[The heroine took the villain script] []

"Build a high-speed rail station? Or build a highway?"

Yuan Mei looked at He Tiantian intently.

He Tiantian smiled and nodded, "Yes, our small county is so small that it doesn't even have its own train station. If you want to travel, you must first go to the city or the provincial capital."

"If you want to get rich, build roads first! With a high-speed rail station or a highway, the development of the county should be able to speed up a lot!"

In this way, she not only benefited the village, but also helped Zhou Zixuan's father add a political achievement.

And she can also accumulate some merit.

After experiencing life after life in the world of novels, He Tiantian can't be said to have experienced the beauty and see through the world of mortals, but she is no longer very attached to those material enjoyments.

To put it bluntly, she is not afraid of being scolded for showing off. For her, money is really just a number.

Therefore, she had black technology and developed new technology. Instead of keeping it for herself and making a fortune, she directly handed it over to the country.

Firstly, she is not that thirsty for money;

Secondly, she believes that the country will not treat everyone who contributes to the country badly.

No, the country gave her many rewards without even asking for it.

She has a courtyard house in the capital, an island of her own in the East China Sea, and she receives dividends from several enterprises led by the state.

As for cars, cruise ships, private jets, etc. the rich enjoy...

He Tiantian said without exaggeration that if she wanted to, she could make one by hand. Both in terms of function and appearance, it was far superior to the most high-end and sophisticated products of this era.

Well, even if she is too lazy to do it herself, she can exchange it directly from Diianniang Mall.

She can have aircraft and starships as long as she wants them, as long as she has enough points!

...Money is really, really, really not that important to He Tiantian.

Now, she will first build a high-speed rail station or build a highway in her hometown.

In the future, she can also support out-of-school girls or families with serious illnesses.

Doing good deeds without asking for reward.

He Tiantian not only learned various skills in the novel world, she also understood this truth.

"Okay! I'll take care of this!"

Yuan Mei agreed when she saw that He Tiantian was insistent and it didn't seem like an idea that just came out of her head.

In fact, Yuan Mei said "I will do it", but she did not really do it all by herself.

Unknown to He Tiantian, the team of "assistants" is expanding, and Yuan Mei is no longer the only one.

There is already a team behind He Tiantian.

They are responsible for He Tiantian's safety and help her handle everything.

For nothing else, I just hope that He Tiantian can devote all his energy to scientific research.

It's not that the relevant departments are exaggerating, it's that He Tiantian's importance is too high.

Not to mention her artificial intelligence and small nuclear reactor technology, just a genetic enhancement liquid has benefited the country a lot.

Relevant scientific researchers have developed gene-targeting drugs based on gene-enhanced fluids.

This gives millions or even tens of millions of genetic disease patients in the country hope of recovery.

The key is that if a country possesses such technology, it will no longer be choked by foreign countries or suffer double standards——

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

The same gene-targeted drug can easily cost tens of thousands of yuan per bottle in China.

But abroad, the price is much cheaper.

Nowadays, China also has its own genetic black technology. Not only can it get rid of the double-standard behavior of some international companies,

You can also earn foreign exchange in turn!

After all, He Tiantian's genetic enhancement solution is far stronger than the genetic medicines produced by international companies.

The effect of the medicine is also immediate.

Huakang Biopharmaceutical Company's gene-targeted drugs caused an international sensation as soon as they were launched.

Domestic patients are rejoicing, but some foreign companies and forces are facing serious enemies.

However, regardless of the reaction of each room, the advent of gene-targeted drugs is of great significance.

The biggest contributor to all this is He Tiantian.

What is unexpected is that such black technology is just a gadget that He Tiantian made at random when he got interested.

There is also the small nuclear reactor that was just handed over. He Tiantian will study nuclear energy because it is inconvenient to use electricity on his own island!

Leaders from all walks of life:...

Alas, he is just a child after all, and his thoughts come up all at once.

However, this child has a persevering heart and is extremely close to and passionate about the country.

If she treats the country like this, the Gu family will not treat her badly.

Therefore, under the instructions of the big leader, the relevant departments set up a "project team" specifically for He Tiantian.

This project team does not do special research. They have only one job, which is to protect and cooperate with He Tiantian.

He Tiantian's request will be satisfied as much as possible as long as it does not violate principles and laws.

Building high-speed rail and highways for our hometown is not only not a bad thing, but a great thing that benefits the country and the people.

Yuan Mei naturally responded positively and asked the team behind her to fully cooperate!

He Tiantian:......

There were more secretly protective people around him, and of course He Tiantian noticed it immediately.

This real world of hers belongs to the Age of Ending Dharma, and its spiritual energy is thin.

However, He Tiantian possesses heaven-defying skills and the plot blessings given to her by the Dian Niang System, so she still developed spiritual power.

Maybe he hasn't reached the threshold of cultivating immortality yet, but He Tiantian's six senses are far superior to those of top martial arts masters.

The moment those people appeared, He Tiantian discovered their existence and locked their hiding location.

Of course, He Tiantian didn't tell the truth, but pretended not to know what to do.

She just needs to make sure those people have no ill intentions towards her, that's enough!

"Tiantian, what are your plans next?"

Yuan Mei accompanied He Tiantian back to "home" and lived in that old and dilapidated two-bedroom house for a few days.

She also helped He Tiantian move her few luggage from the dormitory of County No. 1 Middle School to her home.

After staying like this for a few days, Yuan Mei felt that He Tiantian's mood was not very high.

She seemed to be stuck in memories of the past.

And He Tiantian's past experience was not very good.

Yuan Mei was worried that the little girl would become depressed again, so she took the initiative to ask.

He Tiantian:......

She just came to an end with the past and said "goodbye" to everything in the past, but she didn't really indulge in it.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

She won't be depressed!

She has become mentally strong and tough and will not be easily defeated!

However, He Tiantian felt Yuan Mei's concern, and she was grateful for this kindness.

"...Go to the first island, Duan Yong said, the construction on the island is almost complete!"

He Tiantian thought for a while and said slowly.

The matter in the small county town can really come to an end.

This is her hometown, her home, and her memories.

She won't give up completely, but for now, she is not suitable to stay here.

Because this place will eventually remind her of the bad past.

And from the bottom of her heart, He Tiantian still felt alienated from this place, and did not feel that this was where she truly belonged.

Let's go to the first island. That place was planned and built according to her wishes. It has not been contaminated by anyone else's atmosphere and belongs completely to her!

"Okay, I'll make arrangements!"

Yuan Mei agreed and started to book air tickets.

Seeing Yuan Mei busy making phone calls, He Tiantian couldn't help but lift her chin: How about developing a personal aircraft? !

With this thing, it is much more convenient than helicopters or private planes.

He Tiantian came into contact with aircraft in the world of interstellar live broadcast novels.

It has not been taken out before, mainly because the energy problem has not been solved.

Well, now that she has a small nuclear reactor, energy is no longer a problem.

The next day, He Tiantian took a plane and arrived in the East China Sea.

Then she took the speedboat Yuan Mei "borrowed" from the navy and rushed to the first island.

"...Sure enough, we still need to have an aircraft. In this way, we can even save money on buying a yacht!"

He Tiantian was sitting on the speedboat, feeling the whistling sea breeze and sporadic water mist, and couldn't help but think.

"Tiantian, do you want to buy a yacht or a speedboat?"

Yuan Mei saw He Tiantian sitting on the railing in a daze, and thought she wanted a boat.

Thinking about it, He Tiantian already owns an island. In the future, apart from going to school or filming, she should live on the island.

The means of travel on the island is a boat.

Oh, helicopters work too!

However, boats are the most convenient. After all, in addition to necessary transportation, you can also enjoy a swim on the sea.

Go out to sea, catch fish, and enjoy the joy of the ocean to your heart's content. This is also a very wonderful enjoyment.

So, let’s get a yacht. It doesn’t have to be too luxurious, just a three-story yacht.

Yuan Mei began to think in her mind: "I remember there is a state-owned large shipbuilding industry enterprise in the East China Sea. How about contacting me?!"

"Oh, I really want to buy one!"

Aircraft and other things still need time to be "developed", so He Tiantian can't make big claims.

She simply followed Yuan Mei's words and said, "It doesn't have to be too good, just buy a second-hand one!"

For now, traveling around the island still requires a boat.

"Okay! I'll make the arrangements!"

Yuan Mei didn't know the real thoughts in He Tiantian's mind. After hearing He Tiantian's answer, she hurried to make a phone call.

He Tiantian:......

Hehe, it feels so good to have a national daddy as your backer!

Everything is clearly arranged, so you don’t have to worry about it at all.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

The speedboat arrived at the pier of the first island. It looked very different from when He Tiantian first landed on the island.

At the beginning, the first island was a desert island without even a standard pier.

The speedboat can only stop at the coast, people jump into the water, and then wade all the way to the shore.

Now, with standard docks, speedboats can dock directly.

He Tiantian and Yuan Mei got off the boat, and there was a second-hand pickup truck parked on the dock.


Duan Yong stayed on the island for more than a month, and his whole body was tanned.

When he saw the speedboat docking, he jumped out of the pickup truck, grinned, showing his white teeth, and greeted He Tiantian excitedly.

"Thanks a lot!"

He Tiantian couldn't help but say something when she saw Duan Yong's teeth that looked extraordinarily white against his dark face, and then looked at the sunburns on his exposed arms.

"It's not hard! It's not hard!"

Duan Yong quickly waved his hand, "The island's infrastructure is handled by a specialized company. I'm just here to help you look after it!"

There is no need for Duan Yong to intervene in matters such as material dispatch, personnel management, or submarine cable laying.

He is the mascot that represents He Tiantian. Let alone a living person, he can do it even with a dog.

Not much work.

But the harvest was very rich. In addition to the high salary He Tiantian paid him every month, he also got to know many people.

The person in charge of the infrastructure company, the coast guard in nearby waters, or even the leader of a certain naval base...

After staying on the island for less than two months, Duan Yong has made many connections.

The key is that many of these people are from a class that he could not touch in the past.

Also, because he helped He Tiantian, his previous experience as a mercenary was also "whitewashed".

He himself has even been officially "recognized"!

This is something you can't do even if you have money.

Every day on the island, Duan Yong was rejoicing: Fortunately, I have a good eye and picked the right boss.

In the days to come, I will definitely be able to live a glorious and comfortable life.

Therefore, Duan Yong's gratitude to He Tiantian has really reached its peak.

He may not be able to follow her to the death, but he is definitely He Tiantian's most loyal Ma Zi!

Duan Yong opened the car door very diligently, asked He Tiantian and Yuan Mei to sit down, and then drove straight from the pier to the first island.

A road has been connected to the three islands, which can be passed at will.

He Tiantian did not rush to tour around the island, but went to the main island first.

On the main island, a two-entry courtyard was built on a spacious flat land.

The courtyard is backed by a hill, and in front of it is a large piece of flat land.

He Tiantian walked through this land and thought to herself, "Well, this place can be reclaimed into farmland, grow some flowers, some vegetables, and some food, and the first island will be self-sufficient!"

The house is built in an antique style.

On the other side of the courtyard is a three-story building.

Compared with the retro courtyard house, this small building has a bit more modern feel.

He Tiantian knew that this was her "experimental building".

In addition, there are cabins, grape trellises and other gadgets, all of which were built according to her planned drawings.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

Pushing open the courtyard door and walking into the courtyard, the house has been cleaned and the furniture, appliances, etc. are all in place.

He Tiantian only needs to carry her bags and check in.

The refrigerator and pantry are even filled with fresh fruits and vegetables, meat, eggs, rice and noodles.

"Duan Yong, you are so thoughtful!"

Furniture and home appliances can’t explain anything, after all, they are standard equipment.

However, even the ingredients are fully prepared, and all the pots and pans are in place. This is Duan Yong's "intention".

Hearing He Tiantian's compliment, Duan Yong said it was nothing, but his face burst into laughter.

That day, He Tiantian stayed on the first island.

She chose the main room in the second courtyard, and Yuan Mei lived in the east wing.

Duan Yong and several hired helpers from nearby fishing villages lived in the first guest room.

At night, He Tiantian did not fall asleep, but sat cross-legged.

The moment he entered the island, He Tiantian felt the slightest spiritual energy.

It's still thin, but it's been purified a lot by the big cities in the interior.

He Tiantian didn't want to waste it, so she started to use her junior uncle's Wuji Jue...

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