The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 598: The fake is really 0 gold (19)

[The heroine took the villain script] []

Princess Anle single-handedly created the fasting event in Qingyun Temple, and Qingyun Temple was considered her territory.

Every time I come to Qingyun Temple, Princess Anle is the most casual and relaxed.

For example, at this moment, she was watching the ceremony, and most of her guards and maids stayed outside.

There are only two or three personal maids around.

The master of Qingyun Temple sprayed a large fire out of control, disturbing the female family members sitting in the front row.

Everyone screamed and dodged, and some of the timid ones actually ran away.

The VIP table was in chaos, and the maids around the eldest princess were also shocked for a moment, but they did not rush to protect her immediately.

The eldest princess is almost sixty years old this year, which in ancient times was considered a long life.

She was used to being pampered, had she ever seen such a panic scene?

Suddenly, the eldest princess was hit by a fleeing female family member, and she fell to the ground with a cry.

At the critical moment, a young girl, while shouting "Your Highness, be careful", rushed up and stretched out her hand to support the eldest princess.

"..." The eldest princess grabbed the girl's arm and finally stabilized her body. She let out a breath of fear.

She raised her head and was about to say something when she saw a face that was extremely familiar to her——


The eldest princess was in a trance for a moment, as if she saw her daughter from more than 20 years ago.

Her daughter, Princess Pingkang, had a maiden name of Axiang.

After growing up, she married the King of Qi and became the Princess of Qi, who was only slightly worse than the Queen.

But, soon, the eldest princess realized that the person in front of her could not be her Axiang.

Because just now, she came to Qingyun Temple with Axiang.

It's just that the girl from Yongping couldn't bear to stay at the venue to participate in the lengthy blessing ceremony, so she ran to play in the back mountain.

Pingkang was worried, so he followed.

The eldest princess and her daughter had only been apart for half an hour. No matter how old she was or how bad her memory was, she would not have lost her memory.


The girl in front of her looked so much like her daughter that she seemed to be carved from the same mold.

The eldest princess knows that there are people who look similar in this world, but they are so similar, like twin girls, this, this is a bit——

A guess suddenly flashed through the eldest princess's mind. It might be absurd, but that's what she had in mind.

She grabbed the girl's sleeve and was about to ask carefully.

The two or three maids who were originally guarding the eldest princess also reacted at this moment.

They pushed aside the commotion around them and rushed to the eldest princess.

"Your Highness!"

One of the maids, who looked more shrewd and powerful, saw the girl in front of the eldest princess.

She was jealous and secretly resentful. She felt that this person just showed up in front of her master on purpose. She was a scheming woman with ulterior motives.

With the movement of running over, she twisted her waist and pushed hard, knocking the person away.


The girl was indeed knocked aside by a strong force, but her sleeves were firmly grasped by the eldest princess.

Under the interaction of the two forces, one sleeve of the thick cotton robe was actually torn.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

The clothes were torn, revealing a white arm.

And on the girl's slender, white arm, there is a flower-shaped birthmark!

The eldest princess had been staring closely at this girl, but she actually "teared" her clothes, which made the eldest princess even more surprised.

Her eyes kept chasing, and naturally she didn't miss the birthmark on the other person's exposed arm that was exactly the same as hers!

"Oh my God!"

"This mark looks so familiar!"

Not to mention that the eldest princess was dumbfounded, even her two maids were dumbstruck.

They all serve the eldest princess personally, helping her master dress and bathe. Naturally, they have seen the eldest princess's birthmark.

In fact, not only those who served closely, but also some noble ladies in the capital had seen the birthmark of the eldest princess.

After all, the flower-shaped birthmark of the eldest princess is on her arm, but in some other hidden location.

In the hot summer, everyone changed into light gauze skirts. Through the gauze, you can naturally see the marks on your arms.

In addition, when the eldest princess was young, she also liked to play polo and soak in hot springs. The noble girls and ladies who were close to her were also vaguely seen.

The eldest princess also regarded her birthmark as a beauty and never shied away from it. When she was interested, she would also order people to use colored paint to draw the pattern of the birthmark.

Therefore, over time, the flower-shaped birthmark has become the symbol of the eldest princess.

However, everyone is familiar with it, and it is indeed the first time that the same birthmark is seen on someone other than the eldest princess.

"Girl, you, you—"

Not to mention everyone's surprise, let's talk about the eldest princess. Look at the birthmark on the girl's arm, and then look at the other person's extremely familiar face.

She only felt that the girl in front of her was very close, which made her feel inexplicably fond of her.

It's like, there's some mysterious power calling.

"The common daughter is shameless and has disturbed His Highness. The common daughter deserves to die!"

But the girl didn't seem to feel the eldest princess's fiery gaze. She hurriedly pulled her sleeves to cover her bare arms.

Then, he knelt on the ground with a thud and apologized sincerely.

The eldest princess is a royal noblewoman and represents the dignity of the royal family.

But this man bared his arms in front of the eldest princess. Although it was unintentional, it was also suspected of being "disrespectful".

Therefore, when she knelt down, she did not make a fuss, but knew the rules and etiquette!

Seeing her like this, the eldest princess was both happy and distressed.

"You just saved me, and I haven't thanked you yet!"

Without mentioning any "disrespect", the eldest princess stretched out her hand to signal the other party to stand up.

"Don't dare! Your Highness is a noble person, and I feel honored that a common girl can help you! How can I afford your gratitude?"

The girl was respectful but not humble, and the eldest princess became more and more satisfied after seeing her.

"What's your name? Are you the girl from that family?"

The eldest princess asked carefully.

"The girl's name is Jing Niang. She is from Wannian County. Her family is just an ordinary farmer. I heard that Qingyun Temple is practicing fasting during the Xiayuan Festival. The Taoist priest in the temple will give medicinal soup and come here specifically to ask for medicine for the elders in the family!"

Although Jing Niang is reserved like a folk woman, she speaks clearly and coherently.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

The eldest princess nodded secretly.

"Aniang! Aniang, are you okay?"

"Grandma, grandma~~"

The eldest princess wanted to ask something else. After hearing the noise here, Princess Qi rushed over with her daughter Princess Yongping.

The mother and daughter ran all the way, panting, and rushed to the eldest princess. They didn't care about others and stared at the eldest princess with their eyes.

When the eldest princess saw her beloved daughter and granddaughter coming, she temporarily left Jing Niang aside.

However, when the eldest princess's eyes fell on her granddaughter Princess Yongping's face, she felt a little awkward.

This child really has no resemblance to his daughter or son-in-law.

The old man in the palace mentioned that he looked a bit like Concubine Shu, the birth mother of King Qi who died young.

However, the eldest princess had met Concubine Shu in her early years, and the Concubine Shu in her memory was not very similar to Princess Yongping.

At most, the eyebrows and eyes are somewhat similar.

But this similarity is not very obvious.

If someone hadn't said that these "grandparents and grandsons" were similar, the eldest princess would not have been able to remember them.

Unlike the girl named Jing Niang just now, her face seemed to be ripped off from Princess Qi.

And that birthmark——

The eldest princess always thought that she was unique. Even if there were similar people, they should be her daughters or grandchildren.

And they all inherited it from themselves.

Now, a person who has nothing to do with him but has a flower birthmark suddenly appears.

One can imagine the impact the eldest princess felt in her heart.

"I'm fine!"

Originally, the eldest princess wanted to recommend Jing Niang as a "savior" to her daughter, but for some reason, the eldest princess swallowed it back when the words came to her lips.

She glanced at her petite and willful granddaughter. Well, in the past, she had regarded Princess Yongping's granddaughter as her treasure. Naturally, she thought she was naive and upright, and at best had a hot temper.

However, at this moment, the eldest princess had a guess in her mind. When she looked at Princess Yongping's actions again, she felt that she was too domineering and cruel.

It’s better not to let Yongping know about Jingniang first. This child is too cruel and cruel. If he gets jealous that Jingniang looks like Princess Qi and does something bad to Jingniang, that will be bad. .

In recent years, many people in Beijing have been talking about Princess Yongping not looking like King Qi and Princess Qi.

The most taboo thing about Princess Yongping is her appearance.

If someone looks at her more than once, she will get upset and then find excuses to deal with them.

Now there is someone who looks so much like Princess Qi... The eldest princess knows her arrogant and domineering granddaughter too well.

Before the truth of the matter is investigated, the eldest princess does not want Jingniang to be harmed!

In this way, the eldest princess seemed to have forgotten Jingniang. She supported Princess Qi with one hand and held Princess Yongping with the other. The three generations of ancestors and grandchildren went to the guest house of Qingyun Temple to rest.

What happened just now caused a good blessing ceremony to be completely ruined.

If you want to continue tomorrow, or if you have other arrangements, you also need to let the frightened female guests have a good rest.

The eldest princess has a special status in Qingyun Temple. She has an exclusive courtyard in the Taoist temple.

When they came to the courtyard, they found an excuse to send Princess Yongping out. The eldest princess took Princess Qi's hand and asked in a low voice: "Axiang, I remember that when you were born in Yongping, you were not in the palace, but in the suburbs of the city. A ruined temple?"

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

Princess Qi was stunned for a moment, "Yes, Auntie, I've told you about this a long time ago! Okay, why do you suddenly ask about this?!"

"..." The eldest princess hesitated for a moment, as if she was organizing her words.

After a long time, she finally answered the question: "Just now, I was almost hit by someone, but a girl named Jing Niang saved me!"

As she spoke, the eldest princess raised her head and looked straight at her daughter, "That Jing Niang looks almost exactly like you."

Princess Qi was stunned again for a while, then she forced herself to smile calmly and said: "Auntie, there are all kinds of wonders in the world, and there are also people who look similar."

It is said that a woman resembles her mother, but it cannot be said that people who look similar must be related by blood, right? !

Princess Qi said this, but there was no doubt in her heart.

After all, just like what the eldest princess asked when she first gave birth, she was not in the palace when she gave birth, but in a ruined temple where the war was chaotic and people were coming and going.

During this period, Princess Qi fell asleep for a period of time. Without her knowing, Princess Qi is still not sure what happened.

However, her daughter looks neither like her nor her husband. It is really difficult for Princess Qi to convince herself.

"There are indeed people with similar looks in the world, but what about birthmarks?"

The eldest princess continued to look directly into her daughter's eyes and said slowly, "On Jingniang's right arm, there is a birthmark exactly like mine!"

Princess Qi's eyes suddenly widened, "Birthmark? She has a birthmark, and it's exactly the same as yours?"

"That's right! And I think she's about the same age as Yong Ping, about sixteen years old!"

The eldest princess continued.

It was really difficult for Princess Qi to remain calm now.

One is a coincidence, are two or three all coincidences? !

As a noble daughter of the clan and married into the royal family, Princess Qi is definitely not a fool.

She never believed in coincidences.

Seeing the twinkling look in Princess Qi's eyes, the eldest princess sighed and said quietly: "Let's check it out!"

Although Princess Yongping is a woman, she is of royal blood and cannot be confused.

The eldest princess who has been honored all her life will never allow her family to be deceived or deceived!

"...Yes! Auntie!" Princess Qi agreed, her eyes filled with a layer of fear!

She wanted to see what happened back then!

And what’s going on with that Jing Niang!

He Tiantian hid in the corner and witnessed the contact between Jing Niang and the eldest princess.

She once again gave Ma, a wild writer, a big thumbs up: Awesome!

Not only does he have superb acting skills, he is also a very good director.

See how well this person knows what he is doing?

And that prop——

Tsk tsk, it’s the tenth month of the lunar calendar now, it’s winter.

Everyone is wearing thick cotton clothes.

Under the cotton-padded clothes, there are layers and layers of clothes.

But Jing Niang had her sleeves ripped off easily... Haha, He Tiantian doesn't believe it when they say this dress has not been tampered with!

And the rhythm is also very well controlled.

He was not too impatient, but took it step by step, leaving only a clue and letting the eldest princess and Princess Qi investigate on their own.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

In this way, this noble mother and daughter will believe in Jing Niang's "life experience" even more.

Even if there may be doubts during the process, they will choose to ignore them.

He Tiantian didn't know how the eldest princess negotiated with Princess Qi after she left.

But He Tiantian bets that they will investigate secretly.

And Ma has already laid out the plan, leaving a lot of "evidence" behind.

It won't be long before the drama of "real and fake daughter" in Prince Qi's palace will be staged grandly.

He Tiantian knew the ending and guessed the general process, so she didn't have much interest in this matter.

Regardless of whether it is a real fake daughter or a fake real daughter, if you have this time, you might as well go and see the "medicine soup" of Qingyun Temple.

After staying at Qingyun Temple for two days, the day finally came for the medicinal soup to be distributed.

He Tiantian squeezed into the crowd and received a bowl of medicinal soup that didn't smell very good. She smelled it carefully, dipped a little with her finger and put it on the tip of her tongue. Her eyes lit up——

Hey! I guessed it right!

that's it……

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