The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 531 Another rescue mission (10)


How terrible!

When did Shen Hetian become so imposing? !

That look, that indifference, was like a devil slain from hell.

Wang Zimo and the others were just ordinary young people. Even if the end of the world came and their classmates and teachers turned into zombies, they would not dare to do anything.

Killing and other things are really far away for college students who grew up in a peaceful and law-abiding society.

Even though they enjoy slashing and killing in the game, in reality, let alone killing people, they rarely get into physical conflicts with others.

As for "Shen Hetian" in front of them, although they didn't see each other killing people with their own eyes, oh no, they were killing zombies.

But just looking at the blood stains on "his" body and the marks on the weapons in his hands, they dared to conclude: This guy has killed countless zombies!

They really don't have the courage to confront such evil spirits!

"Are you curious how our boss Shen became so powerful?"

As if he had seen through the astonishment and confusion of Wang Zimo and others, Fei Hanqing poked half of his fat head out from behind He Tiantian and said coquettishly: "Hey, speaking of which, I also want to thank you -"

Wang Zimo and Dong Lina looked surprised: Does Shen Hetian's transformation have anything to do with us?

"Of course it does matter! If you hadn't actively abided by the 'laws of the apocalypse' and 'unintentionally' left our boss in the dormitory where the door was wide open and zombies could come in and bite people at any time, our boss Shen wouldn't have been in a critical moment. All potential was unleashed.”

"Boss Shen broke the restraints, killed the zombies, slashed them all the way, and even saved me..."

Fei Hanqing seemed to have really witnessed "Shen Hetian" transforming in a desperate situation and fiercely fighting his way out of the dormitory. He praised "Shen Hetian" for his majesty and prowess without any hesitation or hesitation.

Although he was just guessing, it seemed to make some sense.

At least Wang Zimo and others all listened. They looked at each other, and they couldn't help but peek at "Shen Hetian" with the corner of their eyes.

His face was uncertain, and he didn't know what kind of emotional changes he had gone through in his heart.

Especially Wang Zimo, the envy and jealousy in his eyes almost turned into reality!

How can it be?

He, he was secretly jealous that Shen Hetian, a poor boy from a remote mountain village, could fall in love with Dong Lina, a class beauty who was born in a provincial capital.

Taking advantage of the opportunity of the end of the world, he "accidentally" left Shen Hetian in a desperate situation.

I originally thought that Shen Hetian would definitely die, but unexpectedly, not only did he not die, but he was a blessing in disguise!

What on earth is Wang Zimo doing?

He wasn't taking the opportunity to retaliate, but he was doing Shen Hetian a big favor.

Wang Zimo did not think about the dangers that "Shen Hetian" might experience during his "transformation".

After all, people don't burn their potential easily, and they can only make breakthroughs at the critical moment of a narrow escape!

Wang Zimo just saw that "Shen Hetian" was able to escape from the zombie-infested campus on his own.

Now it is even more like a evil god. Just one look can make these ordinary college students tremble and fear.

And that damn fat man, kneeling and licking "Shen Hetian" like this, must have seen "his" fighting power with his own eyes, and then rushed to be "him"'s pawn.

Realizing this, Wang Zimo's heart was filled with regret, and his handsome face could not help but twist.

"Okay, now that I have my things back, I have nothing to do with you anymore!"

When He Tiantian saw Fei Hanqing's guessing words, Wang Zimo was so angry that he was beyond recognition. She suddenly felt angry and funny.

But, it’s more fun!

Again, she could understand the "selfishness" of Wang Zimo and others, but she would not agree with it.

Just like Fei Hanqing said, people can't have double standards, right!

"Shen Hetian, you have gone too far. How could you take something away?"

"That's right, you are bullying!"

"Yes, do you really think that the end of the world will bring chaos to social order?"

"Hetian, how could you do this to me? I've already said, I won't abandon you on purpose, but, but -"

Several people were robbed of their things and violently stimulated by Fei Hanqing, and they were all a little emotional.

In their anger, they temporarily ignored He Tiantian's terrifying momentum and gathered around him one after another.

Dong Lina was among a few people, with disbelief in her beautiful eyes, and even more grievance and sadness.

It seemed that it was difficult for her to accept that her boyfriend was so ruthless to her.

He Tiantian: ...You chose to "follow the crowd" and followed Wang Zimo and others to confront the original owner. In the end, when you directly abandoned him, why didn't you talk about "emotions"?

"Ouch, now you know what to call 'bullying' to our Boss Shen?"

"When you forced Mr. Shen to 'share' supplies before, wasn't it because you had more people?"

"When you force others to have feelings, it's reasonable. But when others take back what belongs to them, is that bullying?"

"Who do you think you are? God? You have the final say?"

Fei Hanqing is like an excellent Ma Zai. When someone provokes his boss, he is the first to jump out and help scold him.

He is fat, but he doesn't look greasy. Instead, he looks a bit cute.

When you curse, no matter how harsh the words are, you still smile.

The dimples around the mouth are looming, making people feel very friendly.

Furthermore, even his swearing behavior no longer seemed vulgar or offensive.

"You guys are really interesting. People talk to you about morality, laws, and human relations, but you just say it's the end of the world, and people should seek advantages and avoid disadvantages, and be selfish and indifferent!"

"People follow your 'laws of the end of the world' and value strength, but you are starting to talk about social order and play the emotional card!"

"Please, please have some face and don't have such double standards, okay?"

Fei Hanqing's verbal skills should not be underestimated.

Weird, sharp and mean, his crackling phone calls only made a few people blush.

Wang Zimo \u0026 Dong Lina \u0026 everyone: ...very angry!

Even if you scold him, you can't scold Ma Zai next to Shen Hetian;

Fight, haha, together they probably can't beat the "transformed" Shen Hetian.

If he wants to carry out a moral kidnapping and use the people around him to suppress public opinion, there is no need for Shen Hetian to step forward himself.

It only takes Hanqing's mouth to tsk, and he can tear off the skin of several people!

But the people around him still maintain the enthusiasm and kindness of young people.

Although they couldn't stand He Tiantian's "bullying", they also disagreed with Wang Zimo and others' previous "innocent mistakes" and so-called sharing of materials.

Neither side supported it, so they simply looked on with cold eyes.

The atmosphere at the scene suddenly became very awkward.

After a while, the leader of the garrison announced their departure, and everyone woke up.

Set off?

Only a few hundred people gathered at the east school gate gathering point.

Although it looks like the crowd is full of heads, it seems like there are a lot of people.

But the students have all seen the grand occasion of military training for freshmen. It was only freshmen, with only two to three thousand people.

As for D University, it is said that there are more than 10,000 students in the school.

There are also teachers and family members of staff dormitories.

The entire D University campus has nearly 20,000 people at least.

But now, there are less than a thousand people outside the east school gate, accounting for one-twentieth of the original number.

What about the rest?

Had he not arrived yet, or had he turned into a zombie or been eaten alive by zombies? !

My mind is filled with all kinds of guesses, and every one of them makes people feel frightened and chilled all over.

"Teacher, wait a moment, no one in our dormitory has run out yet!"

"Yes, let the soldiers wait a little longer. Maybe some students are trying to escape. What if they escape with a narrow escape, only to find that-"

"Wait? If you wait any longer, the zombies will surround you!"

"That's right, you are really a saint per capita. As soon as your upper lip touches your lower lip, you tell everyone to wait. If something goes wrong, who's responsible?"

"That's right! Whether it's the meeting point or the meeting time, it's all very clear on the radio. Calculating it carefully, it's been more than an hour since the meeting time."

"Yes, yes, they can't escape, and we can't let us die with them!"

Some in the crowd begged, while others refuted with cold words.

He Tiantian looked at it coldly, this is the end of the world, realistic and cruel.

Amid the commotion, the garrison's convoy slowly started to move.

The crowd moved quickly with the convoy. The students who had shouted "Wait a minute" just now did not dare to delay and trotted to keep up with the large group.

The roar of the engine, the sound of people's footsteps and discussions, were like a pebble dropped on a calm lake, causing ripples in circles.

Several zombies wandering outside the gate of D University swayed around.

Everyone must be thankful that the campus of D University is not in the bustling city center, but relatively close to the suburbs.

There aren't too many residents here, so there won't be too many zombies.


Bang bang!

The soldiers who opened the way took guns and accurately shot the zombies in the head.

Zombies were shot in the head one after another, and the roads were cleared.

When everyone heard the gunfire, they didn't panic too much. Instead, they felt at ease - Brother Bing had a weapon!

No matter how scary those zombies are, they can't defeat thermal weapons.

However, as the convoy headed along the second ring road to the survivor base in the north of the city, there were more vehicles and zombies along the way.

The soldiers were busy shooting.

Some brave and physically fit students in the crowd followed to hunt zombies.


He Tiantian wielded the engineer shovel and blasted off the heads of two or three zombies hanging next to an RV in the middle of the road.

They were young, male and female, and looked like they should be the owners of the RV.

After He Tiantian finished killing the zombies, he opened the car door, jumped up, and jumped into the RV.

The RV is quite spacious, and the modified booths can accommodate four or five people.

There is a small bathroom and a full set of kitchen equipment.

In front of the booth, computers, cameras and other items were placed on the propped-up table.

Next to the booth, there is a mobile phone live broadcast pole.

"Oh, the owner of this RV is probably an Internet celebrity who shoots videos."

Fei Hanqing followed He Tiantian into the RV, glanced around, and said casually.

He Tiandian nodded, it is possible. In an era when everyone is taking videos, if you want to stand out among the massive videos, you must be different and unique.

Among the many categories of short video platforms, traveling in an RV is a good material.

Some bloggers have attracted many fans by driving RVs and monetized their traffic.

He Tiantian walked around in the car and then came to the driver's seat.

He pressed the ignition button and started the car. With the roar of the RV, He Tiantian checked the fuel tank.

Not bad, I guess the owner just filled up the tank and there is still more than half left in the tank.

Without saying a word, He Tiantian fastened her seat belt and held the steering wheel tightly.

Fei Hanqing also climbed into the cab from the back and sat down on the passenger seat. "Boss, you don't want to go to the base in the north of the city?"

"Well, I want to go back to my hometown. My parents are still alive!"

He Tiantian replied lightly.

She was not too close to Fei Hanqing, the younger brother who took the initiative to join him.

However, after what Fei Hanqing had said angrily to Wang Zimo and others, He Tiantian finally had a good impression of him.

She adjusted the car through the rearview mirror, but she did not forget to ask: "Where do you want to go? If you want to go to the north of the city, then get off the car and follow the large group there."

"You can take half of the supplies in those backpacks."

In the last days, He Tiantian was definitely generous to a stranger he met by chance.

Fei Hanqing looked touched: "Wow, boss, you are so kind to me!"

He Tiantian: ...The acting is a bit exaggerated.

Fei Hanqing seemed to feel He Tiantian's disgust, put away his smile, and said seriously: "Boss, my parents are gone, I, I have no home!"

He Tiantian raised her eyebrows, "How do you know your parents... If the phone can't be reached, there may be something unexpected."

How could Fei Hanqing dare to be certain of his parents' current situation if he hadn't seen it with his own eyes? !

Fei Hanqing twitched the corners of his lips, trying to force out a smile, but failed.

He wiped his face vigorously and said numbly: "Boss, I like hacking and tinkering with some electronic devices."

"I installed a camera in my home so I can see what's going on at home through my phone."

"In addition, after the end of the world, I remotely operated and opened the computer in my parents' bedroom. Through the computer's camera, I, I -"


Mom turned into a zombie, and her sharp canine teeth bit Dad's neck.

In a moment of desperation, my father picked up the bedside lamp and hit my mother on the head.

The mother who turned into a zombie had her head exploded and died immediately.

My father died because his carotid artery was bitten and he bled to death.

Although He Tiantian did not see with her own eyes what Fei Hanqing witnessed, she could imagine it.

She sighed softly, "My condolences!"


Fei Hanqing replied in a low voice.

He sniffed hard and raised his head again. It was the cute and optimistic little fat man again.

"Boss, if I don't go to the base in the north of the city, I will be looking for you!"

"If you go back to your hometown, I will follow you back to your hometown!"

"I, I'm really good at computers. Even if you want to hack a satellite, I can help you do it!"

And now, there is a ready-made laptop computer in this RV. It is not too convenient for Fei Hanqing to operate it...

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