The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 615: The heroine who was counterattacked (4)

[The heroine took the villain script] []

What He Yingying said makes sense.

Not only the He family and the villagers of Hejiagou believed it, but also Prince Liang, who wanted to marry He Tiantian because of his "life-saving grace", also listened.

However, King Liang still insisted on marrying He Tiantian.

However, the difference from the original plot is that this time, there is no such infatuation and sincerity in Prince Liang's eyes, but more calculation.

As a freelance writer, He Yingying is used to doing tasks and has a minimum level of acumen.

She accurately captured the changes in Liang Wang's emotions.

She knew that even if He Tiantian became the princess, she would not be able to be a sweet and loving couple with Prince Liang like in the original plot!

King Liang is not just a man, he is also a member of the royal family and has the least ambition for the throne.

If He Tiantian is really a monster who "takes away people's luck", then it will also be helpful to Prince Liang.

In addition, her "koi" constitution can bring good fortune to her close relatives or people with the same interests as her.

And this is what King Liang needs.

Therefore, King Liang still married He Tiantian, and the two became a couple with "both prosperity and loss".

He Yingying guessed King Liang's intention. She did not stop him. Instead, she hinted to King Liang that to deal with the "monster", he could go to a Taoist expert.

For example, Master Huitong, the abbot of Fajue Temple in Beijing, has superb Buddhist teachings, and the talismans he draws to exorcise evil are also very effective.

Liang Wang: ...He does have such an idea.

After all, he wanted to use He's daughter, but if He's daughter didn't cooperate, he would take certain measures.

And there is something strange about He's daughter, and people who target her often suffer backlash.

King Liang is a prince, so he should have a certain amount of luck.

However, it was too weird to be able to resist He's daughter, and King Liang cherished his life.

Therefore, at first he still wanted to play the emotional card. If "true love" didn't work, he would go to a Taoist master to get some evil amulets.

In this way, he can not only resist the backlash from He's daughter, but also achieve his wish.

King Liang was very ambitious and had already made one, two or three plans in his mind.

The original owner, He Tiantian, didn't know it, and thought that although she was slandered as a monster, she was still lucky enough to marry her rightful man.

She followed King Liang happily, but little did she know that what awaited her was not wealth and glory, but imprisonment, threats, and abuse!

Of course, at the beginning, He Tiantian was still Princess Liang who was envied by everyone in Beijing.

Countless civilian women envied her for being able to fly onto a branch and turn into a phoenix.

The King of Liang was also very considerate towards her. He only loved him and did not take concubines or get close to his maids. He was a truly peerless good man.

Even some noble ladies in the capital secretly said: "It's good luck for Mr. He to meet such a loving and good man like Prince Liang!"

The original owner was almost immersed in the sweet dream compiled for her by Liang Wang.

However, although the original owner was intoxicated, he did not completely lose his mind.

She soon discovered that Prince Liang would often complain to her, "The prince is too domineering. They are all sons of his father, but he treats his fellow brothers and sisters as slaves just because he is the prince!"

"Today the Crown Prince picked a fight and scolded me again. If he wasn't afraid of my mother and concubine, the Crown Prince might have whipped me in public just like he did to the Seventh Emperor's brother!"

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

The original owner fell in love with King Liang and regarded him as the most important person in his life.

When she heard that she was humiliated by the prince, she would naturally join her enemies and attack the prince, "The prince is really shameless. Although he is the crown prince, he is also your brother. How could he-"

Talking and talking,

The original owner had a grudge against the prince.

King Liang continued to add fuel to the fire and deliberately created some conflicts with the prince.

One day, King Liang was finally punished by the prince to kneel down. With his two bruised knees, he ran to the original owner and pretended to be pitiful.

The original owner was heartbroken, and his resentment towards the prince skyrocketed.

So, the prince was unlucky. He was riding a horse well, but he fell directly under the horse and was trampled by the frightened horse and broke one of his legs.

The prince's injury was so serious that even the imperial doctors could not guarantee whether he would recover in the future.

Some ministers in the court began to propose deposing the prince. After all, no emperor has been disabled since ancient times.

The current emperor loves the prince, his original wife and legitimate son, very much, and he is not willing to depose him easily.

Besides, the prince's leg injury has not healed yet, so no one can say that the prince will definitely become a lame.

However, everyone in the court was very unfavorable to the prince.

And because he had a beloved concubine and his own mother, Prince Liang, who had been canonized as a prince early, became a strong contender for the crown prince.

The original owner reacted and realized that he had used his "superpower" to harm people.

In addition to the fact that the original owner was still alert, the key point is that the original owner also suffered a backlash.

The prince is the crown prince. If nothing unexpected happens, he will inherit the throne and become the next emperor.

He has a touch of "dragon luck" bestowed by heaven. If he hurt such a true dragon emperor, he would definitely be seriously injured if he had other evil ways.

Because of the author's setting, the original owner has incredible good luck, and people she hates will also be unlucky.

When her koi plug-in confronted Mr. Right's dragon luck, Mr. Right was indeed injured, and she vomited several mouthfuls of blood.

She was obviously much weaker.

The original owner had a premonition that some of her life span had also been taken away.

Others may not be able to see the specific changes in the original owner, but as a party involved, the original owner has no evidence, but still feels this way.

Her "magic power" can indeed make people she hates punished.

But if the other party's status is too high, or there are any special reasons, he will "die together" with the other party.

This kind of "superpower" is indeed not something that can be used easily.

Kill one thousand enemies and lose eight hundred.

The original owner also suddenly realized that King Liang might not like him. He just wanted to use his "divine power" to harm others and achieve his goals.

King Liang didn't know that his true identity had been discovered by the original owner. The prince's leg was broken and he was only one step away from being deposed.

His ambition suddenly expanded, and this time, he set his sights directly on the dragon chair.

"Your Majesty, your Majesty is very kind to you. Among the princes, he loves you the most!"

When the original owner heard the hint from King Liang, his heart almost jumped out of his throat.

Oh my God, King Liang actually wanted her to harm the emperor.

That is the current Holy Emperor, the current True Dragon Emperor.

A prince, the future emperor, cost the original owner several years of life.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

Now it was the emperor, the most noble being, who was like a god in the eyes of the people, and the original owner did not dare to have any bad thoughts.

What if... No, no, she doesn't want to die, she still wants to live well!

The original owner resisted in his heart, but did not dare to refuse openly.

Because she was afraid that Prince Liang would know that she already knew his true face, she could only persuade him tactfully.

"You love me the most? Why don't you make me the crown prince if you love me the most?"

King Liang was very dissatisfied and complained in front of the original owner as usual.

"If you love someone the most, shouldn't you give the best to him?"

"Just like me, my favorite princess, despite everyone's opposition, insisted on marrying you to a good match and making you the noble Princess Liang!"

"...No, no no! What is a princess? I also want you to become the most noble woman in the world!"

The most noble woman is the queen.

If the original owner wants to become the queen, King Liang must ascend the throne.

Be a queen?

Become the most noble woman in the Daqian Dynasty? !

The original owner was really moved!

But, soon, she woke up again——

To get such honor, you need to pay a price.

Prince Liang did not have to bear anything, but He Tiantian had to risk losing many years of life, or even losing her life.

The original owner doesn’t want to!

But she didn't dare to say it clearly, so she could only pretend to be stupid: "Your Majesty, my life is very good now. It is a fairy life that I never dared to dream of in the past!"

So, let’s forget about the queen and all that.

After being rejected, King Liang was willing to tolerate it at first, and continued to pretend to be a loving and good husband, and continued to express his dissatisfaction with the emperor in front of the original owner.

He wanted to follow the same pattern, let the original owner "deal with" the prince, and also let the emperor have an "accident"!

However, the original owner was wary and was not fooled at all.

As time passed, King Liang realized that he had been exposed.

King Liang simply came up with a broken jar and pointed it out directly to the original owner:

"If you let my father get seriously injured or die directly, I will let you continue to be the noble Princess Liang, or even the future queen!"

The original owner remained silent and silently refused.

The king of Liang became so angry that he began to torture the original owner.

However, King Liang was afraid of the original owner's "supernatural power" and did not want to make the matter too big. Instead of executing the original owner, he cut the person with a soft knife.

For example, not giving food to the original owner.

The original owner really couldn't stand the torture of hunger, but she didn't want to die.

As a result, King Liang fell into anxiety with the original owner.

Before He Tiantian came over, the original owner had been holding on for seven days.

She had reached the limit of her patience.

If He Tiantian hadn't come through, the original owner would have succumbed and helped King Liang use luck to attack the emperor.

However, just as the original owner feared, the emperor is not an ordinary person. He bears the fate of the entire dynasty, and he is personally protected by the purple energy of the country's fortune.

If the original owner confronts him head-on, both sides will definitely lose.

In addition, the emperor is not alone, there are also some strange people around him.

The final result was most likely that the emperor fell seriously ill and the original owner suffered a violent backlash that directly killed him!

The heroine was counterattacked, and the original female supporting character He Yingying became the new heroine by relying on the skills mastered by the wild copywriter.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

"Fortunately, it's not too late to wear it!"

After receiving the plot and integrating the memory of the original owner, He Tiantian said a little thankfully.

At this time, she could also understand the meaning of what little D said.

She really didn't have to bother looking for wild writers this time, because the situation was already very clear.

Apart from the original owner’s cousin He Yingying, there is no other candidate!

However, He Yingying has almost counterattacked, and He Tiantian clearly feels that there is very little luck left in the body of the heroine.

Just one more chance and the heroine will disappear completely.

He Tiantian:......

Even the consciousness of the world has recognized the counterattack of wild writers, and things will become very difficult.

Of course, the most important thing now is to avoid the disaster of Liang Wang.

Today He Tiantian held on and did not give in, but what about tomorrow?

If King Liang found that cutting off water and food could not make He Tiantian succumb, would he take more extreme and destructive measures in desperation?

He Tiantian is not a masochist, and she doesn't want to be crazily abused by a scumbag.

Want to use the heroine's koi physique to harm others?

He Tiantian squinted her eyes, covering up the flash of cold light in her eyes.

She sat cross-legged, with her five hearts raised, and began to practice the exercises.

Because of He Yingying's "monster" rhetoric, this novel world has actually changed from an ordinary ancient novel to a supernatural online novel mixed with metaphysics.

The most obvious change is that the original Buddhist monk has become a master of Taoism, and the surrounding air is filled with abundant spiritual energy.

This in itself is a kind of suppression of the original owner and proof of her "luck in popularity", but for He Tiantian, it is also a good thing.

With enough spiritual energy, He Tiantian can practice with twice the result with half the effort.

In one night, He Tiantian successfully broke through the third level of Qi training.

As her cultivation improved, her rapidly passing heroine luck also stabilized and began to show signs of recovery.

In the early morning, the first ray of purple air in the sky was absorbed by He Tiantian.

She stopped practicing, began to concentrate her whole body, and prayed desperately in her heart: "The prince is healed! The prince is back as before! The prince is healed! The prince is back as before!"

Although at the beginning, the original owner did not know that he could really harm people.

But the cause and effect of the prince's injury is indeed related to the original owner.

He Tiantian became the original owner, so he naturally had to bear the corresponding consequences.

In addition, the original owner will change from a koi girl who has all her wishes come true and is full of good fortune, to a monster that takes away people's luck and causes a lot of harm. The prince is the key.

All that happened in the past was nothing but slander by the wild writer He Yingying.

The original owner never wanted to harm anyone, nor did he use his divine power to curse or harm others.

Some people will be unlucky because they first harbored ill will toward the original owner, and then they were repelled.

However, it was the original owner who took the initiative to secretly pray that something would happen to the prince.

Although she didn't know that she could "make all her wishes come true", she did have ill intentions towards the prince!

And it was precisely after taking action against the prince that the original heroine's luck began to flow crazily.

Because as a world consciousness with three correct views, it is impossible to give a protagonist aura to a person with evil intentions!

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

If He Tiantian wants to regain the heroine's luck and regain the recognition of the world's consciousness, she must end this cause and effect.

You can make mistakes, but you must know how to repent in time and actively compensate!

He Tiantian used the golden finger of "all wishes come true" set by the author for the original owner to constantly pray for the prince.

In addition, He Tiantian also wanted to find an opportunity to meet the prince in person and give him some spiritual power to protect him from poison and prolong his life!

This is the compensation He Tiantian gives to the victim, the prince.

Of course, He Tiantian will not let go of the real culprit.

Didn't he know that the original owner was "weird" but still wanted to take advantage of it? He Tiantian made him truly enjoy the feeling of "having his luck taken away"!

Prince Liang was burdened with many sins, and his dragon aura as a prince was stained with scarlet blood.

He Tiantian "plundered" without any psychological burden at all...

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