The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 532 Another rescue mission (11)

[The heroine took the villain script] []

He Tiantian chuckled: "Black Satellite? What is Black Satellite doing if nothing happens?"

Fei Hanqing scratched his head, what, he said that, didn't he want to prove that he was useful, hoping to be able to hold on to the boss's lap.

Hehe, saying that he can hack a satellite or something is somewhat exaggerated.

In other words, it was so casual that the boss didn't take it seriously.

However, before Fei Hanqing pretended to smile and blur the topic, He Tiantian muttered thoughtfully: "Can you hack into the intercontinental missile launch system?"

Fei Hanqing: ...Dear, this is illegal!

Oh no, this is not the point. The point is that they are doing well. Why are they launching black missiles?

Fei Hanqing turned his head and looked at He Tiantian closely.

He thought he heard it wrong, or that the boss was just joking.

However, when Fei Hanqing's eyes fell on the slightly thin face of "Shen Hetian", Fei Hanqing suddenly discovered that the boss seemed to be very serious!

Horrible face!

Boss, you, you really want to hack the missile launch system! ! !

"What? No? You can't do it?"

He Tiantian felt Fei Hanqing's shocked gaze, turned her head and glanced at Fei Hanqing lightly.

That look seemed to say: Look, the cowhide is blown, right? !

A stream of blood suddenly rushed to his head. As a man, how could he be told "no"?

Besides, even if it wasn't for the sake of reputation, he still had to prove his worth to the boss.

Otherwise, he may be left behind by the boss at any time.

In the apocalypse, as a fat man, he is not only easily abandoned by others, but also more likely to become a perverted food ration.

His apocalyptic novels are not for free.

Now that the end of the world has just arrived, human nature seems not to have been distorted to that extent.

However, Fei Hanqing doesn't just live for a few days, he also wants to live for a long time.

And he himself has some hacking skills and no other specialties.

If you can't hold on to the big boss's thigh, sooner or later you will become a piece of grass in the end of the world and be trampled on by others.

"Okay! I-I can do it!"

Fei Hanqing puffed up his chest and said firmly.

That's not what he was bragging about.

If it were a peaceful time or a normal period, he would definitely not be able to hack the missile launch system, nor would he dare to do so.

Now is the end of the world, everything is possible!


He Tiantian nodded with satisfaction. She accepted this little brother.

After adjusting the body of the car, He Tiantian drove the RV away from the large army heading to the base in the north of the city, and instead ran towards his hometown.

"Hetian? Shen Hetian? Where are you going?"

Among the crowd, Dong Lina, who had been paying attention to "Shen Hetian", saw that "he" actually got into a RV and turned around. She became a little anxious and shouted towards the back of the car.

But all she heard in response was the buzzing sound of the car engine.

"Gone?! He, he just left like that? Abandoned me?"

Dong Lina stared in disbelief in the direction where the RV disappeared, her beautiful almond eyes full of shock and sadness.

She looked like a poor woman abandoned by a shameless scumbag.

"Okay, stop pretending!"

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

She was still the girl who had trouble with Dong Lina. Seeing her like this, she complained in disgust: "You threw Shen Hetian away so neatly that day. You didn't regard yourself as Shen Hetian's girlfriend!"

"Nowadays, people just treat you the way you want. Why do you have the nerve to show such an expression?"

Dong Lina: ...can it be the same?

I was forced to have no choice but Shen Hetian did it on purpose!

The girl rolled her eyes. She used to think that Dong Lina was cute and cute, but now it seems that she is still an "internationally famous double standard".

Gee, as long as she abandons others but doesn't allow others to ignore her, she really has a big face!

"Okay, we are all classmates, don't be so tit-for-tat!"

Wang Zimo still had a good impression of Dong Lina. When he saw Dong Lina being angered, he quickly jumped out and made peace with her.

"Prince, don't be a peacemaker. We are indeed classmates, but you also said: This is the end of the world, and we cannot act according to the moral principles of the past!"

At the beginning of the apocalypse, they had already left behind a classmate.

The bottom line has been broken once and broken again, and there seems to be no psychological burden.

The girl, when speaking, deliberately distanced herself from Wang Zimo and Dong Lina.

Yes, she was also selfish. When everyone abandoned Shen Hetian, she also voted in favor.

However, this does not mean that she approves of this behavior from the bottom of her heart.

Especially when they are likely to be "abandoned", girls become even more wary and vigilant.

"Yes, Prince, we are not Shen Hetian, and we will not accept your double standards!"

The girl's boyfriend immediately stood up and spoke for his girlfriend.

"Oh, stop arguing. The prince probably didn't mean this. He doesn't want our small team to fall apart because of some trivial things!"

"Tch! You are the roundworm in your Prince Mo's belly. Do you know everything he wants?"

A small team composed of several classmates and roommates began to have different voices.

Before they arrived at the base in the north of the city, they showed signs of differentiation.

This disharmony became more serious after Wang Zimo and a certain boy suddenly activated their powers.

And the reason why they couldn't become true partners, upon closer inspection, was that they had left Shen Hetian behind!

Having abandoned their "teammates" once, they are unable to truly trust each other.

Strong people don't want to be dragged down and will most likely abandon their teammates again.

Those who are weak are afraid that they will become the second Shen Hetian and are defensive towards their teammates.

Therefore, less than two days after arriving at the base in the north of the city, the small team that had been in trouble was completely disbanded.

He Tiantian didn't know this, and even if she did, she wouldn't be interested.

She drove the RV in the direction of her hometown while urging the little fat man to hack into the missile launch system as soon as possible.

Fei Hanqing: ...Boss, don’t be so anxious.

Also, what do you want to do by hacking the missile system?

Do you want to encircle power, seize territory, and become king in the last days?

Fei Hanqing was beating a drum in his heart, but he didn't dare to delay in his hands.

I tapped on the laptop, and the lines of code flashed rapidly.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

It took two full days before Fei Hanqing finally wiped away his sweat and said, "Boss, I finally invaded the military base closest to us. They have missiles in their hands!"

So, I can launch missiles remotely, and what on earth do you want to do?

"Oh? So fast?"

He Tiantian originally just had such an idea, but she didn't expect this little fat man to be so powerful.

The RV has driven out of the provincial capital and arrived at the prefecture-level city where Shenjiaping belongs.

In a day or two, He Tiantian can return to Shenjiaping.

It was originally only half a day's journey, but He Tiantian insisted on taking several days.

There is nothing we can do about it.

It's the end of the world, and provincial and national highways are full of stalled cars and wandering zombies.

He Tiantian can easily explode the heads of zombies, and can also use talismans, formations, etc. to strangle zombies.

But she is still a human being, and she still has concerns in her heart, and she does not dare to let go of her hands and feet and use her spiritual power at will.

She can only use aura appropriately within a range that she can control.

"..." Fei Hanqing felt that he had done something stupid.

But he had no evidence, so he could only laugh innocently.

He Tiantian didn't say anything more, but found a place to park the RV.

She took out a set of real-life satellite maps of Province S that Fei Hanqing had captured after he hacked a certain satellite.

She gestured at the picture on the tablet and finally drew a circle.

"Boss, what are you—"

Fei Hanqing watched He Tiantian busy and vaguely guessed something in his mind.

His small eyes suddenly radiated light: "Boss, do you want to lure zombies into this mountainous area and then use missiles to destroy them all?!"

Fei Hanqing's voice was trembling when he asked this question.

No way, so awesome?

Can his boss accomplish such a feat?

"Well, that's the plan!"

He Tiantian nodded lightly and replied lightly.

"..." Fei Hanqing moved his lips.

He wanted to flatter his boss in a fancy way, but soon, he thought of some problems.

Apart from anything else, it is very difficult to do just one thing: How can the boss attract all the zombies around him?

After hesitating again and again, seeing He Tiantian really starting to prepare for action, Fei Hanqing finally expressed all the doubts and worries in his heart.

"Don't worry, I have a solution!"

He Tiantian said calmly, looking confident that "everything is in the palm of your hand."

He Tiantian is not pretending to be cool, but she really has a way to attract zombies.

First, she has spiritual spring water.

This kind of thing is full of spiritual energy, which not only attracts people, but also zombies.

Second, she also has formations.

She can set up a spirit-gathering array or an evil-inducing array.

Monsters like zombies not only like spiritual energy, but also like dark energy.

He Tiantian may not be able to attract all the zombies in the province, but she can lure zombies from several nearby cities and counties to the selected valley.

"...Okay!" Seeing He Tiantian's confident look, Fei Hanqing was still a little worried, but she could only suppress it.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

He took out two walkie-talkies, which he picked up from a few zombies whose heads were shot by He Tiantian while passing by a gas station.

It has been several days since the end of the world. The network signal is good and bad. Mobile phones can no longer maintain communication at all times. Walkie-talkies are more reliable.

Fei Hanqing held one walkie-talkie himself and handed the other to He Tiantian: "Boss, keep in touch at any time!"

The implication is that when you need me to launch missiles, just say so!

Of course He Tiantian understood what Fei Hanqing meant. She twitched her lips and put away the walkie-talkie.

Then she got out of the RV and headed straight for the valley.

"Boss, you, you are gone, what should I do?"

Fei Hanqing suddenly thought of something, and asked anxiously with a little fear on his face.

Wow, although the door of the RV can be closed, this RV is just for ordinary civilian use and is not very sturdy.

If there are a few more zombies and they keep colliding, sooner or later the car will "overturn".

In addition, besides zombies, the scariest thing is actually humans.

What if someone passing by finds the RV and wants to kill someone and seize the treasure...

Fei Hanqing didn't mean to think wildly, but these things could really happen in reality.

Now that the boss is gone, I don’t know how many days it will take for him to come back.

Fei Hanqing couldn't guarantee whether he could survive until the big boss returned.

He Tiantian: ...This little brother is a little timid!

However, Fei Hanqing's concerns are indeed justified.

She waved her fingers, using the dark energy floating around to turn the turbid energy into spiritual energy, and drew several talismans in the void.

Several talismans formed a formation, directly hiding the RV.

"Okay, I've made arrangements. As long as you stay in the RV, everything will be fine!" He Tiantian said.

Fei Hanqing: ...Boss, you think you are the Monkey King.

Just use your fingers to point at the RV and draw a circle on the ground like Sun Wukong?

He also said that if you don’t leave the RV, everything will be fine.

Do you really think that the zombies and passers-by who are passing by don’t have eyes?

Uh, what, zombies really can't seem to see, but their sense of smell and hearing are very abnormal.

And passers-by——

Fei Hanqing was complaining crazily in his heart, but he didn't dare to show it.

Because his boss had already closed the door of the RV, and with a few jumps, the whole person disappeared from sight.

Looking at the direction where the boss disappeared, Fei Hanqing narrowed his eyes slightly.

Following "Shen Hetian" for the past few days, Fei Hanqing has been secretly wondering: What is the boss's superpower?

At first he thought it was a strength-based power.

After all, a zombie's head can be easily exploded by just relying on the engineer shovel, which is impossible if you are too weak.

Later, when he saw that the boss could actually take things out of thin air, he couldn't help but guess that the boss might also have spatial powers.

But at this moment, seeing the boss's nagging look, and seeing "his" dexterity and speed that were almost beyond those of ordinary people, Fei Hanqing was completely unsure.

Gee, what kind of supernatural powers did his boss inspire?

Or is it that the boss has several superpowers and is a proper boss? !

While Fei Hanqing was thinking wildly, He Tiantian had already borrowed spiritual power and "flyed" to the valley.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

She directly took out the spiritual spring from the space, and the liquid full of spiritual energy suddenly came to the reality full of dark atmosphere, and the effect was particularly obvious.

There are also a few zombies scattered around the valley. They seem to be attracted by a huge force and run like crazy towards the place where the spiritual energy is emitted.

The spiritual energy is centered on the valley and ripples around like waves.

The surrounding small mountain villages, the further provincial and national roads, the further small towns and counties...

"Oh my god! What's going on? Why are there so many zombies?"

Fei Hanqing, who was hiding in the RV, looked pale and trembling.

Because through the car window, he could clearly see groups of zombies, like streams flowing back into the sea, surging crazily in one direction.

Seeing so many zombies, Fei Hanqing felt his scalp numb and wanted to run out of the RV and escape the area quickly.

However, the moment he put his hand on the door handle, the boss's instructions came to mind again, and he stopped again.

Biting her lower lip hard, Fei Hanqing's eyes flashed with determination: Trust the boss!

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