The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 612 The heroine who was counterattacked (1)

[The heroine took the villain script] []

"Dragon Balls? It's not the kind of treasure that can summon a dragon if you collect seven of them, right?!"

He Tiantian was joking with fellow student D while swimming upward.

She can no longer carry her in the sea. Firstly, her body cannot bear it, and secondly, Yuan Mei on the yacht will be worried.

"Of course not that kind of Dragon Ball!"

Seeing that He Tiantian had misunderstood, classmate Little D quickly explained: "Strictly speaking, that should be called Long Dan, which is the inner elixir of the dragon clan."

"Eat it and you can get some of the dragon's racial talents."

"For example, being able to move freely in the water, and moving through clouds and making rain!"

He Tiantian's eyes lit up, "Can you still make clouds and rain? Doesn't that mean you have become the Dragon King? Then if I use this 'Dragon Ball', will I be able to become a dragon in the sky?"

He Tiantian no longer cared to think about whether she would switch from the channel of cultivating immortals to the channel of fantasy and fantasy if she had the Dragon Ball.

She just wanted to know whether the dragon balls in Diianniang Mall were really so magical.

Classmate Little D: ...You are thinking about PEACH!

"Of course you can't become the Dragon King! You just get some of the racial talents of the dragon clan!"

Classmate Little D endured being speechless and said slowly, "You can only control water. Nothing else can!"

He Tiantian was slightly disappointed.

Seeing this, classmate Little D quickly added, "You can also become a dragon if you want to. However, the points required are too high, easily tens of thousands of points."

And its little friend only accumulated 239 points after completing so many tasks.

Tsk tsk, not even a fraction.

No, wait—

Well, it seems that the price of Dragon Ball is also very high, it costs more than a thousand points.

Classmate Little D suddenly regretted that he should not have recommended Dragon Ball to He Tiantian.

It's better to just talk about water-avoiding beads. One portion of that thing has more than 100 points, and one portion is a box, a total of twelve.

Although it is consumable, the quantity is quite large, enough for He Tiantian.

I hate myself for being so quick to talk, but I actually mentioned Dragon Ball.

And according to He Tiantian’s difficult temperament, he will definitely——

Just when classmate Little D was secretly regretting it, He Tiantian suddenly asked: "How many points are needed for Dragon Ball?"

Although you can't turn into a dragon, it's great to have the dragon's water-bending talent.

Moreover, this kind of talent and skill-based products are basically bound to the soul and are permanent.

After He Tiantian redeems it, he can not only own it in reality, but also use it in the novel world.

If the price is not too outrageous, He Tiantian would like to buy one.

"...Uh, I need 1,200 points!"

Little D’s intestines were about to turn green, but when he heard He Tiantian’s question, he still answered obediently.

It was already prepared to face He Tiantian's troubles.

However, He Tiantian didn't say much, but said quietly, "It's not too expensive!"

Classmate Little D: ...Tiantian, are you sure you are not speaking sarcastically?

As if he understood Little D's worries, He Tiantian reminded her mentally retarded assistant: "Little D, I also have a 10% off card from Dianniang Mall!"

Classmate Little D:... Damn it! I actually forgot about this!

"Haha, yes, you, you still have a discount card!"

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

Although Little D was a little embarrassed, he finally let out a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, fortunately, I no longer have to be forced by He Tiantian to mess around with the main system.

"Tiantian, do you want to exchange it?"

Even if you have a discount card, it still costs 120 points to redeem a Dragon Ball.

He Tiantian's hard-earned points were about to be spent in half at once.

Not to mention He Tiantian's heartache, even Little D's classmate was a little reluctant to let go.


He Tiantian did not hesitate.

She had never spent points before, not because she was reluctant, but because there was nothing she particularly wanted.

Well, you can't say that, but some of the products she wants most, even at a 10% discount or breaking her bones, she can't afford.

He Tiantian seriously doubted that no writer could afford those products that cost tens of thousands or hundreds of millions of points.

It’s so expensive!

You might as well just hope to redeem the treasure chest for prizes.

Although the chance is very small, there is always hope, right!

Therefore, He Tiantian rarely spends points, but works hard to accumulate rewards, hoping to use the rewards to exchange for treasure boxes!

However, this time the Dragon Ball made He Tiantian very excited.

The First Island is her first base, and she should be spending a lot of time on the island in the next few years.

She also wants to explore the bottom of the sea to find materials and treasures that can help her practice. Being able to control water is a necessary skill for her.

"Okay, exchange it for a dragon ball!"

Little D’s classmate resumed the mechanical sound and started broadcasting.

The points on He Tiantian's personal dashboard were quickly reduced by 120 points.

And in her library space, there was a golden bead.

The beads are the size of dragon eyes and contain a lot of spiritual energy.

He Tiantian felt the wonder of Dragon Ball just after observing it.

She didn't hesitate and swallowed the dragon ball in one gulp.

He Tiantian released her spiritual consciousness and clearly "saw" that the bead melted in her mouth and turned into a ball of golden light that entered her body.

Finally, this group of golden light spots gathered in her Dantian, then traveled along the meridians, and finally merged with the meridians.

The inheritance of the dragon clan was added to He Tiantian's bloodline. Almost at the same time, He Tiantian felt that her entire body had changed.

She has an inexplicable affinity for water.

He Tiantian removed the spiritual energy barrier, and the transparent film suddenly disappeared, and the sea water rushed over instantly, wrapping He Tiantian tightly.

However, He Tiantian was not choked. Instead, she felt extremely comfortable.

She can even open her eyes, open her mouth, and breathe freely in the sea more than a hundred meters deep.

It’s so mysterious!

She seemed to have truly transformed into a dragon.

There was no need to swim deliberately, her body just instinctively floated in the sea water.

He Tiantian only felt that her body was full of power. With a slight movement of her mind, her body swam out of the water quickly like a dragon.


He Tiantian rushed out of the sea and met Yuan Mei's concerned face.

Yuan Mei was really worried. She had already put on her diving suit and looked down from the side of the boat.

"Wait a few more minutes. If Tiantian doesn't come up yet, I'll go down!"

Yuan Mei was already ready to jump into the sea. At this moment, she suddenly saw He Tiantian rushing out of the sea.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

For some reason, when she saw He Tiantian, Yuan Mei was in a trance for a moment. She seemed to see not a person, but a dragon out to sea!

Yuan Mei shook her head. Sure enough, she was still too worried and had hallucinations.

"Tiantian, come up quickly!"

Yuan Mei stretched out an arm and pulled He Tiantian onto the boat.


He Tiantian had just obtained the Dragon Ball. It was a novel time and she wanted to play more in the sea.

But she didn't want Yuan Mei to worry, and she didn't want to act too unreasonable, so she followed Yuan Mei's wishes and climbed up from the sea.

"The sea is so beautiful! I love it so much!"

He Tiantian changed her clothes and sat on the deck, chatting with Yuan Mei while watching her fishing.

"I didn't realize before that I actually like playing in water so much!"

"I just dived into the sea, and I realized that I like sea water so much, and my water skills are also very good!"

"I have decided that I will often go swimming in the sea in the future."

"By the way, there are so many fresh products in the sea. I will catch them for us to eat when the time comes. Hey, maybe we can also catch big lobsters and tuna!"

He Tiantian deliberately showed her childish side and said excitedly.

Seeing that He Tiantian was so happy, Yuan Mei originally wanted to persuade her, but finally swallowed it.

"Forget it, Tiantian is only eighteen years old this year, she is still a child."

"She suddenly fell in love with diving and wanted to play more, which is normal!"

"At most, I'll just pay more attention, or just go with her!"

Yuan Mei secretly made a decision and did not dissuade her.

In this way, He Tiantian finally made it through in front of Yuan Mei.

In the following days, she found time to run into the sea.

At first, Yuan Mei followed cautiously.

But the more times she did it, especially when she saw that He Tiantian was very good at water and could still stay underwater for a few minutes without using diving equipment, Yuan Mei slowly felt relieved.

Yuan Mei will still be worried, but she won't follow him as closely as before.

He Tiantian also has more freedom.

She began to explore the seabed at will. She saw a variety of underwater creatures and also saw a rotting sunken ship.

Unfortunately, there are no treasures on the sunken ship.

Even some items were broken or corroded by sea water.

He Tiantian did pick up some sea clams and opened some pearls of good quality.

Yuan Mei found a friend who made jewelry to help make several pieces of jewelry.

He Tiantian kept two or three pieces for herself, gave one to Yuan Mei, and also sent one to Zhou Zixuan who returned to the capital to prepare for the college entrance examination.

Apart from these, getting seafood every day is a daily routine.

He Tiantian felt that the seafood she had eaten in the past ten years was not as much as what she had eaten in the past few days.

The main quality is still so good, and the freshness is even more outstanding.

Every day, you can walk around the island, or read a book under the grape trellis, and enjoy the sea breeze. At meal time, there will be a feast of fresh and delicious seafood...

He Tiantian's life was very leisurely, as if time had slowed down.

He Tiantian also forgot about her mission in the novel world, and all her entanglements with wild writers were thrown out of her mind.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

Classmate Little D: ...No, reality is beautiful, but the world of novels is even more exciting.

It endured and endured, trying to persuade He Tiantian to end her "vacation" as soon as possible and continue her mission.

However, seeing He Tiantian living so comfortably, everyone became happy and at ease. As He Tiantian's best friend, Little D couldn't bear it.

Forget it, let her rest for a while.

After some time, Tiantian's novelty about the island and the ocean wears off, and she will naturally want to do the task.

However, it seems that God is helping little classmate D——

On this day, He Tiantian ran to explore the sea as usual.

This time she did not drive a yacht, but a second-hand small fishing boat she had just bought.

She suddenly came to the deep sea alone.


He Tiantian plunged into the blue sea with a sudden move.

However, before she could dive into the sea, He Tiantian suddenly felt a sense of danger.

My scalp was numb, my heart was pounding, and all the hairs on my body stood up.

He Tiantian hurriedly climbed up from the sea, not bothering to wipe the water stains on her body. She quickly ran the technique and released her spiritual consciousness.

One hundred meters, one thousand meters, He Tiantian's outward consciousness was about to break through her limit.

But He Tiantian still didn't detect any danger nearby.

Still a classmate, Little D, suddenly exclaimed from the depths of the sea of ​​consciousness: "Plane, there is a plane flying over here!"

He Tiantian only felt that her adrenaline was soaring.

Something must have happened!

If it were a normal plane, Little D would not be so frightened.

"It's out of control! It's out of control! The captain should have tried his best to drive the plane to the sea at the last moment..."

Little D’s classmate is still screaming.

He Tiantian's heart almost jumped out of her throat.

At this moment, He Tiantian's outer consciousness finally caught a rapidly falling black spot at a height of two thousand meters!

He Tiantian gritted her teeth. She couldn't think anymore and desperately mobilized all her spiritual power to try to wrap the object.


When He Tiantian's spiritual power touched the object, he suddenly discovered that the plane was already wrapped in a ball of spiritual power.

The spiritual power seemed to be emanating from the inside of the object, and it was desperately trying to slow down its fall.


Immortal cultivator?

Or a wild copywriter? !

Several guesses flashed through He Tiantian's mind.

However, He Tiantian had no time to think about this now. She carefully avoided the ball of spiritual energy, and tried her best to protect the rapidly falling object without attracting the other party's vigilant attention.


The heavy object fell into the seawater dozens of nautical miles away, causing a huge splash.

He Tiantian hurriedly used her spiritual power to rescue the survivors.

When she was rescuing people, she did not forget to investigate carefully.

However, there were too many people and the scene was too chaotic. He Tiantian was unable to locate the source of the spiritual power!

However, He Tiantian is sure that besides her, there is a "second one" in this world!

And this person is very capable. From the fact that she (or he) can use spiritual power to slow down her fall and protect everyone in the cabin, it can be seen that his cultivation is on par with He Tiantian!

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

Strong enemy!

If the other party is really a wild copywriter, he will definitely become He Tiantian's fierce rival.

"Little D, I want to do a mission!"

If He Tiantian wants to become stronger, she can only do more tasks and get more rewards!

In addition, she will try to be as low-key as possible in the future. When she is not sure whether the other party is friend or foe, she must not expose herself easily!

"Okay! Tiantian, what channel did you choose now? Oh, by the way, there is a mission. You don't need to find wild writers yourself."

"As long as you enter the novel world, you can know who the 'opponent' is! Isn't it very troublesome?"

Classmate Xiao D recommended a task to He Tiantian.

He Tiantian: ... save trouble?

Haha, not necessarily.

There is no need to find an "opponent" yourself, but there must be a "but".

However, He Tiantian didn't care about this.

Because when you do a task, it becomes more difficult, and you get more challenges, and you get more rewards.

"Okay! Let's do this mission."

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