The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 525 Another rescue mission (4)

[The heroine took the villain script] []

In just one night, the outside world has undergone earth-shaking changes.

Someone fainted, and when he stood up again, he became a lifeless zombie.

Although they still retain human form, they are no different from monsters.

They wander around in the huge city, and when they see a living person, they pounce on them and bite them, either turning the living person into a zombie or devouring the person in one bite.

The once bustling city turned into hell overnight.

Everywhere is filled with human screams and wails, and the surrounding air is filled with the smell of rancidity and blood.

The university campus has also become a purgatory on earth.

Crowds gather here more, and the chances of contracting the virus or being bitten by zombies are greater.

It was lucky to say that there were ten people in Shen Hetian, the two dormitories next door, and three girls.

But only three people were infected with the virus and turned into terrifying zombies.

And those three people were all concentrated in the dormitory next door. After all, there are many of them, and they get together to play cards and games.

On the other hand, Shen Hetian was the only one who was reading books and falling in love with his little girlfriend, and seemed very quiet.

After staying up all night, Shen Hetian and Dong Lina just cared about each other. Occasionally they felt sleepy, so they would squeeze into the same bed with their clothes on and take a nap.

They didn't hear any of the screams and exclamations that happened outside and from the corridors of the dormitory.

Still in the middle of the night, the door of the dormitory was violently knocked open from the outside, and several people from the dormitory next door staggered in, waking up the pair of little mandarin ducks.

"What happened? Did you scare yourself by watching a horror movie? Or did the dormitory aunt come to check your bed?"

Shen Hetian was awakened and pulled Dong Lina out of the bed with him.

Seeing the panic on the faces of my roommates and classmates, I couldn't help but ask curiously.

"Zombie, zombie! Bai Tingxuan has turned into a zombie!"

"The end of the world is coming, and those posts on the Internet are all true!"

"Wow, it's so scary! I want to go home, I want to leave this scary place!"

"...Oh my God, they're hitting the door! Quick! Pull the bed over quickly and block the door!"

Several people seemed to have been greatly stimulated, and each one was like a frightened bird.

They were startled, they shouted, they were on the verge of collapse.

"Huh? The end of the world? Still, still zombies?"

Shen Hetian felt incredible. He looked at several classmates suspiciously——

Could it be that these people felt that playing cards and games was too boring and came up with a tricky prank to play tricks on him and Dong Lina?

However, the acting skills of these people are also too good.

It feels even better than those actors and actresses who are touted by marketing accounts as having "exploding acting skills"!

Tsk tsk, look at the panicked little eyes and listen to the incoherent little voice, it's just like Zhendu.

"Young horseman, Shen Hetian, hurry up and help!"

Prince Mo, who was in the same dormitory with Shen Hetian, saw that Shen Hetian was still in a daze and couldn't help but curse.

"No, prince, are you serious about this? What about zombies and apocalypse? Even if you want to play tricks, can you do something real?"

Shen Hetian still didn't believe it. He crossed his arms and pretended to be "I'll just watch your performance quietly."

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

"Go away from the mud horse's tricks, Shen Hetian, I'm so full that I'm here to trick you!" Wang Zimo was so anxious that he kept spitting out the fragrance.

Other students were also rushing to push beds and pull tables, while shouting at the young couple Shen Hetian and Dong Lina: "There are really zombies. If you don't believe it,

Go to the window and look. "

Shen Hetian and Dong Lina saw that their classmates had this expression, and there was no trace of acting. Although they thought it was ridiculous, they were still a little worried.

The two hurriedly moved to the window and looked out through the glass.

Their dormitory is on the second floor. It is not very high, but it has a certain height.

At least, from the window, they could see the road next to the green belt and the small playground not far away.

It was getting very late, but the moon was very full tonight, and the soft moonlight shone down, illuminating the road fairly clearly.

In addition, there are street lights on the roadside and in the small playground, which are brightly lit at the moment.

Even through the thick darkness of night, Shen Hetian and the others could clearly see the scene outside.

I saw a few crooked figures suddenly appear on the originally quiet road.

From a distance, they look like students wandering on the road.

But if you take a closer look, you will find clues: their bodies are mutilated, their steps are mechanical, and they are unconscious, but they still make hohohohoho sounds from their mouths.

There were bright red blood stains on their bodies, faces, and mouths.

He opened his mouth, revealing his white teeth. Those sharp canine teeth really didn't look like the normal teeth that humans have.

The most terrifying thing is that there are still pieces of flesh and blood left between their teeth!


Dong Lina is a bit short-sighted, so she uses her mobile phone camera to observe the situation outside the window.

And through the N-fold magnification effect of the mobile phone camera, Dong Lina saw a close-up of a "classmate"'s face.

She was directly frightened by the bloody and terrifying scene.

This is not pranking, let alone acting, but a real apocalyptic drama.

Because the zombie looked so terrifying, Dong Lina seemed to be able to smell the rotten smell and bloody smell on it from several meters away.

This is not an effect that special effects makeup can produce.

Also, besides this zombie, there are several more wandering on the road.

Some of them only had half of their bodies left, and their internal organs were scattered on the floor, but they could still walk staggeringly.

If it was really a prank, if it was really a special effect, the cost would be too high.


What made Dong Lina even more convinced that the end of the world was coming was unfolding in front of her in an instant——

A boy who was bleeding all over his body suddenly fell down from the stairs.

The body fell in the green belt near the dormitory building.

Dong Lina didn't even use her mobile phone camera to zoom in. With her 200 degree myopia, she could see the mutilated corpse.

Before Dong Lina could scream again, the swaying zombies gathered around her after hearing the noise.

The corpse was still warm and the blood was still hot. The zombies surrounded it and feasted on it.

"Ah! Ah!!"

Dong Lina couldn't bear it anymore and screamed at the top of her lungs.

Although Shen Hetian didn't yell in excitement, his face was pale and his feet couldn't help but feel weak.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

"Shut up! Dong Lina, what the hell are you shouting?"

"Lest the monsters outside can't find us, do you want to recruit them all?"

"That's right, I didn't even mention coming to help, but I'm actually holding you back!"

"Okay, okay, we are all classmates and we are all together, so let's not quarrel."

Several people finally dragged a bunk bed next to the door to the door and blocked the door tightly.

The zombies outside were still banging on the door, but couldn't break it for a while.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

"Call, yes, call the police immediately!"

"Uh-huh, my parents should be fine. I-I need to call them!"

"Damn! No one is answering the demon spirit!"

"Dad! Dad, it's me. There are zombies in the school. How is it at home? You and my mother, what, my mother also turned into a monster?"

"Hey, Mom, Mom, did you hear my voice? I am a prince. I..."

In the dormitory, the voices of classmates were heard again.

They either cursed loudly into their mobile phones or cried wildly at the top of their lungs.

The whole room was in chaos.

After a brief moment of daze, Shen Hetian finally came to his senses.

He didn't care about taking care of his little girlfriend beside him, and took out his mobile phone from his pocket shivering.

His hands couldn't help but tremble, but he couldn't press his father's eleven-digit phone number, which he knew by heart.

Either you pressed the wrong number, or you pressed one more number.

After struggling for a while, Shen Hecai finally dialed his father's phone number.

"Hey! Dad, at home... okay, I know, I, I will protect myself! You and my mother should also pay attention to safety!"

"Don't go out, close the doors and windows tightly. Oh, by the way, you should also keep an eye on the chickens, ducks, dogs, pigs, etc. at home, and kill them as soon as possible!"

After all, Shen Hetian is also someone who has read apocalyptic novels, and he has also written about them in the novels.

People will become zombies, and animals may also mutate.

His parents were very lucky and didn't turn into zombies.

But their family raises many livestock. If these animals turn into zombies, their family will still be in danger!

When Shen Hetian heard that his parents were fine, the big stone in his heart fell.

He slowly calmed down and was able to think about the problem rationally.

Shen Hetian tried hard to recall the plots written in those apocalyptic novels, as well as the "notes" mentioned in some online posts promoting eschatology.

Facing the mobile phone, he told his father one by one.

Father Shen on the other side has not yet woken up from the absurdity of "the end of the world is coming".

Although the village was filled with screams and biting sounds, and although the neighbor's house next door was filled with a strong smell of blood, Father Shen still harbored fantasies - perhaps, these were just accidents. When daybreak comes and the police arrive, everything will be fine.

However, after hearing his son's serious advice, Father Shen, an old farmer with little education, finally realized the seriousness of the problem.

He doesn’t understand the end of the world or anything like that.

But he believes in his son.

Their Xiaohe is the second most promising person in Shenjiaping after Shen Aotian.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

Xiaohe is a college student and lives in a provincial capital, so he must know a lot.

What he said must be right!

"Okay! I understand, I have written down everything you said!"

Father Shen nodded obediently, and then he did not forget to tell his son, "Xiao He, you must also pay attention to safety. After dawn, you should go home as soon as possible!"

It was too chaotic outside, and my son was alone. If he was bitten by a monster, there would be no one to take care of him.

It's better to go back to your hometown.

Although Shenjiaping is a little remote, they have fields and land at home, food and vegetables in the house, and they, as parents, are much better than outside!

"Yeah! Dad, I know, I will find a way to get home!"

Shen Hetian held back tears and choked with sobs as he told his father.

He said this, but he knew it in his heart: the end of the world is coming, zombies are rampant, and the world outside has long been in chaos.

The provincial capital is more than a thousand miles away from their hometown, and it usually takes more than two hours to take a train, plus transfer to a minibus and bumpy mountain roads for more than an hour.

It took a long time to get back to Shenjiaping.

It's the end of the world now, so he doesn't need to go out to see it. He can guess from the many apocalyptic novels he has read that it must be very chaotic outside.

In fact, let alone leaving a provincial capital with a population of nearly 10 million, Shen Hetian, an ordinary college student, cannot guarantee whether he can successfully get out of a campus with 10,000 to 20,000 students.

"Leave school? Are you kidding? Do you know how many people are in our school?"

"Yes, there are so many zombies in just one dormitory like ours. And our school has more than twenty similar dormitories."

"I don't want to run out and die! Let's just stay in the dormitory. The country won't care about us. Maybe after dawn, the police officers and soldiers will come to rescue us!"

"Yes! I think so too!"

"In ordinary disasters, the country will not ignore us, but the problem is that it is the end of the world now! If nothing else, we can't get through the demons and spirits alone now!"

"...Then, I don't want to go out and take risks! Those monsters really can eat people!"

"That's right, let's just wait a moment!"

There were seven or eight people in the dormitory, and everyone had their own ideas.

However, they are roughly divided into two camps:

Several classmates, headed by Wang Zimo, who had seen the horror of zombies, insisted on staying in the dormitory and waiting for rescue.

Shen Hetian, Dong Lina and another boy whose home is in the provincial capital want to rush out of the campus and go home to find their relatives.

"That's enough! Stop arguing. Whether we stay in the dormitory or go home, we can't act immediately now!"

"Yes, it's still dark outside, and we don't know the situation outside!"

"That's right, it's better to wait until dawn before making a decision. Maybe the school leaders will make arrangements."

"...Fortunately, there are two large barrels of pure water in our dormitory. Lao Shen's cousin just sent him several boxes of Internet celebrity delicacies. Even if we stay in the dormitory, we won't go hungry!"

Shen Hetian: ...Those things all belong to me. I haven't spoken yet, but you have made the decision for me first.

Shen Hetian is not stingy. On normal days, his snacks and drinks would be available to the brothers in the dormitory.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

But now is the end of the world.

Moreover, just now because he did not believe that the end of the world was coming, these people scolded him a lot.

Shen Hetian knew that the students probably didn't do it on purpose, they were just too scared and too anxious.

However, understanding is understanding, Shen Hetian still felt a little awkward.

Now, they "confiscated" his supplies without even asking him.

How can Shen Hetian be happy?

"What? Lao Shen, you are not happy? No, are you so stingy?"

It was Wang Zimo who spoke. He keenly sensed that Shen Hetian's mood was not right, so he deliberately stabbed him.

Shen Hetian: ... Damn, you actually want to kidnap me morally?

What is stingy?

I share my things with you out of affection, but withhold them from you out of duty. How come I am so stingy?

The end of the world has just arrived, and there are already differences among several people before they even leave the dormitory.

And Shen Hetian, because of his possession of materials, was artificially made to be the opposite of most people...

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