The Heroine Took The Villain Script

Chapter 624: The heroine who was counterattacked (13)

[The heroine took the villain script] []

Where is the food?

What else, sir? !

In Hejia Village, the only person who can be called "Master" is He Boss He Youtian!

He Youyou has opened shops in the county and prefectures, but she is a woman after all, and it is not convenient for her to do many things in public.

He Youtian, the nominal head of the family, was responsible for some external affairs.

Therefore, he became "Master He" who owned several shops, and was a wealthy businessman with a little reputation in the city.

"Did you hear wrongly? The person outside called He Youtian? Mr. He?"

Everyone, including He Youtian, was muttering secretly.

However, before they could continue to guess, the voices outside were getting closer and closer, and the words shouted became clearer -

"Where is the food! Is Mr. He at home?"

What kind of food is there really?

Not He Youtian!

The He family and the surrounding villagers were a little surprised.

As the shouts got closer and closer, they had already arrived outside the house. With a roar, the melon-eaters who surrounded the He family in layers and layers instantly moved out of the way.


Everyone looked along the passage.

Several figures from far to near.

The leader was a man in his thirties or forties, wearing a blue satin robe with a purse, jade pendant and other items tied around his waist.

This man looked very rich, fair and chubby, and had a short beard. He looked very much in line with the country people's imagination of a "noble man."

There is a little girl of thirteen or fourteen years old beside this man. She is not very old, but she looks very smart.

"Who are you?"

Although He Youtian heard the call of the visitor clearly, he still stubbornly felt that the other party might have mistakenly thought that the master of the He family was called He Youliang.

There is nothing we can do about it. The names of the three brothers of the He family are very similar.

Having land, food, and surplus are all the aspirations of poor families for a better future.

If you are not familiar with it, you may have heard it incorrectly or misremembered it.

He Youtian has been doing business outside for a few months, and he has seen the world. He has money in his pocket to pay filial piety from his daughter, and he is called "Master He" every day, which makes him feel a little restless.

I feel as if I have really become a noble man, the most promising and honorable person in Hejia Village.

Now that a noble man came to his door and shouted "Master He", He Youtian decided that the other party must be here to see him.

He puffed up his chest and walked closer pretending to be reserved. However, when he spoke, he tried his best to use Mandarin, but the dialect of his hometown was inevitably mixed in, which made it sound a bit funny.

The person who came here was quite good-tempered, or perhaps he was wary of certain people and did not laugh at He Youtian.

On the contrary, he nodded respectfully and asked politely: "How can I have food for you, sir?"

Hearing this man mention He Youliang's name again, He Youtian felt inexplicably offended.

I cursed in my heart: Who is this stupid steward sent by that house? He can even get the name of a noble person wrong? !

"I am Mr. He, but my name is not He Youliang, my name is He Youtian. I am the one who opened the Dulailao hotpot restaurant in Fucheng!"

He Youtian deliberately mentioned their family's business in Fucheng in order to fear that the visitor would continue to admit the wrong person.

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

In recent months, the most popular store in the county and prefecture has to be the hot pot restaurant they all come to fish for.

He Youtian felt that as long as he revealed his identity, the other party would know that he had made a big mistake.

The visitor frowned and said, "I'm here to get everything! I'm here to find the second roommate of the He family.

Where is the food for the master? "

"The second room of the He family?"

"Wow! Is this distinguished guest really here to see He Laoer?"

"What's Mr. He? Didn't you hear what this distinguished guest said? I want to call him Mr. He!"

"...Haha, Master He, Boss He thought he was the only one who was the 'master'!"

The villagers who were watching burst into laughter. Some were curious about why noble people came to look for He Youliang, the most honest person in Hejia Village. Others were teasing and joking. Some villagers who were jealous of the He family's large house and wealth ran against He Youtian in a strange way.

He Youtian's face turned red instantly, and he wished he could find a crack in the ground and crawl in.

In anger, He Youtian asked hurriedly, "You don't even know about Du Lailao Hot Pot Restaurant? Where are you from?"

"Also, what are you doing with the second child? He's just a farmer digging in the dirt, and he's never even been to the county seat!"

"Oh, by the way, there is a disaster star in the second child's house. He is a monster. If you look for him, aren't you afraid of getting bad luck?"

He Youtian was probably really anxious, and he said a lot of things regardless.

The visitor became more and more confused, what on earth is this person in front of him?

He had already stated that he was here to find He Youliang, but this person was not He Youliang, so what was he doing in front of him? !

However, the visitor still answered the other party’s question——

"I'm from the capital! I don't know why I'm here to fish, it shouldn't be against the law!"

The word "capital" brought a moment of silence to the people who were talking about it.

But Erfang and his family, who were pushed aside by He Youtian, suddenly thought of something.

He Youliang was too honest, and he was so full of questions that he couldn't say a word.

Yang was the more aggressive one. She pushed away Sister-in-law He who was standing in front of her, rushed in front of them, and asked eagerly: "But, my Fubao sent someone to deliver a letter?"

Sister-in-law He was pushed away and was very unhappy.

When she heard Yang's "whimsical" question, she couldn't help but sneer, "Oh, her second aunt, you are still thinking about Fu Bao."

Mrs. Yang had long been dissatisfied with Sister-in-law He's publicity, and was even more annoyed that she always scolded her daughter.

When he heard her strange words, he couldn't help but sneered, "In the entire Hejia Village, apart from my Fu Bao, who else is in the capital?"

Therefore, people coming from Beijing must be because of their family's lucky treasure.

"..." Sister-in-law He was choked.

The look on her face became even more embarrassing.

Speaking of which, ever since He Yingying opened a hot pot restaurant, He Youtian was not the only one who got excited.

And sister-in-law He.

He Yingying also bought a maid for Mrs. He to serve her, and she suddenly felt that her status was extraordinary.

She is no longer a peasant woman, but a respectable rich lady.

In the He family, she straightened her back even more.

Not to mention the younger brother and sister Yang who gave birth to a monster, even the mother-in-law, Mrs. Li, and Sister-in-law He were not afraid.

But now, Sister-in-law He was scolded in public by her younger siblings who she looked down upon. How could she not be angry? !

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

"So what if Fu Bao is in the capital? She has been in the capital for almost a year, and she hasn't even heard from her!"

"Hmph, she doesn't know whether she is alive or dead, yet she sent someone all the way back to find her second brother?"

"Brothers and sisters, it's daytime now, but you can't dream blindly!"

Sister-in-law He had an "excellent" daughter, so she also learned some fresh words from He Yingying.

She is also sharp-tongued, and she feels that she has seen the world, and is particularly confident when facing a village woman like Yang.

"Sister-in-law, you are also Fu Bao's aunt and her elder. How can you -" Curse Fu Bao?

What does it mean to not know whether you are alive or dead?

Her Fubao must be living well.

Mrs. Yang was so angry with Mrs. He that her hands trembling while pointing at her.

Chen Fu, that is, the distinguished guest who came from the capital specifically to see He Youtian, listened to the confrontation between the sisters-in-law of the He family and roughly understood it.

"The blessing you are talking about is Princess Liang's family name?"

When he mentioned "He", his tone was obviously respectful.


What everyone is paying attention to is not "He", but the three words "Princess Liang".

"What? Did I hear that right? The second daughter of the He family became the princess?"

"...It should be right. I remember that the person Erya saved was a prince."

"Yes! Yes! It's Prince Liang. Last time I went to the county, I happened to encounter someone who was looking for trouble at a hot pot restaurant. Someone still yelled, "The He family is a relative of Prince Liang, and those who were looking for trouble were scared away!" "

"Really, is it really Princess Liang? Erya, oh no, it's Fu Bao. She has reached the sky in one step!"

The villagers couldn't believe it at first, but as people continued to speculate and confirm, everyone gradually accepted the news.

Then comes envy and jealousy.

Oh my god, the princess, she has a noble status that they can't even dream of.

In Hejiacun, let's talk about the princess. Even if the daughter of the family can marry into the county town, the family will be proud for more than ten years.

As for the villagers in the village, the biggest official they have ever seen in their life is just the head of the village. They don't even know where the county government's gate is.

As for the county and government officials, they have never even met them.

But now, someone told them that a little village girl from their village actually bypassed these executives and married the prince directly.

That was the emperor's son, a true royal nobleman.

Some villagers said that Fubao "reached the sky in one step", and he was absolutely right!

Isn't it just one step to reach the sky, and the sparrow turns into a phoenix?

"I knew it! I knew my Fu Bao was a lucky one!"

Both Mr. Yang and Mrs. Li cried at the huge surprise.

They cried with joy, they finally waited for this day.

"That's not right! Erya, oh no, it's Fu Bao. Isn't she a disaster star? She's also a monster that steals people's luck!"

In the crowd, whether out of jealousy or genuine curiosity, someone shouted at the top of their lungs.

As soon as these words came out, everyone who was filled with envy and talking about it all stopped talking.


Erya is a monster, how can she become a princess?

Could it be that she used sorcery to charm King Liang?

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

Thinking about it, He Sanya exposed Erya's true face, and the "victimized" villagers also came forward to testify.

He Erya was almost driven out of Hejia Village by the angry villagers and had his name crossed out from the family tree.

The incident was so big that King Liang, who was recovering from his injuries in the He family, saw and heard everything, but he didn't care at all and insisted on taking Erya away!

At that time, King Liang looked a little strange.

When others heard that He Erya was a monster, they were disgusted and fearful.

And he actually wanted to take He Erya with him, saying that he liked her and wanted to stay with her for the rest of his life.


That stubborn look is exactly the same as those poor scholars who were charmed by vixens in story books!

"You are talking nonsense! Our Fu Bao is not a monster, she is a lucky star!"

Hearing everyone's discussion, Mrs. Li shouted at the top of her voice regardless of it.

"Mrs. Li, if Fubao is a monster, it's not us outsiders who say it, but your granddaughter and Fubao's cousin!"

Seeing that Mrs. Li seemed to be acting up, the villagers hurriedly said this.

Mrs. Li:...

As if someone had poured cold water on her head, Mrs. Li's momentum instantly dropped.

Yes, the person who said Fu Bao was a monster was not an outsider, but He Sanya!

At that time, Mrs. Li couldn't figure out why Sanya did this?

Doesn’t she understand the principle of both prosperity and loss?

Her own cousin became a monster, so what good could she get?

In the past few months, even if He Sanya became rich with a big house, few of the truly rich and noble people in the city would want to marry He Sanya.

He Sanya disliked the bad luck of Fu Bao for his second wife, and the nobles were afraid that there was something strange about He Sanya.

Alas, injustice, all injustice!

Old Mrs. Li cursed a few words bitterly in her heart, then she frowned and said a bit rogue, "I don't care about this, my Fubao is not a monster anyway!"

"She is a lucky star. On the day she was born, I dreamed that a golden light shone into our He family!"

"She, she must be someone with a great origin. Maybe she was some kind of fairy in her previous life!"

In order to help her precious granddaughter clear away the stigma, Mrs. Li told what happened back then.

Villagers: ...golden light enters the house again!

Tsk, they heard Mrs. Li show off these words countless times back then.

They will all memorize it, okay? !

However, Chen Fu, who was standing aside, his eyes flickered after hearing this.

"Old lady, have you ever had such a dream back then?"


When Mrs. Li saw the nobleman from the capital, she listened to her words and immediately became energetic.

She hurriedly said, "The night before my daughter-in-law gave birth, I dreamed that a huge ball of golden light fell from the sky and landed directly in the yard of our Lao He family!"

"After my Fu Bao was born, the He family had a lot of happy events. My son didn't know how to fish at all, but he could catch a lot of big fish just by fishing in the river."

"My son doesn't know how to hunt. If he just wanders around in the mountains, he can encounter hares that he kills."

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[The heroine took the villain script] []

"And more, I was just thinking that my precious granddaughter would help me get a big ingot, but when I went out, I fell down and picked up a big ingot!"

Mrs. Li often showed off to the people in the village about fishing and picking up hares.

But she kept hiding the fact that she picked up the silver ingot.

Mrs. Li is illiterate and doesn't understand any common sense, but she has a peasant-like cunningness - she doesn't dare to say anything nonsense when picking up money. What if the owner of the property comes to find her?

Not only did Mrs. Li not tell the villagers about this matter, but even the entire He family did not know about it.

Now, more than ten years have passed since the incident, and it is still a critical moment to prove the innocence of her family's Fu Bao. Mrs. Li can no longer hide it.

"Isn't it? Are you really so lucky?"

"Sanya is indeed very lucky. Have you forgotten that that year she went to the mountains to dig wild vegetables with the villagers, and then she dug a wild ginseng. The He family's thirty acres of land was purchased with the money from selling ginseng. of!"

"Yes, yes, I remember it too!"

"...Bah! What a bullshit good luck, have you all forgotten that her good luck was all taken away from us!"

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