The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 527 Another rescue mission (6)

[The heroine took the villain script] []

He Tiantian suppressed the anger in her chest and continued to practice her junior uncle's Wuji Jue.

She could not completely integrate with this body, otherwise, with a little effort, she would be able to break away from the strips of cloth wrapped around her body.

But the dredging of her body's meridians and getting rid of the virus had already consumed all the spiritual energy she had gathered.

Now, if he wants to completely control his body, He Tiantian still needs to continue to work hard.

The surrounding dark energy is very abundant, and the martial arts master's Wuji Jue is very domineering.

If the surge of energy could be visualized, everyone would see that He Tiantian was like a vacuum cleaner, using full power to absorb the surrounding black gas.

After the operation of the technique, the huge energy turns into strands of spiritual energy, which travels through the four meridians and eight meridians of the body, and finally gathers in the Dantian.


Bang bang!

Heavy, chaotic footsteps came from far and near.

A zombie that could only be described as terrifying and swaying was walking unconsciously in the corridor.

They have no emotions, no consciousness, and are like walking zombies.

However, when they passed by the second floor, they vaguely smelled the smell of fresh flesh and blood.

There is food!

Fresh and delicious humans!

Zombies have no thoughts, but they have the instinct to eat.

So, several zombies tilted their bodies, roaring hoarsely, and walked all the way towards the half-open door on the second floor.

He Tiantian is still practicing, and a certain amount of spiritual power has gathered in the Dantian in her body.

not enough!

She wants more!

However, the zombies were getting closer and closer, and He Tiantian could vaguely smell the putrid smell without looking up.


The door was knocked open.

Several zombies that were originally slow-moving became excited when they felt that "food" was right in front of them.

They quickened their pace, raised their two claws covered with long gray nails, and rushed straight towards He Tiantian on the ground.

He Tiantian opened her eyes suddenly and saw at close range some dark red blood or flesh residue in the gaps between several long gray nails.

The disgusting saliva flowing out of the zombies' mouths almost dripped onto He Tiantian's face.

"Tiantian! Hurry!"

Although Little D believes in the strength of his friends, the feeling of being so close to danger still makes him feel urgent.

It was jumping crazily in the depths of He Tiantian's sea of ​​consciousness, shouting constantly.

Well, that’s it!

He Tiantian's Qi moved his Dantian, and his body exerted force.


Like a special effect in a movie or TV show, the cloth strips tightly wrapped around the original owner burst open instantly.

Torn strips of cloth, debris scattered everywhere.

Some of the strips of cloth even hit the zombies directly, knocking away the monsters who were about to "have a feast".

He Tiantian jumped up from the ground like a carp.

She grabbed a strip of cloth scattered on her body and whipped it directly towards several zombies like a whip.


Bang! Bang! Bang!

He Tiantian's aim was very precise, and the "cloth whip" hit the zombie's head.

She poured spiritual power into her hand, so when she whipped it down, the zombie's head was shot directly.

After a few swings, all the zombies in the room were killed.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

He Tiantian kicked the body a few more times, kicked the body out, and then closed the door.

She poured spiritual power into her fingers and drew a defensive talisman in the void.


As the talisman is drawn successfully,

An invisible barrier enveloped the entire room.

The zombies in the corridor who were attracted by the sound or the smell of living people followed their instincts and continued to collide.

Their claws, heads or bodies are all blocked by a transparent film.

No matter how hard they collide, they cannot break through this line of defense.


He Tiantian let out a breath and moved his limbs, feeling the body that was slightly rejecting him.

"Little D, the situation is a bit strange!"

He Tiantian used her soul to control her body, pulled out Little D and asked, "This body is always rejecting me!"

This is very strange.

He Tiantian has traveled through so many times, and basically every time he can fuse with the original owner's body in the shortest time.

He Tiantian had some guesses about this, and classmate Little D once explained——

Although the system randomly assigns scripts to writers, the characters chosen are basically those who are more in tune with the writer's soul.

The most direct evidence is that all the characters in He Tiantian's time travel have words such as "He, Tian" in their names.

It may have the same pronunciation but different characters, or there may be deletions, but it must have something to do with He Tiantian's own name.

This time, although the original owner's name also contained the words "He and Tian", He Tiantian always felt like being rejected by her body.

"Uh, well..." Little D muttered in embarrassment.

By the way, even his powerful little friends can't figure out such a question, so how can his mentally retarded assistant know?

However, He Tiantian asked a question. As a qualified assistant, even if he didn't know, he still had to find a way to answer it.

"Maybe it's a rescue mission. This body has already experienced time travel once, and now it's a second time. He may not be able to bear it!"

"Or maybe it's a virus that's causing trouble——"

When the word "virus" was mentioned, Little D seemed to have thought of something and said hurriedly: "Tiantian, there is a bad situation——"

He Tiantian no longer had any expectations for Little D, so she replied leisurely: "Say!"

What else could happen?

It's just that for this mission, there is no clear second version of the script, so they don't know which plot character the virus-evolved wild system will be bound to.

Unable to determine the "host" of the wild tradition, He Tiantian, the writer, has no clear goal.

How could she successfully kill the virus? Do the task? !

"I can't feel the energy fluctuations of the wild system." Little D said anxiously.

He Tiantian said lightly, "Maybe the wild beast hasn't come yet."

"No, this small world suddenly turned into the apocalypse, and the air around it was filled with violent dark energy!"

With so much dark energy, even if the wild system comes, little D will not be able to detect it.

To use an analogy, it is like a drop of ink dripping into a sewage pool. It is difficult for Little D to distinguish it.

"Tiantian, what should we do? I can't feel the energy fluctuations of the wild system, so I can't lock on to the target. How can we complete our mission?"

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

Little D’s classmate cried.

It finally understood why the last contributor failed.

Wow, you don't even know the target, how can you kill it with poison? !

"Oh, Tiantian, I'm sorry, I, I can't help you anymore, am I so useless!"

Little D’s classmate started to cry loudly.

He Tiantian: ...You also know that you are useless.

However, no matter how mentally retarded Mr. D is, he is still the son of his family, and there is no other way but to pamper him.

He Tiantian's forehead twitched, and she suppressed the speechlessness in her heart. She said slowly: "Don't worry, I will find the target person and successfully complete the mission!"

Little D's eyes suddenly lit up, "Tiantian, have you thought of a way?"

He Tiantian didn't want to complain about little classmate D's good-for-nothing anymore, so she reminded her patiently: "Little classmate D, do you still remember the nature of the 'virus'?"

Little D gave the answer without thinking: "Of course they are stealing the energy of the novel world! They are all thieves, and they want to take away the benefits that belong to our Dianniang system! They -"

"Stop!" He Tiantian didn't want to listen to Little D's classmate's words criticizing the virus. This child's vocabulary was too poor and he always said the same thing.

He Tiantian could remember it all by heart.

"And what is the support point of the novel world? What is the specific manifestation of energy?" She continued to guide.

Classmate Little D tentatively replied: "Protagonist? Is it the protagonist's aura of the male protagonist or the female protagonist?"


Not stupid enough!

He Tiantian nodded with satisfaction.

Little D finally came to his senses and regretted that he had no hands, otherwise he would have given He Tiantian two thumbs up: "Awesome!"

"Tiantian, you are so amazing!"

"Yes, why didn't I think that if the virus wants to steal the energy of the small world, it must start with the child of the world?"

"As long as we find the protagonist of this small world, we can find clues to the wild tradition!"

The male protagonist of this novel world is Shen Aotian, the distant cousin of the body that He Tiantian traveled through.

"That's right! That's the truth!"

He Tiantian said softly that if he found Shen Aotian, he would have a chance to discover the host of the wild system.

As for how to confirm who is the "host", just see if he or she has any obvious "transformation".

Of course, this is easier said than done, but very difficult to do.

It would be okay if it was a peaceful time, but if a person gets a golden finger, no matter how hard he covers it up, flaws will be revealed.

But the problem is, they are in the last days now.

There are zombies and supernatural powers.

Even the most ordinary person will undergo earth-shaking changes once his powers are activated.

It is really difficult to determine whether the opponent has real powers or is bound by a wild system.

He Tiantian sighed secretly in her heart.

Feeling her mood swings, the mentally retarded assistant, Little D, became shrewd and said, "Tiantian, you don't have to worry too much!"

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

"Don't forget, because of the predatory nature of the virus, it will inevitably conflict with the protagonist!"

"Even if they don't want to be enemies with the protagonist, they will still stand against the protagonist because of their interests!"


As long as you find someone who has transformed and is an enemy of the protagonist Shen Aotian, you can find the wild tradition.

Although it is still impossible to directly target, you can narrow down the scope of candidates.

"Oh, that's good, little classmate D, your ability to draw inferences from one example is getting stronger and stronger!"

He Tiantian was not being sarcastic, but sincerely sighing.

"Hey, it's okay!"

Classmate Little D was a little embarrassed by the praise, so she twisted her round body and whispered.

After joking a bit with classmate Little D, He Tiantian started making plans.

First, she had to rush back to Shenjiaping's hometown to ensure the safety of the original owner's parents.

Firstly, it is for the cause and effect of traveling through time;

Secondly, hey, with the sweetness of the previous world, He Tiantian also wants to get "Shen Hetian's gratitude."

He Tiantian felt that if the original owner could be reborn and faced the apocalypse, he would definitely try his best to protect his parents.

In addition to these utilitarian reasons, He Tiantian also hopes to save more people with her own abilities.

She is not the Virgin, but she has the basic three views and bottom line.

Helping more people within the scope of your ability is not only a good deed, but also a way to accumulate merit for yourself.

When she travels through the world in a book, she can't just do tasks, she can do more.

Besides, her kindness might be rewarded.

For example, this time, she returned to her hometown to protect the original owner's parents. Maybe the male protagonist Shen Aotian is also in Shenjiaping.

After all, Shen Aotian's parents and relatives are also in his hometown.

As a male protagonist with upright views, emphasis on friendship, and responsibility, even if the end of the world comes, he will do his best to bring his relatives under his wing.

Secondly, it cannot be said that Wang Zimo and other classmates owe their lives to the original owner, but they are not innocent either.

He Tiantian won't kill them, but at least let people know what they did.

People may not reach the height of sacrificing themselves to save others, but they cannot backstab their companions either.

They took the original owner's supplies, tied him up, and left him in an unlocked room.

Even if it is not intentional, it cannot be completely washed away.

Moreover, who can guarantee that they, especially Wang Zimo, really did it "unintentionally"?

Even if he doesn't take "revenge", He Tiantian still wants to get the supplies back.

She has space and does not lack these things, but thinking from the perspective of the original owner, He Tiantian feels that the original owner should not be willing to let these white-eyed wolves take advantage of her.

"Oh, yes, Tiantian, we still have room."

As soon as He Tiantian thought of "space", Little D started jumping up and down happily.

"I remember that before you started the mission, Duan Yong specially replenished you with a lot of supplies, and you put them all into the space!"

"Quick, use your spiritual sense to check and see if those supplies are still there?"

Classmate Little D urged her so hard, but deep down she was very calm.

Because it knows that He Tiantian's space is bound to the soul.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

She can use it whether in the real world or the fictional world.

And the items stored in the space will always exist.

He Tiantian also knew this, but in order to make herself more at ease, He Tiantian still used his spiritual sense to explore——


This, what is this situation?

Even though He Tiantian was mentally strong and calm, she was also shocked by what she saw "before her eyes".

Student D, on the other hand, shouted directly: "Holy shit! Isn't it? The space has been upgraded?"

"Will the main system be so generous? Impossible!"

This guy was probably so surprised that he even shouted out the truth deep in his core.

He Tiantian had three black lines hanging from his forehead.

However, now is not the time to complain about Little D's classmate. All her attention is attracted by the "space" deep in the sea of ​​consciousness.

Little D’s classmate was right, her space has really been upgraded.

From a 1*2*5 space box with only 10 cubic meters, it directly turned into a small world.

Yes, a small world.

There are mountains, water, cultivated fields, and a small wooden house. The yard of the wooden house is surrounded by a fence. There is also a spiritual spring in the yard, which is bubbling...

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