The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 530 Another rescue mission (9)

[The heroine took the villain script] []

"Shen Hetian, you, how did you—"

At the east gate, hundreds of students gathered.

In the roaring crowd, Shen Hetian's girlfriend, roommates and classmates could not hide their horror and huddled in the corner.

Fortunately, they rushed all the way from the dormitory to the east gate, encountered zombies, but were not injured, and successfully arrived at the meeting point.

However, this process is not a good memory for them.

The roaring monsters, the screams of the surrounding classmates, the blood stains, organs, flesh and blood scattered on the road, etc., all shocked the few young people who had not yet left the university campus.

It was only at this time that they felt for themselves that "the end of the world is coming."

As scheming as Wang Zimo is, he is also frightened like a frightened bird by the cruelty of reality.

Come to think of it, no matter how good he is at scheming, he is only a senior in his early twenties.

They know that society is cruel and understand that there is a gap between reality and dreams, but the end of the world is too far away from them.

The zombie crisis in movies and TV series and the bloody apocalypse on the Internet are just pastimes for them to pass the time.

When they're actually in it, it's really hard for them to adapt.

Several people hugged their backpacks and nestled tightly together, shivering like a few baby birds in a storm.

Just when they were in shock and fear, they suddenly saw someone who shouldn't be there, and they blurted out in shock.

"Surprised to see me?"

He Tiantian was holding an engineering shovel in her hand, and the surface of the shovel made of jet black stainless steel was covered with dried blood.

There are some suspicious debris between the serrations of the shovel blade.

Wang Zimo, Dong Lina and others did not dare to think about what these debris were.

But the "Shen Hetian" in front of them made them feel danger and oppression: his eyes were cold, his body was covered in blood, he was holding a sharp weapon, and his whole person exuded a huge sense of oppression.

This person is different from their impression...?

My classmate (boyfriend) is very different, he seems to be an avenger crawling back from hell!

the Avengers? !

Uh, what, they really shouldn't leave Shen Hetian behind, but it's their instinct to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages, and to protect themselves prudently.

They are just classmates (boyfriends) and have no direct responsibility relationship either by blood or legally.

Shen Hetian cannot hold these ordinary people to the standards of a saint.

"Hetian, there is nothing we can do. We are all ordinary college students. We don't even have the ability to protect ourselves, so how can we save others?"

Wang Zimo took a few deep breaths and tried his best to return his disordered heartbeat to normal.

He smiled and tried to explain the facts and reason with "Shen Hetian".

"...I have a fever, but you think I have the zombie virus, even though I obviously have no contact with zombies!"

"But it doesn't matter. You were afraid that I would turn into a zombie, so you tied me up just in case!"

"The radio said that the garrison was coming, and asked everyone to gather at the east gate. It's understandable that you don't want to take me with you. After all, you are not mine, so it is normal to leave me alone."

"But you should not continue to tie me up, and you should not even close the door when you leave. Have you forgotten that there are zombies wandering in the corridor outside the door?"

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

"...Oh, by the way, you said that you didn't leave me alone, but came to ask the garrison to save me!"

"Then I just want to ask, you have been escaping for a while, have you ever told the garrison about me?"

He Tiantian was not polite at all.

Tell everything about what Wang Zimo and others did.

Especially the last sentence. Although He Tiantian hasn't been verified yet, she bets that looking at the frightened looks of these people, they can't even keep their emotions calm and can't even care about the roommate they left in the dormitory. (boyfriend).

Sure enough, after hearing He Tiantian's words, especially the last question, the always sharp-tongued Wang Zimo was choked up. # b... ... ?

br # Dong Lina and the others were even more guilty: Damn it, they had really forgotten Shen Hetian.

After finally arriving at the east gate, they finally saw the large troops gathered. They were only worried and thankful, and had already forgotten Shen Hetian.

"Hetian, we, we were too scared, and you don't know, we experienced particularly terrible things when we escaped from the campus."

"...I'm sorry, Hetian, we didn't mean it!"

"Yeah, we were really scared. But we didn't forget about you—"

"Tch! What are you trying to explain? What if you forget? We are just classmates, not his, so why should we be responsible for his safety!" Even they themselves escaped after all the hardships.

If no one else came to save them, why should they be judged by Shen Hetian like sinners?

A few people apologized guiltily at first, but as they spoke, some of them shouted dissatisfiedly.

These words may sound a little cold, but when you think about the end of the world that they are in, and when they just escaped from the campus, many students, in order to escape, did not hesitate to use the people around them as human shields...

Compared with those people, Wang Zimo felt that they were good enough.

At most they didn't save Shen Hetian, but they didn't harm him either!

"No! No! If you don't kill someone directly, doesn't it count as harming someone?"

The little fat man Fei Hanqing hid behind He Tiantian and secretly listened to their conversation, roughly figuring out the situation.

He looked at the big boss with a little sympathy in his eyes, but more importantly, he felt the same way - we were all the same fallen people in the world!

It turns out that like the big brother, he is a poor person who was abandoned by his roommates.

However, it seems that the boss is more pitiful than him. Although he, Fei Hanqing, was abandoned by his roommates, he was not tied up hand and foot by them and thrown into the dormitory with the door open.

There are a lot of zombies in the dormitory building.

Fei Hanqing doesn’t even need to kiss... ?

Just by looking at it and just thinking about it, you can deduce the crisis of the big boss at that time.

It is estimated that the boss broke out at that time.

It was also mentioned in the broadcast that in addition to the initial virus triggering superpowers, people in desperate situations may also activate superpowers.

A flash of light flashed in Fei Hanqing's harmless eyes.

However, he has a lot of fat on his face, which makes his eyes, which are not big enough, a bit small.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

If outsiders didn't observe carefully, it would be difficult to notice the change in his eyes.

Feeling that he had guessed the "truth", Fei Mazai, who wanted to hug his thigh, did not hesitate at all, and immediately made a strange move.

"It's understandable that you tie people up and say it's to prevent them from turning into zombies!"

"But when you left, you didn't close the door, and directly exposed the brothers sleeping under the same roof to the minions of zombies. This is not simply 'seeking advantages and avoiding disadvantages', but a murder on horseback. ah!"

Fei Hanqing was not polite at all and directly tore off the disguise of Wang Zimo and others.

"What murder? Don't say it so harshly!"

"That's right, we were just too panicked and forgot to close the door for a moment!"

"That's right, that's right. If you're not talking about us, you're yourselves. When you're running for your life, do you still have the time to close and lock the door?"

"...Hetian, we did make some mistakes, but we really didn't mean it!"

Wang Zimo and others hurriedly defended themselves.

Although it is the end of the world, everyone is doing their own thing. This is a normal choice.

However, after all, the end of the world has just arrived, and people have witnessed the cruelty and bloodshed of the end of the world, but they have not yet completely distorted and lost their humanity.

Especially when young college students like Wang Zimo are most concerned about face and reputation.

Although they felt that they were excusable when their "selfishness" and "cruelty" were exposed in public, the looks and whispers of the people around them still burned their self-esteem and face.

Of course, there is the most... ?

The most important thing is that they themselves say that "not saving others is a normal choice," but now they still need Brother Bing's rescue and protection.

They can even abandon their "brothers" who have lived in the same dormitory for three or four years, so why should they ask Brother Bing, whom they have never met, to do his best to save them? !

This is a complete double standard!

He Tiantian saw that they were eager to explain, but they kept saying: My dear, this is the end of the world, and you can't use the moral standards of the past to demand others.

Their choices are all human nature.

Maybe they hurt "Shen Hetian", but they didn't mean it.

He Tiantian:......

Okay, although it is a bit far-fetched, it is not unreasonable.

"Okay, I understand you, you didn't mean to murder me!"

He Tiantian curled her lips and glanced at the backpacks of several people one by one, "Yes, it's the end of the world, why should I ask you for the moral principles of peace times?"

Wang Zimo and others heard what He Tiantian said, but they were not at all relieved.

Especially Wang Zimo, he was uneasy and always felt that there would be a "but" for "Shen Hetian".

No, here comes the turning point!

He Tiantian sneered, "Even so, please return the supplies that belong to me!"

"After all, as you say, this is the end of the world, and everyone should take care of themselves. Sharing, sharing hardships, etc., that is what is required of a saint!"

"I cannot use the standards of a saint to kidnap you morally. By the same token, you cannot make me sacrifice myself for others!"

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

Hearing this, Wang Zimo and the others subconsciously hugged the backpacks in their arms.

These are their lives!

Although it was their first time to experience the apocalypse, they all understood the importance of materials, whether it was from the plot they saw or based on common sense.

Without food and drink, even if they escaped from the campus and went to the survivor base, it would be difficult for them to survive.

... ... ?

"Boss, do you mean that these people 'shared' your supplies, but left you in a dormitory with zombies roaming and the door open? Or were you tied up?"

Fei Hanqing was very smart. He was afraid that the people around him would not understand what the big boss meant, so he pretended to be confused and emphasized the "key points" again.

Seeing how clever Fei Hanqing was, He Tiantian felt more and more that it would be really good to have a younger brother and a Ma Zai to help her scold others.

She nodded slightly, "Yes, my cousin is in business. He just mailed me several large boxes of Internet celebrity delicacies two days ago, including bottled drinks, chocolate, energy bars, instant chicken breasts, sausages, etc. Self-heating hotpot…”

"After the apocalypse came, these classmates and roommates of mine fled back to their dormitories. They didn't have any food supplies themselves, so they asked me to share these supplies!"

"The most ridiculous thing is that I don't have a share in my things. After they took the supplies, they threw me directly to the zombies!"

Speaking of this, He Tiantian's face showed sadness. It was obvious that these classmates of the original owner were not just normal "selfish and cold-hearted", but had broken through certain bottom lines and seemed to have the trend of being the best.

"No way! No way! It's already 2202, and everyone is born after 2000, but there is still such a double-standard Bichi?"

Fei Hanqing continued to cosplay Onmyoji. He deliberately used an exaggerated expression and a sinister tone to mercilessly bully Wang Zimo and others: "When dividing things, what is the importance of brotherhood and mutual help!"

"While running for their lives, they used the excuse 'It's the end of the world and everyone needs to look after themselves'."

"Do your parents and teachers know that you have such double standards?"

"Where's your face? Where's your face? How could you have the nerve to take other people's supplies, but leave their bundled stuff to the zombies as snacks?!"

"You hurt others, but you let others understand you! Now, people want to get back what originally belonged to them, why can't you understand others?!"

"Co-author, you only 'understand' the principles that are beneficial to you. ... ?

Tsk tsk, this is your first time, why are you so special? "

"Stop talking nonsense and return the things quickly!"

While Fei Hanqing was talking with all his strength, he took advantage of the fact that several people were ashamed and defenseless and rushed forward quickly.

He pulled hard and actually snatched them all back.

Wang Zimo and others only felt the pain in their palms from being pulled, and they reacted instantly.

"Damn fat man! What are you doing?"

"How dare you steal our things?"

"Come back, hurry up and return our things!"

Several people shouted angrily at Fei Hanqing.

That angry look and eager tone seemed to be Fei Hanqing's eternal enemy.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

Fei Hanqing was a master who pretended to be powerful. He grabbed a few backpacks and without saying a word, he hid behind He Tiantian.

He Tiantian: ...What a nimble little fat guy, what a smart little boy.

Although Fei Hanqing is a little cautious, his words and deeds are not annoying.

He Tiantian even felt that Fei Hanqing's yin and yang look just now made her very satisfied.

Seeing Wang Zimo and others erupting, she said nothing, with a cold face, and directly pointed the military shovel in her hand at several people.

The jet-black military shovel seemed less powerful and domineering than something like a machete.

However, the one in He Tiantian's hand was covered in blood, and looking at it made people feel cold and evil.

Coupled with He Tiantian's expressionless expression, Wang Zimo and others swallowed their saliva and couldn't help but take a few steps back...


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