiantian started to beat her heart.

Sensing He Tiantian's intention to quit, Xiao D hurriedly said, "This remediation task is indeed a bit more difficult, so there will be a reward of doubled points."

"Oh, by the way, and oh, the virus this time seems to be very domineering, and the more domineering the virus, the more energy it contains -"

And He Tiantian has contract renewal benefits, she can absorb the energy of the virus.

The more energy the virus has, the more spiritual power He Tiantian will gain, which will be a great help for her to strengthen her soul.

He Tiantian: ...This is actually an exciting condition.

However, He Tiantian still instinctively fears the world that is too unknown.

Seeing that He Tiantian still had nothing to say, Little D student endured it for a long time and finally uttered a sentence: "Besides, you have already accepted this task, and now you are regretting it-" It seems a bit late.

He Tiantian rolled her eyes, "I knew you were tricking me! Humph!"

The plush on Little D's body trembled, and he smiled, "No! Tiantian, you are my close friend. I will only be kind to you. How could I cheat you?"

"Forget it, since I have accepted the task, let's give it a try."

He Tiantian doesn't really care about classmate Little D.

She thought about it carefully, and although unknown things always make people fearful, this kind of task without scripts and without predictions will also give people a sense of freshness and excitement.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

Deep in He Tiantian's heart, he was full of eagerness to try.

However, before entering the novel world, He Tiantian still made some preparations.

She has arranged everything in reality.

Returning to the courtyard, he lay on the bed, adjusted his body and mind, and then said slowly: "Okay, let's enter the world of novels!"

"Okay! The mission world is open!"

Little D’s cheerful mechanical voice sounded.

Space was distorted and time and space were transformed. When He Tiantian regained consciousness, before she could see everything around her clearly, she felt a very uncomfortable aura.

Rotten, dirty, without livelihood, full of destruction... She felt as if she was in hell.

Oh no, not hell.

He Tiantian had felt like this before, but it was in some apocalyptic script.

Wait, has the world collapsed from an urban supernatural novel to an apocalyptic science fiction novel?

"Hetian! Hetian! Are you okay?"

"Oh, he doesn't have a fever, does he? I heard on the radio that if he has a fever, he is most likely infected with the virus!"

"Not necessarily, it may be that it has stimulated supernatural powers!"

"...Ha, super powers? Do you really believe those posts on the Internet?"

"You don't believe it, but the problem is, that blogger didn't lie. Isn't this the end of the world?"

"That's enough! Stop arguing. We are trapped in the school now. If we want to escape, we must unite!"

While He Tiantian was drowsy, the sound of a group of people talking could be heard in his ears.

She was in a coma, and her whole body was so hot that she felt like she was in a furnace.

The burning made her mouth go dry, as if her soul was being roasted dry.

He Tiantian stabilized her mind and tried her best to stay awake.

She knew that the body she traveled through was probably sick and was very weak.

If it cannot be treated in time, it is very likely to die directly.

It hangs up as soon as it comes out, tsk tsk, the mission failed.

He Tiantian refused such misfortune. With her powerful soul and super willpower, she finally controlled this body.

She bit the tip of her tongue hard, and the pain made her wake up for a moment.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, He Tiantian quickly performed a circle of Wuji Jue——


There is plenty of spiritual energy around.

Wait, this is not aura, but a violent black energy.

However, He Tiantian no longer cares about much, and she continues to use her spiritual power to save herself.

Whether it is dark energy or real spiritual energy, she can convert it into the spiritual power she needs through her junior uncle's Wuji Jue.

I have to say that my uncle's Wuji Jue is indeed very miraculous, and it is worthy of being the kind of skill that can ultimately enable people to ascend.

Relying on it, He Tiantian was not only able to cultivate her soul and strengthen herself in various mission worlds, but she also developed spiritual power in reality.

This time, in this suspected apocalyptic virus world, energy was out of control, but He Tiantian had a sufficient source of energy.

After running for a week, a small amount of spiritual power gathered in He Tiantian's dantian.

He Tiantian didn't know whether to be surprised or surprised, but she didn't dare to waste time. If she wanted to understand the world and successfully complete the task, she had to wake up first.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

Make sure this body won't die easily, and everything will have a chance!

He Tiantian continued to run Wuji Jue, letting the spiritual power travel through the major meridians of the body.

After using spiritual power to clear up his body, He Tiantian felt that his body seemed less weak and his mental state was much better.

She was finally able to integrate the memory of this body and feel everything happening around her more clearly.

The owner of this body is named Shen Hetian, a college student who is about to graduate.

Does the name sound familiar?

Shen Aotian, Shen Hetian, this person's name is only one word different from the male protagonist in the original script.

Even if they are not biological brothers, they probably have some connections.

In fact, Shen Hetian is really Shen Aotian's brother, but he is not a sibling from the same mother, but a cousin from the same clan.

They are all villagers from Shenjiaping, a remote mountain village. Ninety percent of the people in the village have the surname Shen, and the same ancestor is enshrined in the ancestral hall.

However, Shen Aotian and Shen Hetian have been eliminated from the fifth server. Although they can still be called "brothers" based on their seniority, their blood relationship is already very weak.

Shen Aotian is the first famous university student from Shenjiaping, and he is the pride of the whole village.

As for Shen Hetian, he is the second one.

It's just that he is slightly worse than Shen Aotian. The male protagonist went to a prestigious university in the capital, while Shen Hetian went to the best university in the provincial capital.

From childhood to adulthood, Shen Hetian seemed to have lived in the shadow of Shen Aotian.

It doesn’t matter if you are not as good as others in the college entrance examination, but your entrepreneurship after graduation seems not to be as good as others.

After Shen Aotian graduated, he became the most promising young man in Shenjiaping due to an unexpected encounter. Not only did he become a rich man himself, he also tried every means to promote the people in his hometown.

Outsiders don't know that Shen Aotian has activated the golden finger, they just think that he is really capable.

People in the village regard him as a role model for educating their children.

After Shen Aotian bought a house in the capital and opened a company, he also brought the clan members out of the village to make a fortune together.

The folks in Shenjiaping were even more envious and respected him.

He opened his mouth and kept saying, "Xiao Ao has been a smart kid since he was a child. Now it seems that he is indeed the most promising junior in our Shenjiaping."

Those flattering words and that envious look should not be too obvious!

When Shen Hetian came home from vacation, his ears were filled with voices like this. Even his parents couldn't help but compare him with Shen Aotian.

He also used Shen Aotian as a goal to motivate Shen Hetian: "Xiao He, you should learn from Xiao Ao."

"After graduation, we will also start a business, become a boss, and help the folks in the village!"

As a young man in his twenties, Shen Hetian is the second promising young man to pass the Shenjiaping exam. He is arrogant and has sensitive self-esteem.

After hearing the words of his fellow villagers and parents, at first he really envied and admired Shen Aotian, his cousin who was several houses away.

However, after hearing the same words too many times and being compared by others, young people develop a rebellious mentality.

That's it again!

always like this!

From childhood to adulthood, from elementary school, middle school to university, he seemed to be just a little bit inferior to Shen Aotian.

Later, Shen Aotian went to the capital, and he was admitted to a university in the provincial capital, and they were finally able to separate.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

But, but still can't escape the fate of being compared!

"I'm not much worse than Shen Aotian, but, but -"

Although he had a rebellious mentality, he always wanted to suppress Shen Aotian in turn.

However, after going to the provincial capital and studying at university, Shen Hecai felt the cruelty of reality.

He also had the same sigh as Shen Aotian: There is heaven outside the sky, and there are people outside the world.

In their hometown, he, Shen Hetian, was indeed one of the most favored sons of heaven.

But when he came to the provincial capital and entered a university campus full of talents, he realized that he was actually mediocre.

He suffered a severe blow in college, and when he was about to graduate from college, start an internship and look for a job, Shen Hetian was severely beaten by reality again.

Unemployment after graduation!

Being a famous university student in a provincial capital is indeed more competitive than students from an ordinary second-tier university.

However, it is simply impossible to achieve the same achievements as Shen Aotian.

He Tiantian: ...Silly boy, you are a cannon fodder and you run to compete with other male leads. Are you asking for abuse?

Shen Aotian has a golden finger from the author's own mother, but you have nothing but a hard working laborer.

What's even more miserable is that before Shen Hetian can get his diploma and officially start his career as a worker, the end of the world is coming!

That’s right!

He Tiantian's previous guess was correct. The world had suddenly entered the science fiction apocalypse channel from urban supernatural stories.

I don’t know if it was because the last writer’s mission failed, which caused the collapse of the small world, or if a system virus is raging.

After a meteor shower, the entire small world was invaded by a terrible virus.

Countless people fell into coma, most of them became walking zombies, and a very few people became people with super powers.

As a small cannon fodder in the original script, Shen Hetian was used as a tool to set off the success of the male protagonist, so he was naturally not a special case.

If He Tiantian hadn't come through, there was a high chance that he would become a zombie.

He Tiantian: ...What a bitter cannon fodder.

And the more difficult things are yet to come——

He Tiantian used her spiritual power to clear her body. The fever subsided and she finally opened her eyes.

Looking around, He Tiantian discovered that she was now in a dormitory, which was the original owner's student dormitory.

In the room of about ten square meters, in addition to the original owner, there were seven or eight classmates, both male and female.

He Tiantian glanced over, and combined with the memory of the original owner, she knew that these people were all classmates of the original owner.

Two of them are roommates, and the other three are classmates in the dormitory next door.

The three girls are the girlfriends of several people.

The night before the apocalypse came, it was a weekend, and three girls secretly went to the boys' dormitory to play with their boys.

Don't get me wrong, it's not that kind of activity, it's about playing cards and games with people in the dormitory.

The original owner also has a girlfriend named Dong Lina. Her family is from a provincial capital, and her parents are ordinary workers.

The Dong family is considered the most ordinary citizen family in the provincial capital, but for Shen Hetian, who was born in a remote mountain village and whose achievements are not very outstanding, it is definitely a high achievement.

However, love on campus is much simpler than that in society.

What Dong Lina likes is Shen Hetian, and there are not too many other factors involved.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

A pair of young people just enjoy the pure and beautiful first love. As for practical issues such as marriage, house, job, etc., they have little concern.

Shen Hetian may have considered it and felt even more inferior.

But in front of Dong Lina, he still maintained a positive and carefree appearance.

Shen Hetian was about to graduate and couldn't find a suitable job, so he wanted to take the public examination.

Dong Lina is very supportive. In order to cooperate with her boyfriend, she and Shen Hetian work hard together.

On weekends, other brothers in the dormitory either play games or go to the dormitory next door to play cards with the girls.

However, Shen Hetian and Dong Lina stayed in the dormitory, reading and memorizing questions together.

At this time, a meteor shower started falling in the sky, and the zombie virus descended on the Blue Star along with the falling meteorites...

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