The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 603 Opening the mouth

[The heroine took the villain script] []

"I'm not a real daughter who was deliberately transferred. I grew up without a father or a mother, and I depended on my younger brother for life!"

"Princess Yongping rode her horse in the street, trampled my brother to death, and didn't allow anyone to collect the body."

"...I tried every means to set up a trap to confuse the real with the fake, just to get revenge on Princess Yongping and the Prince Qi's Mansion for indulging her!"

After Jing Niang said this, before Wei Wuyou could react, she stabbed her severely, leaving a long scar on her face.

Injuring someone, she tried to commit suicide, but was saved.


He doesn't care about real or fake daughters, as long as they are related to Prince Qi's Mansion, they will be imprisoned until they die of old age!

Princess Qi was not imprisoned until she died of old age. She was a proud person and could not bear the humiliation of being a prisoner.

The matter of "real and fake daughter" was the last straw that broke her back.

After spitting out a mouthful of blood, Princess Qi fell ill.

She is also a ruthless person and knows that as long as Prince Qi is still alive, the emperor will not let Prince Qi go easily.

If King Qi dies, the emperor may still care about his former brotherhood and give King Qi's son and the seriously injured Wei Wuyou a way to survive.

Therefore, Princess Qi took advantage of King Qi's opportunity to take care of her and died together with King Qi.

After the death of King Qi and his wife, the emperor indeed softened his heart.

Instead of continuing to imprison the prince of Qi and others, he demoted them to common people and gave them to a village in the suburbs of Beijing to work as farm servants.

As for the real and fake daughters Wei Wuyou and Jing Niang, one could not bear the blow of being disfigured and eventually died of madness, while the other disappeared.

"This is the last time I've ever helped you. I hope you can start over!"

Although Ma is not as prominent as she used to be, she is still the daughter-in-law of the Marquis and the daughter of the Duke.

It is still possible to help Jing Niang get a new identity and send her away from a distance.

"Benefactor, you are truly a living Bodhisattva who saves people in need! Your great kindness and virtue will never be forgotten by Jingniang!"

After another plastic surgery, Jingniang had a completely new face. She left the capital and started over as a "new widow" in a distant foreign land.

"Living Bodhisattva? Haha, clay Bodhisattva is almost the same!"

Ma watched Jing Niang leave, smiling bitterly to herself.

None of her tasks have been completed. She cannot leave the novel world in advance and can only continue to fight with this small world.

"I'll fight to the death! I still don't believe that Gu Jingyuan can always be famous!"

Ma was no longer bound by the task, but instead put down his burden.

She learned from the experience and began to reflect and found out that she was "too superstitious about the script", which led to her failure.

She began to use her skills to make glass, gunpowder, and search for high-yielding crops, and at least got some credit for her son.

She also set up a trap to knock Gu Jingyuan off his horse.

Because of "dereliction of duty", Gu Jingyuan was beaten to the end, and he became a playboy who only knew how to eat and wait for death.

Ahem, without He Tiantian's participation, Ma finally showed off the super fighting power of a wild copywriter.

The scumbag Gu Jingyuan was severely punished.

At this time, it was not Ma who didn't want to leave, but Gu Jingyuan who was clinging to Ma.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

He Tiantian:......

What is this, falling in love and killing each other? !

But what about Ma and the others? He Tiantian was too lazy to get involved.

On the surface, she is still just a medicinal lady who only knows a few folk remedies.

But in fact, the royal family valued her very much and protected her secretly.

Of course, in front of the world, she was on good terms with the county mistress of the Dongchang Palace, and all the ladies also valued her very much.

Therefore, even if He Tiantian is not married, even if she does not have any title, she is still the most special existence in the wealthy circles in Beijing.

She has no children, but has countless apprentices and grandchildren.

Her folk remedies have also benefited countless people.

"Ding! The task of suppressing the wild copywriter was successful, and the reward points are 20 points!"

"Ding! Reward 1,000 achievement points."

"Ding! I received a reward of 10,000 points from readers!"

He Tiantian finally beat Ma to death and made sure that no wild writers would tamper with the plot in the novel world, so he left the novel world at the age of 90.

The moment the soul left, a series of mechanical sounds sounded from the depths of He Tiantian's sea of ​​consciousness.

Little D was finally unblocked and rolled in front of He Tiantian again.

"Tiantian, although this mission is completed, it's not satisfying enough!"

Little D’s classmate was a little disappointed.

It also wants to see the two major contributors compete.

As a result, He Tiantian avoided everything and was not willing to confront the wild writer head-on.

He Tiantian:......

The task was indeed not satisfying enough, but there was nothing she could do about it.

Wild writers are not viruses, nor are they evil people with no sense of perspective or bottom line.

She may use some conspiracy and calculation, but she is also excusable.

Even though they have different positions, He Tiantian still admires Ma.

Not to mention anything else, just because she was in a difficult situation, but she still didn't forget to help Jingniang, it is enough to show that this person has good character!

For such a person, He Tiantian couldn't yell or kill, nor did he want to confront her directly.

It's better to just be like in the world of the novel we just finished, where everyone works according to their own abilities and doesn't interfere with each other.

Maybe it's not satisfying, but He Tiantian feels at ease.

No way, this was the first time she met a copywriter in the mission world, and this kind of opponent made her sympathize with each other. He Tiantian had endless conflicts and struggles in her heart.

When he was in the world of novels, He Tiantian even had doubts - must wild writers be expelled?

They are also helping the poor people counterattack.

Could it be that just because they came here illegally, their help to others can be denied?

Of course, He Tiantian soon realized that this idea was a bit dangerous.

After all, this is a novel world derived from the Dianniang system. Some evil forces sneak in for their own interests, which is wrong in itself.

Those wild writers may have good natures, but they are controlled by evil forces and are very likely to be forced to do wrong things that go against their conscience.

And their actions will destroy the stability of the novel world, steal the energy of the small world, and ultimately cause irreparable consequences!

He Tiantian is a contracted writer of Dian Niang System. If she has received enough rewards in Dian Niang System, she should work for Dian Niang!

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

It’s just...well, she is a living person with rich emotions and complex thoughts.

Sometimes, it's really hard to get over that hurdle in your heart.

So, when classmate Little D shook his head and asked, "Tiantian, this kind of task of PKing with wild writers is very exciting, isn't it? Do you want to continue doing this kind of task?"

He Tiantian shook her head, "Let's not do the mission now and return to the real world!"

She needed to rest and collect her thoughts.

Otherwise, she was afraid that she would continue to indulge in some dangerous ideas.

"Ah?" Little D was stunned for a moment. Although he was a little confused, he still responded obediently, "Okay, let's return to the real world!"

Following a mechanical sound from classmate Little D, the space in front of He Tiantian distorted.

When she opened her eyes again, she found that she was still in a small courtyard in the capital.

He Tiantian was in a trance for a moment, her mind stopped for a while, and then she slowly recalled everything before doing the task——

The winter vacation was over. Instead of returning to the county, she continued to take leave.

Her first island was under construction in full swing, and the retired mercenary Duan Yong was hired by He Tiantian as an agent.

In order to patrol the island, she built a drone, which used several black technologies and has been sent to the Chinese Academy of Sciences for research.

In addition, she also borrowed notes, manuscripts and other materials from several big guys at the Chinese Academy of Sciences and stayed in her room to study alone.

The last time she was called away by classmate Little D, she was lying on the desk reading information.

Because of a rescue mission, He Tiantian re-entered the world of novels.

Afterwards, one mission after another, He Tiantian tried various experiences and forgot to return for a moment.

Now that he is back, time in reality still stops at the moment when He Tiantian left.

Putting down the information in his hand, He Tiantian stood up and stretched.

"Tiantian, do you want some water? I just made coffee!"

As soon as He Tiantian made some noise in the room, Yuan Mei, who was waiting outside, heard it.

She raised her voice and asked thoughtfully.

"Yes! Thank you, Sister Mei!"

He Tiantian responded. The familiar yet unfamiliar person gave her a sense of reality that she was indeed back!

Hmm, it’s true that you can’t always indulge in the world of novels.

Her roots are in reality, not in those imaginary little worlds.

A few minutes later, the door panel was lightly clicked.

He Tiantian came directly to the door, opened the door, and asked Yuan Mei to come in.

Seeing the heroic Yuan Mei, He Tiantian was still in a trance for a moment.

Yuan Mei's eyes flashed and she asked in a joking manner: "Tiantian? What's wrong?"

Haven't we just seen each other for a long time? Why does Tiantian look "as if he's a world away"?

Although He Tiantian's expression changed quickly, Yuan Mei, as keen as Yuan Mei, still captured it accurately.

He Tiantian secretly gave a thumbs up in her heart: She is indeed a special female soldier, her sensitivity and six senses are amazing!

"It's okay, I just have a new idea!"

When He Tiantian said this, she didn't just change the subject, but she really had a new idea.

She wants to get out the intermediate gold treasure chest that was exchanged last time - Iron Man!

Even if the entire set of Iron Man cannot be perfectly reproduced, the most critical black technology must be turned into reality.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

"New idea?" Yuan Mei's attention was diverted instantly.

Her eyes even glowed with blazing light.

Although Yuan Mei did not fully understand the "defying nature" of the little girl in front of her, she had witnessed it with her own eyes.

She saw with her own eyes that He Tiantian took a civilian drone bought from a certain treasure and beat it, and then turned it into a black technology that even the Chinese Academy of Sciences was competing for.

At that time, He Tiantian was just playing with a toy and hadn't said "I have a new idea" yet.

Now that she said this, she seemed to take it very seriously. Does this mean that she has a more powerful and advanced "invention"? !

Yuan Mei's heart was pounding.

However, her mission is to protect He Tiantian, not to spy on others.

If He Tiantian didn't take the initiative to report it, she wouldn't report it secretly.

"Yes! Duan Yong called me yesterday and said that the first island is too far from the mainland and it is very inconvenient to use electricity and water."

Laying cables and pulling out wires is too expensive and totally unnecessary.

However, the island cannot be without electricity.

The infrastructure company did transport some generators or solar panels, but it was still inconvenient.

If you want to have more convenient electricity use, energy cannot be bypassed.

It just so happened that He Tiantian got Iron Man when he exchanged the treasure chest last time.

In addition to Iron Man's stunning appearance, its energy source - a small nuclear reactor, is the core black technology.

If He Tiantian can make a truly small nuclear reactor, power generation is just a small case, and many energy gaps can be met.

For example, the desalination of seawater that her first island also needs can also be solved with the energy provided by small nuclear reactors!

He Tiantian took a sip of warm coffee, the bitter liquid lingering in his mouth.

He Tiantian's brain became clearer and clearer.


Just do it!

He Tiantian swallowed the coffee and placed the cup on the table.

Then, she returned to her desk, pulled out a stack of draft paper, and started writing.

Yuan Mei was very curious, but she abided by professional norms and did not peek or disturb.

She placed the coffee pot on the table, quietly left the room, and gently closed the door.

He Tiantian was busy for most of the day.

She didn't stop writing until the light in the room dimmed and He Tiantian's stomach began to growl.

Shaking her sore and numb wrist, He Tiantian found her cell phone and called the leader of the Chinese Academy of Sciences.

"Leader, I want to do an experiment and need some materials... Hehe, they are the kind that are prohibited from personal possession!"

He Tiantian is very direct and goes straight to the topic as soon as the call is connected.

Leader: ...Haha, you really dare to say that!

The leader complained, but he didn't reprimand him. Instead, he asked very curiously: "What experiment do you want to do?"

It shouldn't be a small fight, otherwise, He Tiantian wouldn't find her.

Also, what "banned" material does she want?

Could it be——

"I want to build a small nuclear reactor! What, my island needs electricity and water, and ordinary power generation cannot meet the demand!"

He Tiantian is still very direct.

The leader almost choked on his saliva again.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

nuclear energy?

Damn, this little girl really wants to tinker with this stuff.

However, small nuclear reactors are not a rare thing. A few years ago, some American teenagers made them themselves.

In the national field, relevant experiments have already been carried out.

However, the leader believed in He Tiantian's ability. The small nuclear reactor she mentioned should be more advanced than the current level.

"Okay! Do you have the details? Send me one and I'll figure it out!"

He Tiantian gave her too many surprises, and the leader trusted her very much.

Therefore, facing He Tiantian's "lion's big mouth", the leader not only did not reject it, but also looked forward to it.

"Thank you, leader! I'll send it to you right away!"

He Tiantian took the photo directly and sent it to the other party using a V letter.

This is the benefit of relying on the state. Even scarce raw materials that are prohibited from being held by individuals can be obtained through the state.

While He Tiantian was busy, she was thinking happily...

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