The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 620: The heroine who was counterattacked (9)

[The heroine took the villain script] []

The queen was not sure whether she could help her son like this.

But she always felt that it was better to make friends with someone who was lucky than to offend someone.

Moreover, her confidant eunuch vaguely heard from Master Huitong that Prince Liang's bad luck seemed to have something to do with Princess Liang.

The Queen doesn't know what happened in Prince Liang's Mansion, but the enemy of her enemy is her friend.

The queen, who has lived in the palace for a long time and is well versed in palace fighting, knows this very well.

She didn't expect anything in return with just one reward, but if she showed her kindness first and then started to figure it out, there might be unexpected surprises.

"Your Highness, Your Highness the Queen, the imperial doctor has obtained a new prescription, saying it can help the prince's leg injury!"

Just as the queen was secretly making plans, a maid from the East Palace happily came to announce the good news.

Queen: ...So effective?

She had just given a generous gift to Princess Liang, who was blessed with meritorious deeds, and there was good news for her son?

As soon as this idea came to her mind, the queen denied it herself.

How ridiculous!

It’s so bizarre!

However, despite denial, the queen still had such thoughts in her heart.

Anyway, it doesn't take much trouble. From now on, well, she just needs to take more care of Princess Liang.

In addition to the great luck of the other party, the Queen is also happy to be troubled by her old enemy Concubine Shu every day.

The Queen knew very well that Concubine Shu particularly looked down upon He's daughter-in-law who came from the private sector.

Otherwise, she would not specially reward palace maids to cause trouble for others!

Concubine Shu disliked Concubine Liang, so the queen promoted her.

As long as Concubine Shu can be made unhappy, the Queen will be happy.

In the past, the Queen wanted to do this, but she had no excuse.

After all, her image has always been virtuous, generous, gentle, and kind. Even if she regards her bastard as her biological son, she cannot get too close to her bastard's biological mother or get too close to her bastard's wife!

Now it's better, with the words of Master Huitong, the prince is in this situation again. The queen, as a loving mother who firmly believes in Buddhism, is urgently ill and seeks medical treatment. She can't care too much for a while and is too close to Princess Liang. The emperor can understand it.

...Perhaps, the emperor also had the intention to win over Princess Liang.

Therefore, he should be able to understand the queen exceptionally, and not associate the queen's actions with jealousy and quarrels between wives and concubines!

The empress is worthy of being the emperor's original wife. The two have been together for more than 20 years, and they really understand each other best.

As soon as the eunuchs in the Queen's Palace left the palace, the emperor received the news.

At this time, Master Huitong had told the emperor everything he saw, heard, and guessed.

The emperor didn't believe it at first because it was too unbelievable.

Although I know that there are ghosts and gods in this world and there is karma, I have never seen it with my own eyes.

What great luck?

Could it be more powerful than him as the emperor?

The emperor felt an inexplicable feeling of jealousy and rejection in his heart - he was the emperor, the most noble and special being in the world.

Now, when a good person who had lived a long life suddenly appeared, with a golden light of merit and virtue, and seemed to be very powerful, he was a little unhappy.

But, soon, the emperor began to convince himself: In fact, having a good person reincarnated among his subjects was the good fortune of his dynasty, and it was considered a kind of auspiciousness.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

Moreover, as Master Huitong said, my daughter-in-law is deeply protected by God because of her great origins.

People who are close to her can be blessed.

Anyone who has ill intentions towards her or hurts her,

There will be backlash.

His foolish son, Prince Liang, is an example.

Oh, by the way, I heard that there was a naughty slave in Prince Liang's palace. Because he was disrespectful to Princess Liang, he suddenly sprained his waist.

Maybe these are all coincidences, but the emperor does not dare to gamble with his own health and safety, as well as the country and the country!

It was just a matter of taking care of a woman, she could just open her mouth and it didn't take any effort at all. The emperor thought he could give it a try!

"The second child's condition?"

The emperor still wanted to confirm whether his son was sick or possessed by an evil spirit.

He also called the imperial doctors who were waiting in the hospital and asked again and again about King Liang's situation.

The court official had a grimace on his face and knelt down in fear, "I am a humble minister with little talent and limited knowledge. There is really nothing I can do about the prince's illness!"

The hospital doctor's medical skills were top-notch in the imperial hospital, so he gave in. The other imperial doctors did not dare to take the lead and apologized one after another.

"Then will this be the only thing he can do in the future?"

Unconscious, like a living dead?

Is it the son he has pampered for nearly twenty years, or is he his own son? How can the emperor not feel sorry for him?

"..." Yuan Zheng didn't dare to speak, his forehead pressed against the bluestone floor.

Yes, if you don’t answer, that’s the default.

The emperor was a little depressed.

But then, he thought of Master Huitong's words again.

The He family had a great background, and Prince Liang had collided with her, which was why she suffered a backlash.

So, if the royal family rewards He, praises her, and respects her, will some blessings be distributed to Prince Liang? !

After all, they are husband and wife, and He herself doesn't know her origins, but as a woman, she should be willing for her husband to recover.

Moreover, as husband and wife, the King of Liang and the He family were both prosperous and devastated.

If He wants a better life, he still has to place his hope in King Liang.

"Come here to pass on the edict, saying that Mrs. He has done great service in taking care of Prince Liang. She is specially canonized as a first-class princess and will be rewarded with a thousand taels of gold and twenty-four pieces of tribute satin!"

The emperor had an idea and ordered the eunuchs around him to announce the decree.

Regarding the emperor's question, not to mention the reaction inside and outside the palace, Concubine Shu was not very happy.

It stands to reason that He is her daughter-in-law, and the emperor's reward for He was to give the King of Liang dignity, and she, as a mother and concubine, would have a good face.

However, Concubine Shu really doesn't like He, a country girl.

Especially now that his son is in a coma and is still alive, His Majesty is not thinking about how to find a miraculous doctor or expert to save his son, but Baba canonizes the He family.

Concubine Shu felt uncomfortable in her heart.

She didn't even think about it. The emperor rewarded He so highly for the good of Prince Liang.

This is just like an ordinary family. When their son is not good, in order to win over their daughter-in-law, they will stay by their son's side wholeheartedly. The husband's family will be especially kind to the daughter-in-law!

Concubine Shu: ...Humph, the royal family is an ordinary family.

There is only the reason for the royal family to divorce their daughter-in-law, and there is no way for the woman to make noises about divorce or remarriage!

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

If you marry a prince, unless the prince refuses, you will be a member of the royal family for the rest of your life, and you will also be a dead member of the royal family when you die!

To put it bluntly, her Erlang was just in a coma now. Even if he really, really left, Mr. He would still stay with him for the rest of his life.

Therefore, Concubine Shu is very confident and has no fear of not being able to keep her daughter-in-law.

Not only did she not show kindness or win over, she even blamed He for not taking good care of her son!

"She is indeed an uneducated and ignorant country girl. She can't even serve her husband well!"

"My Erlang, how did you get such a strange disease?"

"...When will you wake up?"

Concubine Shu finally begged the emperor to allow her to leave the palace to visit her son.

Looking at King Liang lying on the bed, tears just fell down without smearing ginger water!

"He! How on earth do you take care of Erlang?"

"He is fine, why did he fall and get injured?"

"Also, where is Jinyu? Why didn't I see her?"

Concubine Shu stayed with Prince Liang and cried for a long time, her eyes were a little swollen.

However, King Liang still didn't react at all, as if he didn't hear his mother's cry.

Seeing her good son in such a state, Concubine Shu felt distressed and angry at the same time. She directly directed her anger at her daughter-in-law.

"Reporting to my mother and concubine, I, I don't know why the prince is like this!"

He Tiantian deliberately looked like she was shrinking and said timidly.

"Your Majesty just knocked into the tub, just--"

"And Jinyu, she was injured. I heard she accidentally twisted her waist!"

He Tiantian is like a frustrated little daughter-in-law, cowardly and petty.

Concubine Shu felt irritated when she saw it.

She turned her eyes away in disgust, as if she saw some garbage.

"You don't know anything, what else do you, Princess Liang, do for you?"

"Go! Go and kneel outside!"

Concubine Shu issued the punishment angrily.

"...Yes!" He Tiantian pretended to be aggrieved and afraid, and agreed with a choked voice.

Then, she turned around and was about to kneel outside.

Here, Concubine Shu ignored He Tiantian.

After giving the instructions, he continued to guard King Liang.

Seeing that Prince Liang's lips were a little dry, she felt heartbroken.

Suddenly feeling motherly, she did not tell the maids to take action, but got up and poured water for King Liang himself.

Outside, He Tiantian just knelt down and the moment her knees touched the ground——

Concubine Shu in the room only took two steps to get a water glass from the table, but suddenly her left foot tripped over her right foot.


Concubine Shu fell flat and hit her head directly on the corner of the table.

Concubine Shu felt a flash of golden light in front of her eyes, and then she fainted.

On his fair and smooth forehead, there was a blue and purple bulge.

Everyone was panic-stricken and hurriedly carried Concubine Shu to the Arhat bed outside.

"Call the doctor, go and ask the doctor!"

The eldest maid next to Concubine Shu shouted loudly.

Not long after, the imperial doctor was invited. When passing by the steps, he saw a thin and frail figure kneeling in the corridor, and frowned slightly.

But royal affairs are not something that ministers like them can interfere with.

He quickly turned his eyes away, not daring to look any further, and the imperial doctor entered the main room directly.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

"..." Why is Concubine Shu's illness similar to that of Prince Liang?

Could it be that "mother and child's heart-to-heart" can reach this point?

Can even injuries and coma be contagious? !

As soon as such a thought came to his mind, the imperial doctor quickly shook his head to get rid of these random speculations.

He began to check Concubine Shu's pulse, but there was nothing wrong with her pulse.

Well, this is also very similar to Liang Wang.

The imperial doctor suppressed the absurd thoughts surging in his heart and began to try other methods.

I tried acupuncture, medicine, and pressing acupoints...all of them, to no avail!

The imperial doctor had no choice but to order someone to go to the palace for help.

The emperor was shocked and helpless when he heard what happened in Prince Liang's Mansion.

Alas, Concubine Shu and Prince Liang, mother and son, really, really don’t know what to say about them!

"Let me ask you clearly. Concubine Shu just punished Princess Liang and fell down?"

The emperor carefully questioned the eunuch who went to investigate.

"Yes! I asked this before. The empress blamed Princess Liang for not taking good care of the prince, so she punished her to kneel on the porch outside the door!"

"As soon as Princess Liang knelt down, Concubine Shu fell down and her head happened to hit the table leg!"

The young eunuch didn't know the "truth" and responded truthfully.

"Just by chance"?

Ha, where are there so many coincidences?

Concubine Shu wanted to deliberately punish a good person in the world, but she was attacked by the golden light on her body!

Originally, the emperor was a little skeptical of Master Huitong's words, but Concubine Shu personally gave the emperor a "demonstration", and the emperor began to believe it even if he didn't believe it.

"Someone, take Concubine Shu back to the palace."

Suppressing the fear in his heart, the emperor commanded in a deep voice.

"In addition, in the name of the Queen Mother, I will reward He's two nuns in the palace."

"Oh, just the ones grandma used to use, Grandma Wang and Grandma Liu."

In order to prevent Concubine Shu from seeking death again, uh, if Concubine Shu can still wake up;

In order to prevent any more royal nobles who claimed their status from causing trouble for the He family and suffer backlash, the emperor had no choice but to send another useful nanny to the Liang Prince's Mansion.

In the name of the Queen Mother, I sent an old man who had served the Queen Mother, let alone a noble lady of the clan, and even the concubines had to be a little cautious.

In this way, there will be fewer people suffering from "strange diseases"!

However, what made the emperor a little relieved was that just as his reward arrived at Prince Liang's Mansion and he helped Princess Liang to rest in the inner room, Concubine Shu woke up.

Concubine Shu seemed to be frightened as well, fearing that she would become a living dead like her son.

The son is a prince, and there is her mother-in-law in the palace. Even if he is unconscious, he will not be treated lightly or mistreated.

But if she becomes like this, the only thing waiting for her is death!

She doesn't want to die.

Not only for herself, but what will happen to her son if she dies?

"...Erlang, you, you take good care of your injuries, and my mother and concubine will go back to the palace to beg your father!"

"Your father is the emperor, he has the world, and he is rich all over the world. If you search the world, you will definitely find a miracle doctor or an expert!"

"Don't worry, mother will never ignore you!"

Concubine Shu wiped her tears while explaining to Prince Liang, and then left Prince Liang's mansion as if running for her life.

Concubine Shu didn't know the "truth" about her son's injury, but as a witness, she only felt frightened.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

This palace is too strange, maybe there is something unclean.

Both she and her son were harmed by this evil spirit!

Concubine Shu gritted her teeth and on the way back to the palace, she began to think about how to break the situation.

However, there was a slight pain in her forehead from time to time, which reminded her deeply: Even if she wants to break the situation, she must be careful again and again.

Otherwise, next time, she might really become a living dead like her son!

Concubine Shu secretly made plans, but the emperor was slightly relieved——

so far so good!

This man who has been doing good things for many years is not someone who cares too much.

In other words, the golden light of her merits is very "measured", and as long as outsiders don't deliberately bully her, there will be no backlash.

Moreover, if it can be stopped or corrected in time, the damage can be minimized!

This is much more reassuring.

Otherwise, if He's power is too weird and uncontrollable, the emperor will not be able to feel at ease even sitting on the dragon throne.

He is the most powerful person in the world, and he holds the power of life and death for everyone in the world. Although he will not deliberately make things difficult for a woman, he can't touch the thought of someone.

As an emperor, he really doesn't feel comfortable...

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