The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 619 The heroine who was counterattacked (8)

[The heroine took the villain script] []

Such a good person for many generations, with so many merits and virtues, is definitely a person of great luck, and is deeply protected by heaven.

She will not harm anyone, but if someone tries to harm her, they will definitely suffer strong backlash!

Master Huitong withdrew his consciousness and observed He Tiantian with his naked eyes.

He discovered that Princess Liang, who was envied by everyone in Beijing, seemed to be in poor condition.

The body is thin, the face is pale, and the eyes are shrinking... She does not look like the beloved and noble Princess Liang.

Instead, he looks like a poor person who has been abused and hurt.

I didn't see her being very afraid of maids like Jinyu.

As for Jinyu, she didn't have much respect for Princess Liang.

Outsiders may be deceived by the rumors and think that Prince Liang is really an infatuated good man.

Master Huitong does not think so.

Not to mention anything else, just the layer of scarlet evil spirit lingering around Prince Liang told Master Huitong that this second prince and prince who was favored by the emperor was definitely not a kind person.

He committed many murders, but no one noticed. Instead, they thought he was a humble and gentle gentleman.

Master Huitong often dealt with the royal family, so he knew that the royal family was not as gorgeous and beautiful on the inside as it looked on the outside.

Prince Liang's disguise is not unusual among the royal family.

Master Huitong did not find it strange at all that such a good man who was said to dote on his wife would secretly torture and abuse his own princess.

If it were an ordinary person, he might have been killed silently by King Liang.

However, Princess Liang is not an ordinary woman, but the reincarnation of a good person for many generations.

Tsk tsk, it’s not an exaggeration to say that I am the darling of heaven!

As for Prince Liang, he was just a prince tainted with a little bit of dragon energy, but he tried to hurt a man whose whole body was filled with golden light of merit.

If God doesn't take care of him, who will he take care of?

There is also Master Huitong, who is probably doing good deeds and accumulating virtue, and he also has merit and gold to protect his body.

Otherwise, if he had provided the King of Liang with talismans and consecrated jade pendants, he would have properly "aided the evil deeds" and he would have suffered the backlash along with the King of Liang.

It just erased the spiritual energy on his runes without going into too much detail. This shows that Master Huitong is facing a "great good man" and not some evil heretic!

"Master, how is my prince? Is he okay? Can he wake up?"

He Tiantian deliberately pretended not to see Master Huitong's probing and contemplative appearance, and timidly asked.

When she mentioned "my prince", there was concern and instinctive fear, as if that man was not only her husband, but also the existence she feared the most.

Seeing He Tiantian's appearance, Master Huitong became more and more sure of his guess - Prince Liang had really hurt Princess Liang!

What does it mean to live by one's own fault?

It’s King Liang!

He is obviously married to a beloved son of heaven who is blessed with merit and virtue. As long as he treats her well, he will be blessed with good fortune and live in glory and wealth for the rest of his life.

As a result, he didn't know how to cherish it, but wanted to die!

He angered Heaven, was attacked by the golden light of merit, and became a living dead.

Deserve it!

Master Huitong has always been compassionate and would not speak harshly to the truly evil people.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

He can enlighten and persuade, so that evil people can put down their butcher's knife.

But at this moment, facing the King of Liang who was seeking his own death, Master Huitong couldn't help but cursed in his heart.

"The prince's situation is more complicated. However, please rest assured, princess, I will do my best to help!"

Master Huitong was very polite to He Tiantian.

He said a few words of comfort in a soft voice.

"Then, thank you very much, Master!"

He Tiantian timidly curtsied.

"Princess, you are not feeling well, you should go back and rest first!"

Jinyu couldn't bear to see He Tiantian show up in front of others, so she wanted to send He Tiantian away with just a few words.

When Master Huitong saw this, he couldn't help but look sympathetically at Jinyu——

Tsk, what an ignorant and fearless slave!

Even someone with great opportunities like Princess Liang dared to humiliate her so easily.

After all, your prince still has the innate dragon energy to protect his body, but you are just a slave with no luck at all, otherwise you wouldn't sell yourself into slavery.

With such status and luck, he actually dared to offend Princess Liang, who was full of merit and virtue. She died that day without even knowing the reason.

Jinyu: ...Master Huitong looks at me strangely?

Do you think she is too presumptuous?

No, Master Huitong’s eyes did not contain condemnation or questioning, but a kind of pity!

Pity for what?

Although she is a slave, she is still a slave of the palace, and she also holds the power of housekeeper of the palace.

Now even the noble princess has to live her life based on her expression.

She said she wanted to drive the princess away, and the princess had to step aside obediently!

Jinyu was confused and proud at the same time, and she actually made some noise for a moment.

She dismissed He Tiantian and turned around to ask Master Huitong something, but in the end——


Jinyu's face instantly turned pale, and her body froze in a weird posture.


Her waist was sprained inexplicably!

Jinyu felt as if her body had been broken into two sections. The huge pain made her couldn't help but cry: "Come on, come on! Come on, come on!"


It hurts her so much!

Wow, her waist isn't really broken, right?

Master Huitong:…

Seeing Jinyu's "backlash" with his own eyes, he was not surprised at all, and even felt like "it should be like this".

The palace is in chaos again, the prince is unconscious, Jinyu, the only one who can take care of things, has also fallen down, and the palace is actually leaderless.

"It's better to invite the princess!"

Master Huitong couldn't bear to see more "ignorant people" suffer backlash, so he reminded the manager.

The steward was stunned. He was working as an errand in the outer courtyard and was unaware of the prince's abuse of the princess.

He only thought that the princess was weak, came from a humble background, and did not know how to be a middle-aged princess. That's why the Jinyu girl who was rewarded by the palace took away the housekeeper's rights.

However, now that Jinyu has injured her waist, she has too much time to take care of herself, let alone being a housekeeper.

The palace cannot be in chaos and needs someone who can manage it.


In terms of title, she is indeed the legitimate mistress of the palace.

But can she take on the heavy responsibility of managing the palace?

The steward hesitated.

Master Huitong rarely spoke again, "The princess is the wife of your highness, the matchmaker, and she is Princess Liang who has been given a jade certificate."

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

Just four words, it can definitely crush everything!

In addition, Master Huitong will also enter the palace and report truthfully what he saw and guessed.

He believed that with the emperor's wisdom, he would never do something as stupid as King Liang.

Those who have been good for many generations and have the golden light of merit and virtue. People who have such great opportunities should make offerings and respect them.

Prince Liang has already suffered a backlash. With such a clear example, the emperor, and even Concubine Shu, who loves his son, will never make the same mistake again!

"Yes! Thank you, Master, for reminding me!"

The manager woke up from a dream and hurriedly thanked him.

After sending Master Huitong away, he hurried to invite He Tiantian out.

"Oh? Jinyu sprained his waist?"

He Tiantian pretended to be surprised and said, "Why? Okay, why did she sprain?"

The steward bowed his back and smiled, but didn't say anything.

What can be said?

He had no idea why Jinyu had sprained her waist.

To say that she was tired from serving the prince these days is simply nonsense!

There are so many maids in the palace, and there are even more groups of people serving the prince.

Jinyu said that she was serving the prince, but she was just talking about it, while her maids and mothers-in-law did the work!

Jinyu's life these days is actually more nourishing than before.

Come to think of it, the "lady in charge" of the prince's palace is more dignified and powerful than the princess.

As a result, even in such a good life of being served and complimented by others, Jinyu could still sprain her waist——

The steward could only say that Jinyu was a "loyal servant". The prince was possessed by an unlucky man, and she, the most useful maid, was also unlucky with her master!

"Oh, that's fine!"

He Tiantian pretended to sigh helplessly, "The palace is in troubled times right now. Although I don't understand Zhonggui and I am from a humble background, I am still a princess and I have no choice but to take care of everything!"

After that, He Tiantian ordered someone to go to Jinyu to get the pair of cards, warehouse keys, account books and other items.

Jinyu naturally refused, but she couldn't even move.

A few of her henchmen wanted to struggle.

They did not openly oppose the princess, but stood silently in front of Jinyu's bed, looking protective.

Hearing the reply, He Tiantian sneered secretly.

She slammed the table and said in a cold voice: "What a naughty slave! I used to consider that you were a reward from my mother-in-law, so I looked at you a few times. I didn't want to, but I made you forget your identity!"

He Tiantian's demeanor didn't ruin her character.

Although the original owner came from a farm family, he was pampered and spoiled by his grandmother and the entire He family since he was a child because of his natural good fortune.

After marrying Queen Liang, King Liang deliberately acted to make her mistakenly think that she was deeply loved by her husband.

But in the backyard, with her husband's love, everything is possible.

The servants were also very respectful to her.

She used to be timid or shrinking, but she was just afraid of being tormented by King Liang.

But now, King Liang has fallen, and even his most proud maid has become injured, and can no longer show off his power.

Following the original owner's nature, she will definitely take the opportunity to fight back.

Therefore, even if He Tiantian behaves arrogantly and arrogantly, those maids who know the inside story will not doubt her and will only treat her as a villain.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

As for the steward, he didn't know anything about the inner courtyard, and naturally he didn't know the fear and cowardice of the original owner.

When he saw He Tiantian's announcement, he not only had no doubts, but sighed in his heart: She is Princess Liang after all. Even if she comes from a bad background, she still has a decent status.

On the contrary, Jinyu, being pampered by the prince and respected by the princess, actually lost her sense of proportion.

"Let's go! I'll go there myself!"

He Tiantian stood up, shouted, and rushed to the small courtyard where Jinyu lived.

"You! He, you--"

Seeing He Tiantian dare to stand in front of her with her head held high, Jinyu's already depressed mood due to the pain became even lower.

She was so angry that she forgot to maintain her superficial "respect" and called He Tiantian "He's".

He Tiantian was not polite and raised her hand to give Jinyu a slap in the face, "How outrageous! You really forgot your identity and how dare you be disrespectful to me!"

The few maids who followed Jin Yu were also on duty in the inner courtyard.

Some of them were responsible for guarding He Tiantian, so they knew that He, the princess, was not valued by the prince.

When the original owner was hungry, he begged and cried to them.

All kinds of pity and embarrassment, they all saw it.

Therefore, it is difficult for them to have any awe and respect for the original owner, the princess.

Not to mention behind the scenes, even in front of the original owner, they also called her "He".

But, this time and that time.

In the past, the palace had a prince and sister Jinyu, so it was not the princess's turn to be a peasant girl.

But now——

Several little maids looked at Jinyu who was lying on the bed, unable to move.

Then look at He Tiantian who raised her hand to slap Jin Yu, but no one stopped her. For a moment, she didn't know what to do.

Continue to protect Jinyu, and then be liquidated by the princess together with her?

It was only at this moment that the maids realized that no matter how majestic Sister Jinyu was in the past, she was just a slave.

The slave was injured and was not even qualified to ask for an imperial doctor.

If the master is kind-hearted, he can hire a doctor to prescribe some medicine and let her take good care of her.

If the master is more cruel and simply removes the person and leaves him to die on the Zhuangzi, no outsider will be able to say anything!

This is the sorrow of being a slave!

Of course, Jinyu also has a backer——

"Mr. He, how dare you hit me? I, I'm the one close to Concubine Shu!"

"...The prince is sick, do you think you can do whatever you want in the palace?"

"Dream! There is still a queen in the palace, and the queen will never let you go!"

"Ms. He, wait, Concubine Shu——"

Just as Jinyu was scolding and threatening through gritted teeth, there was a burst of noise outside.

"Reporting to the princess, there is a decree from Yi in the palace, and I have asked you to go and receive it by name!"

A little maid ran over panting and shouted back.

He Tiantian raised an eyebrow.

Yi Zhi?

The Queen's will?

Tsk, she is indeed the emperor's first wife and the prince's biological mother. Look at her reaction speed, she is faster than Concubine Shu.

I just don’t know why the queen specially ordered people to convey her decree.

He Tiantian left the blue-faced Jinyu and the restless little maids, and went directly to the vestibule.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

The person who conveyed the order was a middle-aged eunuch. Judging from his appearance, he was probably someone who was needed by the Queen.

The so-called Yizhi is not a formal decree, but just a few words from the queen.

The middle-aged eunuch was a bit fat. When he smiled, his eyes narrowed and he looked very kind-hearted.

He did not make any pretense, but smiled and said to He Tiantian, "My queen was very relieved to hear that Prince Liang was injured and that the princess took good care of him despite her illness."

"I specially rewarded the King of Liang with a thousand-year-old ginseng, and ordered the princess to be rewarded with a jade Ruyi, two boxes of blood swallows, four sets of jewelry, twelve pieces of palace satin, and some gold and silver naked seeds..."

He Tiantian was slightly surprised.

The queen is so generous.

In name, the purpose was to reward the concubine (that is, the King of Liang) with medicinal materials, but in fact, it was to reward He Tiantian heavily.

Look, there are blood swallows, jewelry and cloth, especially the jade Ruyi, which is really worth pondering.

Not to mention that He Tiantian was a little surprised, even the palace people around the queen were very confused.

"Your Highness, you just rewarded Prince Liang. Why do you want to reward the He family so much?"

The nun beside the queen couldn't help but asked.

The queen did not say anything clearly, but a flash of light flashed in her eyes.

She believed deeply in Buddhism and had some friendship with Master Huitong.

When Master Huitong entered the palace just now, the queen ordered the confidant eunuchs around her to run to inquire, wanting to know the inside story of King Liang's injury.

Of course Master Huitong didn't say anything, but he reminded her: "Princess Liang is blessed with a golden light of merit and virtue, and she is a person of great luck!"

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