The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 602: The fake is really 0 gold (End)

[The heroine took the villain script] []

Ma has two tasks in total:

First, make peace with the scumbag Gu Jingyuan, but not get a trace of infamy;

Second, take good care of your parents and children so that they can have a stable and prosperous life.

The emperor suddenly had his own biological son. The prince of Qi could not adopt him, and the palace of Qi was even involved in the dispute over the heir apparent.

The eldest son who has become the companion of Prince Qi's son cannot escape easily.

The second task seems to have the possibility of failure.

"..." Ma gritted her teeth, she must grasp the first task.

She had sent people to follow Gu Jingyuan before, in order to catch him one day.

However, she had been busy with the affairs of Prince Qi's Mansion and ignored it for the time being.


What I didn’t say was just one word—catch the traitor!

Ma took his men and went to the medicinal food shop with great force.

However, she has not completely lost her mind.

Before heading to the yard behind the shop, she first ordered Jade to go to the front shop to explore the truth.

"Young lady, I've seen this, and the bitch is not in the shop."

"The slave also asked the man, saying that she just returned to the backyard!"

"Young madam, that bitch must have gone to have a private meeting with the third young master. Humph, they are so presumptuous and shameless!"

Jade's face turned red with anger and she kept talking in Ma's ear.

Ma was impatient to hear this. She had been fishing before.

Now that the fish has taken the bait, she just wants to close the net as soon as possible.

"Let's go! Go to the backyard!"

Mr. Ma glanced at the prosperous medicinal food shop, his eyes dark and inexplicable.

It must be said that the emperor acted very cautiously. Every time he came to get medicine, he always asked his personal guard Gu Jingyuan to come.

When the neighbors or passers-by saw him, they just made guesses about the colorful things and never thought that he was actually working for the emperor.

The people arranged by Ma to follow Gu Jingyuan found nothing unusual.

He crouched in the corner, keeping a close eye on the closed back door.

Out of the corner of his eye, he saw his master's thugs coming to kill him. He hurriedly went to meet him, "Report to the young madam, I have been guarding the door, and the third young master has not come out!"

For some reason, the man added, "No one went in, it seemed like there were only two of them in the room all the time!"

Ahem, a man and a woman alone live in the same room.

what are they doing?

You can figure it out with your toes.

"Madam, they, they have gone too far!"

It's still daytime now.

What Bai Rixuan did was so embarrassing!

Jade was angry and ashamed. She wished she could just rush into the yard and drag out the couple who had a secret meeting and beat them up.

Ma was very calm inside, without any anger at all.

She was really looking forward to it: it would be best if she could catch him in bed, so that she could reconcile smoothly.

And when such a scandal occurs at home, Ma can also take the opportunity to pull his son out of the circle of right and wrong in Prince Qi's palace.

At worst, I will not pursue an official career in the future and become a rich man with land and money. I should have completed my mission!

On the way to "catch the adulterer", Ma had already controlled her emotions and alienated all the situations in her mind.

She finally found a way to break the situation - make trouble!

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

Then catch the reason for the rape and make a big fuss.

Maybe his reputation will be affected, and he and his three children will be criticized.

But, it's better than her mission failing.

"Ma Xin,

Climb over the wall and go to the window to listen! "

Ma made a decision in her heart and acted more thoughtfully.

When she arrived at the backyard, she did not rush in with great fanfare, but wanted to further understand the situation.

"Yes, Madam!"

The boy Ma Xin agreed, looked carefully, found a good wall to climb, and climbed over it deftly.


When Ma Xin landed, the sound was a little loud. He was very smart. After making the sound, he meowed a few times.

A woman's voice came faintly from the room, " turns out to be a wild cat!"

Ma Xin breathed out secretly, then he tiptoed close to the window, put his ear to the window paper, and listened carefully——

"Oh, please be gentle!"

"...A'Dian, you are so awesome!"

"Be careful, oh, Gu Jingyuan, why are you so clumsy?"

"I'm sorry, A'Dian, I didn't mean it. But, A'Dian, you are really amazing. I, I have never seen a woman like you -"

If you listen to this conversation in another context, there doesn't seem to be anything wrong with it.

However, Ma Xin was preconceived and thought that the man and woman in the house were having an affair. After hearing these words, he thought even more wrongly.

He did not continue to listen, fearing that no matter how much he listened, he would be unable to bear it.

After swallowing secretly, Ma Xin tiptoed to the courtyard gate again.

He didn't stupidly climb over the wall again, but opened the door latch directly from the inside.

"Young madam, I only heard the voices of the third young master and He's daughter."

"They, they—"

Ma Xin didn't know whether he should speak directly about the conversation between the two, so he hesitated.

There was not a fool present. The more Ma Xin hesitated to speak and his eyes dodge, the angrier Jade and the others became.

"Young Madam——" It's too much, Jubi can't bear it!

Jade couldn't wait to roll up her sleeves immediately.

Madam Ma no longer hesitated, with a cold face, she said in a cold voice: "Let's go!"

Catch the rapist!

A group of people rushed into the courtyard without any concern about the impact.

Ma didn't make a big fuss, but the movement still caused neighbors and passers-by to gather outside the courtyard gate.


Ma Xin stepped forward and kicked open the closed door.

Ma and others rushed in directly.

Among the melon-eaters at the back, some of them were lively and courageous, and they actually broke into the yard.

They poked their heads around, talked a lot, and paid close attention to the progress of the "suspected rape scene".

"Oh, this is the noble lady from that family, and she came here to catch someone raping her?"

"What are you trying to catch? If you don't know, don't talk nonsense. This is the home of Lady Yaoshan!"

"Medicine Lady? Is she the Guanyin who gives birth to children?"

"Bah! What a gift to Guanyin. Before, I thought she was too coquettish and not a good person. There was always a man coming to find her. Now it seems that she is indeed a vixen!"

"...Chen Kang's mother, I think you are deliberately slandering the medicated lady. Who doesn't know that you, your ex-daughter-in-law who divorced because she had no children, just gave birth to a big fat boy? Your son is so embarrassed. I dare not see anyone for months, but you don’t say it’s your son’s fault for being deceived, but you say bad things about her medicinal lady!”

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

In the crowd, several people living nearby pointed.

One of them, a mean woman in her fifties, was irritated and angry after being crowded around by her acquaintances.

"When did I slander someone? Aren't the people in front of me here to catch adulterers?"

"Hmph, I want to see with my own eyes whether the lady who you regard as herbal medicine for your ancestors is being nakedly blocked on the kang by someone else's head lady!"

The mean woman is Chen Kang's mother as the neighbors call her, Zhou Qian's ex-mother-in-law.

His face looked ugly as he was being crowded around, but he pushed through the crowd regardless and rushed into the house.

The women who were arguing with her and helping He Tiantian looked at each other, worried, and followed her.

However, when they squeezed to the door and saw the scene in the room clearly, their eyes widened.

Together with Ma Shi and others who just broke in, they all turned into dumb chickens.

what's the situation?

Didn't you catch someone in bed?

Nothing too naked? !

There was not even a single man or woman alone in the house.

In addition to Gu Jingyuan and He Tiantian, there are also three or four apprentices aged 12 or 13.

These apprentices are both male and female, and all of them are honest and well-behaved.

And there is no "big bed" in the house, but a pile of pickle jars.

"W-why are you here?"

Gu Jingyuan was being treated as a strong laborer. He was responsible for moving things and helping to deliver tools. He was very busy.

Suddenly, the door was kicked open, and his wife led someone in with a frosty look on her face!

Gu Jingyuan is not smart, but he is not stupid either.

After being stunned for a moment, he came to his senses.

"Mr. Ma, you, you don't think that I came here just to mess with others, do you?"

His question was filled with obvious anger.

Ma: ...What else can she say?

After failing to catch the rapist, he has fallen into passivity. No matter how much he talks, it will not help.

"What a good Ma! You, you are so dirty and despicable!"

"I know that during this period of time, you hooked up with Prince Qi and became a popular lady in the capital. Even your maid dared to sneer at me!"

"But I, Gu Jingyuan, am not a good-for-nothing good-for-nothing. No matter how bad I am, I am still a dignified son of the Marquis, and a prime minister of the Thousand Niu Guards under His Majesty's command!"

"You climbed a high branch, and if you dislike me, you can just make peace with me. Why do you want to throw dirty water on me?"

"It's okay to slander me. I am your husband after all, and I should endure everything you have to do. But you should never, never go to the medicinal shop to make trouble!"

If in the past, Gu Jingyuan still wanted to renew his relationship with "He Dian", but after being assigned by the emperor, he came to get the medicinal food in person. Only then did Gu Jingyuan realize that A'Dian was no longer the same as in the past.

She was a person that the emperor and King Dongchang valued, and she was no longer someone he could afford.

He also kept her as his aunt, haha, Gu Jingyuan was so embarrassed that he wished he could secretly slap himself twice!

Others don't know where the bunch of princes and princesses in the palace came from. As the emperor's "confidant", Gu Jingyuan knows better than anyone else.

With this contribution alone, He Dian can become the "Guanyin Guanyin" in the eyes of the nobles in Beijing.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

Not to mention, this room full of pickle jars can actually make life-saving medicinal soup!

Many generals in the Sixteenth Guards came to ask for medicine.

The emperor attached great importance to it and specially sent him, a "confidant", to continue to come to the medicinal diet shop to help.

...There is no more possibility between her and herself!

Fortunately, he and He Dian did not fall out completely, and he and she were still "brother and sister".

Gu Jingyuan gathered all his thoughts, forgot about the past, and regarded He Dian as his biological sister.

He had just changed his mind, but Ma came to catch him again with great fanfare.

One can imagine the shame and anger in Gu Jingyuan's heart.

In his anger, Gu Jingyuan did not hesitate too much and vented out all the depression, dissatisfaction and anger he felt during this period.

Ma closed her eyes hard.

It’s over!

This time, she failed in the "war of public opinion."

Not only was she unable to stand on the moral high ground to attack Gu Jingyuan and He Dian, a pair of scumbag men and bitches, but she became a vicious first wife who did not want a "rubbish husband" after getting rich, and did not hesitate to throw dirty water on her husband!

If it were normal times, Ma would not give in easily when faced with such a situation.

But recently, there have been successive defeats, especially the big ship of Prince Qi's Mansion, which has begun to leak and is on the verge of capsizing. Ma's heart is completely messed up.

Facing Gu Jingyuan's "accusation", instead of refuting it immediately, Ma felt a burst of blood rushing to her forehead——


Ma closed her eyes and fainted.

Ma's illness was very serious.

Some people suspected that she had a "heart disease."

There are never any secrets in Beijing, let alone when Ma family was caught raping, there was such a big fuss.

In less than half a day, most of the capital knew about it.

There are many things that can be said about her, but the more deeply the image of a loving and virtuous wife that Ma created in the past is deeply rooted in people's hearts, the stronger the backlash she is suffering now.


Her reputation was ruined, but she did not completely admit defeat. She took the opportunity to pull her son back from Prince Qi's Mansion.

However, she did not make peace with Gu Jingyuan.

It's not that she doesn't want to, or that Gu Jingyuan disagrees, but that she can't let go of her three children.

This is the Dafeng Dynasty, not later generations.

Husband and wife can reconcile, but the woman will not let the child be taken away.

Unless the man makes a serious mistake and the woman is powerful enough to overpower her husband's family.

Ma did not take advantage of any of these "favorable conditions", and she even asked Gu Jingyuan not to divorce.

In the end, Ma and Gu Jingyuan had no choice but to live apart (which is the ancient version of separation). For the sake of their children and the reputation of their natal family, they became a couple who seemed to be in harmony but who seemed to be apart.

Of course, Ma family still has a glimmer of hope in her heart - maybe Prince Qi's Mansion can win the battle to seize the direct descendants.

The emperor did have a prince, but the child was still young. In ancient times, when the mortality rate was extremely high, it was hard to say whether he would grow up smoothly.

But the emperor is getting older, what if——

As for Prince Qi, he has been trained as the "invisible prince" for several years, and he is already thirteen years old this year.

There are also many courtiers attached to the Qi Palace.

It’s really hard to say who will take the throne in the end!

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

I wonder if Mr. Ma has such a fantasy, and everyone in Prince Qi's palace, including those who follow him, also thinks so.

Therefore, King Qi rebelled!

Taking advantage of Emperor Qiu Wei's hunting, he tried to assassinate the emperor.

The emperor suffered severe trauma and a high fever that persisted, leaving the imperial doctors at their wits' end.

It was Gu Jingyuan who sent him a bowl of medicinal soup. The emperor drank it, and the fever quickly subsided, and the emperor successfully saved his life.

The emperor was not dead, and the palace was not breached.

The rebellion in Prince Qi's Mansion lasted only three days and was easily suppressed by the emperor.

The King of Qi was imprisoned, and the Princess of Qi, the Prince of Qi and other family members were imprisoned together.

The former Yongping Princess Wei Wuyou claimed that she was just the "adopted daughter" of Prince Qi, trying to escape the disaster, but the "real daughter" Yongning Princess Wei Jingniang revealed a truth that made Princess Qi so angry that she vomited blood——

"I am not the daughter of Prince Qi at all, I am just an ordinary peasant girl from Wannian County."

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