The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 616 The heroine who was counterattacked (5)

[The heroine took the villain script] []

After He Tiantian finished practicing, his Dantian was filled with spiritual energy.

Her cultivation level has also stabilized, and the heroine's luck has not continued to pass away.



My stomach started rebelling again.

He Tiantian sighed. This body had been starved for seven days and was already exhausted. A can of eight-treasure porridge could not soothe it at all.

She looked at the sky outside, and then used her consciousness to observe her surroundings. After making sure that it was safe for the time being, she quickly took out a self-heating rice bowl and a bottle of mineral water from the space.

Pour water into the box, place the self-heating pack, and close the lid.

After a while, hot steam began to emit from the vent of the lid.

The aroma of tomatoes and scrambled eggs, mixed with the aroma of rice, comes out instantly.

After a few more minutes, the meal was finally ready.

He Tiantian didn't waste any time, took out a set of tableware from the space, and started to eat happily.

The crystal clear, steaming rice, paired with the soft and delicious tomato scrambled eggs, is truly a treat.

After three times and five times two, He Tiantian ate a box of donburi.

She still threw the empty boxes and bottles back into space.

Then, she drew a cleaning charm in the air to eliminate all the smell in the room.

After doing all this, the sun outside has risen.

However, King Liang did not come over, and the slaves and maidservants were all waiting outside the door and at the windows.

Yes, in order to prevent He Tiantian from escaping, not only the door was locked, but also several windows were nailed shut, and maids were arranged to guard it.

He Tiantian successfully introduced the Qi into his body and had a full meal. The feeling of weakness caused by starvation was relieved.

She walked slowly around the room, observing carefully.

This is the residence of the original owner and the main room of the entire palace.

Therefore, both the location of the house and the furnishings in the house are very consistent with the status of the "princess".


He Tiantian stood in front of the bed, raised her head, and saw several yellow talismans affixed to the top of the bed frame.

In addition, there are similar talismans on the beams in the middle of the house.

"Evil Suppression Talisman!"

Haha, King Liang really regarded the original owner as a demon!

But for his own ambition, he clearly believed that the original owner was a monster, but he still pretended to be affectionate and became a loving couple with the original owner!


He Tiantian didn't know whether to praise him for being so courageous or to scold him for being so arrogant and confusing!

Of course, the King of Liang dared to take risks, and it was these yellow talismans that gave him the confidence.

He Tiantian raised her hand and waved, and a yellow talisman fell from the bed frame like a fallen leaf.

He Tiantian took it in her hand and looked at it carefully.

She has been a magic stick, is proficient in the talismans, and is an absolute expert.

Therefore, she could tell at a glance that this talisman must have been made by a real Taoist master and was not a ghostly talisman used to deceive people in the world.

These talismans can indeed suppress evil spirits and exorcise evil spirits!

Originally, the original owner was not afraid of this, she was not really evil.

However, with the success of He Yingying's counterattack, the world consciousness in this world actually agreed that the original owner might rob other people's luck.

In this way, the original owner really became a monster contaminated with evil spirits.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

The original owner's incredible good luck was really suppressed by the talisman.

And King Liang's trump card is not just these talismans. He wears a jade pendant personally blessed by Master Huitong, the abbot of Fajue Temple.

"Oh, look at how prepared they are!"

King Liang never regarded the original owner as his wife from the beginning to the end, but the original owner foolishly believed in some bullshit true love.

He Tiantian sneered and gathered a ball of spiritual energy on her fingers.

With a touch of her hand, the spiritual power on the yellow talisman paper was destroyed.

At the same time, Master Huitong, who was meditating in Fajue Temple dozens of miles away, felt his heart beat suddenly.

He opened his eyes suddenly and quickly twisted the rosary beads. After a moment, his eyes were filled with surprise and uncertainty——


The evil-suppressing talisman he drew actually suffered backlash!

What is the origin of the other party?

Is he a thousand-year-old demon or an expert hermit?

Master Huitong calmed down a little, and suddenly realized that his talisman had been broken. Logically, he should suffer some backlash.

But apart from the induction, he himself did not suffer any harm.

The other party... doesn't seem to be a person who is always willing to pay back every dollar he spends, but rather has the tolerance and generosity of a master and senior!

Could it be that his evil-suppressing talisman was not used to suppress evil spirits, but to collide with a certain Taoist master or a big shot with a great background? !

Master Huitong's mood was a little confused.

He took a breath and recited the scripture silently, and then he calmed down.

No rush, no need to worry.

The senior just erased the spiritual power of his talisman and did not make a "counterattack", which was enough to show that the other party did not care about him.

I just don’t know which Tan Yue I drew for the talisman, but it collided with this senior!

Master Huitong has superb Buddhist teachings and is compassionate. If someone comes to seek amulets, he will basically be satisfied regardless of their status or whether they have money.

Therefore, for a while, Master Huitong himself was unable to lock the "target".

However, Master Huitong soon thought that if the talisman "failed", Tan Yue would come to him again.

By then, he should know who it is.

Then, he could personally apologize to the senior.

Thinking of this, Master Huitong exhaled and continued to meditate and practice.

He Tiantian wiped out the aura of all the talismans in the room, and all the evil-suppressing talismans turned into waste paper.

Without the confinement of spiritual power, He Tiantian vaguely felt that there was no restraint on his soul.

Of course, with He Tiantian's cultivation, she can directly break these constraints, but if she does this, it will directly cause certain backlash to the person who draws the talisman.

He Tiantian didn't want to provoke Karma for no reason.

People who draw talismans only have good intentions and want to ward off evil spirits and exorcise evil spirits, and have no intention of harming others.

It was just a good thing, but it was used by King Liang to harm others.

He Tiantian has always had a clear distinction between grudges and grudges, and she knows very well who she really wants to take revenge on!

In addition, He Tiantian has a little plan. She also wants to use the person who draws the talisman to achieve her goals!

"Well, I hope that guy is smart enough!"

He Tiantian thought to herself.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

Prince Liang never showed up. He probably wanted to torture He Tiantian for another day.

At night, just when He Tiantian couldn't bear the pain of hunger and thirst, he suddenly appeared again.

Whether it was the sweet spring water or the fragrant food, it was the second harm to He Tiantian.

It is really difficult for ordinary people to get through this.

Even He Tiantian was affected by the remaining will of the original owner when she first came here.

The hunger that penetrates deep into the bone marrow has become the obsession of the original owner.

This is like a starving person who subconsciously has nothing else but to eat.

The King of Liang was indeed scheming and ruthless.

Grain stalk

Throughout the whole day, not only was He Tiantian not allowed to receive food, he was not even given a sip of water.

He Tiantian: ...Okay! The harder it is, the better! Otherwise, she might feel a psychological burden if she takes revenge!

At noon, He Tiantian took out a bottle of mineral water and a self-heating hot pot from the space.

After a delicious meal, the original owner's remaining obsession was satisfied.

Apart from eating, He Tiantian spent the rest of her time practicing crazily.

The surrounding spiritual energy is really strong, and the location of Prince Liang's Mansion is very close to the palace.

Everyone knows that the palace is full of dragon energy.

He Tiantian did not absorb the luck that belonged to the emperor, but transformed the dragon's energy that overflowed from the palace into his own spiritual power.

Perhaps these dragon energies are not pure enough, but they also contain traces of purple energy and national destiny.

It is purer and more powerful than ordinary spiritual energy.

In just one day, He Tiantian broke through from the third level of Qi training to the fourth level.

It's a whole small realm. He Tiantian has not yet established the foundation, but has completed a cleansing and marrow removal.

The original owner grew up to the age of sixteen and ate whole grains, accumulating some impurities in his body.

After He Tiantian practiced, he used spiritual energy to flush the body's meridians over and over again, expelling all these impurities.

However, the original owner is a koi girl, so even if there are impurities in her body, they are much less than ordinary people.

After being washed and marrowed, there was not much dirt on the surface of He Tiantian's body, nor was there any pungent stench.

At most, it just doesn't look very clean, as if it hasn't been bathed for ten days and a half.

"What is the taste?"

King Liang was pampered, and the people around him were clean and fragrant.

So, as soon as he stepped into the bedroom, he wrinkled his nose.

"Oh? I almost forgot that the princess has not bathed for seven or eight days!"

When King Liang saw He Tiantian curled up on the ground, he seemed to have fainted from hunger.

A flash of disgust flashed in his eyes, he walked to He Tiantian, stretched out his thumb and pinched He Tiantian's philtrum.


It hurts!

He Tiantian followed her body's instinct and took a deep breath, causing her body to tremble.

"woke up?"

Seeing He Tiantian slowly opening his eyes in pain, Prince Liang curled his lips proudly.

"Hungry! I-I'm so hungry!"

He Tiantian pretended to be weak and dazed.

"Want to eat? Yes! As long as you agree to my request, you can eat whatever you want!"

"Not only are the delicacies from the mountains and seas, but the wealth and glory in the future are also yours!"

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

King Liang took the opportunity to draw a cake for He Tiantian.

He Tiantian: ...Haha, in the future?

And in the future? !

When something happened to the prince, the original owner vomited several mouthfuls of blood.

King Liang was right in front of him and witnessed the miserable state of the original owner with his own eyes.

With his intelligence, he must be able to think of the connection between the two.

You can also realize: He Tiantian’s “wishful thinking” comes at a price!

But he still forced He Tiantian to "curse" the more noble emperor, which was enough to show that he didn't care about He Tiantian's life or death at all.

Perhaps, King Liang still had the intention of "killing two birds with one stone".

If He Tiantian and the emperor died together, he wouldn't have to worry about killing his first wife when he ascended the throne!

Therefore, everything that King Liang said before was just nonsense to deceive the original owner.

He never thought about asking He Tiantian to become his queen, and he would burn bridges or anything like that before agreeing with Prince Liang's temperament.

"Princess, seeing you in such pain, I feel very sorry for you!"

"But, these are all for our future. Oh, by the way, there are also children!"

"Don't you want our son to ascend to that supreme position?!"

When King Liang saw that He Tiantian was silent, he endured his impatience and continued to persuade.

This time, he even used the missing children as an excuse.

However, when he thought about his children, he felt more and more that this "excuse" was a good one.

If He Tiantian uses her divine power to hurt the emperor, he will be revolted and may even lose his life.

Neither King Liang nor the original owner said anything about this, but they both understood it in their hearts.

Therefore, all the beautiful promises made by King Liang could not really impress the original owner.

However, if you have a child, if you can make the child become a nine-five-year-old, the original owner may be moved——

It is impossible for her to obtain wealth and honor in this life, but her children can.

Although it is just a glimmer of hope, it still makes the original owner unable to help but fantasize.

In this way, if King Liang takes the opportunity to make a promise again, the original owner may be moved!

Thinking of this, King Liang became more and more interested and continued to think about it with He Tiantian: "Fu Bao, I am really not doing this for myself, but for our children!"

"The prince always resents my mother-in-law for being favored by the emperor. He is also jealous that I am more favored by the emperor. If he ascends the throne and becomes the emperor, will our Prince Liang's palace still have a good life?"

"It doesn't matter to me. After all, I have enjoyed the best and most expensive ones. But what about our child? Do you have the heart to let him be reduced to a down-and-out clan?"

"You have also seen the embarrassment of the declining royal families in the capital! Fubao, I don't want our children to become so pitiful!"

King Liang almost took on the same attitude as when he deceived the original owner and tried his best to sensationalize the situation.

He Tiantian pretended to be moved, and seemed to be worried about her unborn child.

Seeing this, King Liang hurriedly tried again, "Fu Bao! My good Fu Bao, just try it once."

"This is not just to help me, but also for our children -"

He Tiantian struggled more and more.

But, soon, she seemed to think of something, trembled all over, and then slowly shook her head.

"I just had my period ten days ago—"

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

Therefore, there is no trace of the child at all.

"Even if I get pregnant, the child may not be a boy!"

In the historical background of this world, there is no precedent for a woman to be in power.

The world can't even think about being a queen.

"Even if I give birth to a boy, I may not live to see him grow up!"

"And as for you, my lord, you will have more children. No matter how many vows you make, they can't match the reality!"

He Tiantian's few words directly exposed Prince Liang's hypocritical lies.

Facing He Tiantian's sober eyes, Prince Liang became angry with embarrassment.

He simply stopped pretending and said with a ferocious smile: "Mr. He, you are toasting me and you are punished with a drink!"

He Tiantian: ...I don’t drink any wine!

King Liang originally wanted to say that he would be hungry for a few more days.

But seeing her pale face and weak body, Prince Liang knew that He had reached her limit.

If he had been hungry for two more days, he might have starved to death.

Moreover, looking at He Tiantian's posture, it seems that he has overcome the hunger barrier.

The trick of fasting water and food does not work!

King Liang squinted his eyes, and an unpleasant smell rushed into his nostrils again.

An idea flashed in Prince Liang's mind, and he suddenly had an idea...

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