The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 623: The heroine who was counterattacked (12)

[The heroine took the villain script] []

Now that I heard that my eldest brother was going to split up the family, I still didn't want to be affected by the second brother's family.

He Youliang's daughter-in-law, Yang, suddenly couldn't sit still.

She stood up directly and faced everyone in the first room with accusing eyes, "You always say that our second room is a freeloader and is a blood-sucking insect attached to your first room!"

"Then why didn't you tell me that all the game that Fu Bao brought back in the past was eaten by your eldest brother?"

"And the land at home was purchased with money from the wild ginseng that Fu Bao found and sold!"

"Okay, even if I, Fu Bao, are a disaster star or a monster, you have to cut off your relationship with her! But if that's the case, don't mention Prince Liang when Sanya goes out to do business!"

Yang was filled with grief and anger.

The people in Dafang, especially He Yingying, are so heartless.

While enjoying the glory of Fubao, he despises Fubao at the same time.

Now, they have to kick out their second room!


"Second Aunt, what you say makes no sense!"

"When I went out to do business, I never mentioned Prince Liang!"

"I can make money and open my shop in Fucheng because I have a secret recipe!"

He Yingying felt a little guilty when she heard Yang mentioned Prince Liang.

What she just said seemed to be sophistry.

She had indeed never mentioned Prince Liang, but the news that Prince Liang had taken He Tiantian away spread throughout the county.

Some things don't need to be explained too clearly. She only needs to hint to others that her surname is He and she has a cousin named He Tiantian.

... Upon closer inspection, He Yingying was able to do business so smoothly because it was indeed thanks to King Liang.

However, He Yingying refused to admit that she had benefited from He Tiantian.

In order to cut off Hu, He Yingying was the first to go to the place where King Liang's accident happened.

She helped King Liang treat his wounds and gave him life-saving medicine.

As for He Tiantian, she just took him to a dilapidated house nearby and brought him some meals every day, or made some useless decoctions.

She, He Yingying, is the real savior of King Liang.

He Tiantian just made a mistake.

He Yingying directly ignored one thing: Prince Liang would bring He Tiantian back to the capital, not just because of some life-saving grace, but more for He Tiantian's "superpower"!

"Also, Second Aunt, you always talk about Fubao, Fubao. It's been several months since Fubao came to Beijing. How come there's no news from him?"

"How is she living in the capital? Has she been left in Prince Liang's Mansion?"

"...Even if she stayed in Prince Liang's Mansion, what status would she have? She has no name or status, and she didn't send a letter to her family, but you insist on saying that she is a noble person and let me take advantage of it——"

He Yingying is very sharp-tongued.

She asked a series of questions, and finally looked straight at Yang, opening her mouth with a hint of ridicule: "Second Aunt, what you said is really inappropriate!"

Yang was directly hurt by He Yingying's words.


How is her lucky baby doing now?

Is it life or death?

To enjoy happiness in the palace, or to suffer somewhere? !

Also, why didn't she send a letter home, even just a oral message?

He Yingying deliberately mentioned Fubao, and Yang was immediately stunned into silence.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

Even Mrs. Li also showed a painful expression.

In the He family, the person who loved Fubao the most was definitely Mrs. Li.

At the beginning, Mrs. Li really wanted something, so she suppressed her dislike of the girl and loved Fubao in every possible way.

However, after more than ten years of pain, even the toughest heart has been melted.

Mrs. Li has already placed Fu Bao at the top of her heart.

Even though Mrs. Li was frightened when she heard He Yingying say that Fu Bao was a monster, she still couldn't help but care about her precious granddaughter.

Now I see that He Yingying is so aggressive that in order to get rid of her second wife, she doesn't hesitate to bring Fu Bao out to make a fuss.

The implication is that Fubao has already encountered misfortune.

Mrs. Li couldn't bear it anymore.


She slammed the table hard, and instead of scolding He Yingying, she glared at He Youtian.

"Boss, do you want to separate the family? Or drive your second brother's family out?" Old Mrs. Li asked through gritted teeth.

He Youtian's eyes dodge, not daring to look at his mother at all.

As for his mother's question, it was even harder for him to give a direct answer.

He did despise the second brother and his family for free rice, but after all, they were brothers.

Even if they were to be divided into two families, He Youtian did not want to turn against his brother.

"Ahem! Ahem!"

Seeing He Youtian's hesitation, Sister-in-law He couldn't help it and deliberately coughed a few times.

He Youtian was reminded instantly, but he really didn't want to break up with his brother.

He simply lowered his head and didn't say a word.

Silence itself is an attitude.

"Okay! Good on you, Boss He!"

Old Mrs. Li was so angry that her withered and thin body was trembling slightly!


He Youliang was afraid that his mother would be broken out of anger, so he rushed forward and reached out to support Mrs. Li.

Mrs. Li grabbed her second son's hand with all her strength. Seeing his honest and honest appearance, she thought of her precious granddaughter who had never been heard from, and the wolf cub He Yingying who would not recognize her own mother when she had money.

For a moment, the old man's emotions surged, and two lines of hot tears fell silently.

"Mother~~" He Youtian raised his head and saw my mother crying.

He was panicking and subconsciously wanted to rush over.

Mrs. Li raised her other hand and made a blocking movement.

"Split up! Let's split up!"

Mrs. Li looked into He Youtian's eyes and said coldly, "It's not that I'm going to separate the second child, but I'm going to separate your eldest room!"

"Aren't you rich? Aren't you unwilling to stay in a poor valley like Hejiacun and go to the capital city to enjoy the blessings? Okay, I'll make it happen for you!"

"Your father and I will follow the second son, and we will take care of him in our hometown!"

"As for the house and land in my hometown, Mr. He, as rich as you, has always looked down upon it. Even so, leave it all to us!"

He Youtian became more and more flustered when he heard that Mrs. Li refused.

"Mom! You, you—"

How can you follow the second child?

I am the eldest son, the one who needs to inherit the family business and support my parents.

If you separate me and live with your second son, how will your son have the dignity to behave in the future?

Will the folks not break his spine?

Even a person's spitting can drown him alive.

And his children will also be affected in the future - how can the children be better off if they have an unfilial biological father? !

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

"Okay, let's not talk anymore! If you want to separate the family, separate it yourself!"

"If you don't want your family to leave, then don't mention splitting up!"

Mrs. Li was secretly satisfied when she saw He Youtian's greatly stimulated look.

The performance she just performed was not entirely "desperate", but also meant to test and threaten.

She didn't want to separate the family, and she couldn't bear to let the big house that laid golden eggs fly away.

However, He Yingying is so strong that even she, who is alone, can hardly suppress her.

Today, He Yingying kicked out the second roommate. Will she take away Mrs. Li's housekeeping rights from her tomorrow?

Mrs. Li doesn't want to live under the hands of her daughter-in-law and granddaughter.

Her only trump card is her eldest son He Youtian and the dynasty's high regard for filial piety.

No, He Youtian panicked just now when he said that he wanted to give out the big room and live with the second room.

"Girl, do you think having a little money is a big deal?"

"I'm telling you, it's a dream! Filial piety is as great as the sky. You, please learn a little."

Mrs. Li couldn't help but cast a proud look at He Yingying.

He Yingying: ...What a partial and vicious old woman, she is indeed cunning.

This trick of "retreating to advance" is really clever!

But, do you think you can control me like this? !

Let me tell you something too: dream!

He Yingying did not directly persuade her biological father, but turned her attention to her third uncle He Youyu who was sitting silently.

He Youyu received He Yingying's gaze and hesitated slightly.

However, when he lowered his eyelids and saw the brocade robe he was wearing, the fine jade pendant hanging around his waist, and the few scattered pieces of silver in his purse, He Youyu knew what he should do.

"Mom, please take me out too!"

He raised his head, revealing a fair and gentle face.

He has been studying since he was a child and is the second most favored person in his family after Fubao.

In fact, in a sense, He Youyu is the most favored person in the family.

No matter how favored Fu Bao was, he still couldn't go to school.

He had enough money. The family relied on Fu Bao to barely have enough to eat. With a few pennies left over, Mrs. Li sent her to a private school to study.

Over the years, He Youyu has never done anything at home.

He is obviously a farmer's son, but he has been raised to be fair and healthy.

Fubao and He Youyu share the delicious food at home equally.

Sometimes, in order to take care of He Youyu's status as a scholar, he would be given fine cotton clothes.

On the contrary, Fubao had to give in.

Of course, Fubao didn't care about this, and she also agreed with Mrs. Li's approach.

In ancient times, it was too difficult to achieve class crossing.

The imperial examination was the only promotion ladder for children from peasant families.

If He Youyu really passes the exam, the entire He family will also benefit.

However, He Yuyu, who was supported by almost all the efforts of the whole family, did not become the pillar of the family. Instead, he was developed into a selfish and cold character.

He knows how to assess situations and make choices very well.

For now, following Dafang is far more promising than following parents.

For the many benefits that He Yingying could bring to him, He Youyu knew that what he said would make his parents, second brother and sister-in-law sad, but he still spoke!

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

Mrs. Li was stimulated, and the pride she felt just now disappeared instantly: "Third brother, what did you say?"

But He Youyu didn't seem to notice Mrs. Li's sadness. He still looked gentle and said slowly: "Mom, please take me out too."

Mrs. Li took a few steps back. If she hadn't been supported by her second son, she would have fallen to the ground.

The third child, the third child is forcing her!

It's really God's way of reincarnation. She used filial piety to force the boss, and the third child forced her to rely on being favored!

Mrs. Li was filled with despair. For a moment, she didn't know what to choose.

"Second brother, can you bear to embarrass your parents?"

When He Youyu saw that his mother was hesitant and no longer pressed hard on his eldest brother, he turned his attention to He Youliang.

He Youliang is an honest man, but he is also stupid and has not yet reacted.

"Embarrassed? Why are parents so embarrassed?"

He Youliang was not being sarcastic, he really didn't know.

Yang closed her eyes, alas, her man is good at everything, but he is too naive and stupid!

Hearing the second son's silly questions, he then looked at the helpless look of the second daughter-in-law.

Mrs. Li was so excited that she blurted out, "Let's go! You all go! I will follow the second one!"

Isn't it just to stay in Hejia Village and suffer hardships? She has not had much to eat in her life?

As long as He Yingying is a wolf cub in the family, even if she is well fed and clothed, her life will not be easy.

"This damn girl is so cunning, even the third child was trapped by her!"

"If I still follow Dafang, I'm not sure how I will be trained by her in the future!"

Mrs. Li is a mature woman and always thinks of things very carefully.

She really didn't want to part with the wealth of the big house, and she didn't want to be separated from her third son who could study well.

However, the situation in front of us is very illustrative.

She can't manage a big house, nor can she rely on having more than enough.

Forget it, let’s choose the second child.

The second child is indeed incompetent, but he is honest and filial and will never treat his parents badly!

Thinking of this, Mrs. Li no longer hesitated and asked someone to call the village chief and clan elders.

"Mother--" The boss, He Youtian, was still a little awkward.

However, the result this time was much better than before.

It was not just his son who was separated, but also his third brother who was better and more promising.

In this way, he should not be accused of being unfilial.

Even if he was criticized, his third brother would help him share half of the burden.

With this idea, He Youtian was no longer so flustered and helpless.

He Youtian pretended to redeem himself, but when his mother gave him a cold look, He Youtian simply stopped talking.

The matter has become a foregone conclusion. No matter how unwilling Yang is, she can't say anything.

The only good thing is that Mrs. Li did not share any of her family's fields, house, or banknotes with her eldest son or third son.

Half of it was given to the second house, and the other half was reserved for the couple to take care of themselves in their old age.

The village chief and clan elders felt it was not appropriate, so Mrs. Li acted like a "preferential old woman".

"If you want to divide the family, then divide it according to this method! If you don't accept it, then don't divide it!"

Mrs. Li is a confident and scoundrel person who looks like a vicious villain in farming novels.

He Yingying: ...It's really top-notch, so I don't feel any guilt at all.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

She nodded towards her biological father and third uncle.

Brothers He Youtian and He Youyu didn't hesitate for a moment and directly signed and fingerprinted the family separation document.

"Mom, we're leaving! You and dad, take care of yourself!"

After being purged and leaving the house, the He Youtian brothers did not complain too much.

Because they know that they can get more and better things after leaving Hejiacun.

"Hmph! Unfilial son! Stop pretending in front of me!"

The moment Mrs. Li signed the family separation document, she felt regret in her heart.

But no regrets!

Now that it has become a foregone conclusion, it is useless to think about it more.

"...Mom, don't say that, we are also doing it for the future of the He family!"

"What, Fu Bao is indeed unlucky. If it has something to do with her, how will the third brother and the children at home go to school?"

He Youtian felt aggrieved when he saw his mother being so indifferent, so he tried to explain a few more words.

At this moment, there was a loud noise outside——

"Why is there food? Why is Master at home?"

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