The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 618 The heroine who was counterattacked (7)

[The heroine took the villain script] []

"How's Erlang?"

The emperor asked with concern from a high position.

The imperial doctor spent most of the day in Prince Liang's Mansion and returned to the Imperial Hospital at noon.

As soon as he came back, he was summoned by the emperor's order.

He was drumming in his heart, but he did not dare to deceive the emperor. He hurriedly reported back: "I have little talent and little knowledge. I am not sure what kind of disease the prince is suffering from."

The emperor heard the subtext and asked quickly, "My son is not awake yet?"

Last night, when Concubine Shu ran to him to cry for help from the imperial doctor, she said that she had fallen down and accidentally knocked her head, causing her to faint.

Although the emperor was surprised and distressed, he didn't think it was a big deal.

But now, seeing the panicked and helpless look of the imperial doctor, the emperor realized that his second son might not be doing well!

The imperial doctor's face was full of shame, and his eyes were even more uneasy. He put his head on the ground and made a muffled sound.

"Wei Chen is incompetent! Wei Chen——"

Facing the unconscious King of Liang, the imperial physician fearfully prescribed several anti-inflammatory and analgesic prescriptions.

Just the matter of boiling the medicine caused a huge commotion in Prince Liang's Mansion.

In addition to being powerless to deal with the condition, the imperial doctor also felt an inexplicable panic - King Liang's illness seemed to be strange and could not be solved by human power!

However, the imperial physician did not dare to say this to the emperor, which was obviously an excuse.

He was afraid that the emperor would think that he was making excuses for his incompetence, or even deliberately passing the blame.

However, the imperial doctor was really worried, so he showed some of it on his face.

Who is the emperor?

Having been an emperor for more than ten years, he has sharp eyes and sharp six senses.

With just one glance, one could tell that the imperial doctor's expression was different.

The emperor did not hesitate and asked directly in a cold voice: "Tell me! What happened to Prince Liang?"

If it was just a simple coma, why was the imperial doctor so hesitant and evasive?

Imperial Physician:...

Swallowing nervously, he quickly organized his words in his mind.

Then, he thought about it again and again, and then said slowly, "I don't even know what happened to King Liang!"

Before the emperor could get angry, the imperial doctor quickly added, "The minister just feels that there are too many 'accidents' in Prince Liang and the palace!"

When he mentioned the word "accident", his tone was obviously cautious and fearful.

The emperor's eyes flashed, "Accident?"

"..." The imperial doctor took a deep breath and began to tell about everything that happened to Prince Liang and the palace after he arrived at Prince Liang's Mansion.

The little maid helped turn him over, but accidentally caused Prince Liang to bruise his forehead.

The boy ran to grab some medicine, only to find that the most important medicinal materials were out of stock even after going to several pharmacies.

After finally buying all the medicine, the woman who cooked the medicine was used to doing this kind of job, but she broke the casserole again and again.

Accidents happened one after another, and the servants couldn't help but mutter.

Therefore, the imperial doctor knew about a series of "accidents" that happened because he hired an imperial doctor for Prince Liang before he came to the palace!

...The imperial doctors were all shocked, and murmured in their hearts more than once: Was Prince Liang possessed by a bad luck ghost, or was he simply reincarnated as a bad luck ghost? !

This is extremely unlucky.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

The imperial doctor told the emperor everything he saw and heard with his own eyes and ears.

In the end, he kowtowed and said tactfully: "Maybe these are really accidents!"

"His Royal Highness, Prince Liang, has not regained consciousness. It is still the fault of the minister's lack of talent and poor medical skills!"


After listening to the imperial doctor talk so much,

If he still thinks that Prince Liang is in a coma at this time, it would be an insult to him who has been the emperor for more than ten years!

Could it be that Erlang was attacked by someone sneaky?

Or... is there someone in Nightmare Town?

When the prince had an accident, the emperor ordered people to investigate carefully, and even the shadow guards were dispatched.

After investigation, the Shadow Guard determined that the prince's fall from the horse was indeed an accident and there was no human factor.

But the prince always shouted that someone was harming him.

Come to think of it, a good horse that had never been touched was suddenly frightened.

As for the prince, at that moment, he was also stiff for a moment. He did not react immediately, but was thrown down like a puppet.

At that time, the emperor secretly wondered if someone was practicing the art of Nightmare Suppression.

However, the royal family was particularly taboo about such things, and the emperor was unwilling to believe from the bottom of his heart that someone would dare to use sorcery to assassinate the prince.

He did not dare to investigate in a big way, so he could only secretly ask Master Huitong of Fajue Temple to "bless" the prince.

The moment he saw the prince, Master Huitong looked shocked. He found an opportunity to secretly report back to the emperor: "The prince seems to have suffered a heavy blow!"

"He, the purple dragon energy on his body has been reduced a lot!"

There was not a single word about Nightmare Town in Master Huitong's words, but the emperor felt a knot in his heart.

Less than two months later, his second son unexpectedly——

who is it?

Who is hiding in the dark, plotting against the crown prince and the prince like this? !

First the Crown Prince, then the Prince of Liang. Next, is it his turn to be the Emperor?

The emperor was already suspicious, but hearing about the "accident" of his two sons made him even more suspicious.

However, after holding a high position for more than ten years, the emperor had already developed the ability to keep his emotions and anger hidden.

"Since you know that you have little talent and poor medical skills, you should study hard and practice more!"

The emperor reprimanded the imperial physician, and then ordered the chief physician of the imperial hospital to lead several imperial physicians with excellent medical skills to rush to Prince Liang's Mansion to treat Prince Liang.

Of course, this is an obvious arrangement.

Secretly, the emperor ordered his confidants to go to Fajue Temple.

In the afternoon, Prince Liang's Mansion became lively again.

A group of imperial doctors surrounded King Liang. They administered medicine and acupuncture. They all used their special skills to try to wake up the unconscious King Liang.

However, King Liang seemed to be like a living dead. He was clearly breathing and his body had some subtle reactions, but he just couldn't wake up.

In the end, Yuan Zheng could only lead everyone back to the palace to plead guilty.

After hearing the dean's reply, the emperor became more and more suspicious that someone was doing something secretly.

It was Master Huitong who went to Prince Liang's Mansion in person, carefully observed Prince Liang's face, and gave an answer: "All the purple dragon aura on His Highness Prince Liang's body has disappeared!"

This is more dangerous than the prince.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

The prince's body has only been reduced a lot, and there are still residual auras lingering around him.

But there was not a trace of Liang Wang's dragon energy left.

Without the dragon's energy to protect his body, the killings that King Liang once committed began to come back indiscriminately.

That's why King Liang was so unlucky.

Master Huitong is a true Taoist master, and his eyes can see people's luck.

Naturally, he did not ignore the scarlet blood evil energy lingering around King Liang.

However, Master Huitong did not report this to the Emperor.

He is an expert in Buddhism, but he still has to practice in the world of mortals. Therefore, Master Huitong is still familiar with the basics of human relations -

In this world, there is no father who loves his son and is willing to admit that his son is a bad person who deserves his punishment.

Master Huitong didn't mention anything about the backlash of the slain.

It is only said that King Liang lacked the dragon energy to protect his body, and some demons and monsters took advantage of it, eventually causing King Liang to fall into coma.


What else could he say, he could only ask Master Huitong to help him get an amulet or a spirit-gathering circle for Prince Liang, so that he could survive this calamity.

Master Huitong refused in his heart. He was a monk, compassionate, and could not see that all living beings were suffering.

They are even more repelled by people like King Liang who bear the sin of killing!

Those innocent souls probably shouldn't stay in the world, but they all have their own reasons!

Cause and effect cycle, retribution is unpleasant.

Master Huitong cannot harm those poor innocent souls who want revenge.

But, again, Master Huitong lives in the world and must follow the laws of the world.

As for the emperor's supremacy, Taoist masters like Master Huitong must also be convinced.

Resisting his reluctance, Master Huitong drew talismans such as exorcism talismans and peace talismans.

When these talismans were drawn, they were still in good condition. The runes on the yellow paper had a faint aura floating around them.

However, when the talisman was placed on King Liang, there seemed to be an invisible hand in the air, which instantly wiped away the aura on the rune.

Master Huitong's mood instantly became chaotic.

That feeling again!

It’s not a backlash, it’s just a “reminder” from the real power!

Master Huitong was still thinking before that when he determined his goal, he would find a way to apologize to that master!

When something happened to King Liang, Master Huitong had not yet thought about this aspect.

He only thought that King Liang had done all the bad things and provoked the wrath of heaven, and then the few traces of dragon energy he was born with were completely consumed by the blood evil energy.

Now it seems that King Liang did not offend Tiandao, but collided with a certain powerful person or an old-timer.

Master Huitong had this guess and couldn't help but release his spiritual consciousness to investigate in Prince Liang's Mansion.

Logically speaking, he shouldn't be so reckless, because in Xuanmen, using spiritual consciousness to detect others is definitely an inappropriate behavior.

If you encounter an expert with a bad temper, you will think that the other person is provoking and cause trouble.

However, Master Huitong is really curious.

At the end of the Dharma era, Taoism withered.

In the past two years, although the spiritual energy has become more abundant, many famous sects have lost their inheritance.

That is to say, Master Huitong had the light of merit, which made him lucky enough to discover the secret book of exercises in Fajue Temple. Only then did he get started in cultivation and touch the threshold of metaphysics.

Then he became a master praised by everyone!

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

His own family knows his own family, and Master Huitong knows very well that he is still only a beginner in the real Taoist field.

Now, he met a person who could easily erase the spiritual power of his runes. Even though Master Huitong hadn't seen it with his own eyes, he could deduce that this person's cultivation level must be higher than his!

who is it?

What kind of boss is he?

Coming to the capital, yet still so low-key and restrained?

Out of curiosity, Master Huitong, who had always been prudent, actually became hot-headed.

Divine consciousness covered the entire Prince Liang's Mansion, like a searchlight, searching in circles.


Master Huitong did not find his "fellow disciple", but he was almost blinded by a burst of dazzling golden light.

He quickly withdrew his consciousness, twisted his rosary beads, and recited some scriptures silently to stabilize his mind.

Although it only passed by in a flash, Master Huitong still remembered the location where the golden light appeared.

Not far away, right next door to where King Liang lived.

"...That's the princess's residence!"

As the most useful maid of Prince Liang, Jinyu was also rewarded by Concubine Shu in the palace, so she had a special status in Prince Liang's mansion.

After King Liang fell into a coma, she temporarily took full charge of the palace.

After Master Huitong arrived, Jinyu also came out to greet him.

After listening to Master Huitong's question, Jinyu hesitated for a moment before giving the answer.


Master Huitong was stunned for a moment, and it took him a long time to remember: Yes, a few months ago, King Liang returned to Beijing with a civilian girl.

It is said that this folk girl was the savior of King Liang.

The grace of saving one's life should be promised with one's own body.

This sentence was originally a joke in a play, but it was perfectly interpreted in reality by King Liang.

Despite everyone's opposition and criticism, King Liang insisted on marrying the civilian girl.

After getting married, I heard that the two were very much in love.

Princess Liang also became the envy of noble ladies and ladies in the capital.

With such scenery, even Master Huitong, who didn't care much about the trivial matters of the world, heard a few words from the nobles who came to offer incense and seek talismans.

It’s just that in the past two months, Princess Liang seemed to have been ill and had not appeared in the social circles of the capital for a long time.

Some people murmured secretly: "It is indeed a person who cannot be put on the stage. It is a great blessing, but it depends on whether you can bear it!"

"No! It's said that he is acclimatized, haha, I think he just doesn't have the destiny to be rich and noble!"

Of course, some people also doubted whether Princess Liang was pregnant and hiding in the palace to raise her fetus.

However, no matter what everyone's guesses were, no one doubted Prince Liang, and no one thought that Princess Liang was imprisoned!

... Prince Liang's interpretation of a peerless good man was indeed wonderful, and the entire capital was deceived.

Only Master Huitong at this moment.

After he determined that the place where the golden light appeared was actually the princess's main room, he made an excuse and asked Jinyu to invite Princess Liang.

Jinyu was a little reluctant.

Princess Liang is the legitimate mistress of the palace.

Something happened to Prince Liang, and Princess Liang should have been in charge of the affairs of the palace.

It was Jinyu who relied on her own status and thought of the prince's contempt for the He family in the past few days, so she didn't take Princess Liang seriously at all.

Jinyu held the power of the palace's housekeeper firmly in her hands, not wanting to give it up to anyone else.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

However, Master Huitong is an expert sent by the emperor. Whether the prince can wake up depends on others.

Jinyu didn't dare to disobey Master Huitong's order.

Enduring the resistance in her heart, Jinyu asked the little maid to "invite" He Tiantian.


Master Huitong stared in the direction of the door. When a beautiful figure stepped in, his eyes followed it.

Then, he was struck by another dazzling golden light.

This time Master Huitong was prepared in advance and was not blinded.

He endured the dazzling feeling and used his consciousness to explore a little.

"What a rich golden light of merit!"

"How many good deeds did this person do in his previous life to accumulate so much merit?"

"Perhaps, this person is simply a good person throughout his life, so that's why——"

With so much merit, if you accumulate more, you might be able to become an immortal instantly.

Master Huitong's heart was beating fast, and his eyes looking at He Tiantian were full of envy and awe.

Although this person is not a big Taoist master or a senior expert, he is a person with rich golden merits.

This life may be an experience for others.

If they can pass, they can directly attain enlightenment and ascend...

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