The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 526 Another rescue mission (5)

[The heroine took the villain script] []

Several people divided up Shen Hetian's supplies, but did not thank him.

Not only because of Wang Zimo’s words, but also because of Shen Hetian’s “unsociability”——

Everyone has no supplies, but Shen Hetian has several boxes;

Most people wanted to stay in the dormitory and wait for rescue. Only Shen Hetian shouted to rush out of the campus.

Dong Lina and another boy originally agreed with Shen Hetian's suggestion, but after seeing the dissatisfied looks in everyone's eyes, they all shut up.

They didn't dare to say anything anymore, there was already an example before them.

It's the end of the world, and they are all ordinary college students. It's really difficult to survive on their own.

They must unite, and the only way to integrate into the "collective" is to "follow the crowd."

Shen Hetian: ...I can’t be depressed anymore.

His supplies were divided, and his girlfriend didn't want to side with him.

He, he actually became a loner and stood on the opposite side of most people.

Of course, the so-called "opposition" is just the anger of young people, not real hatred.

At most, they just don't have a good face towards Shen Hetian, and they will not directly drive Shen Hetian out.

Even so, the feeling of being invisibly isolated is very uncomfortable.

Shen Hetian had a tight breath in his chest, but he couldn't let it out, so he could only grit his teeth and endure it.

The atmosphere in the dormitory became very awkward.

Everyone fell silent, listening to the screams and calls for help outside the window, and enduring the banging of the door by the zombies outside.

Their spirits were highly tense, and their hearts were beating so fast that they almost burst out of their throats.

The way they targeted Shen Hetian just now was actually a way of venting their emotions before they were on the verge of breaking point.

The separation of things also isolated Shen Hetian, and his emotions were slightly released.

However, the crisis outside has not been resolved.

They trembled, opened their eyes in fear and helplessness, and spent the remaining half of the night.

In the tired and nervous eyes of several people, a ray of light finally bloomed on the horizon.

Soon, the sun jumped above the horizon, and the sky slowly became brighter.

"Its daybreak!"

Feeling the brightness outside the window, several young people who were originally tired and scared suddenly became energetic.

There is still a vague expectation in their hearts: maybe everything is just a fantasy in the dark night.

It's dawn, and all the nightmares and sneakiness have disappeared!

The zombies and the apocalypse are probably just illusions born out of staying up late playing cards and games.

Wang Zimo swallowed, walked to the window in a few steps, held the window sill and looked down.

I thought I would see the same scene as usual——

Those who go to the canteen to eat go to the canteen, and those who go to the small playground for jogging and morning exercise go to exercise.

The campus radio station started playing some Internet hits.

The whole morning was lively but not noisy, with a youthful atmosphere unique to the campus.

but no!

Nothing at all!

There are no classmates who go to the cafeteria to eat or go to the classroom in small groups;

There are no beautiful women or muscular men in sportswear doing exercises on the small playground;

There is no such cheerful ambiguity on campus either.

There is nothing but dangling zombies and mutilated corpses!

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

Bang bang!

Bang bang bang!

There was another crash outside the door.

If you listen carefully, you can also hear the sound of "ho-ho" and "ho-ho" mixed in with it.


The kind of monster that will eat the living even if it's dead!

Not a dream!

It’s not a fantasy caused by a dizzy mind!

it is true,

Everything is true!

The end of the world has really come, and their former classmates, teachers, and relatives at home have all turned into zombies.

"...There's a signal!"

"I-I found the broadcast signal!"

"Come and listen, it's an announcement from the government!"

A classmate who was used to tinkering with radios took the radio and operated it, and he actually found the broadcast signal.

He quickly adjusted the frequency modulation, and the sound gradually became clearer from a sizzling sound.

Through the broadcast, everyone finally confirmed——

The end of the world has indeed come, and the world is in chaos, but their local government still temporarily prepared a survivor base in the Wetland Park north of the provincial capital.

In addition, in the next few days, the garrison in the provincial capital will enter the city to collect zombies and search for survivors.

Several meeting points were announced on the radio, and nearby survivors could rush there as soon as possible.

When the time comes, the garrison will escort everyone to the base.


After listening to the broadcast, several young people were a little stunned.

They didn't know whether to be sad or grateful.

Sadly, the end of the world has really come, their lives are about to be reversed, and they, their relatives and friends are also in danger.

Fortunately, the country did not abandon them. It took action the day after the end of the world, building bases and sending troops to rescue.

"Wow, my dad really turned into a zombie, I, I have no home!"

"...My mother is also dead, as well as my grandparents, this is the end of the world!"

"Fortunately, we were not abandoned, and someone came to save us. It is a blessing in misfortune."

"Yes, our D University is a gathering point. We don't have to run out, Brother Bing will come to save us."

Several young men and women felt sad and sad at first, and then relaxed for a while——

It's so dangerous outside, they don't need to rush out, they just need to stay in the dormitory and wait for Brother Bing's rescue!

Anyway, there is food, drink and a separate bathroom in the dormitory.

As long as the doors and windows are blocked to prevent zombies from breaking in, they can survive.

Shen Hetian: ...Those things to eat are mine! You took things away, but you still deliberately isolated me. This is simply too much.

And subsequent facts proved that in the last days, people can go even further.

Xu Shi finally learned the news from the outside world and confirmed that there was rescue. The few young people no longer had the despair and fear.

Afraid, still afraid, after all, frightening and tragic scenes are happening outside the door and outside the window at any time.

However, at least they have hope in their hearts.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

Several people began to think of ways to kill time in the small room.

As for Shen Hetian, he didn't know whether he was really infected by the virus or because his mood swings were so severe that he suddenly developed a fever.

"It was said on the radio that this disaster was caused by the meteor shower last night."

"An inexplicable virus landed on the Blue Star with the meteorite. Many people had fevers and comas, and when they woke up, they turned into monsters like that!"

"Oh, won't Shen Hetian also become a zombie?"

"...It is also possible that they transformed into people with super powers. It seems to have been mentioned on the radio that a very small number of people have activated super powers, such as those who breathe fire, those who sprinkle water, as well as Hercules and Scud..."

"It's impossible to say for sure. Just in case, let's tie up Shen Hetian!"

Although a few people "isolated" Shen Hetian, they did not go out and felt the cruelty and bloodshed of the end of the world.

Now, they are all innocent college students.

Shen Hetian is not their enemy, but their classmate and roommate.

Although they had just had a bit of trouble and were forming cliques like children, they never thought of killing each other.

But they are also really afraid.

Have you never eaten pork or seen a pig running?

It has been mentioned in apocalyptic novels, and the broadcast information also confirmed that the plot in the novel really exists.

Shen Hetian has a fever, which is most likely due to a "change".

It's okay to become a superpower, but once they become zombies, all of them will be finished.

It was Wang Zimo who stood up, tore the sheets into strips and tied up "Shen Hetian".

He Tiantian:......

Being tied up as soon as you put it on is really a new experience.

Yes, He Tiantian walked in when Shen Hetian was burned to a coma.

She used her spiritual power to clear the meridians of her body, and viruses and other things were driven out of her body.

However, I don't know if this body has been traveled through time once, and He Tiantian traveled through it again, but the fit with the body was not very smooth.

Even though her soul is powerful, it will take some time to completely control this body.

However, reality did not give He Tiantian this time.

As soon as a few people tied up "Shen Aotian", a loudspeaker sounded outside the campus.

"The garrison is here! They are indeed here to save us!"

"Great, we are finally saved!"

"Quick! Pack your things quickly, let's gather at the east gate!"

"That's right! Everyone, hurry up. Just food and water, don't bring any other messy things!"

"...Where is Shen Hetian? What should he do?"

Several people hurriedly took action, packing up their things, looking for backpacks and weapons, and continuing to search.

Dong Lina endured it again and again, but in the end she still remembered her boyfriend and whispered something.

Her voice was soft, but everyone in the room heard it.

As if the pause button had been pressed, the busy people stopped.

However, after a few seconds, several people began to continue their actions.

None of them spoke, but their meaning was already very clear——

They will not leave with a burden like Shen Hetian.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

But they won't express their opinions. After all, they still maintain their basic integrity and bottom line.

At most, they just pretend not to hear, pretend that Shen Hetian doesn't exist.

It was Wang Zimo who did not pretend to be deaf and dumb. He sighed, "We are all ordinary people. Facing the end of the world, we really have no ability to help others!"

"However, the garrison should be able to help. When we get to the gathering point, tell them about Shen Hetian's situation, and they will probably come to rescue him!"

When Wang Zimo spoke, everyone seemed to be encouraged, and they all agreed: "Yes! The prince is right!"

"Although we don't have to cross the entire campus, we still have to run to the east gate. It's already very difficult for us to run by ourselves. We really can't care about an unconscious person!"

Hearing several people chattering, Dong Lina didn't look good, and her lips moved a few times, trying to say something.

Among them was a girl who didn't get along well with Dong Lina. She was very disgusted when she saw Dong Lina's "relentless" look.

She curled her lips and said coldly, "If you are really worried, then just stay in the dormitory with Shen Hetian."

Dong Lina: ...I'm not stupid, I don't want to wait to die alone in the dormitory.

Dong Lina really likes Shen Hetian, and the love between the two is the purest and most beautiful first love.

But Dong Lina also knew very well that the situation of her little boyfriend was very bad.

If everyone helps, maybe we can get him out together.

If she was alone——

Tsk tsk, it’s obvious that the two of them will die together.

Dong Lina's feelings for Shen Hetian have not yet reached the point of "committing life and death".

"It's not that I don't love him enough, but I still have a family, and I want to go back to find my parents alive!"

Dong Lina secretly comforted herself in her heart.

Perhaps there were sufficient reasons, and Dong Lina was convinced.

She ignored the girl's provocation and said softly, "The prince is right. Let's run out to find the garrison for help and ask them to rescue Hetian!"

He Tiantian: ...Although I understand Dong Lina's selfishness, I still can't help but feel disappointed and sad when I put in the feelings of the original owner.

Alas, the human heart really cannot stand the test.

Let's just say they are just boyfriend and girlfriend, even if they are a real couple, when disaster strikes, it is difficult to guarantee not to betray!

He Tiantian understands Dong Lina and will not blame Wang Zimo and other classmates. Sacrificing oneself to save others is a noble state, and being selfish and self-preserving is human nature.

"Shen Hetian" is indeed a burden now and a "time bomb".

Wang Zimo and others just left him in the dormitory, which was not too much.

However, what happened next made He Tiantian unforgivable——

I don't know whether they were in a hurry to escape or were too panicked. When several people left the dormitory with the supplies "divided" from Shen Hetian, they actually forgot to close the door.

They left Shen Hetian, who was tied into a rice dumpling, lying on the floor of the dormitory. The door was not opened widely, but it was also ajar.

He Tiantian:! ! !

It's too much, this, this is simply murder!

Don't they know there are zombies wandering in the corridor outside?

Even if you don't bother to lock the door, it's better to lock Shen Hetian in the bathroom before leaving.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

As a result, Wang Zimo, who was walking at the back, seemed to have "forgot" and just closed the door.

Forget about locking the door with a key, he didn't even close the door!

Fortunately, the movement of several people running out attracted the zombies.

There were also students running out from other floors in the dormitory, or from the dormitory building next door.

For a moment, there was a loud noise, and the nearby zombies roared and chased after him.

He Tiantian escaped disaster for the time being!

However, when the zombies cannot catch up with the fleeing students, or when they are "full of food and drink" and occasionally turn around and continue wandering around the dormitory building, they can always find this big living person in the dormitory.

"That's too much! Tiantian, that prince must have done it on purpose!"

"And that girl is still the girlfriend of the original owner. Even if she doesn't want to stay with the original owner, she still needs to be properly settled!"

"Help lock the door, or get a mop to block the door. You can also ward off zombies."

"In this way, the garrison troops who come to search and rescue can also save the original owner in time!"

He Tiantian was secretly angry, and classmate Little D couldn't help it, and jumped out and kept shouting.

He Tiantian: ...You see, even Xiao D, a mentally retarded person, saw the problem. This shows that Wang Zimo and Dong Lina are not really kind!

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