[The heroine took the villain script] []


The sun rises in the east, and the first ray of sunlight falls on the island.

He Tiantian absorbed the purest purple energy, and the spiritual energy in her Dantian had gathered into a ball.

She successfully introduced Qi into her body and began to break through the first layer of barriers.


He Tiantian performed Zhou Tian's Wuji Jue again. The domineering skills and the unique aura of the sea finally allowed her to break through the barrier.

One level of Qi training!

Although she was just getting started, she really broke through the threshold of cultivating immortals.

Upgraded from martial arts to Xianxia!

"Well, does this count as me changing the channel?"

He Tiantian put away her skills and jumped up from the bed.

He moved his limbs and felt the spiritual energy surging in his Dantian.

She found that her six senses were sharper, and she could even feel the surging air around her. She seemed to be returning to her original nature, integrating with nature.

This is the beauty of cultivation.

While He Tiantian felt the changes in herself, she secretly thought: "In the world I live in, are there also immortal cultivators?"

"Or, what spiritual energy will be revived? A superpower?!"

She couldn't help but have her imagination run wild.

"Tiantian, I haven't found any immortal cultivators or people with supernatural powers yet!"

Classmate Little D felt He Tiantian's thoughts surging, so he jumped out to gain a sense of presence.

It shook its round fur body and said firmly: "However, this world is very big, and there are many secret realms that humans cannot explore. And the Chinese country has been inherited for thousands of years, and there are always some hidden sects. At least, metaphysics is some!"

He Tiantian:......

There is metaphysics, but no immortal cultivators?

Is this still the world she knows?


An idea suddenly flashed through He Tiantian's mind, but it was too fast and she didn't catch it.

Shaking his head, He Tiantian had to give up.

She suddenly thought of another thing, "Little D, are there other writers in the world I live in?"

He Tiantian has wanted to ask this question for a long time.

Especially in the last novel world, He Tiantian met a wild copywriter.

At that time, she was thinking that in reality, even if she couldn't meet Dian Niang's copywriters, there might still be wild copywriters like Ma.

"No! You should also know what parallel universes are!"

"The Dianniang system itself is a super system that links three thousand worlds. The real world you live in is just one of many parallel worlds!"

"In addition, contributors can obtain black technology that far exceeds reality in the novel world, or practice exercises. If there are too many contributors, it will affect the original development process of the real world!"

"Therefore, in order to maintain the stability and orderly development of the real world, there is only one writer for each parallel world."

Little D said very confidently.

He Tiantian asked, "Where are the wild writers? They do not belong to the Dianniang system, but to the evil forces."

"They are not restricted by the rules of the Dianniang universe. In order to take away energy, they may even deliberately go against the Dianniang system!"

Therefore, not only will they plunder in the novel world, but they may also snipe the writers of Dian Niang in reality!

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

Classmate Little D: ...Well, this is really possible.

"I-I'm not sure either!"

Classmate Little D stumbled back, and then said: "Tiantian, don't worry, I'll ask the main system!"

Before He Tiantian could say anything else, Little D went off to find the main system.

He Tiantian: ...So, it is still possible to meet wild writers in reality!

Although the main system has not yet given a reply, He Tiantian has such a hunch.

So, it’s better to improve your strength as soon as possible.

Only when you are strong can you not be afraid of all hostile forces.

In the following days, apart from walking around the island, He Tiantian spent the rest of his time practicing.

In order to increase the speed of cultivation, He Tiantian also drew a spirit-gathering talisman.

The spiritual energy from the sea gathered on the first island. He Tiantian used this spiritual energy to break through to the third level of Qi training.

Once you reach the third level of Qi training, it becomes a bottleneck.

No matter how hard He Tiantian works, it seems difficult to break through.

Just when He Tiantian was a little impatient, Yuan Mei came to her and said, "Tiantian, the yacht has arrived, let's go out to sea for a while."

Yuan Mei didn't want to play with it, but she saw that He Tiantian stayed in the room every day and basically didn't come out except for eating.

She was worried that He Tiantian was too busy to be healthy, so she had long wanted to persuade her to go out for a walk.

It happened that the yacht ordered was delivered at this time, and the relevant personnel inspected it and made corresponding arrangements.

He Tiantian only needs to board the boat to enjoy the fun of swimming on the sea.

"The yacht has arrived?"

He Tiantian was stunned for a moment, so fast!

Her expression was so obvious that Yuan Mei could understand it at a glance.

She smiled and said, "This is not fast anymore! After all, it has been almost a month!"

Speaking of this, Yuan Mei pretended to be angry and said to He Tiantian, "Tiantian, do you still remember the day we went to the island?"

He Tiantian was stunned again, thought for a moment, and said, "April 17th?"

It seems to be this day.

"Yes, it's April 17th! Do you know what day today is?"

Yuan Mei asked immediately.

He Tiantian blinked, but his mind went blank.

She quickly took out her phone and looked at the calendar on the screen.

Her eyes widened, "It's already May 13th?"

She has been on the island for almost a month?

"It's not a month. I don't know what you are studying in the room every day? It's been a month, and you haven't even noticed it!"

Yuan Mei seemed to be complaining, but in fact she was concerned, "I know you are in good health and have practiced martial arts, but you can't be so busy every day, your body will not be able to bear it!"

He Tiantian giggled.

Obviously, Yuan Mei misunderstood. She thought she was doing scientific research while hiding in the room.

In fact, ahem, He Tiantian is really "superstitious"!

Oh, it doesn’t matter. Some people still say that “the end of science is theology.”

The Dianniang System cannot guarantee whether there are any immortal cultivators in this world.

Maybe one day, they will usher in a revival of spiritual energy.

"Okay, don't be silly. The yacht has arrived, and the captain and crew have made arrangements. Let's go have fun on the sea."

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

Yuan Mei and He Tiantian have been getting along for several months, and they have already regarded each other as family members.

Therefore, when she spoke, she was not so unfamiliar or polite.

Sometimes they joke, sometimes they even have a few words of quarrel.

He Tiantian is not annoyed. On the contrary, she enjoys this relaxed and natural way of getting along.

"Okay! Then go take a wave on the sea!"

He Tiantian readily agreed, changed her clothes, and rushed to the dock with Yuan Mei.

"What a big yacht. This, this isn't cheap!"

He Tiantian stood on the pier and saw a yacht that was three stories high and nearly twenty meters long.

Not to mention anything else, the fuel tank alone contains more than two thousand liters.

Tsk tsk, just run out and take a spin, and you won’t be old or young just for the gas money.

Moreover, the yacht also needs to be equipped with captains, crew and other personnel, which is not a small expense.

No wonder some people say that they can afford to buy a yacht but cannot afford it.

"It's not expensive, only tens of thousands! This is second-hand!"

Yuan Mei said with a smile.

"Second-hand!" He Tiantian was rarely surprised.

It wasn't that she was making a fuss, but the yacht in front of her didn't look like a second-hand product.

The new tiles are shiny, and some of the plastic wrap on the interior has not been removed yet!

second hand?

He Tiantian felt that her intelligence had been insulted.

"It's really second-hand goods. Yachts are basically ordered first and then shipped. This yacht was ordered by an upstart from Mao Xiong, but he went bankrupt before the boat was finished!"

Yuan Mei explained in detail.

“This boat can only be treated as second-hand goods, so the price is much cheaper than a custom-made new boat!”

He Tiantian: ...Is there such a good thing?

"It's not necessarily a good thing. After all, the yacht's specifications, interior decoration, etc. are all customized according to the requirements of that merchant. It may not meet your requirements-"

When Yuan Mei said this, she quickly added, "Tiantian, take a look first. If you don't like it——"

Then just customize a new boat!

He Tiantian quickly took over the conversation, "I like it! The interior is quite nice!"

Not only is it nice, it's simply luxurious.

What pure leather, what pure gold, tsk tsk, just paint the gold paint on the hull.

Again, He Tiantian is not too obsessed with luxury and comfort.

For her, the yacht is just a means of transportation, as long as it can be used.

No matter how much you ask for, He Tiantian doesn’t have it!

"That's good!"

Seeing that He Tiantian really liked him and was not being polite, Yuan Mei felt relieved.

Soon, the yacht sailed away from the first island and entered deeper waters.

Away from the offshore, there is no pollution and the water is blue. If you lower your head and look carefully, you can see various fish swimming in the sea.

The captain was very experienced and found a suitable location for fishing and stopped the yacht.

"Tiantian, are you fishing?"

Yuan Mei put on a sun hat, took out a set of fishing gear, and prepared to go fishing in the sea.

He Tiantian shook her head, "I want to go swimming in the sea!"

Seeing those fish swimming around, He Tiantian wanted to get up close and personal.

Moreover, the ocean is really mysterious to humans.

Some people say that human civilization originated from the ocean, and many human secrets are buried under the sea.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

He Tiantian was not sure about these statements, but she felt a purer spiritual energy at sea. She wanted to know if there were more surprises under the sea!

"Tiantian, are you, are you very good at water?"

Hearing that He Tiantian wanted to go swimming, Yuan Mei didn't care about fishing and hurried to He Tiantian's side.

Her duty is to protect He Tiantian.

It's fine on land, but in this sea, if He Tiantian jumps into the sea, what danger will there be——


There should be no sharks in this sea area.

Yuan Mei's heart rang with alarm bells.

"Not bad! Sister Mei, you forgot, when I was filming on the set two months ago, I actually jumped into the sea once!"

He Tiantian blinked at Yuan Mei, very playfully.

In fact, He Tiantian, who grew up in an inland city, is not good at water.

Her swimming ability is just that she doesn't choke on the water or sink to the bottom.

However, she is proficient in martial arts, and now she is even more successful in practicing it. When she enters the water, even if she is not as good as a fish, she is still more powerful than those aquatic masters!

"Oh, yes."

Yuan Mei said this, but she was still worried in her heart.

But she also knew that she couldn't stop the other party. She could only remind her again and again, "Then you should be careful too."

Those who drowned were all swimmers.

Especially in the sea, there are too many dangerous factors.

While Yuan Mei warned He Tiantian, she found the crew and prepared life-saving equipment to prevent He Tiantian from having an accident in the sea.

He Tiantian: ...You don’t have to be so intimidated, really!

Think about that old naughty boy who can kill everyone on the sea with his martial arts, ride a shark, and make trouble in the sea. How majestic.

He Tiantian's martial arts is no weaker than that of the old naughty boy, coupled with her cultivation level.

If she can't conquer the ocean, then her training will be in vain!

However, He Tiantian can't act too outrageous, let alone make Yuan Mei worry too much.

She put on a diving suit, put on an oxygen tank, and jumped into the sea.

Diving into the sea water, He Tiantian did not use an oxygen bottle, but started running the exercises.

She used her aura to set up a barrier around her, like a big transparent balloon, wrapping He Tiantian.

In this "big balloon", He Tiantian didn't even have to move her limbs. She walked slowly as if she were on land.

Various fish were swimming around, and when they were about to touch He Tiantian, they were blocked by a thin film.

Swimming seahorses, floating jellyfish, and some large sea fish with exposed fangs appeared around He Tiantian.

He Tiantian only felt it was novel, and she kept diving and diving.

Ten meters, twenty meters, thirty meters!

As we dive deeper and deeper, the light becomes dimmer and dimmer.

When he reached 100 meters, He Tiantian began to feel the heavy water pressure.

She held her breath and concentrated on continuing to run the technique.

The spiritual energy circulates in the meridians of the body, and the heavy pressure disappears instantly.

He Tiantian continued to dive, and the surrounding water was pitch black.

He Tiantian vaguely heard that the limit of human diving with the assistance of diving equipment is three hundred meters.

He Tiantian did not borrow any equipment and now dived to a hundred meters, reaching the human limit.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

However, those were ordinary humans, and He Tiantian is no longer ordinary.

She continued to dive, she wanted to see how far she could dive with the spiritual energy protecting her body.

Little D’s classmate helped her measure the distance.

"Three hundred meters away! Tiantian, how do you feel?"

Classmate Little D reminded.

He Tiantian said nothing. The heavy pressure of three hundred meters under the sea was also very difficult for her, a third-level Qi practitioner.

She could only run her exercises desperately and use her spiritual energy to resist the heavy pressure on her body.

However, the pressure was too great, and her meridians seemed to be unable to bear it. If she dived any further, all the blood vessels in her body might burst!

He Tiantian had no choice but to give up and start to swim upstream.

"Oh, there are racial restrictions after all. People can't move freely in the water like fish!"

In fact, even for fish, some fish can only survive in shallow seas and cannot enter the bottom of the sea.

"Tiantian, not necessarily! Don't forget, you are a cheater!"

Classmate Little D felt He Tiantian's disappointment and hurriedly said, "Dianniang Mall has water-avoiding beads, shark beads, dragon beads, etc..."

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