The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 608 Returning Home

[The heroine took the villain script] []

After more than three months, He Tiantian returned to the small county town.

Her feelings were somewhat complicated.

Like a lifetime ago?

Sort of, after all, she was not only gone for three months, but also stayed in the world of the novel for life after life.

Seeing the place where I grew up again gave me an inexplicable sense of strangeness.

Things are different and people are different? !

This is not enough!

No, He Tiantian had just left the long-distance bus station in the county, and before she could get to the county No. 1 Middle School, she met an acquaintance.

"Oh, Tiantian, what did you do during the winter vacation? Your aunt came to see you, did you know?"

The speaker was a middle-aged woman in her forties. He Tiantian was stunned for a moment. It took a few minutes to realize that this person was her neighbor.

To be precise, it was her neighbor who lived next door when she lived with her aunt.

Last year, my aunt got married and the house and small supermarket were sold. He Tiantian also moved into the school dormitory, and she gradually lost contact with these neighbors.

However, after living together for more than ten years and not seeing each other for a year, the aunt was still very affectionate when she saw He Tiantian.

"My aunt?"

After He Tiantian reacted, she called her aunt, and then asked in surprise, "She came to see me?"

How can it be?

My aunt had always regarded her as a burden. She finally got rid of her and happily married into the city. How could she come to find her? !


He Tiantian thought about it seriously and came up with a guess.

It was probably during the Chinese New Year that she didn't take the initiative to contact her biological parents, which was a bit embarrassing to her biological parents.

It's not that they care about themselves so much, they want to see her so much.

They, well, should have that parental sense of authority and control at work.

Perhaps they feel that as a child, He Tiantian, a child who lacks love and longs for a family, can usually hold on, but on special days like the Chinese New Year when the family reunites, she will feel lonely and desolate, and then take the initiative to contact her parents and relatives.

Maybe they wanted to take the opportunity to make some adjustments so that He Tiantian could know who were the parents and who was the master of the family!

He Tiantian knew that she must have angered him when she called her cheap biological father He Shengli to ask for child support.

It made him feel like a naughty child, an unfilial daughter, and challenged his authority as a father!

It's just that because of his job and reputation, he was afraid that He Tiantian would really get into trouble and he and his wife would end badly, so he pinched his nose and gave the money.

Give money back, give money back, He Shengli and his wife must feel very aggrieved.

They were probably furious, thinking that no matter how naughty He Tiantian was, he was still just a teenager.

Not to mention the fact that she will need money for college, marriage, etc., it is also difficult for her to endure special days like the holidays alone.

They were all waiting for He Tiantian to give in, and then take advantage of it.

As a result, He Tiantian did not take the initiative to contact him at all.

He Shengli was getting more and more angry, but he prided himself on his identity and did not want to go to the small county town to find He Tiantian.

He called He Shengnan and asked her to come over and take a look.

First, He Shengnan lives in the city, relatively close to the small county town;

Secondly, He Shengnan is He Tiantian's "adoptive mother". The relationship between the two should be better, at least closer than He Shengli and his wife.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

Even if there is no relationship, He Shengnan has raised He Tiantian for more than ten years, and the neighbors all recognize the relationship between their aunt and nephew. They will not be surprised to see He Shengnan coming to see He Tiantian.

Unlike He Shengli,

He passed the exam from the county seat to the provincial capital. For more than 20 years, he rarely returned to the county seat.

The neighbors didn't even know that he was He Tiantian's biological father.

Therefore, if he rashly ran back to the county seat and went to school to find He Tiantian, he would definitely attract others' attention.

He Shengli loves face and is inexplicably reserved. He doesn't want to be questioned or pointed at.

It would be most appropriate for He Shengnan to come forward.

"Yes, on the twenty-eighth day of the twelfth lunar month, your aunt came back and went to school specifically to find you!"

"After the New Year, on the sixth day of the first lunar month, your aunt came again and almost got into a fight with your class teacher!"

"...Oh, this is such a big deal that half the county knows about it."

"Hey, by the way, Tiantian, where have you been? Someone said you went to work elsewhere? What job did you find?"

While the aunt was gossiping with He Tiantian, she was also looking at He Tiantian up and down.

As if she wanted to know what kind of work a beautiful girl of seventeen or eighteen years old in front of her was doing in the field.

This look is a bit prickly.

He Tiantian didn't pay too much attention to it. These three aunts and six wives usually had nothing to do. They just liked to care about the shortcomings of the boss and the west.

They have rich associations, and sometimes the "truths" they conjure up make people laugh or cry.

"I went to the capital and participated in a winter camp organized by a university!"

He Tiantian came back just to show off, so naturally she wouldn't hide it.

"What? Winter camp? I, I've heard of summer camp, why is there still winter camp?"

"What is this winter camp for? Is it like what is shown on TV, military training or visiting somewhere?"

The aunt was indeed very curious and asked actively.

“Winter camp, like summer camp, is an activity held during the holidays.”

"I participated in the winter camp of Kyungseong University, where many students with expertise in a certain subject come together to study together and compete with each other."

He Tiantian explained briefly.

Auntie's eyes lit up, "Beijing University? Just, that Beijing University?"

He Tiantian nodded, "Yes, it's Beijing University!"

"Oh my god, Tiantian, you are so promising, you can actually participate in the activities held by Beijing University!"

"By the way, what are the benefits of participating in this winter camp? Can I get extra points in the college entrance examination?"

This aunt's family does not have college entrance examination students, but there are high school entrance examination students.

Therefore, she knows that during the college entrance examination and high school entrance examination, certain students with special talents or children with special contributions from their families can enjoy the extra points policy.

Auntie still didn't understand what winter camp was, but when she saw that He Tiantian would rather take leave than go to the capital, she knew that this winter camp must be beneficial.

For high school seniors, the most attractive reward is extra points!

Not to mention twenty points, just adding ten points can widen the academic gap.

"No bonus points!"

He Tiantian shook her head, and then gave an answer that made her aunt even more envious: "However, I was admitted to Beijing University without taking the exam!"

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

Seeing that her aunt didn't quite understand the meaning of admission without examination, she added, "Oh, it's what we often call 'admission'!"

"What? Tiantian, are you recommended? Or is it the best university like Beijing University?"

Auntie shouted in surprise.

He Tiantian smiled and nodded, but she said nothing more.

If you want to show off, just say it once. If you talk too much, it will lose that noble flavor.

"Oh, sweetie, you are really promising, you are even better than your dad!"

"Back then, your dad got admitted to a key university in the provincial capital and was already one of the few talented people in our county. I didn't expect you to be even better than your dad and to be admitted to Beijing University!"

"Oh, your family has such an outstanding child like you. How happy are your parents and your aunt?"

Although my aunt was making a fuss, she was still sweet and happy.

However, He Tiantian did not agree with what she said——


No matter how good she is, she can't compete with her younger brother's body.

He Tiantian has long seen the true face of He Shengli and his wife, and has no more expectations for her parents and family ties.

After chatting with her aunt for a few words, He Tiantian said goodbye and left. She found a rental tricycle on the side of the road and returned to the No. 1 Middle School in the county.

Teacher Fang, the head teacher, was very happy to see He Tiantian, "You're back? Have you finished everything in Beijing?"

In fact, Teacher Fang didn't know what He Tiantian did in the capital.

I just know that He Tiantian got the admission letter from Beijing University without taking the exam and was admitted in advance. In other words, He Tiantian was already a student of Beijing University as early as the winter vacation.

Her academic status and files were also transferred by people from the capital.

The principal probably knew more, but the principal was very strict and said that He Tiantian had a future and would become the pride of their county's No. 1 Middle School in the future.

The principal didn't say much else, but asked Teacher Fang to cooperate more.

As He Tiantian's class teacher, Teacher Fang naturally hopes that she can have a good future.

Therefore, when Aunt He came to see He Tiantian and made a fuss with Teacher Fang on the phone, Teacher Fang did not disclose He Tiantian's whereabouts no matter how harsh the other party's words were.

She knew about the He family and how Aunt He's mistress rose to power, so she felt sympathy and pity for He Tiantian.

She didn't want an "adoptive mother" like Aunt He to ruin He Tiantian's future.

Although it is unlikely, the native family will still have a certain impact on the child. If it affects He Tiantian's recommendation, then, then——

So, let’s help hide it.

If He Tiantian wanted her family to know, she would take the initiative to explain.

Teacher Fang has only one insistence, that is, this matter cannot be said out of her mouth.

This is also the last thing she does to her students as a teacher and class teacher.

"Everything is done! The house is also ready. When school starts in September, I can enroll directly!"

He Tiantian answered obediently that Beijing University had already taken care of these matters.

If it weren't for the worry that it would affect her "experimentation", Peking University might really offer early admission.

After all, Shuimu is still watching her, always thinking of poaching her to Shuimu.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

In order to avoid losing a genius, Peking University hurriedly transferred He Tiantian's academic status and files.

Even for household registration, relevant personnel went to He Shengli to apply for it.

Well, maybe this is one of the reasons why He Shengli is eager to find He Tiantian.

He probably wanted to know what He Tiantian had done and why someone came to help her change her household registration.

He didn't dare to ask the person who came to go through the formalities, because at first glance, that person was just like him, he was on public food, and his rank must be higher than his!

He could only ask He Tiantian, but He Tiantian couldn't get through.

After trying several times, He Shengli was angrily discovered that this unfilial daughter had actually blocked all phone calls between him, his wife, and his sister!

Okay, this is a high-level climb. Don’t you want to recognize your biological parents? !

He Shengli became increasingly angry and called several times to urge He Shengnan to return to the county seat to find He Tiantian.

"That's good. It just so happens that tomorrow our school has arranged to take graduation photos for the senior class. You can also take a group photo with everyone!"

Teacher Fang saw that He Tiantian looked confident and knew that there was no change in the recommendation. She was sincerely happy for He Tiantian.

She had neglected this student in the past, but fortunately, this child worked hard on his own, actively participated in class activities, re-established friendships with classmates, and became increasingly outstanding.

Teacher Fang felt guilty, but now she is even more happy and proud!

"Thank you, teacher!"

He Tiantian bowed deeply to Teacher Fang.

Perhaps, Teacher Fang did not save her during her most difficult time.

That’s not Mr. Fang’s fault.

First, Duan Nana and several other bad girls are very good at pretending, and they always find uninhabited corners to bully;

Secondly, she was too weak to tell the teacher or her aunt.

Teacher Fang supervises more than fifty students and teaches two classes concurrently. She cannot cover everything.

However, Teacher Fang never discriminated against her because she did not study well or was too withdrawn.

Sometimes, Teacher Fang would take the initiative to give her extra lessons and ask her, "He Tiantian, is anyone bullying you in the class?"

At that time, He Tiantian had low self-esteem and was cowardly. She did not dare to complain to the teacher for fear of suffering more bullying later.

She denied it. Teacher Fang vaguely heard the news and could not help her.

However, Teacher Fang still taught without distinction, was fair and just, and treated students without distinction.

Of course, Teacher Fang definitely prefers students who study well and get good grades. This is human nature and everyone can understand it;

However, Teacher Fang did not dislike the poor students and verbally attacked, even humiliated and abused these people. This is very rare.

He Tiantian used to lack love and self-confidence. Teacher Fang's fairness and impartiality were a rare kindness to her.

Therefore, He Tiantian was very grateful to Teacher Fang.

She bowed to Teacher Fang at this moment, not only to thank her for helping her deal with Aunt He and reminding her to go back to school to take graduation photos, but also to thank her for "treating everyone equally" in the past three years!

"You're welcome, He Tiantian, you must study hard in the future and never forget your original intention. Get out of this small county and go to a broader world!"

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

Only by seeing the vastness of the world can we not always stick to the misfortunes we have experienced.

Teacher Fang sincerely hopes that her students can have a bright future and a happy future.

"Well, teacher, I know, I will definitely work hard!"

He Tiantian thanked her again and returned to Class 7, Grade 3.

It was recess at this time, but the students were not frolicsome or playing. Except for the necessary toilet breaks, everyone was buried in piles of books and studying hard.

On the blackboard at the back of the classroom, the countdown to the college entrance examination was left with only two digits.

The huge "56" always reminds students that time is really running out, so seize every moment to study hard!

However, He Tiantian's return still attracted the attention of the students.

"Ah, He Xian'er, you are finally back!"

"He Xian'er, where have you been? Brother Xuan said you went to the capital, but he didn't say what you were doing. Tell me, what were you doing?"

The classmates who were close friends with He Tiantian asked all kinds of questions.

Zhou Zixuan and others, who had never dealt with He Tiantian, raised their heads and said angrily, "What else can they do? Huh, they must be doing evil things!"

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