[The heroine took the villain script] []

"Sister, this is just a script reading. It's just analyzing the characters and correcting the lines. Why do you start to make more moves?"

Wu Kai, who acted opposite He Tiantian, was stunned.

He didn't catch He Tiantian's lines for a moment, but looked at him blankly.

The girl in front of him is no longer an amateur actor, but a mysterious girl who has just returned from abroad.

She is bright, she has an accent, and she exudes an aura of danger.

With just one look, Wu Kai was stunned on the spot.

It was Director Feng who coughed lightly and woke up Wu Kai. He had a sneer on his face, but he couldn't help complaining in his heart: "Sister, you don't have to work so hard, really!"

But then, when He Tiantian actually started taking makeup photos and filming the first scene, Wu Kai suffered an even more intense shock.


Absolute crushing!

Fortunately, the first scene was about the young lady from a martial arts school encountering a low-level gangster on the street.

Wu Kai's shock and numbness are very consistent with his inner humility and timidity.

Director Feng took a few shots and passed!

Wu Kai: ... Damn, it’s okay to be crushed by an old actor, but now even a newcomer who has never acted before can knock him to the ground!

He, he is also an old man in the entertainment industry who has been in the entertainment industry for several years.

He has tens of millions of fans online!

He...well, forget it, let's continue to hone his acting skills with the veteran actors.

In the first scene, He Tiantian deeply stimulated Wu Kai.

Fu Shaojing and Cheng Yiming were relieved. Their acting skills were amazing, and the script was changed to be more exciting. They just had to devote their acting skills.

This "Breaking Dawn" will definitely turn out great!

In fact, these two veteran actors who have been acting for many years are not only relieved, they even have a sense of crisis.

Especially Fu Shaojing, who just won the Best Actor and was touted by fans and the media as a leading actor in the entertainment industry.

If he were to be overshadowed by a newcomer on the big screen, Fu Shaojing could only imagine with his toes how much ridicule he would receive from netizens!

Work hard, you must work harder!

Fu Shaojing made up his mind to stay on the set regardless of whether there was an announcement of his performance or not.

As for Cheng Yiming, there is not much pressure.

He is famous for being strong when faced with strong situations. The upper limit of his acting skills never depends on himself, but on how strong his opponent is.

He Tiantian's stunning performance ignited Cheng Yiming's fighting spirit.

Because He Tiantian joined the cast too late, the director concentrated on filming her scenes in order to catch up with the schedule.

And every time at this time, the three male protagonists Fu Shaojing, Wu Kai and Cheng Yiming would watch, actively speculate and deal with it!

"Okay! This one is passed!"

Feng Jing could not be more satisfied.

He Tiantian is not only good at martial arts and can complete various difficult moves in the international spy Thousand Faces of Rose, but her acting skills are also extremely superb.

Not to mention crushing a low-traffic hotshot like Wu Kai, he can actually compete with a freak like Cheng Yiming.

Tsk tsk, what is a strong-strong collision?

Feng Jing could feel the fireworks through the monitor.

The actors performed heartily, and the director and crew enjoyed watching it.

Even Fu Shaojing, who boasted of being the Best Actor, was a little bit giddy, but he started to take it seriously after seeing the wonderful showdown between He Tiantian and Cheng Yiming.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

Not to mention Wu Kai, who already loves to learn, but after He Tiantian joined the group, he became even more dedicated!

The actors in the entire crew all show a tendency to be better than others, and to be stronger than others.

This kind of healthy competition directly made Doula Feng blossom.

The efficiency of the crew has also become extremely fast.

There were originally forty-five days of shooting planned, but it was completed in one month.

"Stuck! Passed!"

After filming He Tiantian's last scene, Ruth's scene was completed.

He Tiantian jumped into the sea with a difficult leap in the air. The furious Quanyang and others chased him to the deck and shot at the sea.

It is unknown whether Ruth is alive or dead, but there will be letters from her in subsequent plots. She went to many places in China, saw with her own eyes the harm the war had done to the Chinese people, and personally experienced the pain of the war and the helplessness of the subjugated slaves.

She ended up going to the Red Holy Land and became a true warrior.

Originally, for the scene of jumping into the sea, Director Feng wanted to use a stand-in and put pressure on him.

After all, before Ruth jumped into the sea, in order to avoid being chased by the dog, she had to perform a series of difficult somersaults, jumps and other actions.

In the past, these actions were basically performed by martial arts actors themselves.

But in recent years, wires have become rampant. As long as you jump, wires are basically used.

Even if Wia is used, many times it is a substitute.

As an actor or something, just strike a pose and take a picture of their face.

He Tiantian refused, "Director, no need for a substitute, I can do it myself!"

"There is no need for wires. Some movements are more natural if done by yourself. If you hang wires, they will appear too stiff!"

He Tiantian persuaded her and even took the initiative to perform various flipping and jumping postures.

Her posture was light, her tumbling height was perfect, and she moved smoothly, just like a real martial arts master.

"Okay! Let's give it a try!"

Director Feng doesn't like Wia very much. In his early years, he filmed with them in Hong Kong, so he likes the older generation of martial arts stars in Hong Kong.

The punches are to the flesh and the lower body is steady. This is a serious martial arts movie.

Now...well, with the popularity of fairy tale dramas, martial arts and so on have become lonely.

Director Feng initially fell in love with He Tiantian because of her leap at the opening ceremony of the campus sports meeting.

In addition to the interlocking layout and IQ battles, his "Breaking Dawn" also has many beautiful martial arts scenes.

Young talents like Wu Kai learned some martial arts moves from the martial arts instructor specially hired by Director Feng.

Cheng Yiming went to learn Neon's karate and swordsmanship.

It’s hard to say whether it can be beaten, but the flower display looks decent.

Director Feng incorporated martial arts elements and also had the idea of ​​hitting the international market.

Now an international spy has been added, and there are a lot of English and French dialogues in the film, which is also a plus.

Well, speaking of Ruth's foreign language skills, He Tiantian once again amazed Director Feng, Fu Shaojing and other cast and crew.

"No need to find a translator, I can speak English and French. Oh, by the way, Spanish and Japanese are also OK!"

He Tiantian waved her hand casually, indicating that she could also go into battle herself.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

Wu Kai, who had the most scenes with her, was immediately shut down: "Boss, He Xian'er, what kind of fairy are you? Is there anything else you can't do?"

Martial arts, piano playing, oil painting, and several foreign languages...where did Director Feng find such a nearly omnipotent connection? !

Director Feng still felt that Wu Kai was not stimulated enough, so he added leisurely, "Our Tiantian has obtained the qualification for admission to Peking University without taking the exam, and he will go to Peking University to study in the second half of the year!"

Wu Kai, who went to work as an intern right after graduating from high school: ...the god of study, the legendary recommended student! The scumbag can only retreat!

He Tiantian's almost almighty super strength, coupled with her lively personality, allows her to get along well with the cast and crew.

Most of the main characters in the crew are male. There are no actresses who have conflicts of interest with He Tiantian, so naturally there is no conflict of competing for roles and scenes.

The three male protagonists also like the all-rounder like He Tiantian very much. They do not mix feelings between men and women, but appreciate and implicitly respect them.

It is said that such an outstanding person has a strong backer behind him. As long as his IQ is online, he will not be easily offended.

After He Tiantian came to the set, she didn't lead a bunch of staff members.

But she is always accompanied by a heroic female assistant.

During a certain filming, a young actor was almost hit by a falling prop.

Before anyone could react, He Tiantian's female assistant jumped down and protected the young actor.

That movement was crisp and neat, no worse than He Tiantian's martial arts.

Fu Shaojing and others were shocked. They were both actors, but they had bigger positions and had several assistants around them.

However, martial arts masters like Sister Mei next to He Tiantian are not easily recruited.

"This is a bodyguard! A very awesome one!"

Secretly, Wu Kai secretly whispered to Fu Shaojing and Cheng Yiming.

Fu Shaojing and Cheng Yiming looked at each other and said nothing, but they each had a guess in their hearts - He Tiantian must have a very powerful background.

At the final celebration banquet, Feng Jing drank a few more glasses of wine and unconsciously said, "We will also need Tiantian's help for the next review!"

His voice was very low, as if he just said it casually, and no one around him paid much attention.

Those who heard it only thought that Director Feng was a disguised way of praising He Tiantian for his good acting skills, which added a lot to "Breaking Dawn".

Only Cheng Yiming, who has been in the entertainment industry for many years, listened to these words.

He had already guessed: Director Feng changed the script and added scenes for He Tiantian, and even made an exception to let her join the cast midway through, all of which showed how much he valued her.


He Tiantian may be very good in her own right, but her family is not rich, nor is she a member of the social circle.

Cheng Yiming relied on his good connections and investigated the information to show that He Tiantian was just an ordinary high school student.

Maybe my grades were relatively good and I got the opportunity to attend Beijing University’s winter camp, and then I was admitted without taking the exam.

But her family background is really ordinary.

However, Director Feng valued her so much, and even said that he had to count on He Tiantian even if she had to "pass the trial"!

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

Cheng Yiming couldn't help but think too much.

"...Tiantian, please contact me more in the future!"

Cheng Yiming took the initiative to add He Tiantian's V-letter, and also interacted with He Tiantian on Weibo, saying that he had a little sister on the set.

He Tiantian still wanted to continue playing in the entertainment industry. Cheng Yiming showed his kindness, and He Tiantian naturally would not refuse.

"Okay, Brother Ming!"

Speaking of which, He Tiantian especially liked watching Cheng Yiming's famous work when she was a child.

Detective Di Renjie, a young detective who is smart, smart and occasionally venomous, plays well with a group of veteran actors and actresses.

It's a pity that the debut is the peak.

Cheng Yiming ruined his reputation all his life.

But this time in "Breaking Dawn", He Tiantian saw a brand new Cheng Yiming.

The Inukai Major he plays is really vicious to the core.

I hate him till my teeth itch, but I have some understanding.

He was brainwashed by the devils and believed in their bushido. In terms of patriotism, he also loved his country crazily.

His fight with the two anti-Japanese martyrs Su Qichen and Guo Zhenhua had no personal grudges at all. It was just that the country's stance was different and they each had their own beliefs!

Cheng Yiming performed the cruelty and inhumanity of the ghost, and also showed his faith and persistence.

It is very rare for the audience to watch it and feel both hate and appreciation.

He Tiantian believes that Cheng Yiming will become famous after "Breaking Dawn" is released.

His acting skills will also be recognized and even praised by the public!

"Well, it should pass the review and be released smoothly, right!"

He Tiantian knew that this drama of the Republic of China also involved a spy war, so he was particularly strict during the review.

In order to pass the review, some cuts must be made, and more than once.

This is the first movie He Tiantian has shot, and she has put a lot of effort and expectations into it.

If possible, she hopes to see the most complete and satisfactory plot in the cinema.

Yuan Mei: ...of course you can pass the trial!

Although there is something in this movie that doesn't quite fit the main theme.

For example, the image creation of Inukai is not a complete denial, but a hint of understanding.

This is very dangerous, as it can easily make the audience feel that the film is whitewashing the villain.

If you over-interpret it, you will also think that there is something wrong with the three views of the film, and then ask for modifications.

However, there is no problem with the main line. It is patriotic and anti-Japanese. It also influenced the military reunification agent (Guo Zhenhua) and guided the international spy (Ruth). It echoed the policy of uniting all forces that can be united to jointly defend the enemy!

Plus what’s so sweet…

Ahem, Yuan Mei has already heard that the experiments on small nuclear reactors at the Chinese Academy of Sciences are progressing very smoothly.

This black technology has also been applied to the military industry.

He Tiantian's contribution cannot be said to be great enough.

And she has no other requirements. She just wants to act in a movie, and the country's father will still satisfy her.

Therefore, Yuan Mei has no doubt that the drama "Breaking Dawn" will pass the review.

"Tiantian, the movie is finished, what are your plans next!"

Yuan Mei accompanied He Tiantian to leave the film and television paradise and returned to the capital. She asked casually.

"...It's already April, and there are still two months before the college entrance examination. I want to go back to school!"

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

After the winter vacation, she has been taking leave.

Although the County No. 1 Middle School already knew that she was admitted to Beijing University without taking the exam, she is still a student at the County No. 1 Middle School.

It wouldn't be appropriate to never go back.

In addition, she still has some things to deal with back home.

Not to mention anything else, I need to get my high school diploma and take a graduation photo with my classmates.

She was not happy in high school, but in the past half year, she still had good friends and roommates.

The teachers are also very nice to her.

...She needs a summary and proof of these memories that are exclusive to high school.

Also, she never told certain people (namely Zhou Zixuan) that she entered Beijing University without taking the exam.

If wealth does not return to its hometown, it is like walking at night in brocade clothes.

He Tiantian admitted that no matter how prosperous she was in the novel world, in reality, she still wanted to show off and let people know that she, He Tiantian, was no worse than others!

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