The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 597: The fake is really 0 gold (18)

[The heroine took the villain script] []

Zhou Qianniang realized that she had suffered more than ten years of training and abuse for nothing, and she was filled with grievances and resentment.

She cried hard, and then the depression in her chest dissipated a little.

After crying, Zhou Qianniang wished she could run to her ex-husband’s door immediately and tell him confidently:

"It's not my problem that I can't have children, it's your problem!"

"As for why the woman outside you is pregnant? Ha, of course she cuckolded you so that you could become a father!"

After staying with He Tiantian for a few days, Zhou Qianniang also learned some new words.

Although I don’t quite understand why I say this, I feel it is very appropriate and refreshing!

However, Zhou Qianniang did not run to find her ex-husband in the end.

Because she knows that this kind of thing requires "evidence".

For thousands of years, people have always believed that not being able to have children is a woman's problem.

Men, oh my god, how could they not have children?

If you want to subvert this perception, you must come up with facts that will definitely shock your eyes.

Zhou Qianniang's hope suddenly ignited, and she even had a clear goal.

She was no longer numb, no longer muddle along, but followed He Tiantian seriously, working hard and learning from He Tiantian.

Seeing that Zhou Qianniang seemed to be reborn, He Tiantian was secretly satisfied and tried her best to teach Zhou Qianniang.

Identifying and preparing medicinal materials may not involve deeper-level folk remedies, but in ancient times when knowledge was scarce, being able to learn to identify and prepare medicinal materials was already a skill that could be used to survive.

While Zhou Qianniang was grateful, she worked harder and harder.

The surrounding neighbors or nearby residents were also a little suspicious when they saw that Zhou Qianniang, an abandoned woman, could actually learn from the owner of the herbal diet shop.

There were also some thoughtful women who came to inquire.

"What? This boss is good at treating women's childbirth illnesses? Even the nobles of the Marquis Mansion come to see her for treatment?"

The news slowly spread among the people.

As a result, Zhou Qianniang, an abandoned woman who was labeled as "unable to have children", actually became a favorite.

Some people’s ideas are also simple——

By following the "Medicated Diet Lady", even if you can't learn her medicated diet skills, you can still follow her to take care of your body.

A woman in her thirties is indeed not young.

But for some men who are single for various reasons, age does not matter. As long as she can have children, she is a good wife!

Taking a step back, Zhou Qianniang still can't give birth, but she can recognize medicinal materials. To the poor people, she is a capable person.

Marrying someone back home and keeping this skill at home is a sure-fire business!

Zhou Qianniang: ...After suffering a loss once and being fooled once, she will certainly not be stupid and become a big scapegoat again.

After studying with He Tiantian for these days, she not only learned some skills, but also received some influence from He Tiantian.

She no longer feels inferior or timid, and becomes more confident and stronger.

Moreover, He Tiantian's example is right in front of us - what happened to the woman? So what if I'm alone?

By virtue of their skills, the girl not only opened a shop, but also lived a very good life.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

Zhou Qianniang did not dare to compare herself with her own girl, but He Tiantian allowed her to see a "life" that she had never imagined.

Women don't have to be married. A person can live a good life by relying on his own abilities.

No need to wait on anyone,

There is no need to be a tool to carry on the family line, and there is no need to bear the infamy that does not belong to oneself.

Such a life, free and comfortable, how wonderful!

Of course, Zhou Qianniang is a native of the ancients. She was influenced by He Tiantian, but she has not completely transformed.

She only dared to secretly indulge in many words in her heart, but did not dare to say them out.

When faced with some men who took the initiative to show their kindness, although she knew that they all wanted something, she would not refuse them sternly.

She still has an inherent thought in her bones: women still need to have a destination and a home!

There are indeed women like her girl who are self-reliant and self-reliant, but she is not her girl. She does not have the abilities of others, and even if she learns, she will only scratch the surface.

Therefore, in the end, Zhou Qianniang chose a loyal and honest man to marry among the several men who "pursued" her.

He Tiantian: ...Well, I know that women’s awakening is a difficult and long process.

Although he was a little disappointed with Zhou Qianniang, He Tiantian still understood her, and as the "owner", he allowed Zhou Qianniang to get married in the herbal medicine shop and gave her some dowry.

"Girl, I'm married and I still want to work in your shop. Are you still willing to have me?"

Zhou Qianniang wanted to have her own home, but she couldn't let go of He Tiantian.

Before she got married, she said to He Tiantian lovingly.

"Yes! I already need people to work here. If your husband's family agrees to your coming, just come!"

He Tiantian was very tolerant of the first "apprentice" she recruited in Dafeng Dynasty.

"Thank you girl! Thank you girl! You are really my great benefactor!"

Zhou Qianniang, with endless gratitude to He Tiantian, married a man a few streets away from her master.

The man is about the same age as Zhou Qianniang, but he is getting married for the first time.

To say the least, he was also a poor man. His family background was quite ordinary. When he was fifteen or sixteen years old, he began to discuss marriage, and his grandfather became seriously ill.

The family spent everything to treat the old man, but still lost both life and money.

After sending his grandfather away and having no money to marry, he could only work hard to earn money.

After finally saving some money, my biological father became ill again.

This time not only did I spend all my savings, but I also incurred a lot of debt.

It wasn't until two years ago that the man paid off his debt, but he was already thirty years old and had two younger brothers.

She is old and has a heavy burden. It is impossible to marry a young girl who is fifteen or sixteen years old.

But if he wants to marry a second marriage with children, the man's parents don't agree.

After procrastinating and procrastinating, the marriage has been postponed until now.

He was about to become a grandfather. If he didn't get married, it would really be too late, and the man's parents began to worry.

The man's mother was helping a nearby merchant's wife wash clothes. She heard about the "Medicine Lady" and Zhou Qianniang, and she became interested.

Although Zhou Qianniang was also married for the second time, she was still divorced.

But she looks good and is hard-working. The key is her "skills".

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

It was really impossible to have a child, and there were other sons in their family. Zhou Qianniang helped her brothers-in-law get married. If they had children, she would just have one adopted to her!

After all, he is his grandson, and if his meat rots in his own pot, he will not be compensated no matter what!

The man's mother took action and encouraged him to go to Zhou Qianniang to show her courtesy.

The man also wanted to get a wife, so he secretly met Zhou Qianniang once and fell in love with her at first sight.

Therefore, he often appeared around Zhou Qianniang without his mother's instigation again.

He is honest and doesn't say nice things, but he can always lend a hand silently when Zhou Qianniang needs work.

He also had his own thoughts, but Zhou Qianniang took a fancy to his honesty and down-to-earthness.

After the two got married, they lived a harmonious life.

In less than three months, Zhou Qianniang became pregnant.

After learning the news of her pregnancy from He Tiantian, Zhou Qianniang burst into tears again.

After five or six months, her belly finally bulged, and she went directly to her ex-husband's house with her belly bulging.

Facing the astonished husband's family, Zhou Qianniang felt proud.

She also said a "famous saying" that spread instantly among the people: "My child must be my biological child; but your child may not be!"

Everyone in the ex-mother-in-law's family had dark faces, and her ex-husband was even more embarrassed and angry.

His face was completely torn off, and he was thrown to the ground and trampled on repeatedly by Zhou Qianniang.

People around her "suddenly realized", "Ms. Zhou has not been pregnant for more than ten years since she was married. She got pregnant just six months after remarrying. It's not that she can't have children, but that her man -"

"Oh, it turns out that there are some things that men can't have children too!"

"...Isn't this just like a eunuch? Tsk tsk, he can't give birth, but he's still a man!"

In the past ten years or so, Zhou Qianniang has suffered so many looks and insults, and now they all come back to her ex-husband.

What he suffered was even more severe than Zhou Qianniang's.

Because not only was he unable to give birth, but he was also taken advantage of and gave birth to someone else's child for several months.

What a joke, he has completely become a joke among the people and has become a topic of conversation among the people around him!

The ex-husband's family, who did not dare to become the butt of jokes, racked their brains and began to fight back.

They said: Zhou Qianniang may not have been able to have children originally, but she studied with the "Medicated Diet Lady" for several months. She may not have learned the prescriptions, but she must have taken the medicated diet, and her infertility was cured.

Although this statement is suspected of being sophistry, it also has some truth.

The ex-husband's face was slightly saved, but everyone's admiration for the "medicated lady" became even stronger.

This is no kind of medicated lady, she is clearly the Guanyin who gives birth to children.

Some women who had not been pregnant for many years came to see He Tiantian for medical treatment.

There were also one or two men sneaking in among them.

For a time, He Tiantian's medicinal food shop became popular among the people.

Of course, these are all things for later.

For now, Zhou Qianniang is just a poor abandoned woman who was just taken in by He Tiantian, and she has not yet re-established her confidence and established a new outlook on life!

"Okay! I'll go take a look!"

After hearing Zhou Qianniang's reply, He Tiantian went to the backyard and began to check the dried medicinal materials.

"Very good! Sister Zhou, you did a great job!"

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

He Tiantian is very satisfied. Zhou Qianniang is really a diligent and meticulous person.

With her, not only do I no longer have to wash and cook, but I can also save myself from handling medicinal materials!

And with such a companion, her small courtyard doesn't seem so empty.

In the future, if someone wants to get over the wall again, He Tiantian will not be able to tell clearly if he has a witness.

"...I, I just follow the girl's instructions, I don't deserve the girl's praise!"

Zhou Qianniang has low self-esteem and is cowardly.

In her husband's house, no matter how much work she does, no matter how little she does, she will never get a smiling face, let alone anyone's praise.

She has always been PUA by her husband's family, and she feels that she is not good enough, that she is really a hen that cannot lay eggs, and only wastes food in her husband's family.

After being taken in by He Tiantian, she worked hard, which she felt was what she should do.

She was also prepared to be scolded for doing her job.

As a result, there was no dislike, let alone beating or scolding.

The girl also praised her for her ability and her good work.

It was the first time she was recognized and praised for the first time. Zhou Qianniang's humble waist seemed to straighten up a little!

Her self-confidence is also slowly being rebuilt.

Soon, it was time for the Xiayuan Festival.

Wei sent a carriage in advance to pick up He Tiantian at the medicinal food shop.

He Tiantian did not refuse and temporarily handed over the shop to Zhou Qianniang while she got on the carriage.

Shaking all the way out of the capital, we arrived at Qingyun Mountain in the southern suburbs.

Qingyun Temple is located halfway up Qingyun Mountain.

At this time, many carriages of various types were lined up on the mountain road leading to Qingyun Temple.

He Tiantian stuck her head out of the car window, looked up and down, and couldn't help but gasped: "Are all the dignitaries from the entire capital here?"

This battle was simply bigger than the banquet in Zhengdan Palace.

After all, those who can participate in the Zhengdan Banquet in the palace have certain grade requirements.

However, there are not many restrictions on practicing fasting in Qingyun Temple. As long as the family has an official status, or a title, and even some respectable royal businessmen can sneak in.

In this way, there were many visitors.

There's so much traffic and congestion, wow, it's really the biggest event in Beijing.

He Tiantian was sitting in the carriage, eating snacks and watching the noise of the traffic jam outside.

After waiting on the mountain path for a long time, it was almost noon before He Tiantian's carriage arrived at the gate of the Taoist temple.

Further up, the road becomes less suitable for horse-drawn carriages.

Everyone got off the bus here, the distinguished people changed into sedan chairs, and most people walked there.

He Tiantian followed the crowd and walked into Qingyun Temple with groups of ladies and ladies in gorgeous clothes and pearls on their heads.

The front yard of the main hall is the place where the blessing ceremony is held, with sitting tables and mats arranged around it.

The Taoist priests of the Taoist temple made arrangements in advance, and the guests were seated according to their status, grade, etc.

He Tiantian could sit in the front seat with Wei, but she didn't want to join in the fun.

Because Mrs. Hou and Mr. Ma are also in that area.

He Tiantian didn't want to be misunderstood, and people thought that she was trying to sneak into the camp and clinging to the Nanning Marquis Mansion.

She found a seat near the back and found an inconspicuous corner to nest.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

Soon, the eldest princess Anle arrived, and the temple owner personally greeted her.

This most noble lady in the capital, whom even the emperor respected to a certain degree, was really majestic and noble. He Tiantian seemed to be able to feel it even from a distance away.

When she arrived, the blessing ceremony at Qingyun Temple officially began.


He Tiantian was very interested at first.

In the previous book world, He Tiantian had been a Taoist priest and a magic stick, and was very familiar with Taoism.

There is also an inexplicable sense of intimacy.

However, the blessing ceremony in front of me is not an orthodox Taoist ceremony, but a mixture of many things.

Some are too flattering to the royal family, seem not pure enough, and lose the natural essence of Taoism.

He Tiantian yawned out of boredom.

Alas, if He Tiantian didn't want to witness the famous scene of revealing his life experience, He Tiantian would really want to escape.

Fortunately, the drama soon unfolded——

Perhaps because he wanted to show off at the blessing ceremony, when the master of Qingyun Temple was dancing his sword, he imitated the Tianqiao handle and breathed fire.

Unexpectedly, the fire was not controlled well, or the mountain wind happened to cause trouble, and the fire was a bit fierce.

Princess Anle, who was sitting in the front row, was frightened, and the female relatives around her were also frightened and fled in all directions.

"Your Highness, be careful—"

A young woman who looked eighty-nine times similar to Princess Qi rushed over and helped Princess Anle...

Chapter 597: The real daughter is fake (18)

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