"Come on, come on, let me introduce you to everyone!"

Feng Jing seemed not to feel the strange atmosphere in the conference room. He smiled and introduced to everyone——

"This is He Tiantian, our 'eldest lady'."

Then, he introduced Fu Shaojing, Wu Kai and Cheng Yiming in turn.

He Tiantian smiled obediently and said hello to the three big names in the entertainment industry one by one.

Although Fu Shaojing and the other two people are very repelled by He Tiantian, a person with whom they are connected, they all hang out in the same circle. They will not easily break up if they are not sure of each other's origins.

On the surface, the three of them were polite.

After some mutual introductions and greetings, the atmosphere in the conference room relaxed a lot.

"Tiantian, sit down!"

After the greetings were completed, Feng Jing pointed to the seat next to him and motioned for He Tiantian to take a seat.

He Tiantian was not polite and sat down directly.

Fu Shaojing and the other three looked sideways again. This little girl is really rude.

Ranking in the entertainment industry is really very particular. Even if it is an informal occasion, seats are arranged according to seniority, fame, status, etc.

He Tiantian, that’s her name, right.

The director asked her to sit next to him, but she didn't refuse for a long time and sat face to face with the new actor Fu Shaojing.

"This is a new script. Let's take a look at it first, and then we'll do a round-up reading."

Feng Jing did not waste any more time. He knew that everyone must have objections to He Tiantian's "airborne landing".

They were also very repelled by his behavior of changing the script.

But, this movie is his, and he wants to make it the best it can be, more than anyone else.

But He Tiantian has someone above him, and at Feng Jing's level, he is no longer short of money. What he is worried about is a deeper problem.

For example, his "Breaking Dawn" is a spy drama, and it will inevitably involve some sensitive topics.

Feng Jing is more careful,

It's also possible that the line was crossed without his knowledge.

If there is someone above, I can't say that I will make an exception for him, but at least I can give him some pointers and tell him which fragments need to be modified.

In this way, he can avoid many detours.

Feng Jing was not sure how strong the support behind He Tiantian was, but when he closed his eyes, the image of He Tiantian appearing at the VIP seat at the Spring Festival Gala recording would appear in his mind.

And when the contract was signed that day, the lawyer He Zhiqian brought by He Tiantian was really not a big shot that could be hired with money.

...Let's take a gamble, maybe there will be an unexpected surprise.

Furthermore, Feng Jing did not randomly change the script and add drama just for the sake of adding drama.

There was a similar plot in the original setting, but Feng Jing was worried about not being able to find a suitable actress, so he made changes.

The so-called new script is actually the first version of the script, which may have a little more drama, but is more exciting and fuller, and can counteract the rigidity and monotony of men's dramas.

Fu Shaojing, Wu Kai and Cheng Yiming didn't speak and silently took over the new script.

Although they did not communicate secretly, they all had their own ideas: If the script changes are too outrageous, I will definitely protest!

Alas, I really can't blame them for being so vulnerable. Sometimes the film studio can change a good script beyond recognition in order to compromise with the management.

It's obviously a workplace drama, but in order to flatter the female supporting role that the management inserted into it, it created an unnecessary love line.

It is obviously the leading female lead or the leading male lead, but after repeated additions and changes to the script, the third female lead appears more times than the female lead.

Obviously... there are too many similar chaos in the entertainment industry, and big names like Fu Shaojing have also encountered it.

However, this time it is really different. It is not the kind of TV series that often has fifty or sixty episodes. With a little water and a few superfluous plot lines, the protagonist can still be retained.

This time it's a movie, and it only lasts 150 minutes.

When Director Feng introduced He Tiantian just now, he also said that she plays the "eldest lady" in the film.

This is a small character who appears for less than five minutes, but still exists in the memory of the male protagonist Guo Zhenhua.

Director Feng now wants to add scenes to He Tiantian and has also changed the script.

Fu Shaojing and others followed the routine of adding scenes in the film and television industry and couldn't help but speculate: Could it be that Guo Zhenhua and his Miss Bai Yueguang should have a relationship scene?

But, but she is just a small character and does not contribute much to the main plot. Even if more water is added, to what extent can her role be extended?

Wu Kai plays Guo Zhenhua, a gangster who hangs out on the streets.

However, as soon as the plot begins, he has become a second lieutenant agent of the Fruit Party, and gangsters are a thing of the past.

How does he start a relationship with his eldest lady?

Do we need to keep reminiscing?

Or should we simply let the eldest lady become "immortal"?

But if the eldest lady is not dead, Guo Zhenhua will have one less reason to stimulate his transformation.

The overthrow of the eldest lady and the martial arts school made Guo Zhenhua go from a street gangster to the road of resisting Japan and saving the country in anger.

In addition, Wu Kai has been on the set for almost two months, and more than half of his scenes have been filmed.

If Bai Yueguang, who died early, was suddenly "resurrected", many of his scenes would have to be reshot.

When Wu Kai thought of this, although he tried his best to endure it, his face still looked ugly.

He held the script hard and didn't dare to open it, lest he see the bloody plot he guessed.

"Everyone, let's take a look. After watching it, we have to analyze the characters and match up the scenes!"

Feng Jing still pretended not to see Wu Kai's dark face, he urged with a smile.

Wu Kai:......

After a few breaths to calm down his excitement, he finally opened the script in his hand.

"Huh? The eldest lady is still dead? It takes less than five minutes?"

"...Wait, why did another character be added?"

"Holy shit, twins? You're actually making fun of twins!"

"Well, it is indeed a bit vulgar, but the character of Rose is easy to shine!"

Wu Kai read ten lines at a glance and quickly read the revised script.

The barrage in his heart was rolling rapidly, and he was gradually attracted by the plot.

I have to say that Feng Jing and his screenwriter are really very capable.

The revised script is actually richer and more exciting than the original version.

The original version was great, but there was always something missing.

Now there is an additional female character. It is not a love line, but a career-oriented heroine who is on par with the three male protagonists. Gee, that kind of confrontation between strong men should not be too intense.

There are contradictions, conflicts, and more insidious and cunning female opponents. Instead of making the men stupid, they make them feel stronger.

Not only Wu Kai found the new script exciting, but Fu Shaojing and Cheng Yiming were also impressed.

Especially Cheng Yiming, he chose a big villain this time - the ghost agent Inukai Major.

On the surface, this dog breed is gentle, polite and humble, but in reality, he is sinister, vicious and scheming.

His treatment of the anti-Japanese martyrs was even more cruel, and all kinds of torture were horrifying.

Of course, such people will not end well in the end.

Gu Cha\u0026amp;lt;/span\u0026amp;gt;But the scenes in which he battles wits and courage with the anti-Japanese hidden agents and sets up traps for each other are very exciting.

If the villain is well played, he can still attract fans.

The role of Inukai also tests the actor's acting skills the most.

Because Cheng Yiming acted in a bad movie, he was ridiculed by the crowd for his lack of acting skills. He was almost blacklisted by the entire Internet.

Cheng Yiming learned from the painful experience and decided to play a classic role to "avenge his shame"!

When discussing the role with Director Feng, Director Feng once advised him to try the role of Su Qichen (a Red Party agent).

After all, Cheng Yiming has a good appearance, is handsome and tall, and even if he plays bad movies, he is basically a positive character.

He has almost never been a villain, and he is still this kind of brat who arouses the sensitive nerves of the Chinese people!

But Cheng Yiming was attracted by the character of Quan Yang. What happened to the villain?

The villain in "Breaking Dawn" is not the stupid, brainless ghost in the anti-Japanese drama.

Rather, he is a BOSS-level character with high IQ and high force value.

It was the other two male protagonists who conspired to finally kill him.

Oh, no, this is the plot in the original script.

In the current second version of the script, Director Feng has added Ruth, an international spy, to stir up trouble.

It not only ruined the plans of the two anti-Japanese martyrs Su Qichen and Guo Zhenhua, but also helped them by mistake.

With her neutralization, the other two male protagonists don't seem so weak.

As for Inukai, he was also made more sinister and vicious.

...Anyway, if the role of Ruth is played well, it will not only make the actors shine, but also make the movie fuller and full of contradictions and conflicts.

However, there is a prerequisite for this - the performance is done!

Yes, Ruth’s character design is good, which further tests her acting skills.

If the actors are not tuned well, no matter how wonderful the script is, it can be turned into a bad movie!

Cheng Yiming raised his head and quietly looked at He Tiantian——

This girl is only about seventeen or eighteen years old. Even if she is talented, it is probably her first time to be "electrically shocked".

How can she play such a complex role well?

And there is a "twin flower" plot, in which she has to play two roles, one is the kind and gentle Miss Bai Yueguang, and the other is the cunning, profit-seeking international female spy.

The contrast is too great. If one is not correct, both characters will overturn!

"...Everyone has read the script. Let's review it first!"

When Director Feng saw Fu Shaojing, Wu Kai and Cheng Yiming holding the script in a daze, he broke the silence with a smile.


Fu Shaojing and the others naturally had no objections. They also wanted to see how He Tiantian, a well-connected person, understood the character.

If you can't even read the script, then there's no need to think about filming.

They took the opportunity to make suggestions to the director, and they could have a justifiable reason.

However, none of Fu Shaojing and the others expected that He Tiantian's subsequent performance would be so amazing.

When she was the eldest lady of the martial arts school, she met Guo Amao, a young gangster who was beaten violently on the street, and she rescued him.

He also brought Guo Amao back to the martial arts hall, gave him medicine for his wounds, treated him to a meal, and allowed him to come to the martial arts hall to do odd jobs to earn some pocket money.

She is as gentle as the pure white moonlight, illuminating Guo Amao's dark and miserable life.

The eldest lady discovered that Guo Amao was a martial arts practitioner and made an exception to teach him martial arts.

Both a teacher and a friend, the eldest lady is definitely the most important and beloved person in Guo Amao's heart.

He Tiantian didn't put on makeup, nor did she perform improvisation. She just immersed herself in dialogue, which made people feel a kind of tenderness and compassion coming from the bones.

It turns out that this is Bai Yueguang, this is a kind of kindness and nobility that redeems others.

"This, this is nothing, maybe he is acting in his true colors."

Fu Shaojing and Cheng Yiming still dare not draw conclusions too early.

They are all people who have been acting for many years, and they know very well that it is not difficult to portray a good person.

The difficult thing is to play a good villain without making the audience scold you!

When the villain can make people feel that he just has a different position from the protagonist, each has his own master, and each has his own difficulties, that will be the real success.

If you want to achieve such an effect, you must show the villain's shining points. With "personal charm", you can naturally achieve the goal of attracting fans.

Compared with the simple eldest lady, Ruth is much more complicated.

She and the eldest lady were twins, but they were lost when they were young. They were adopted by a missionary and taken abroad.

She was an orphan who was displaced abroad and suffered a lot. In order to survive, she learned how to cheat and deceive, and was trained as a spy.

She has no concept of country, let alone what national justice is.

What she believes in is the law of the jungle, and all she sees is money.

For money, she would give anything.

She is a beautiful snake, known as the "Rose with a Thousand Faces" and wanted by several countries.

She came to China for a mission and boarded the cruise ship bound for Xiangjiang, where she had conflicts of interest with all three male protagonists.

Of course, during the conflict, she was influenced by Guo Zhenhua (formerly Guo Amao), and received guidance and enlightenment from Su Qichen, and eventually became a helper of the anti-Japanese martyrs.

She may still not understand what it means to serve the country and the people, and why she should sacrifice herself for others.

But she learned to respect, began to learn to understand her motherland and her compatriots, and slowly embarked on the right path.

It can be said that the character of Ruth is more complex than the villain Major Inukai.

After all, Inukai has been bad all the way to the end. He just pretends to be in front of others, and there is no real change in mentality.

But Ruth has a transformation from determination to confusion, and then from confusion to determination.

This process is particularly difficult to perform.

Fu Shaojing and Cheng Yiming secretly calculated in their hearts and found that looking at the entire entertainment industry, there were no more than one actress who could play such a complex role.

As for actors with good acting skills, they are basically not too young.

Ruth's age setting for this mission is only about twenty years old.

It is difficult for an old actor who is too old to portray the youthfulness of a twenty-year-old girl.

And newcomers who are too young will find it difficult to perform the complex roles!


The script has been revised very well, and the new characters added are also exciting.

However, good actors are hard to find!

However, Fu Shaojing and the others did not worry for too long, and they soon began to play against He Tiantian.

Still without makeup or costume, He Tiantian wore a bare face, wearing a casual sweatshirt and jeans.

But when he started speaking Ruth's lines, his whole demeanor changed——

A pure Chinese man with black hair and black eyes, but he speaks with a foreign accent and a face that is still childish, but he acts in a variety of ways!

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